Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 86: Adore


Ashina Bisa strode up to Yaoying, and just got off the horse, her face was pale, her body was cold, and her face was dusty, but her smile was still bright.

"Princess, stay safe."

Yaoying took off her mask, wiped the slush off her boots with a soft whip, and her eyes fell on Bi Su's injured leg. When she left the holy city, he was still limping on foot. The witch doctor asked him to rest for a few months. How could he be able to ride a horse so quickly

"The general's injury is healed?"

Bi Su smiled and kicked her long legs pretentiously, "Thank you Princess for worrying about it, it's almost better."

He looked at Yao Ying, his blue eyes filled with a gentle smile: "I'm worried about the princess, who has just recovered from her injury, so I came here to take the princess back to the royal court. I heard that Gaochang Langjun is very handsome and can sing and dance well. Did the princess forget me?"

Yaoying raised her eyes, her dark and bright eyes stared at Bi Suo for a while, then smiled.

"It's freezing cold, the general's leg injury hasn't healed yet, just come into the room and talk."

Her voice was still soft.

Bi Suo was speechless for a while, and saw Yaoying's back without hesitation turning around and entering the room, and slowly put away her smile.

Yuanjue, who was left to the side, saw the opportunity, rushed forward a few steps, and asked in a low voice, "General, have you received the letter?"

Bi Suo nodded and looked around: "I set out three days ago, and just received your letter on the way. Where's the Regent?"

Since Yaoying and his party set off, he has been restless and has trouble sleeping and eating. He tried to leave for Gaochang several times, but was stopped by Chima and the witch doctor. Three days ago, there were guests in the holy city. Chima was busy entertaining the guests. He found an opportunity to sneak out of the holy city. As soon as he arrived in Shacheng, he saw the letter brought back by the goshawk. She and returned they met.

Yuanjue looked nervous, and his voice was low, and said in Sanskrit: "The regent has been alone these days. He never sees anyone during the day, but he will definitely come back at night. I don't dare to get too close, this morning. The regent has gone east and has not returned."

Bi Suo frowned and asked, "Has the regent hurt someone?"

Yuanjue shook his head: "The regent didn't hurt anyone. It was only that night when the regent was going away, I was in a hurry and got too close. I was shocked by the internal force and suffered a slight injury. I just took a medicine."

Bi Suo looked at Yuanjue's face, her expression solemn.

Yuanjue patted her head: "Also... these two Princess Tianzhao talked to the Prince Regent, but the Prince Regent ignored her, but Princess Wenzhao didn't seem to care at all, and every day asked me where the Prince Regent went, and ordered his personal soldiers to give it to her. The regent keeps hot rice and cakes, every day."

Bi Suo's pupils shrank suddenly: "Prince Regent ignores Princess Wenzhao? How can you ignore Princess Wenzhao? What is Princess Wenzhao's reaction? Tell me more."

As Yuanjue recalled, he slowly explained the situation on the road in the past few days.

"No matter what Princess Wenzhao and the Prince Regent say, the Prince Regent is always silent. Princess Wenzhao is the same as always. The Prince Regent has not even been seen for the past two days. He only came back at night, when Princess Wenzhao had already rested."

Bi Su frowned and pondered.

No one knows better than him how terrifying Sultan is when he can't suppress his skills. Why is Princess Wenzhao not afraid at all

And why did Sultan... not get angry with the public

In the house, Yaoying took off her cloak and animal skin gloves, brushed off the snow from her body, and looked out the door through a small slit in the felt curtain.

Bi Suo and Yuanjue whispered together. She couldn't hear what they were discussing, and even if she heard it, she might not understand.

An open fire in the hearth of the hall was burning loudly, Xie Qing swept the couch and asked Yaoying to go over to bake the fire.

Yaoying's legs were so cold that she could barely feel it. After leaning against the stove for a while, the soles of her feet gradually warmed up a bit, and after a while, she felt sore, sore and itchy.

Last year, she had frostbite on her hands and legs. These days, the wind and snow have made her hands and feet itchy again.

Yaoying held back her hands and held a bowl of hot mutton soup to warm her cold hands. She raised her head and glanced at the thick felt curtain at the door.

The wind got into the house through the gap, and there was a puddle of wet snow on the ground at the door.

Where did Sultan go when the water was dripping into ice

Is he not cold after staying in the wind and snow all day

Bi Suo and Yuanjue talked for a while, then rode on the horse and went east according to the guidance of the personal soldiers.

