Thousand Miles of Bright Moonlight

Chapter 94: birthday


Yaoying's hand holding Tan Moraga became stiff little by little, and the cold wind mixed with flying snow hit her face, although the veil was separated, her cheek was still blown cold.

She is not afraid of Zhu Luyun.

The Helong survivors headed by Yuchi and Yang have established a covenant with her. They trust her, not only because they value her status as a princess of the Wei Dynasty, but also because they want to please Tanmo Luojia. Zhu Luyun was a princess from the previous dynasty, she couldn't recruit a large number of troops, and she didn't understand the contradictions and entanglements between various tribes. No matter what the purpose of her appearance was, Yuchi Damo would not be encouraged by her.

Zhu Luyun was not afraid.

The person Yaoying is afraid of is Li Xuanzhen.

Zhu Luyun appeared in an extraterritorial place thousands of miles away from Chang'an. In the book, Li Xuanzhen could do all kinds of unimaginable crazy actions for her. When she found out that she came to the royal court, she would definitely leave everything behind to chase after her.

No matter how many difficulties and obstacles they encounter, these two can always turn them around.

The unfortunate people involved are different.

Getting involved with them is usually not a good thing.

The reason why Yaoying and Li Zhongqian have had such difficult years is because of Li De and Li Xuanzhen's anger. When Tang Shi died, in the eyes of the father and son, everyone should be buried with Tang Shi, no matter if they were innocent.

After Xie Wuliang died, Yaoying, Li Zhongqian and Xie Manyuan could have returned to Jingnan to live a peaceful life, but Li De would not allow it, and Li Xuanzhen would not let them go.

Even if Li Zhongqian does not fight, he has only one death route.

Li Zhongqian didn't fight, he was confused and uninhibited - Yaoying understood that he didn't fight because he knew that once he fought, he would die faster, and he didn't want to implicate her and Xie Manyuan.

He thought that everything would end when he died, but he didn't know that in Li De's eyes, they were his sons and daughters, his subjects, destined to be squeezed and used by him for a lifetime, until there was no residue left.

The Xie family died in battle for him, and Li De just sighed with loyalty.

The emperor is ruthless and unreasonable.

Yaoying knew very well that if she could return to the Central Plains safely and reunite with Li Zhongqian, the brothers and sisters would have to face Li De and his son. This time, she and Li Zhongqian would not exchange forbearance for life.

Before that, she had to be reunited with Li Zhongqian.

But now that Zhu Luyun suddenly appeared in front of her as if falling from the sky, Li Xuanzhen must not be far away.

Where is Li Zhongqian now? Did he know she was in the royal court

Will he be in danger if he encounters Li Xuanzhen

A strong unease hit her heart, Yaoying's body was cold, and her heart trembled slightly.

The melodious camel bells floated in my ears, mixed with the sounds of hawking in Hu, Turkic, Persian, and Sogdian, one after another, the earth wall facing the street was steaming hot, and the Hu people with high noses and deep eyes lifted a huge stove lid. , the iron pliers in his hand penetrated into the red-burning hearth, and quickly pulled out sheets of steaming naan cakes. After a while, there were full of adult men's arm-length naan cakes piled up like mountain buns.

The freshly baked thin naan is full of aroma.

Yaoying came back to her senses, and found that she had been standing in front of the restaurant staring at the pancake, shook her head, raised her face, and looked at Tan Moraga, just about to say a few words of wit, her eyes met his, slightly. Startled.

He was wearing a light-colored turban, and his blue eyes stared at her quietly, as if he could see through all her worries.

The eyes that looked at her were clear and light, but there was a kind of soothing power.

Yaoying looked at Tan Mo Luojia, her heart gradually calmed down, she swallowed all the witticisms, and said softly, "General, I just saw a person I met in the Central Plains."

After he finished speaking, he added, "I don't want to see her... But it's better if I see her. If I knew she appeared in the royal court earlier, I could be on guard against her and the prince earlier."

After clarifying her thoughts, Yaoying let out a light sigh of relief, straightened her slightly protruding chest, and regained her energy.

She let go of Tamara's hand, walked quickly to the restaurant, and bought a few thin naan cakes sprinkled with sesame seeds.

When you are full, you will have the strength to figure out how to deal with it.

Tamara stood on the spot, staring at Yaoying's slender back.

Yaoying bought the cake and went back to Luo Jia without sharing the cake for him. The two went to a post house in Shifang, using the identity of Akbayan, but were told that the post house, which is usually not full, was full.

The other one was full, and even the cellar was filled with merchants.

After changing several post houses in succession, she still found nothing, Yaoying couldn't help but ask Tan Mo Luojia: "Is there any festival in the royal court recently?"

