Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 9: Monarch monarch


The next morning, Li Zhongqian was really drunk again.

But he still remembered to buy Li Yaoying's Melaleuca from Granny Zhang's house.

Yaoying took the thousand layer cakes and held up a bowl of sober sugarcane juice for him: "Brother, I sent someone to take Master Mundativa into the palace. He has already come and is checking the pulse of A-Niang."

Li Zhongqian hummed vaguely, raised his neck and drank the sugarcane juice in one gulp, fell backwards, lay on the felt mat, and fell asleep.

Yaoying was angry and laughing, knelt down in front of him, and patted him a few times.

Didn't wake up.

"It's like this every time. If you promise well, you will still drink cows..."

Yaoying murmured a few words, twisted the hot towel, and washed the drunk Li Zhongqian's face and hands.

Li Zhongqian usually does not leave the golden hammer in his hands, his hands are covered with rough calluses, and a scar runs across the palms of his hands.

After all these years, it's still shocking to watch.

Yaoying held Li Zhongqian's large and thick palm, and brushed the hideous scar with her fingertips.

When these hands taught her to write, they were still thin hands with thin and long fingers.

At that time, Li Zhongqian was melancholy and gentle, gentle and graceful. He read those thick scrolls with Confucian scholars every day, could write a round and thin seal script, and also painted landscapes in scorched ink.

Wei County has a mild climate, with hundreds of flowers in full bloom in spring.

The breeze was blowing, and the steps fell one by one.

Li Zhongqian was writing and reading, and Yaoying was crawling on the mat beside him.

For a while, he looked at the flying flowers in the sky in front of the porch, and then turned back to lie on the desk, and watched Li Zhongqian swiping ink with curiosity.

Li Zhongqian picked up Yaoying, let her sit on his lap, grabbed her chubby little palm, and taught her to hold a pen.

He taught her to write her own name, and taught her to draw elegant orchids.

When Yaoying was five years old, it was late spring, Li Zhongqian pointed to the colorful falling flowers in front of the porch, and taught her to memorize word by word: "The high-level guest has gone, and the flowers in the small garden are flying around."

The second day after teaching the song "Falling Flowers", Li Zhongqian returned to Jingnan to visit the tomb.

Yaoying went to Li De's side.

It is autumn when brothers and sisters see each other.

Carrying a pair of golden hammers weighing 100 jin, Li Zhongqian traveled thousands of miles alone, crossing the battlefield of the mountain of corpses and the sea of blood, to find Yaoying, who was dying.

Scarred and covered in blood, he hugged his sister tightly.

"Xiao Qi, don't be afraid, brother is here to pick you up."

The stab wound in Li Zhongqian's palm was left at that time.

From that day on, he never touched the scroll brush again.

He practiced hammering every day, and in response to Xie Wuliang's words, his anger became heavier and heavier, and his temper became more and more gloomy and manic.

The body is getting stronger and stronger day by day, and the hands that used to hold the scroll all day and write with Nianhua gradually lost the slender elegance of the noble son of the noble family, and became what they are now.

Xie Qing's hands are better than Li Zhongqian's.

Yao Ying sat for a while and was lost.

She knew how people outside looked at Li Zhongqian.

They said he was murderous, tyrannical and cruel, slaughtering city after city.

Yaoying persuaded Li Zhongqian.

The enemy on the battlefield is either your death or my death. Of course, it is not a woman's kindness, but the massacre is still too cold-blooded.

Li Zhongqian chuckled lightly and rubbed Yaoying's head.

Yaoying thought he had listened, but the next day, she found that the attendants around her had changed.

Attendant A said: "Lady, Second Young Master is deeply loved by the people!"

Attendant B said: Lady, please be at ease, the common people did not scold Er Gongzi.

Yaoying was so angry: Li Zhongqian came up with this trick!

Li Zhongqian, who was soundly asleep, suddenly turned over, his palms folded together, and tightly grasped Yaoying's wrist.

Yaoying was pulled for a while, she woke up, broke Li Zhongqian's hand, and scolded in a low voice: "Only the state officials are allowed to set fires, and the people are not allowed to light the lights!"

The gauze swayed lightly, and Chunru's voice came from outside: "Your Majesty, the mage has come out."

Yaoying left the palace maid to take care of Li Zhongqian, got up and went to the west wing.

Today, Munda Deva was wearing a robe that is popular among monks in the northern Central Plains. With a neat appearance and a solemn statue, she stepped out of the inner hall with her hands clasped together: "Princess, your concubine has indeed used Brahman medicine."

Feng Yu, who was beside him, lowered his head, drenched in cold sweat.

Yaoying's face darkened.

She knew that Concubine Xie's stupidity had no cure, so she invited Mundativa to enter the palace not to treat Concubine Xie, but to find out the cause.

