Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 88: found (correct error)


In front of the mountain road, the wind roared wildly.

Yaoying stared at Bi Suo, her black eyes were like a lake embedded in the snowfields of Tianshan Mountains, bright and clear, reflecting Bi Suo's surprised handsome face.

He was shocked and silent for a while, and said: "The Regent is on the mountain. I saw the mark he left. He has been attacked by the practice, and he can't be too close to the crowd."

Fate trembled.

It was because they discovered the mark left by Sultan Gu and knew that he was on the mountain, that they would suspect that the man was killed by Sultan Gu.

Yaoying's expression did not change, and she said, "This is the only road into the city. There are caravans and horses coming and going every day. The Prince Regent cannot prove that he is the murderer on the mountain."

Bi Suo's blue eyes stared at Yaoying, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "Princess, if I guessed correctly, did the regent really go crazy and kill people?"

Yaoying held the reins, her eyes turned on the faces of Bi Su and Yuanjue, and she said softly, "Anyone can doubt the Prince Regent, you and Yuanjue are the people he trusts the most, you shouldn't even think about it before you suspect it first. he."

Yuanjue was stunned for a while, lowered his head, his fists squeaked, his face was blue, white and red.

Bi Suo remained silent for a long time, her blue eyes seemed to be filled with a gloomy sky, and there was a gloomy air.

He glanced at Xie Qing and the others who were looking towards this side from the bottom of the mountain, turned the horse's head, and continued to go up the mountain.

"If the princess really trusts the regent, then come with me."

Yuanjue raised his head and widened his eyes in surprise.

Yaoying had no fear on her face and followed.

Yuanjue frowned, glanced at Yaoying, urged the horse to follow Bi Su, whispered in Sanskrit, Bi Su replied with a word, he looked hesitant, looked back at Yaoying, Bi Su let out a low drink, he sighed , turned away his face.

The three faced the harsh north wind and made their way through the mountain road with difficulty.

There is a vast space between the sky and the earth, with layers of ice and snow, and the exposed dark rocks are abrupt.

The mountain road twists and turns, gradually losing sight of the scene below the mountain. Bi Su, who was walking in front, turned around suddenly, the long sword was unsheathed, and the bright silver tip broke through the snow, pointing at Yao Ying's pale face.


Yuanjue shouted loudly and blocked with a knife.

Bi Suo's palm shook the sense of fate, and the tip of the knife was firmly placed between Yaoying's neck.

Yuanjue's face turned from surprise and panic to anger: "General, Princess Wenzhao is the king's honored guest. How can you explain to the king if you hurt the princess?"

Bi Suo asked coldly, "Princess Wenzhao will endanger the royal court, do you still want to protect her?"

Yuanjue clenched the hilt of the long knife tightly, her eyes were red: "I swore to the king that I would protect the princess! No matter what the general's reasons are, my oath will not change! Please put the knife away, general!"

The corners of Bi Suo's lips lifted slightly, her wrist was slightly pressed down, and the tip of her knife lifted Yaoying's wind-blocking hood.

The icy tip of the knife protruded into the placket of her clothes and stuck to her skin, like a snake crawling under her clothes, Yaoying was horrified and couldn't help shivering.

"The general is going to kill me?"

she asked calmly.

Bi Suo drove the horse closer, always with smiling blue eyes showing murderous intent.

"Princess is meticulous, pays attention to everything, and can't hide anything from you. The fact that the Prince Regent was attacked by the practice method is a secret of the royal court. Only me, Yuanjue and a few guards know about it. He left a mark and something must have happened. , so I asked everyone to guard at the foot of the mountain... Since the princess has guessed it and said it, don't blame my subordinates for being merciless."

Sooner or later she will guess Sultangu's true identity.

Bi Su's eyes were cold.

"For the safety of the regent, I can only do this. I will tell your personal soldiers that you accidentally fell off the cliff."

Yaoying looked at Bi Suo without saying a word, her black eyes were quiet.

Yuanjue on the side scratched his ears anxiously: "General, you can't do this! You also swore to the king! Have you forgotten the oath you made?"