Tamara shook his head.

The next Hushang didn't find a place to live. He passed by them, heard the words, grinned, and asked, "Aren't you from Wang Ting?"

Yaoying replied, "Lang Jun and I came from Yangma City."

Yangma City is a place where the Han people live.

Hu Shang smiled and said: "No wonder you don't know that the beginning of next month is the Buddha's birthday. In order to rush to the holy city to pay homage to the Buddha before his birthday, people from a radius of hundreds of miles are rushing to the royal court. There are not many heaven and man. When the weather is warmer, the avenues are full of believers who go to the holy city to worship the Buddha! At that time, it was very lively, and the city could not be crowded. sleep."

Yaoying looked stunned and looked up at Tan Mo Luojia. He grew up in the royal court, but he didn't know such an important day

Tamaroka frowned slightly.

Yaoying turned her head and continued to inquire with Hu Shang.

She wore several layers of leather jackets, but she could still see her slender figure, her eyes were slender and charming, and at a glance she could tell that she was a young and beautiful girl. She spoke politely and had a sweet voice. Hu Shang was happy to show his views in front of her. He has a lot of knowledge, and he will answer whatever she asks, knowing everything.

Yaoying chatted with Hu Shang for a while, and her heart moved, and she pretended to ask casually, "I saw Beirong people at the city gate just now. They were carrying a very grand sedan chair. They also went to the holy city to worship Buddha?"

The soldiers who escorted Zhu Luyun were full of braided hair, wore a machete on the waist, and wore what appeared to be Beirong clothing.

Hu Shang nodded: "You must be talking about Princess Beirong."

Yaoying's mouth twitched: Why did Zhu Luyun become Princess Beirong again

Hu Shang smugly twisted his beard, and then showed off: "Wakhan Khan of Beirong was frightened by our Buddhist son. He heard that the Buddha son's birthday was coming soon, and he sent an envoy to send congratulations to the Buddha son. Princess Beirong came with the embassy, and it is said that it was a princess who was picked up by the Khan from China from China..."

Speaking of this, he coughed a few times, and his expression suddenly became ambiguous, "This Princess Beirong is like Princess Wenzhao of Buddha, and she is also a Han girl."

The two Chinese characters are particularly heavy.

Suddenly hearing her name, Yaoying's eyelids jumped, thinking of the rumors she heard in Gaochang, she felt guilty for no reason, so she quickly changed the subject, chatted with Hu Shang for a few words, and pulled Tan Mo Luojia away.

After half an hour, Yaoying finally found a post house with vacancies, and immediately asked the buddy for a can of water, filtered it, boiled it on the stove in the room, and asked the buddy to buy a few sheets of filling without grease. The round thick naan cakes were served on a plate and handed to Thamaraka.

"General, you have some food and a good rest."

This is what Yaoying learned from Yuanjue, she remembers his taste.

Tan Mo Luojia didn't sit down, watching Yaoying busy, his eyes fell on the back of her left hand and motioned her to reach out.

Yaoying stretched out her hand.

Tamara took off her leather gloves gently, and the print seemed to have faded a little. He picked up a clean cloth and wiped her wound with clean water, dried the water droplets, and reapplied the medicine to her. Wear leather gloves.

"Princess rest."

His tone was cold and his face was expressionless, but the movement of applying the ointment to Yaoying just now was very gentle, and when his long fingers brushed the back of her hand, he deliberately withdrew his strength.

The colder he is now, the more gentle he is.

It's like a pool of spring water in an ice cube.

Yaoying's heart skipped a few beats, she looked at Tan Moraga suspiciously, and with a snort, she moved to the opposite side of the stove and sat down with her legs crossed.

Tamara ate some naan cakes and continued to exercise and regulate breathing.

Yaoying put her hands on her cheeks, thinking about her thoughts while guarding him. She chose the best room in the post house and set up a felt tent by the fire. It was very warm without wearing a leather jacket. Much more comfortable.

Suddenly, the sky darkened.

Yaoying went outside, ate something, and went back to the fire to continue guarding Tamara.

The night was getting darker, and there were a few strange screams outside the window.

Tamara slowly opened his eyes.

The candles flickered at dusk, Yaoying sat opposite him, her chin resting on one hand, looking tired, her red bloodshot eyes were wide open, but she was not in a good mood. She shook her head every once in a while, trying to stay awake.

Tamaroka glanced at the candlestick, and there were piles of candle tears that had already condensed into pieces under the short case.

She guarded him for another day.

Tamara swept his sleeves lightly, flicked out the candle, and said, "Place the princess."

Yaoying was shocked, she sat upright subconsciously, her eyes widened and she said nonsense: "It's okay, I'm not tired."