Concubine Xie was very ill. When Yaoying was born, she was already sane. At that time, the Tang family was dead, and the Xie family was still prosperous, and there was no sign of it being destroyed.

A few months ago, a Taoist priest saw Concubine Xie's pulse and said his guess: Concubine Xie may have taken Brahman medicine, which is why she is mentally disturbed.

Fengyu in the palace didn't know much about Brahman medicine, so Yaoying didn't make a statement about it for fear of scare the snake.

She invited Munda Deva into the palace just to confirm whether the Taoist priest's guess was true or false.

Munda Deva didn't seem to notice the suddenly dignified atmosphere, and said slowly: "The Brahman medicine used by the imperial concubine should be the immortal medicine of immortality recorded in "The Brahman Immortal Recipes". The poor monk has seen taking this medicine for a long time. people, they can't sleep at night, they can't rest in the sun, they are delirious, their memories are reversed, and they are exactly the same as those of imperial concubines."

Yaoying asked calmly, "Master, is there a way to heal?"

Mundativa shook her head with a look of pity: "The toxin of the elixir of longevity cannot be removed, and the concubine's illness is far more serious than anyone the poor monk has ever seen, and the heart disease is difficult to solve."

Yaoying understood in her heart.

Xie Guifei couldn't accept the fact that Xie Wuliang had died, Brahman medicine was the cause, and the bad news of the Xie family made her completely crazy.

She was crazy, and Xie Wuliang was still alive.

Yaoying closed her eyes and calmed down all her thoughts.

According to her orders, the palace servants prepared gold and silver, silk, medicinal materials, and a few horses as a gift for Munda Deva.

Xie Qing took a trip to the political affairs hall and brought the clearance documents signed and issued by several prime ministers.

Yaoying knew that Munda Deva couldn't wait to set off for the Western Regions, so she didn't keep him much, and sent him out of the palace with documents.

Mundativa was startled.

In fact, he did not want to enter the palace to diagnose and treat Xie Guifei.

When they were in Shu, Munda Deva often dealt with dignitaries. Most of them were polite and elegant. They called themselves lay monks. They were very keen on ritual Buddhist scriptures.

When Mundativa left Shu, the dignitaries who used to treat him as a guest immediately turned his face, forcibly detained him and his disciples, and even killed his attendants and threatened him.

He escaped from Shu and was more determined to go to the Western Regions, but the supervisor of Daci'en Temple told him that without the clearance documents, he would die in Jincheng.

In order to pass the documents, Munda Deva could only enter the palace at the risk of being detained by the Seventh Princess.

When the Seventh Princess asked him if Xie Guifei's illness could be cured, he hesitated for a moment, but still told the truth.

Concubine Xie's illness is indeed incurable.

Munda Deva was apprehensive.

Contrary to his expectations, the seventh princess was different from the dignitaries he had seen before. She didn't get angry, she didn't take anger at him, and she didn't leave him forcibly to treat her mother.

According to the agreement, she happily let him go, and prepared a generous gift for him.

The big stone that was pressing on Mundativa's heart finally fell to the ground.

While he was relieved, he felt regretful.

The seven princesses have a graceful face, clear eyes, and when the light in the eyes flows, it is like the sunrise and the clouds are scattered, and the dazzling light is pouring down.

Affiliated with Fomen.

Unfortunately, the princess does not believe in Buddhism.

Mundativa comforted Yaoying: "Princess, everything is fate, and it's not a bad thing for a concubine. Good and bad are cause and effect, and things are impermanent, so let's go with the cause."

Yaoying smiled.

She doesn't understand the Zen meaning in the mage's words, but she is very clear about one thing, she will definitely find out who the poisoner is.

After leaving the palace gate, Munda Deva solemnly said goodbye to Yaoying.

Yaoying followed his example and folded her hands together: "The road to the west is difficult and dangerous. I wish the Master a safe journey and everything goes well."

Mundativa said, "Thank you, Princess."

Yaoying remembered something: "The Buddhist son that the Master wants to see, but the monarch of the Western Regions, Tan Moraka?"

Munda Deva was a little surprised, nodded and said, "Exactly."

The royal court in the Western Regions is different from the Central Plains, where the power of the gods is more important than the power of the king. Tammaraka is not only a revered son of the Buddha, but also a secular king, and a god in the hearts of the people of the Western Regions.

He ascended the throne as a teenager. At first, he was just a puppet emperor controlled by an aristocratic family. He was imprisoned by ministers in a Buddhist temple to practice Buddhism.

When Thamaroka was thirteen years old, the Northern Rong Khan led an army of 30,000 to raid the royal city.

The army led by the family was no match for Bei Rong, and they threw away their armor and fled.