Bi Su ignored him, raised the long knife, and slashed it fiercely, and for a moment, his face showed a bit of hideousness.

Yaoying was motionless.

The cold wind blew, Bi Suo looked at Yaoying's dark eyes, and looked at her, just when the long knife was about to slash her neck, she suddenly gritted her teeth, and with a sudden momentum, the knife tip rubbed against her His temples swept across, and stopped abruptly in mid-air.

Yuanjue's eyes widened, and the long knife in his hand was already unsheathed, and he was about to step forward to stop it. Seeing this, he breathed a sigh of relief and retracted his saber.

Bi Su put the knife into the sheath, her hands were still shaking, she raised her eyes and stared at Yao Ying, her blue eyes no longer had any murderous intent.

"Princess is as meticulous as hair. When I fired the knife, the princess was not surprised at all."

"Princess, knowing that I might kill you, why did she take the risk to remind me not to doubt the regent?"

Yaoying looked back at him and said calmly, "I'm here because I'm afraid that something will happen to the regent."

They looked like they were bitter and hated, and they obviously had suspicions about Sultan Gu. In this case, when they found Sultan Gu, it was very likely that they would have a conflict with him.

Bi Suo couldn't believe it and asked, "Is it that simple?"

"It's that simple." Yaoying nodded, said softly, paused, and said again, "And I know that the general will not kill me."

The corners of Bi Suo's mouth raised: "How does the princess know that I won't be poisonous?"

Yaoying smiled: "The general is the most trusted brother of the Buddha and the regent, and is my friend."

Bi Suo's eyes stayed on her face for a long time, then turned away to look at the hazy Feixue.

"The princess guessed right. As soon as I saw the corpse, I doubted the regent."

There was a trace of melancholy in his tone.

"Once upon a time, there was a royal guard who practiced the same exercises as the prince regent. Later, he couldn't suppress his skills, and gradually lost his benevolence. So, Yuanjue and I once swore an oath to a person, if the Prince Regent is also attacked by the practice method and goes mad and hurts people, we must kill him with our own hands to prevent him from becoming a demon."

A look of pain flashed across Yuanjue's face.

Bi Suo turned back and looked at Yaoying: "Princess, guess who is the one who forced us to swear?"

Yaoying's eyes flickered a few times, and her heart suddenly brightened: "That person is the regent?"

Bi Su nodded, "Yes."

Yaoying's thoughts turned around, and her eyes suddenly became sharp: "So, the general is not here to kill the regent?"

Bi Suo's eyes flashed coldly, and his eyes narrowed.

Yuanjue looked blank, glanced at Yaoying, and then at Bi Suo.

What does the princess mean by this

Yaoying continued: "Since the regent made the general and Yuanjue make such an oath, it can be seen that he is well aware of the dangers of the practice, and has long been prepared to die in the event of a backlash... The general is afraid that the regent will really be punished. The law backfired and found that he killed the caravan civilians and hid himself on the mountain? The general is here to stop the regent!"

The wind in the mountains is roaring, and the sky is snowing.

Ashina Bi Suo was shocked, looking at Yao Ying, a little light flashed in her blue eyes, and her face flashed disbelief, surprise, admiration, and a hint of disappointment.

The Han princess reacted so fast, Yuanjue was still in the fog, but she had already guessed what he was thinking, and she said exactly what he was thinking.

The corners of his lips were raised, with a bit of ruffianness: "To tell the truth to the princess, even if I saw the prince regent go crazy and kill people, I would not raise a knife against him."

Yuanjue's lips trembled a few times, and she disapproved: "General, you swore an oath to the Prince Regent!"

Bi Suo glanced at him and snorted softly: "I ask you, you really found the regent, can you do it?"

Yuanjue stiffened, his fists clenched, and he shouted, "I swore an oath to the Regent! I will keep my oath!"

Bi Su raised his long knife and slapped him fiercely: "Don't yell, I know you are loyal. When you see the regent, you yell like this, and then kill him without hesitation. I will be your son in the future!"

Yuanjue stopped talking.

Yaoying breathed a sigh of relief and her expression softened.