As he spoke, he yawned.

The candle went out, leaving only the faint light from the stove. In the dimness, there was a rustling sound in the room, a dark shadow flashed in front of Yaoying's eyes, and a tall, tall man suddenly appeared in front of her.

She stayed for a while, her hand stopped in the air.

Tamara stood in front of her, held her wrist, and slowly leaned down, her face covered with ferocious wounds was getting closer and closer to her.

The fire was dim, and the room was filled with darkness that couldn't be dissolved. His body full of tension pressed down on her, as if a majestic mountain was shrouded down, and his breath was cold.

Yaoying looked blank, met those quiet blue eyes, and held her breath.

Close at hand, his gentle breathing fell on her face.

Yaoying ducked back for a while, and Tamara got closer.

There was a sudden strangeness on his neck. He pulled her with his left hand, gently opened her collar with his right, and put his fingers in. He didn't know when to take off the black leather gloves, and the dry fingers were warm and smooth against her. On the skin, there is a little pressure.

Yaoying's body shuddered twice, and before she had time to ask, she didn't know where his fingers touched, and a wave of fatigue came over her, her body was sore, her eyes darkened, and she fell into Tamaroka's arms.

Tan Mo Luojia caught Yaoying and continued to press the acupoints with her fingers, listening to her breathing becoming longer, she retracted her fingers, held her shoulders to help her lie down, pulled the felt blanket to cover her, and gently pressed the quilt down. horn.

The fire reflected on Yaoying's half face, her brows and eyes were picturesque, and there was a light blue circle around her eye sockets.

Tamara returned to the fire and continued to meditate.

The wind was howling outside the post house, and an hour later, the sound of hurried footsteps suddenly sounded in the silent night sky, and someone walked on the tile roof.

Tamara opened her eyes and glanced at Yaoying opposite the stove. She rolled over under the felt blanket and faced him. She was sound asleep and showed no signs of waking up.

He got up and left the felt tent, closed the tent, left the room, and pushed open the outermost window.

A shadow groped and jumped into the house, stood still, saluted him, raised his face, and said, "Prince Regent, General Ashina has arrived in Shacheng. The general set a trap in Shacheng according to the instructions of the Regent, and captured them together. The three waves of killers are mostly young men who were captured by various tribes, as well as Wang Tingren.”

Tamara asked, "How about General Ashina?"

The visitor replied in a low voice, "General Ashina is well prepared, but he was only slightly injured. He was slashed on his arm. The bleeding has stopped, and there is no serious problem."

After speaking, he asked, "The general asked the regent, what should I do with those killers?"

Tamara took out a parchment scroll: "I want him to act according to the plan, without torturing the killer."

The visitor respectfully took the parchment and stuffed it into his arms.

Tamara stood under the window, and suddenly asked, "Beijing sent an envoy to the royal court?"

The person who came hurriedly said: "This subordinate is about to report this matter, and the king's birthday is coming soon. In addition to the embassies sent by Beirong, the embassies of other countries have also arrived in the holy city one after another... Not only Beirong sent a princess, but now Saint There are several princesses in the city, and I heard that several princesses are beautiful and have not yet promised to marry."

Tamara hummed softly.

The visitor bowed and quietly withdrew.

Tanmaraka frowned lightly, stared at the night, and became fascinated for a while.

There was another creaking noise in front of the window, and a figure cautiously climbed and groped, got into the house, rolled on the ground, and stood up to salute Tamara.

It was the guards who were ordered to inform the various city lords.

"Prince Regent, my subordinates have asked them all over the place. The city lords said that there is nothing abnormal in the city, but the horse farm and the station where the troops are stationed have people and horses mobilized. Because of the cold weather, many herdsmen's cattle and sheep are frozen to death. It is time to send someone to conduct a detailed investigation. The roster of the garrison transfer this year has not yet been drawn up. Only the city lord of Yuexiao City is drafting a list of recommended guards this month. He has recorded several changes of officers and soldiers on duty, and his subordinates bring the draft documents with them. came back."

Tamara took over the document.

Fate lit the candle.

Tamara opened the document, read it through the ten lines by the faint candlelight, and raised his eyes.

The relationship between the five armies of the royal court, the major families, and the garrisoned troops of all the city-states and towns is complicated, such as intertwined. There are more than a dozen volumes of parchment that record the annual exchange and rotation, but he is well-informed and knowledgeable. I always keep things in my heart, just take a look at Yue Xiaocheng's directory to know which mobilizations are abnormal.

He looked calm and told Yuanjue: "You don't have to go to Yuexiaocheng anymore, go directly to Shacheng and tell Ashina to be careful of the Xue family."

Yuanjue's heart tightened, and she whispered yes.