Tammaraka lives in a Buddhist temple. When he heard the news, the Buddhist temple was already surrounded.

The monks persuaded Tan Moraka to surrender. He was a son of Buddha, and the North Rong Khan attacked the king city in order to capture him alive to give orders to the Western Regions.

Tamoraka did not want to be a prisoner of Beirong, and calmly commanded the monk soldiers who were loyal to him, escaped from the king's city, and then gathered the scattered royal army and turned to attack the army of Beirong.

When the two armies were fighting, the Buddha's son, Tamara Ka, dressed in a crimson robe, walked in front of the battle, one person and one horse.

Clothes hunting, desolate and magnificent.

As if a god came into the world.

The monk soldiers and the army were inspired, they burst out with amazing fighting power, and charged forward without fear of death.

A mere 2,000 people actually drove the aggressive Beirong army out of the royal court.

The invincible Beirong Khan did not expect that he would be defeated by a young man. He remembered all kinds of bizarre legends when the Buddha was born, and he had lingering fears. He turned east and continued to annex other tribes on the grassland, and did not dare to provoke the royal court easily.

The thirteen-year-old Tammoraka defeated the mighty Beirong with less and gained unprecedented prestige. Taking advantage of the situation, he regained the kingship and established his own rule over the royal court.

Since then, the North Road of the Western Regions has been peaceful for ten years.

A few years ago, there was a monk from the Western Regions who lived in Shu by coincidence. Munda Deva had been with him for a while and heard him describe in detail the Buddhist kingdom of the Western Regions in the yellow sand, so he knew the life of Tammaraka. .

After years of wars, the two parts of the Central Plains and the Western Regions have been separated for decades. Now the countries in the Western Regions believe that the Central Plains is still ruled by a unified dynasty.

The Central Plains knew even less about the Western Regions.

Munda Deva did not expect that Li Yaoying had also heard the name of Tan Moraka.

In fact, Yaoying not only knew about Tan Moraka, but also knew that the monk would not live for a few years.

It probably confirms the saying that wisdom will be hurt. Thamoraka has been in poor health since he was a child. When he was a teenager, he could go to the battlefield and lead monks and soldiers to fight.

He is a devout monk, still living in a Buddhist temple, suppressing the ambitious family as a Buddhist son, balancing the forces of all parties, and deterring Beirong.

The North Rong Khan was afraid of Thamoraka.

Li Xuanzhen a few years later was also afraid.

They all wanted to take the North Road of the Western Regions in one fell swoop. The former was so frightened by Tan Moraka that he did not dare to attack the royal court for ten years, while the latter Li Xuanzhen also suffered repeated defeats.

Just like the legend says, Tamara is the son of Buddha, blessed by gods and Buddhas, and invincible in battle.

Beirong and Wei Chao had no choice but to wait for the day when Thamoraka died of illness.

Tammoraka knew that if he lived a day, the royal court would be peaceful. Once he died, the people of the Western Regions would be trampled by the iron hoofs of the North Rong, the prime-aged men were slaughtered, and the elderly, women and children became slaves.

He endured pain and suffering, supported the precarious royal court with his weak body, and unfortunately died of illness in the end.

It is said that when he died, he had been tortured into a human form by the pain.

A month later, the royal court destroyed the country.

Yaoying felt a little sympathetic to Tan Moraka.

She was also frail and sickly. She was cared for by her elder brother and did not suffer much, but Tanmaraka had to practice asceticism with her sickly body. In just over twenty years, she was suffering every day.

Probably only an eminent monk with a strong will like him can endure so many unbearable pains and tortures for ordinary people.

She sighed silently in her heart, did not ask any more questions, said goodbye to Munda Deva, and watched the Master walk away surrounded by his disciples.

I don't know if the mage will be able to meet Tanmaraka successfully.

Princess House.

After Li Xuanzhen left last night, Zhu Luyun cried all night. She woke up in the morning and looked in the mirror, her eyes were swollen like rotten peaches.

The attendant whispered: "Princess, the prince stood in the courtyard last night until midnight before leaving."

Tears filled Zhu Luyun's red and swollen eyes again, and she cried, "What's the use of him staying there until midnight? I begged him to lead troops to rescue my aunt, but he wouldn't say anything!"

The attendant cautiously persuaded him and talked a lot of good things.

Zhu Luyun wiped away her tears: "My aunt is my only relative in this world, I must save her!"

She turned out the letter that her aunt had entrusted to her loyal servant, read it, and made up her mind.

"Go to Yining Square and tell the Yelu tribe that I am willing to marry!"

The attendant bowed his head, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

The author has something to say: Munda Deva: A doctor who was deeply hurt by the powerful doctors.

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Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: Xiao Chuan Dun, Day Dream Boat, Witty Goose

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Intercity