Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 90: Drink water


After the avalanche, the wind gradually stopped, the stratus clouds dissipated, revealing the blue sky, and the mountains stood majestically like a huge silver crown.

The figures of Bi Suo and his party were no longer visible.

Yuanjue returned to the pile of strange rocks, fearing that Yaoying, who was in a drowsiness, would be frozen, she added some dry horse dung to the bonfire, rubbed her hands, and looked up at her face, her eyes just collided with another staring gaze. superior.

Sultan Gupan sat with her blue eyes lowered, looking at Yaoying beside her, her eyes stayed on her face for a long time.

Although his eyes were clear and light, without a trace of turbulence, as if he was just staring at Yaoying in a trance, Yuanjue felt that his eyes were a little different from usual.

The regent should not have such a soft look, he should kill and decide, without desire or desire.

Only in this way can they, the insiders, be able to tell the difference between the Buddha's son and the regent.

Feeling a little lost.

The benevolent and noble Buddha and the regent with bloody hands are one person.

In the past, when they were both young, he and Bi Su often couldn't tell the difference between Buddha and Sultan. They were obviously the same person, but they just changed their identities. What's the difference

They are youthful, arrogant, conceited, and consider themselves the most loyal people in the world to the Buddha.

Later, when they saw Sultan Gu who had been attacked by the practice, they immediately regarded them as two people.

They love the Buddha and fear the Regent.

When confronted with the Buddha, they admired and worshipped him.

When facing the regent, they were cautious, their bodies were tense, and their hands did not dare to let go of the hilt of the knife for a moment.

Over time, they really regarded the Buddha and the Regent as two people.

As everyone knows, they are one person.

As the guards of the Buddha's son, they are loyal to the Buddha's son. Seeing that the Buddha's son has endured pain and torture since childhood, they still can't accept the heavy identity of the regent. Princess Wen Zhao knows nothing about all this, but she can understand the regent. Trust the Regent.

Will Princess Wenzhao really be sent by the Buddha to the Buddha's son, as in the legend

The Central Plains and Wang Ting are thousands of miles away, and it is a coincidence that a Han princess can live in the Wang Ting.

Will this relationship end up being good or bad

Yuanjue couldn't help but think about it.

There was a soft pop from the bonfire.

Yuanjue came back to her senses, looked at Yaoying with brown eyes, opened her mouth, remembered that moment before the avalanche, Yaoying knew that she had no time to escape, and firmly hugged Sultan's ancient face with determination and calm, her heart was still trembling, for a moment. Don't know what to say in between.

After a long while, he looked at Sultan Gu, and said dryly in a low voice: "King..."

Sultan Gu raised his eyes and glanced at him lightly, without saying a word, there was an inherent oppressive aura on his body.

Yuanjue subconsciously stretched his back and felt nervous for a while. This was the regent's gaze he was familiar with.

He changed his name: "Prince Regent, his subordinates and General Ashina have looked around. Most of the killers on the mountain were buried in heavy snow, and only a few escaped. Before General Ashina could interrogate them, they committed suicide by taking medicine."

After rescuing Sultan Gu and Yaoying, they checked the killer's corpse and found nothing that could prove their identity. They could only speculate from the traces on some people's mouths and helmets that they were soldiers. The two searched for a large circle and rescued several seriously injured killers. Just as they were about to interrogate them, they swallowed the medicine and decided to kill themselves.

Sultan Gu listened to him and said, "It's a dead man raised by various governments."

Yuanjue recalled carefully, patted his head, "It really looks like a dead man."

The tribes at the foot of Cong Ridge fought against each other, and many defeated warriors became slaves and were raised and recruited by aristocratic families and became dead soldiers. It is said that aristocratic families often have the means to control the dead. If the dead betray the main family, they will be brutally tortured, making their life worse than death, so the dead are very loyal and would rather die than surrender.

Yuanjue then reported a few things, glanced at Yaoying beside the bonfire, lowered her voice a little, and asked, "Prince Regent, I will inform Princess Wen Zhao's personal soldiers first, and ask them to come and pick up the princess?"

Sultan Gu shook his head and said weakly: "It's not safe to send her down the mountain now. Their goal is the entire team. When it gets dark, you can send the princess down the mountain."

Yuanjue was stunned, thought for a moment, suddenly realized, nodded yes.

Only a few people know about the Prince Regent's mission to Gaochang. Since the killers behind the scenes are in ambush outside the sand city, it means that they have discovered the purpose of the Prince Regent leaving the city and know that he is returning to the city in the past few days.

