Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 89: substitute


"Following the eagle is not wrong! The people are here!"


There was a sudden ups and downs of chaotic shouts under the snowdrifts.

The killers came over.

They set up an ambush on the mountain road to hunt down Sultan Gu. Seeing that he was seriously injured, he still failed to pluck his head. He escaped. A group of people chased the mountain all the way. The goshawk appeared high in the sky and quickly chased after him.

Although I don't know what the three people who suddenly appeared are doing, but as long as I stand with Sultan, they must be his partners, and I can kill them!

It's a pity that Sultan Gu reacted too quickly and avoided the first wave of iron arrows! That sharp blade is coated with poisonous juice, why hasn't he poisoned it yet

The leader who was hiding behind the strange rock was furious, raised his voice and roared, and gave an order, several bowstrings were pulled at the same time, buzzing and vibrating, iron arrows fired in succession, like an electric shock, the arrows pierced from the strange rocks, and the arrow tips were silver. The awns flashed, and in an instant, they gathered into a rain of arrows, covering Sultan Gu.

Yaoying hid in Sultan's ancient arms, and was frightened when she heard the sharp sound of breaking through the wind and snow.

The arrow rained down, and Sultan Gu's icy palm was on her neck, her arms were open, her shoulders were straight, her waist was arched, and she was tightly packed under her body.

He was hugged so tightly that Yaoying couldn't move at all, and was forced to stick tightly to his shoulder, unable to breathe.

The sharp sound of arrows piercing the air was close to her ears, and the screams of killing were getting closer and closer. She couldn't see anything, and didn't know what was going on outside. Her heart beat, his embrace was cold and hard, and a strong bloody smell mixed with wind and snow filled the tip of her nose.

There was a sticky touch on her waist, and Sultangu led her to avoid the arrows, and the wound was bleeding again.

Killers swarmed, scrambling to climb the snowdrifts.

Iron arrows rushed towards Sultan Gu and Yaoying, creating deep holes in the snow.

Bi Su's eyes were about to split, he drew his sword and unsheathed it, his tall body swept across the steep slope, and met the besieging killer, and asked in a deep voice, "Ash Na Bi Su, the commander-in-chief of the Imperial Guard and the Central Army, is here, who would dare to assassinate him? Regent?"

This question was very low, but word by word slowly burst out from between his teeth. The killer under the snowdrift could hear it clearly. The few people who ran at the front obviously hesitated for a while, and their momentum suddenly became timid. point.

Bi Su's face was ashen: These people hesitated because of his identity, and they were all from Wang Ting!

The Prince Regent died for Wang Ting, and all Wang Ting people who dared to assassinate the Prince Regent should die!

"Go away." Bi Suo's eyes were red to the point of dripping blood, "If you take a step forward, the knife won't save anyone."

The killers looked at each other. Sultan Gu was trusted by the Buddha, and he was elusive. So far, no one knows where he lives. If he can't kill him now when he is seriously injured, there will be no chance in the future!

Everyone made up their minds and continued to rush forward.

Bi Su was furious, his eyes sank, he raised his long sword and rushed into the encirclement, slashing left and right, as fast as a gust of wind.

The killers screamed one after another and fell into the snow one by one, blood spurting out, dyeing the snow red.

Yuanjue took a knife and flew behind Bi Suo, slashing over a killer who wanted to attack him, and guarding each other with his back to back. The two were trained by the Buddha's guards since they were young, and they were both good at close combat without making a sound. You can understand the meaning of the other party with a single movement of the eyes, and the attack and defense are strict, blocking the snowdrifts and preventing the killer from approaching.

Several waves of iron arrows shot out, the bowstring hummed for a while, the killer was blocked under the snowdrift, and the unwilling roar resounded through the sky.

Sultan did not get up.

Yaoying heard Bi Suo's voice calling out to Sultan Gu in a low voice when he was facing the enemy, she calmed down and tried to push Sultan Gu.

Sultan was motionless, his whole body tense.

Yaoying snorted in her heart, struggled a few times, and carefully circumvented his injured chest with both hands, touched his arms up, hugged his neck, and with a force, led him to roll forward.

Sultan Gu collapsed on the snow, his arms still hooked around Yaoying's neck and back.

Yaoying just pressed against his waist, and hurriedly opened his arm. His eyes were closed and he had fainted, but his arms were so tightly wrapped around her that she had to push his arms away and roll the snow off him.

"General Su?"

Sultan didn't respond.

Yaoying's eyes were wet, and Sultan Gu had obviously exhausted all his strength when he rescued her just now.

There was a burst of hurried footsteps behind him, Bi Suo was covered in blood, hurried over, leaned over and knelt down: "Prince Regent!"

Yaoying stabilized her mind and said, "He passed out."

A stream of arrows flew into the sky, Bi Su raised the knife to block it, held Sultan Gu's hand for a while, and his face changed greatly, then he leaned over his chest and listened for a while, his eyebrows pounding.

"It's too late to delay, he can't last long."

Bi Suobi looked around, breathed quickly, gritted her teeth, took out a porcelain bottle from her arms, bit off the stopper, and handed it to Yaoying.