He searched all the way along the traces rolled by the caravan's cart, but found nothing. Seeing that it was late and the clouds were low, he could only sigh and turn his horse to head back to the post house.

The yard was silent, and the soldiers rested after working hard all day. Only the hall where the stove is burning is still lit, and there is a large pot on the stove, and the pot is full of soup and bubbling.

Sitting in front of the hearth, Yaoying heard footsteps, scooped a bowl of soup and handed it to Bi Su.

"General, drink some hot soup to warm up."

Bi Suo was stunned for a while, then strode over and took the soup bowl. His stiff fingers were scalded, and the pain was as thin as a needle stick.

"What about them?"

He took a sip of soup, inhaled so hot, blew on the soup bowl, and asked casually.

"I let them settle, Ah Qing is watching the night." Yaoying fiddled with the charcoal fire in the stove with a tong, the red fire reflected on her face, her face was gorgeous, "The general went to find the regent just now?"

Bi Su hummed, remembered something, and turned her eyes a few times on Yao Ying's slender silhouette.

"The princess hasn't rested so late, is she waiting for the regent?"

Yaoying raised her eyes, looked directly into Bi Suo's green eyes, nodded, and shook her head again.

"I'm also waiting for General Ashina."

Bi Su was stunned.

Yaoying looked at him and said, "The general said during the day that he came to Gaochang regardless of his injuries in order to take me back to the royal court. Was he sincere, or was he lying to me?"

Her eyes were clear and gentle, and she didn't mean to question him, but Bi Su felt that it was more unbearable for him than harshly questioning him.

He could barely hold the soup bowl in his hand and looked away guiltily.

Yaoying smiled and looked back.

"I understand that the general came to Gaochang for the Prince Regent, for the royal court, not for me."

Bi Su hesitated, her face hot.

Yaoying looked at the swaying flames in the hearth, and said slowly: "I am living in the royal court, and besides the Buddha, the general has also taken good care of me. The royal court hated the Han people, but the general said that he treated me as a friend, in order to save my relatives. I am very grateful to the general, I believe that the general has no ill will towards me, and regards the general as a friend. I know that the general is suave, he used to joke with the little lady, and the confidantes can line up from the gate of the palace to the gate of the city. The sweet words of the little lady's heart will come casually..."

There was a crackling sound in the furnace.

Bi Su's handsome face became more and more red.

Yaoying turned to look at him with a solemn expression, and asked, "General, please forgive me for taking the liberty. I want to ask the general, does the general have any affection for me?"

Bi Suo has seen many women, some are bold and bold, some are shy and graceful, some are savage and savage. The most embarrassing time, he was blocked by four or five women and asked why he had let them down.

But that time was no more embarrassing than the current situation.

Facing Yao Ying's glittering eyes, Bi Suo was embarrassed.

He lied to the princess.

Yaoying smiled lightly, "I know the general's answer, the general doesn't need to be embarrassed, it's me who cares more, and it has nothing to do with the general."

There was a buzzing sound in Bi Suo's head, and she just wanted to find a crack in the ground to get in.

He was clearly the one who deceived the princess with eloquent words, but the princess said that she was over-hearted, not only to remind him of what he meant, but also to give him a step down, to reveal the matter so lightly, such a bearing really made him ashamed.

In the future, he would never dare to tease the princess with words.

Feeling guilty and frustrated, Bi Su sat in front of the stove with her soup bowl in her arms, her head drooping and listless.

Yaoying glanced at him and added a spoonful of hot soup to his bowl.

Bi Suo immediately regained her energy, took a sip of the soup, rolled her eyes, and asked with a smile, "I also want to take the liberty to ask the princess a question."

"Just ask the general."

Bi Su raised her chest with a smile on her brows: "I'm handsome, tall and handsome, excellent in riding and shooting, and there are countless little ladies who are adored by the royal court. During the days I spent with the princess, was the princess really not interested at all?"

Yaoying chuckled and shook her head.

A look of disappointment flashed across Bi Suo's face: "Is the princess really unmoved?"

He has never been so patient to please a little lady!

Yaoying looked at the hearth and said softly, "The general knows my situation. My hometown is thousands of miles away... I want to return to my hometown as soon as possible and reunite with my brother as soon as possible..."

She was afraid that Li Zhongqian would meet Aling, the capital of Shanghai.

When her life was at stake, how could she have the heart to impress her children.