Bi Suo glanced at her, and for a while, her expression became serious and solemn. She made a fist with her right hand, placed it on her left chest, leaned forward, and saluted her: "Thank you princess."

Yaoying looked at him puzzled.

Bi Suo smiled, showing white teeth: "The princess is right, I shouldn't have suspected the regent when I saw those corpses."

He betrayed the trust the Regent had placed in him.

From the day the regent began to practice martial arts, he regarded the regent as a wicked man who could go mad at any time. Whenever there is a little trouble on the Prince Regent's side, he gets nervous and rushes to take care of the aftermath.

He didn't trust the Regent from the beginning.

Fate is the same as him.

Princess Wen Zhao and the Prince Regent knew each other very little, but they saw it better than the two guards.

Bi Suo laughed at herself, with mixed feelings in her heart.

It's ridiculous that he has been wrong for so many years, thinking that he is the only friend of the Regent.

Wasn't the Regent disappointed every time he and Yuanjue watched cautiously, fearfully, and frightened

Bi Suo sighed a long time, recovered, looked at Yaoying, and said, "Princess, this matter is very important. You can't let outsiders hear any news. Please keep it a secret."

Yaoying said sternly: "General, don't worry, the Buddha and the regent saved my life, and I will never leak the news."

That's why she didn't let Xie Qing follow.

Bi Suo took a deep look at Yaoying, and new worries appeared in her heart.

Has Princess Wen Zhao already seen it

What should he do if she sees it out? Imprison the princess

Thinking that Sultan Gu might be suffering from backlash now, Bi Suo was anxious, temporarily suppressed her worries, and instructed Yuanjue: "Send the princess down the mountain first, I'll go to the regent, and wait for my signal."

Fate should be.

Yaoying turned around.

At this time, there were a few clear and cruel voices from the clouds above their heads, and a huge goshawk swooped down, its wings swept over Bi Su, slapped his shoulders fiercely, and then spread its wings towards the snow-covered eagle. The mountains fly away.

Bi Suo's expression changed: "The Prince Regent has an accident!"

Yaoying immediately said to Yuanjue: "I can go down the mountain by myself, you don't have to worry about me, just follow the goshawk to find the regent."

Yuanjue looked at Bi Suo, Bi Suo frowned, glanced down the mountain, they were almost halfway up the mountain, Yaoying went down the mountain alone, he was worried.

"Princess follow us." He said decisively, "When you see the regent, you have to ask the princess for a favor."

After speaking, Chao Yaoying handed over.

"The mountain road is dangerous, the princess must follow me closely."

Yaoying agreed, wrapped her cloak tightly, and followed Bi Suo.

The three followed the goshawk on horseback and climbed the steep slope. The terrain became higher and higher, and the wind and snow filled it.

Bi Suo was in a state of impatience. From time to time, he looked up at the goshawk flying in the sky, and galloped forward with great strides. After walking a long way, he suddenly remembered Yaoying and looked back.

Not far away, Yaoying's figure wrapped in a cloak was walking among the rugged mountain roads, stumbled and staggered, looking like she would be blown away by the mountain wind at any time, but she kept following him and Yuanjue closely without saying a word. behind.

This morning, Wang Ting's personal soldiers gathered in front of the stove to drink soup and eat cakes. When talking about Princess Wenzhao, they all said that she looked delicate, but she was able to endure hardship and was not squeamish. On the way to Gaochang, they ate and slept in the same way as they did, and never said a word of complaint. .

Bi Su looked at it for a while, then looked away.

Yuanjue suddenly raised his voice and shouted, pointing to a jagged pile of rocks covered with fresh snow: "General, look!"

Bi Suo looked in the direction of his fingers, stepped forward, picked up an arrow, frowned, looked around, and brushed away the thin layer of snow on the top.

More scattered arrows appeared under the snowdrifts.

Bi Suo's brows furrowed even tighter, she swept over the pile of rocks, her figure floated down the hillside, and came to the front of the cliff.

There are messy traces all over the place, and there are horseshoe prints everywhere.