"Feed him."

Yaoying took the porcelain bottle and smelled a strange fragrance. This bottle of medicine was kept by Bi Suo, which was different from the wound medicine he gave her just now.

"How much to eat?"

Bi Suo said coldly, "Feed him all."

Yaoying was startled and looked at Bi Suo: "How can he bear it after taking a bottle of medicine?!"

She is someone who takes pills all the time and knows the damage of pills. The medicine that Bi Suo gave her is not an ordinary medicine. Taking more than ten pills at once will cause irreparable damage to the body!

Bi Suo lowered her eyes, avoiding Yaoying's gaze, and a mocking sneer appeared on the corner of her lips: "Princess, the regent has been taking this medicine since he was five years old, and it's always like this."

"Ordinary people can't stand it..."

He turned his head and looked at the killers who were following one after another. The mocking expression on his face was even stronger. The hand holding the knife turned blue with strength, and he murmured in a low voice, "The regent can do it."

Yaoying's heart trembled, and she looked down at Sultan Gu's face.

The wound was ferocious, and he could not see his appearance, his eyes were closed, and his eyelashes were trembling.

He was full of murderous aura, but he had a pair of blue eyes that were calm and indifferent.

He started taking medicine at the age of five, when he was a child...

A killer swung towards him with a machete. Bi Suo jumped up and fought with the killer. Between the blocks, he turned around and urged Yaoying: "feed him! He can't hold it anymore!"

Sultan Gu's pulse was weak and his breath was gone. Yaoying didn't dare to hesitate any longer. She shivered to help him up, poured the pills into the palm of his hand, and fed him one by one.

Sultan was unconscious and unable to swallow. Yaoying got closer, pinched his chin, and asked him to open his mouth.

When his fingers rubbed against his chin, he didn't know what to touch, and there was a strange touch between the fingertips, as if there was an extra layer of something.

Yaoying hugged Sultan Gu and looked at his closed eyes.

He has a lot of secrets on his back.

Yao Ying was taken aback for a while, her eyes flickered a few times, her fingers avoided that place, and she continued to feed Sultan Gu with medicine.

There were several sharp and sharp sounds in the air, and the flow arrow flew down.

Yaoying hurriedly leaned over and threw herself on Sultan Gu.

A figure flew over, swung a long knife, and blocked the arrows for her.

The arrow fell to the ground, pierced through layers of snow, and the tail of the arrow shook violently.

Yaoying was startled and raised her head.

Bi Suo stood in front of her, holding a long knife, staring at her quietly.

Sultan was tall and tall, and she stood side by side with him, barely touching his shoulders. Did she think she could block the arrows for him if she threw herself on him

She couldn't, but she still hugged Sultan without hesitation and protected him with her delicate body.

Bi Suo's two sword eyebrows twitched lightly.

Yaoying hugged Sultan Gu, looked at Bi Suo, and opened her mouth: "Behind!"

Bi Suo didn't even think about it, she immediately leaned over and avoided the spear stabbing from the slanting ground. The backhand was a knife, piercing the killer, and blood sprayed all over the ground.

He splattered blood on his face, blood dripping from the corners of his eyes, nose, and mouth. He gave Yao Ying a deep look, wiped off the blood on the knife, and turned to run towards the surrounded Yuanjue.

Yaoying looked around. Although Bi Suo and Yuanjue cooperated tacitly, they couldn't stop all the killers, and people kept climbing up the snowdrifts to kill them.

She didn't look at the corpse on the ground, forced herself to calm down, took off the saber from Sultan Gu's waist, tried it, but couldn't lift it at all.

The long knife fell heavily on the ground, and the snow under his feet trembled faintly.

Yaoying was stunned for a moment, lowered her head, and found that the vibration just now was not an illusion, the snow was indeed shaking.

There were a few loud rumblings from the top of the head, as if something rolled down from the snow-capped peak.

Yaoying raised her head and looked at the sound. The next moment, her face was pale.

The silver waves rolled on the mountain peaks. Wherever they passed, boulders collapsed, snow flying all over the sky, and silver waterfalls seemed to hang between the cliffs and cliffs. It was like ten thousand horses galloping in the snow, swallowing everything The ten thousand Jun situation, rushing down.

Yaoying's voice trembled: "General! Look!"

Bi Suo, Yuanjue, and the killer who were concentrating on fighting the enemy turned their heads at the same time, followed the direction Yaoying pointed to the heights, and their faces were full of horror.


The killer's scream just now caused an avalanche!

Everyone's eyes widened, and the sound of a long knife falling to the ground sounded from time to time in the crowd.

Bi Suo and Yuanjue couldn't take care of those killers anymore, they tried their best to run towards Yaoying and Sultangu, and at the same time stretched out their hands and grabbed them.

Too bad it's still too late.

The thunderous sound came in an instant, Bi Su and Yuan Jue were too far away... Yaoying grabbed Sultan Gu's shoulder and dragged him hard, trying to push him towards Bi Su.