They killed the caravan at the foot of the mountain. In order to hide from the public and remove possible insiders, they not only wanted to kill the regent, but also poisoned all the caravans that returned from Gaochang. The king's most trusted guard, cut off the king's arm, and then can blame the death of the regent and the guard on the bandits, really ruthless!

Thinking of this, Yuanjue felt a burst of guilt in her heart.

Seeing the corpses on the mountain road, he and Bi Su thought that the regent had gone crazy and murdered. He even made up his mind to fulfill his oath, but did not know that the regent was seriously injured and was surrounded by killers at that time.

Fortunately, there were no surprises. Now that the regent is safe and sound, Bi Su disguised himself as him and went down the mountain. He would definitely take all the soldiers down the mountain to attract the attention of the killer. He took the opportunity to find out who was behind the scenes and find the real murderer.

There may still be people watching at the foot of the mountain. At this time, sending Princess Wenzhao down the mountain is not only unsafe, but also suspects. It would be bad if it aroused the vigilance of the murderer.

Wait until it gets dark.

Yuanjue clarified her thoughts a little bit, her eyes flickered, and she glanced at Sultan Gu secretly.

In fact, the best way is to let Bi Suo take away Princess Wenzhao, and let Princess Wenzhao act as bait with him to attract the real murderer behind the scenes.

But the Regent would never allow Bi Su to do so.

Yuanjue pressed this fleeting thought.

Right now, Princess Wenzhao had better hide her identity and stay with her personal soldiers. When they secretly return to the royal city and deal with the bad guys in the city, the princess will be safe.

The bonfire burns quietly.

The firelight reflected on Yaoying's beautiful face, and her snow-white cheeks seemed to be dyed with a touch of rouge.

Sultan leaned over and pulled open the cloak covered by Yaoying with his fingers. He moved gently, only opening a small slit to prevent the cold wind from entering. He rolled up her sleeves with his fingers, and his fingertips covered her creamy skin. Hao pressed lightly on his wrist.

Her pulse was steady, her palms gradually became warmer, and her skin was smooth and warm, not as cold as when she threw herself on him.

When the snow falls rushing down, the rumbling sound shook the sky and earth, and Sultan Gu woke up at that time.

Yaoying was the first to react, she could have left him to escape, but she didn't leave him. She is not a martial artist, and her strength is so small that she could only drag him with a lot of effort. The snow was falling all over the sky, and the snow under her feet was trembling. She was trembling with anxiety. She pinched her fingernails into his shoulders, dragged him and pulled him hard. In a hurry, she whispered a few words in Chinese dialect, which did not sound like a gentleman. language.

At that moment, Sultan Gu was confused, but his heart was very clear.

When the avalanche arrived, the person dragging him was just a teenage girl.

From beginning to end, Yaoying did not let go of him.

In the end, she tried to push him to Bi Suo so that Bi Suo could take him away in time. Xuelang arrived in a blink of an eye, and the figures of Bi Suo and Yuanjue were swallowed up by Feixue.

She sighed: "I can't see my brother anymore..."

The land collapsed, the waves roared, Yaoying bowed her head, and without hesitation, she stretched out her arms and hugged Sultan Gu tightly, her weak body standing in front of him.

Her soft arms were wrapped around Sultan's body, and a faint sweet fragrance lingered.

Sultan regained consciousness, groped for the back of her head with both hands, protected her in his arms, rolled around with her, and hid under the boulder.

After the snow ridge collapsed and the earth turned upside down, only a piece of ice was left between the sky and the earth.

Sultan Gu embraced Yaoying, who was stunned by Feixue, and probed her breath.

At that time, her body was cold, and her air was like gossamer, like a handful of first snow in the palm of her hand. When the sun shines, it will turn into melted water.

The electric light is dew, all phenomena are impermanent, and there are all kinds of things in the world. This is the method of birth and death, and it will eventually return to quiescence.

Sultan Gu is bearish about life and death.

Yaoying wants to live, but she will save him at the juncture of life and death.

Sultan Gu retracted his fingers, closed Yaoying's cloak, and pressed it lightly.

He was seriously injured. After taking a pulse for Yaoying, he continued to meditate with his eyes closed.

Yuanjue looked at him and then at Yaoying, his eyes turned around them, he took out dry food as hard as a stone from his arms and baked it on the fire.

The dry and hard naan gradually exudes a faint aroma of wheat.

Yuanjue raised his eyes to look at Sultan Gu and Yaoying from time to time. After an unknown amount of time, he snorted and said in surprise, "Prince Regent, Princess Wenzhao is awake!"

The bonfire reflected on Yaoying's face, her eyebrows frowned, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and she slowly opened her eyes.

