Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 91: goddess


What about General Su

No one has ever asked Sultangu this question. This identity cannot be exposed to the world. He is always alone, appears at the right time, and then disappears without a trace.

Those who do not know him regard him as a Vajra Yaksha, and those who know him think that he is invincible, and that he is a weapon with no desires and no desires.

Weapons don't need to be concerned.

Sultan Gu looked at Yaoying with a concerned face, and said lightly, "My whereabouts have nothing to do with the princess."

The tone was flat, not meant to be deliberately sarcastic.

However, listening to Yuanjue's ears, it was like a basin of snow water mixed with crushed ice pouring down his head. rubbed hands.

A soft chuckle sounded in his ears, "Of course it has something to do with me."

Yuanjue raised his head in surprise.

Yaoying sat by the bonfire, looked directly at Sultan Gu's cold blue eyes, and said softly, "General Su was ordered to escort me. When I was in Gaochang, the general was a little unwell, and now he is seriously injured. I can't leave it alone. General alone."

Sultan Gu frowned slightly.

Without waiting for him to answer, Yaoying looked at Yuanjue, her dark eyes stared at him, her voice raised a little: "Will you not come back after you send me down the mountain? Are you going to leave General Su here alone?"

Yuanjue was shocked, inexplicably felt guilty, and whispered: "I have something important to do when I go down the mountain."

He is to carry out the orders of the regent.

Yaoying spread her hands towards him: "That means there is no one around General Su?"

Yuanjue's eyes widened, and the expression on his face was a little dazed: "It's always been like this..."

At the foot of the mountain, there are guards of Wang Tingzhong’s army, and nearby city-states have garrisoned troops loyal to the Buddha, who can call in a large number of people at any time. However, the Prince Regent’s status is special, and there are only a few guards who can approach him and direct orders from him, and now Bi Su is the regent. The king's identity has been swaggering down the mountain. In order not to scare the snakes, the regent on the mountain must disappear cleanly.

Sultan can't appear in front of people now.

This kind of thing has happened before. When tribes that surrendered to the royal court launched a rebellion, when ambitious families tried to change the dynasty, when there were conflicts between princes and nobles and tribal leaders, the regent seemed to fall from the sky, solve the crisis, and then quietly left .

This has been the case all these years. Yuanjue is used to the King Regent coming and going without a trace. As long as the King Regent is not attacked by the exercises, he doesn't need help. After all, one more person knows the exercises he practices, and the risk of exposure is higher.

Yuanjue quietly glanced at Sultan Gu.

Yaoying also looked back at the silent Sultan: "General Ashina has gone down the mountain, and Yuanjue will also go down the mountain, the general's injury is not healed, what should I do if I am attacked by the practice again and there is no one around to protect me? ?"

"I can stay."

She spoke in a soft yet firm tone.

Yuanjue thought about it for a while, and retorted for Sultan: "The princess doesn't know martial arts, so she can't help the regent if she stays."

Yaoying raised her eyebrows: "General Ashina took me up the mountain because I don't know martial arts. Didn't I help you just now?"

There was a bit of grievance in his voice.

Yuanjue was speechless, her lips moved a few times, and she looked at Sultan Gu as if asking for help.

Sultan Gu's eyes indicated that he didn't need to say more, and there was a deep tiredness between his brows.

Yuanjue understood and closed his mouth. After a while, he took off the baked naan and handed it to Yaoying.

"Princess, use some dry food."

Yaoying thought he agreed and took the naan: "Have you and the general eaten?"

Fate nodded.

Yaoying was still a little dizzy, thanked her, and lowered her head to eat the naan.

Sultan closed his eyes and adjusted his breath, Yuanjue looked at the bonfire, and the three of them didn't speak.

The sky is getting darker, the gorgeous sunset is reflected in the rolling hills, and the silver-white peaks reflect the brilliant rays of light, which are magnificent.

Occasionally short chirps echoed through the clouds.

When the setting sun put away the last light golden afterglow that sprinkled on the cliff, Yuanjue got up and saluted Yaoying: "Princess, it's getting dark, please follow me down the mountain."

Yaoying frowned slightly and looked at Sultan Gu.

Sultan Gu closed his eyes, motionless, and his slightly curled long eyelashes did not move, as if he was in a state of tranquility. The whole person was like a sitting statue carved out of stone.

Yaoying sighed, got up and left.

The boots stepped on the snow, making a crunching sound, and the two figures went down the mountain and disappeared into the dark twilight.

The footsteps gradually faded away, and only the sound of the burning bonfire and the whistling wind echoing in the sky and the earth were left in my ears.

The sun fell into the mountains, the wind suddenly became shrill, and the snow rolled wildly and fell down.

The mountains and rivers are silent, the sky is vague, and only Sudan Gu is left.

The fire was getting darker and darker, and the night was thick.