Bi Suo's eyes widened, her eyes almost popped out of her sockets, and she rushed forward with all her strength.

The mountains and the tsunami came, and a huge force rushed in, and several people were immediately washed away, and the eyes were white.

In a blink of an eye, their figures all disappeared into the rushing snow.

At the foot of the mountain, after the sound of thunder, the frightened horses neighed, and the soldiers stayed for a while.

Xie Qing calmed down the mount and asked Wang Ting's personal guard, "What happened?"

The guard shivered a few times, pointed to the top of Yinbai Mountain, and whispered, "It seems like an avalanche."

Xie Qing's face changed suddenly, and the horse was about to rush up the mountain.

The guard stopped her: "General Ashina told me that no one is allowed to go up the mountain without his signal!"

A guard next to him interjected: "We have several avalanches a month in winter here, and the generals will be fine."

As soon as he finished speaking, there were a few clear chirps in the clouds, the goshawk flew down, the shadow was as fast as lightning, and a claw hooked to the arm of the guard.

The guard raised his arm to catch the goshawk, and when he saw the black cloth strips on its claws, he was shocked, and ordered the others to stay, picked a few loyal subordinates, and rushed up the mountain road.

The others did not dare to ask any further questions, and stayed where they were, looking at the towering peaks and looking at each other.

Xie Qing wanted to follow the guards up the mountain, but was stopped by others, with a gloomy face.

on the mountain.

Bi Suo stood in front of a boulder, and after releasing the goshawk down the mountain as a warning, he turned around and looked at the cliff that had completely changed after the avalanche. His face was pale, and his hands were clenched into fists.

Yuanjue knelt on the ground, trembling all over, and finally let out a wow, sobbing in a low voice.

"Almost... just a little... I'm sorry Wang..."

He kept wiping away tears.

Bi Suo kicked him, "Shut up, don't bother the king."

Yuanjue took a breath and immediately fell silent.

There was a bonfire under the pile of strange rocks in front of him, the flames swayed, and the rocks in front of the fire were covered with two layers of cloaks. Yaoying was lying in the cloak room, covered with a cloak, her cheeks were snow-white, and she was faint. Dazed, thick eyelashes trembling slightly.

Sitting beside her was a man with broad shoulders and broad back and a grim face. It was Sultan Gu, who had been in a coma just now.

He sits cross-legged with his eyes closed, the wound on his chest has been bandaged and the wound medicine has been applied, and his lips are still pale, but the arms exposed under the torn clothes can no longer show signs of infuriating wandering, and the whole body is no longer disordered. of murderous agitation.

Yuanjue guarded him, thinking of the thrilling scene just now, with lingering fears in his heart, his shoulders were still shaking.

When the snow surged down, he and Bi Suo were too late to rescue Yaoying and Sultangu, so they could only hide under a few huge rocks nearby. Xuelang stopped, the two dug out the snow, and saw the place where Yaoying had just stood, her face was ashes, like falling into an ice cellar.

There was already a flat snow field, and nothing could be seen.

The two of them grieved in their hearts, holding on to the last glimmer of hope to dig out the thick snow.

Just when the two were in complete despair, they suddenly heard the sound of hitting a boulder!

The two almost cried with joy, they found the direction from which the voice came from and dug deep, removed a few strange rocks erected in the air, and found the figures of Yaoying and Sultangu.

Sultan Gu woke up, Yaoying lay in his arms, drowsy.

The two of them continued to dig hard, rescued them, and found some clothes to light a bonfire to keep them warm.

Yuanjue wiped the corners of her eyes and held back her tears.

After a while, Sultan, who was sitting quietly, slowly opened his eyes, his blue eyes were as clear as the sea, and that strange blue disappeared without a trace, as if it had never existed.

Knowing that he was completely awake, Bi Suo and Yuanjue felt slightly relieved, and knelt down to salute.


Sultan Gu let out a light cough, and his eyes fell on Yaoying.

Yuanjue hurriedly said: "King, my subordinates have seen it. Princess Wen Zhao is not in serious trouble, and there is no sign of being injured. It may be that she fainted from shock."

Sultan Gun let out a faint breath, raised his eyes, glanced at Bi Su, and said, "There are more than this group of people in ambush, you go back to the royal court first, don't entangle with them."

He still looked weak.

Bi Su understood, respectfully, took a few steps back, and gave Yuanjue a wink.

Yuanjue got up and walked towards him.

Bi Su took off the outermost layer of light armor, and inside was a black robe that was exactly the same as that of Sultan Gu.

He looked back at Sultan Gu by the bonfire and said softly, "Protect the king and princess."

Yuanjue nodded: "General to lure away those killers, it is also very dangerous, general be careful."

Bi Su smiled, waved at him, turned around and strode away.

An hour later, the guards who went up the mountain saw a familiar black figure and hurried up to meet him: "Prince Regent!"

On the mountain road, a man in a black robe stood against the wind, with a pair of blue eyes, scars on his face, and a slight decapitation.

Yuanjue stood on the edge of the cliff and watched Bi Suo walk down the mountain surrounded by guards, then turned and returned to the strange rock.