It was a pair of brown eyes full of joy.

Yuanjue looked at Yaoying, circled around her, and said happily, "Princess, do you have a headache? Is there any discomfort on your body?"

Yaoying's expression was dazed, she lost her senses for a while, then slowly woke up, remembered the scene before fainting, and tried to move her hands and feet.

Fortunately, her hands and feet were still conscious, and when the overwhelming snow rushed down, she thought she was going to be buried in the snow.

If one survives, there will be future fortunes.

Yaoying was frightened and comforted herself silently, struggling to sit up, her throat was dry and itchy, she coughed a few times, and asked, "Where's General Su?"

Fate felt slightly startled.

The first sentence she woke up was to ask this.

Yuanjue coughed twice, and felt that the answer was neither, nor did he answer, so he stretched out a finger and pointed to the side timidly.

Yaoying was dizzy, coughed non-stop, rubbed her sore head, and looked in the direction of his fingers.

A silent figure sits beside him.

Sultan Gu sat cross-legged and did not say a word, Bi Mu was looking at her quietly, I don't know how long she watched.

If it was someone else, he would have jumped up in fright.

Yaoying was only stunned for a moment, and her eyes fell on the wound on Sultan Gu's chest. Seeing that the wound had been bandaged, she let out a sigh of relief and smiled brightly, "General better?"

Sultan Gu lowered his eyes, hummed, picked up the water bag and handed it to her.

Yaoying was feeling her throat was uncomfortable. She took the water bladder and wanted to remove the plug, but her arms were weak and weak.

A hand in a black holster reached out, and his fingers pushed the cork for her.

Yaoying smiled gratefully at Sultan Gu and raised the water bag to drink water.

The water just slid down her throat, and she was startled.

The water was hot, not too hot or cold, just the right temperature to moisten her dry, sore and hoarse throat.

Yaoying slowly swallowed the warm water and ironed all over her body.

Sultan Gu was silent, and when she drank the water, her face recovered a little, and said: "The royal court has a dispute in the court, and the princess is involved in it, and the princess is tired."

Yaoying smiled and said lightly, "The general's words are serious. The Buddha and the general are my saviours. How can I say that I am involved?"

Yuanjue next to her looked at her and nodded secretly in her heart.

Sultan Gu averted his eyes and raised his eyes.

Yuanjue had been waiting for his orders, and when he saw him look over, he immediately cheered up.

Sultan lowered his head and took out a silver talisman with a cloud pattern from his sleeve.

"Bisuo acts impatiently and can only be in the bright light. Follow up and inform the city lords that the Imperial Guard of Wangsi will recruit new guards, and ask them to report the transfer of all horses in the past six months, the central army, the right army, the left army, the front army The rotation of the five armies of the army and the rear army, and the roster is drawn up. Remember, do not disturb the generals and documents in the army."

Yuanjue heard the meaning of his words, and she was in a cold sweat. She responded and took the silver talisman respectfully.

"My subordinates will proceed with caution."

The prince regent suspected that the ministers in the court and the generals in the army were colluding with each other, so he went directly over the army and investigated from the city lords whether the five armies had mobilized the army privately, in order to speculate who was the most suspect.

Although the city lords of each city are not generals who lead the army, but after all, in charge of the general affairs and personnel of a party, they must have paid attention to the mobilization of troops and horses garrisoned under their rule, and it is more appropriate to ask them. When recruiting guards by the Imperial Guards of the King Temple, the city lords first issued notices and recommended talents, and the generals of each army had long been accustomed to it.

After Sultan Gu finished his instructions, he glanced at Yaoying.

Yaoying blinked at him, waiting for him to speak.

He and Yuanjue talked in Sanskrit just now, and she didn't understand it, but she could guess from the tone of the conversation between the two that the situation was tense, and Yuanjue's brows were so wrinkled that they could be used as flagpoles.

Sultan Gu looked at Yaoying and didn't say anything for a long time, as if he didn't know how to place her.

Yaoying didn't want to cause trouble for him, so she took the initiative to ask: "Can I help the regent? If the regent has something that can help me, feel free to speak. I am sheltered by the Buddha, and I should share my worries for the Buddha."

Sultan looked at her, she woke up from her coma, her face was still haggard, her eyes were slightly blue, and her hands with the cape were red with cold.

She was so calm just after waking up, which showed that she often lived such a fearful life.

Sultan Gu paused and said, "When it gets dark, Yuanjue will send the princess down the mountain."

Yaoying was taken aback and asked, "What about General Su?"

Sultan Gu frowned slightly.