Sultan, who was sitting in meditation, suddenly frowned, the back of his hand and forehead slightly burst, and the muscles all over his body were tense.

After a while, his shoulders trembled slightly, his breath suddenly became disordered, his body leaned forward and fell on the snow, groaning, and a trace of red blood spilled from his lips.

The cold wind blew past, stroking his robes, like knives, the coldness dipped into the bone marrow.

Sultan stood on the snow with one hand, panting quickly, opened his eyes, wiped the bloodshot from the corner of his mouth with his right hand, and took off the mask on his face with his fingers.

The dim yellow swaying bonfire reflected on his face, and a picturesque face slowly appeared under the hideous scar.

The eyebrows gather the beauty of the mountains and rivers, the eyes gather the brilliance of the stars, the facial features are deep, and the eyes are as clear as water.

The frost and snow on the ground are not as good as the cold and dusty brilliance between his brows.

The face is like a pure moon, and the eyes are like lotus flowers.

At this moment, he is not the sultan that everyone fears, but the monarch of the royal court, the Buddha's son Tanmaraka, whom the world admires and loves.

Bi Su and Yuanjue were afraid that he would lose his humanity as Sultan, thinking that he hated and hated Sultan as much as they did, and wanted to obliterate the existence of Sultan. He had completely different attitudes towards different identities, and carefully maintained the illusion.

In fact, he never hesitated.

He had a firm mind and never forgot his responsibilities, and Sultan was Thamaraga.

Although the identity of Sultan will never see the light of day, it is also a part of him.

There was a sharp pain at the edge of the knife, and Thamaraga frowned.

The old man's sharp blade was coated with poisonous juice. Although Bi Su fed him the antidote pills, the poison spread. He was weak and weak, and he managed to suppress the infuriating qi in his body.

Tamaroka took a few breaths, and stood up with difficulty, leaning on the cold strange rock, with a calm expression.

Over the years, one by one flashed.

Luo Jia grew up in a pot of medicine since he was a child, practiced the exercises hard, stimulated the potential of his body with pills, and took Brahman medicine to suppress the bad consequences of the exercises, and his body gradually couldn't bear it. From the age of eighteen, he needed to take more and more pills, and the interval between attacks became shorter and shorter. become difficult.

Tamaroka knew that this was the sign of exhaustion, and that he might not live long.

In an attack the year before, he nearly died.

Munda Deva came to the royal court and accidentally discovered that Shuimangcao could relieve his pain, so Bi Su and the others hoped that Shuimangcao could cure him completely.

Tamara is calm, the water mangcao can only make him live for a few more years, and since this rare drug cannot be found all over the Congling Mountains, he may not be able to persist until the caravan brings back the water mangcao.

Therefore, when the Beirong army was besieging the city, he took more secret medicines, led his own expedition, personally commanded the five armies to attack the Beirong cavalry, and once again defeated the Wakhan Khan, who had swept the northern desert and had a rapid momentum, forcing Beirong and Wang Ting to sign a contract Covenant.

After that battle, Tamara realized that his life was not long, so he made arrangements for the funeral, left the imperial edict, and prepared to return to the king's temple to wait for that day to come.

After his death, there will be no mourning.

As long as the princes and nobles in the city abide by the covenant, within a few years, the royal court will still be able to deter Beirong with his aftermath.

Tamara knew well the man of Wakhan Khan, and knew that the other party was unwilling, and he would definitely test his strength. On the day he left Shacheng, he once again led the army to scare off the deliberately provocative Haidu Aling.

Inadvertently, she rescued Princess Wen Zhao who was desperate.

The medicinal herbs brought by Princess Wenzhao allowed him to survive the torture of the backlash of the exercises once again when he was dying.

Cause and effect follow each other.

Tamara gave the princess asylum and watched her stay in a Buddhist temple. Every day, she recited scriptures ignorantly and pretentiously, while working hard to return to the Central Plains. They seek a place to live.

They didn't get along very much, and they didn't talk much.

The monks in the Buddhist temple were dissatisfied with him, and he had no intention of arguing with the monks. He had already made a choice and was willing to bear all the consequences for this.

However, the princess insisted on defending him, expressing his thoughts and thoughts. Her understanding, respect and admiration for him came from the bottom of her heart, and she was sincere.

After listening to the princess's words through a flower wall, Tan Mo Luojia thought: Maybe Princess Wenzhao can become his classmate.

He remembered what Munda Deva once said, that Princess Wenzhao was quite wise.

Tamara selected some suitable scriptures for the princess, asked the monastery master to lead her to a morning class, and asked her to listen to the preaching with other little novices.

The princess studied very seriously and memorized the scriptures fluently and smoothly.