Bi Suo looked at Yaoying, and felt pity in her heart, she slapped herself lightly, and said, "It's not mine, it reminds the princess of the sad thing. With the blessing of the Buddha, the princess will be able to reunite with her brother, and the princess should not be sad."

Yaoying laughed, let out a long sigh of relief, and said, "Thanks to meeting the Buddha, my situation is much better than before. This time I met many friends in Gaochang, who are as eager to return to the Central Plains as I am. If the plan goes well, the news will be sent back to Liangzhou in a short time."

By then, she will be able to move.

Bi Suo silently estimated in her heart that if everything went well, it would be almost a year for Tamara to take in Yaoying.

The last epiphany of the modern girl, cut off her love. Princess Wen Zhao quietly left the royal court and returned to the Central Plains.

It's good for everyone.

He thought to himself.

The two sat in front of the stove and whispered, Bi Su drank three bowls of broth in a row, and the wind wailed outside the felt curtain, but Sultan Gu never showed up.

Yaoying got up, lifted the curtain and looked at the vast night sky like splashing ink. After thinking about it, she said, "There are naan cakes and hot soup in the stove. If the regent comes back, the general will remind him."

Bi Su replied vaguely.

Yaoying went back to the house and blew out the light, but she didn't fall asleep. Instead, she dozed off against the earth wall wrapped in bedding.

I don't know how long it took, she was half awake, and suddenly heard a few noises from downstairs. She immediately put on her clothes and went to the ground, tiptoed to the window facing the hall, and listened carefully to the movements downstairs.

There were voices in the hall, very low, and in some strange language, she didn't understand a word.

I just felt a low and dull voice, sounding a little tired. The other is slightly clearer, cautious and respectful.

Yaoying shivered from the cold, went back to the bed, and wrapped the quilt tightly.

Is Sultangu hiding from her

Downstairs hall.

Bi Su waited until the second half of the night. There was only a blanket of soot left in the charcoal fire in the hearth. The north wind blew into the room, and a red light or two appeared from time to time in the ashes.

He remembered Yaoying's words, and took out the naan and hot soup from the stove.

The crock was tightly covered, and the soup and cakes were hot.

Bi Suo opened the soup bowl and looked at it. The soup was light, there was no onion and ginger, and the naan cakes were not filled with spices.

This is not the same as the food of other kinsmen.

Bi Su's heart beat wildly for a moment.

At this time, there was a soft clack of boots stepping on the snow outside the door, and then, footsteps came to the door, one hand opened the felt curtain, the wind was shrill, and a cold wind wrapped in snow particles rushed into the hall In the middle, the ashes were blown up, revealing the reddish charcoal at the bottom.

There was a dense layer of sweat on Bi Suo's back, and her heart tightened. She put down the earthen pot gently, held the handle of the knife with her right hand, and raised her eyes.

The figure at the door stepped into the house step by step, and the black narrow-sleeved robe was full of traces of wind and snow.

A star-like light flickered gently, and the faint light shone on his face, reflecting the scars all over the place, and also illuminating his blue eyes.

Yaksha face, compassionate eyes.

He looked at Bi Su, there was no surprise in his eyes, and he said lightly, "You are here."

The murderous aura is still there, but the inner strength is restrained, and there is no sign of rage.

After receiving the letter, Bi Suo finally put her heart back in place, let go of her hand, and knelt down on one knee to salute.

"My leg injury is almost healed. I can escort the princess back to the royal court. The regent can go back to the holy city first."

Sultan didn't say anything, his eyes swept over the saber on Bi Su's waist.

Bi Su was covered in hair and sweat poured down like rain.

This knife was left to him by the master.

He stabilized his mind and whispered: "Prince Regent, you have to go back. Yuanjue said that you almost had a seizure a few days ago."

Sultan looked at the hearth.

The fire was out, and the crock pot was thrown in the corner at will, with the heat lingering from the mouth of the pot.

He recognized the crock pot.

Without a trace of expression on his face, he turned to leave, and said lightly: "There are still a few days away from Shacheng, so don't take it lightly."

Bi Su respectfully should be: "I will take good care of the princess."

The sound of hoofs sounded in the quiet night, and Sultan Gu saddled his horse and rode away.

When Bi Su raised his head again, he could no longer see Sultan Gu.

Ye Feng tore the rolled up felt curtain, he stared blankly at the ink dyed night, his hands clenched into fists.