"This is an iron arrow! Someone was besieging someone here... Maybe the caravan at the foot of the mountain was killed by these people!" Yuanjue was drenched in cold sweat.

Bi Su's face was condensed.

The Prince Regent has clear rewards and punishments, he has offended too many princes and nobles, and many people have assassinated him. The Prince Regent is highly skilled in martial arts and can get away, but this time he ran into the Prince Regent and couldn't suppress his skills...

He cast aside the iron arrow and quickened his pace to keep up with the low-flying goshawk.

Yaoying followed behind him and climbed a steep and narrow mountain road. The wind was blowing. She didn't dare to look down at the mountains and river valleys under her feet.

The goshawk flew lower and lower, led the crowd up and down, and finally circled a small flat snowdrift high up.

The strange rocks in front of the snowdrifts overlapped, blocking their vision.

Bi Su stretched her neck and looked forward, holding Yaoying's arm, and taking her up the snowdrift.

Yuanjue followed.

When Yaoying landed and stood firm, Bi Suo let go of her, walked around the strange stone, and her face was filled with ecstasy.

Behind the jagged rocks, a man sat cross-legged among the snowdrifts, his shoulders were broad, his face was covered with ferocious wounds, and his black robe was torn apart. It was Sultan Gu who left alone last night.

Yuanjue looked happy and stepped forward.

Bi Su stopped him and said coldly, "Wait, do you want to get hurt again?"

Yuanjue's heart froze, and she looked around cautiously. Only then did she notice that Sultan's eyes were tightly closed, and there seemed to be a surging aura lingering around him. His thin arms were exposed under the torn clothes, and his true energy was faintly hidden under his skin. walk.

Murderous lurking.

Yuanjue had lingering fears, hesitant to move, his eyes fell on Sultan Gu's chest, and he was shocked: "The regent is injured!"

Sultan Gu's chest was dripping with blood, and the snow in front of him was full of blood, and it was bright red.

Yuanjue gritted his teeth: "No, the regent is injured, I have to go!"

Bi Suo shook his head at him, looked at Yaoying, took out a medicine bottle and handed it to her: "Princess, you don't know martial arts, you don't know how to fight with internal force, you shouldn't be injured, you can get close to the regent. The regent is injured. , please bring this bottle of medicine to him."

After speaking, he warned again, "Be careful, don't get too close, if the Prince Regent suddenly moves, stop. If you are afraid, speak up and I will save you."

Yaoying hummed, took the medicine bottle, and took a step forward.

Yuanjue held her breath and stared at her nervously.

Yaoying continued to move forward, approaching Sultangu step by step.

Sultan didn't move.

Yaoying got closer and closer to him, and stopped a few steps away from him for a while. Seeing that he didn't respond at all, she stepped forward with her boots and walked in front of him.

"General Su?"

She called him softly.

In the distance, Yuanjue and Bi Suo stared at Sultan without blinking, not daring to make a sound.

As they got closer, Yaoying finally saw the wound on Sultan Gu's chest, and a layer of frozen thin ice had formed where the robe was torn apart.

The wound looks deep, and it will be troublesome if left untreated.

Yaoying frowned slightly, took a step forward with courage, bent down, and stepped on the snow, making a creaking sound.

A cold gaze fell on her face.

The blue eyes suddenly opened, silently, and there was a cold burning blue at the bottom of the eyes.

Yao Ying's body was stiff, facing Sultan Gu's uninspired gaze, and handed the medicine bottle in her hand forward.

"General Su, you are injured."

Sultan Gu looked at Yao Ying, her blue eyes reflected her face flushed by the cold wind, the next moment, her figure suddenly burst out, and her palm was placed on her neck, pressing her into her arms.

Yaoying was caught off guard, and when he was hooked, she threw herself into his arms. Before she could react, Sultan Gu stretched her arms around her and took her to roll in the snow a few times.

After a while, Yaoying heard the sharp sound of the iron arrow brushing against the strange stone.

She clutched Sultan Gu's robe tightly, and looked from his arms to where she was standing just now.

Several iron arrows were stuck in the snow, and the tails of the arrows swayed and hummed.