Most of the summer, in the early morning when the morning light is faint, Tamara sat in the dark Buddhist temple, translating Sanskrit scriptures with a pen, listening to Yaoying standing in front of the novice in the corridor outside and reciting the homework word by word, with a clear voice and a light tone. , like a pearl falling on a jade plate, I knew it in my heart: the princess has a root of wisdom, but the princess has a clear mind and will not become a monk in the end.

He could hear it.

At that moment, there was a faint disappointment in Tamara's heart.

After a while, there was a girl's clear and soft laughter from outside the window. It was like morning dew falling on Bodhi.

The pen in Tamaroka's hand stopped for a while, and the melancholy in his heart disappeared in a flash.

All sentient beings have Buddha-nature, which is my righteousness.

Between the snow peaks, the wind roared.

The burning bonfire was extinguished by the wind and snow.

Tanmaraka regained his senses and tried to exercise.

The faint light sank into the sky, and the boundless darkness pressed down on him, his eyes became blind, and his soul continued to sink and float in the icy darkness.

The whole body was cold and still, the gloomy wind was blowing, the ghosts were everywhere, and the black smoke filled the air.

He continued to fall, his eyes closed, but he could see a terrifying landscape.

The huge iron city is layered on top of each other, spanning thousands of miles, covering the sky and the sun, and countless creatures are trapped in it and suffer.

The iron snake and the bronze dog spit out tongues of fire, and the people driven by the ghost soldiers screamed and wailed in the fire.

The Yaksha evil ghost is full of fangs, sharp as a sword, biting people's flesh and blood, and a ferocious iron eagle fluttering its wings and circling, suddenly swooped down and pecked at the eyes of everyone.

The bones were rotten, the blood turned into rain, and people had nowhere to hide.

Endless hell, death and life.

Tamara has seen such a scene with his own eyes.

The wolves are everywhere, the flames are in the sky, the bones are exposed in the desert, the old and the weak are tragically killed by the sword, the defeated are enslaved, and the victorious city-state is slaughtered by another powerful tribe in a blink of an eye.

The common people, Li Shu, are often invaded by all kinds of suffering.

Before the birth of Tanmaraka, the Tanmo family was imprisoned in the palace. At that time, the royal court had already begun to spread that he was the savior who saved the people. The powerful family was deeply afraid. When he was born, he immediately took him away and imprisoned at the Buddhist temple.

He was far away from the courtiers and the common people since he was a child, and grew up under surveillance at different levels. He still showed extraordinary intelligence and wisdom. The master who taught him the Dharma was overjoyed. The people of the royal court bring peace and tranquility."

The Dharma can enlighten people's hearts, but it cannot stop the vicious people from slaughtering innocent people, and it cannot stop the magnificent and brutal Beirong cavalry.

If you want to pacify the troubled world and let the people of the royal court live and work in peace and contentment, you have to lift the butcher knife and cast the murderous sin.

With Shura's ruthless means, one can protect the peace of one party.

He violated the precept of killing, and he will fall into the endless hell forever. Like the ghosts howling in the mountain of fiery knives, he will endure torment.

Tamaroka folded his hands together, the illusion in his mind slowly faded away, and the hostility between his brows disappeared.

I don't go to hell, who goes to hell.

This is the path he chose.

Tamara opened his eyes, the blue eyes were gleaming, and they seemed to be filled with clear stars.

The night was dark, and the cold wind roared.

He fell beside the extinguished campfire, looked at the red-stained snow, and slowly closed his eyes.

A sudden hissing sound came from the mighty wind.

After a while, there was another high-pitched neigh.

A killer came over

Tamara suddenly woke up, struggled to get up, put on the mask, stood up, and looked at the sound.

In the dim snow light, a strong horse was crawling among the rugged and steep mountain roads. On the horse's back was a low figure, dressed in a thick cloak, with an exquisite figure, not like a killer.

In an instant, the wind stopped, the night wind blew away the low-hanging stratus clouds, and a few light moonlight poured down and caught the figure.

Jianma refused to go forward, and the man on the horse rolled over and dismounted, and stumbled forward.

Tan Moraga lowered her eyebrows and looked down at the figure approaching.

The man fell a lot and continued to climb without saying a word. After a full cup of tea, the crunching sound of boots stepping on the snow came from far to near, and the girl finally climbed up the snowdrift and patted happily. The slush on his body, raised his face, and walked quickly towards Tanmaraga.

The dim moonlight and the refracted snow light reflect a young and charming face.

"General Su!"

When she saw Tamara, she waved to him with a smile, her clothes flew over, and her eyes were bright, like a goddess.

The author has something to say: "Iron snake... Bronze dog..." The illusion in Luo Jia's mind is the description of the Uninterrupted Hell (Avici Hell) in the Buddhist scriptures. Relevant bibliography such as "Damuganlian Saves Mother's Bianwen in the Underworld".

… … … … … … …

Yao Ying patted her chest: It turns out that Tan Mo Luo Jia once wanted me to be a monk.