Thousands of Heartbeats

Chapter 38


Chen Lunan is a man with a heavy sense of responsibility. Ever since he agreed to divorce Yan Qiuzhi, he has never thought about getting a divorce.

Even if, at first, there was no emotion at all.

But he is responsible.

What he said today is extremely rare.

Unfortunately, that was not what Yan Qiuzhi wanted.

Chen Lunan left, and the living room returned to tranquility.

Yan Qiuzhi finished the last bit of noodles. As for the bowl of noodles that was beautiful and delicious at the beginning, after waiting for more than ten minutes, the soup was absorbed by the noodles and became sticky. It makes people speechless.

As it is with noodles, so it is with people.

In the past, Yan Qiuzhi was actually quite free and easy, but recently, she felt that she was getting more and more fussy.

That night, after Yan Qiuzhi had eaten, she turned to a movie and came out to watch it.

While watching, the phone vibrated.

She looked down and saw that it was a message from the production team of "Slow Life", reminding her that the show will start tomorrow night. If you don't mind, I want her to forward it on Weibo to promote it.

Only then did Yan Qiuzhi suddenly realize that it was only half a month since the last time he recorded this variety show.

Obviously... It seems that many things have happened.

She nodded back at the message and continued watching the movie. Tired of watching, Yan Qiuzhi began to do yoga in the room. After feeling comfortable all over, she went back to her room to take a bath, skin care and sleep.

Yan Qiuzhi suddenly discovered that a person's life is really interesting.

The next day, considering the reason she had just returned to China, Sister Meng didn't arrange a job for her.

Yan Qiuzhi woke up naturally from sleep, and not long after waking up, she heard the doorbell outside the house.

She was a little surprised. In her memory, it was impossible for Chen Lunan to come.

When I walked to the door and looked, it really wasn't.

"Hi, is this Miss Yan's house?"

Yan Qiuzhi: "...what's the matter?"

"We were arranged by Mr. Chen to deliver meals to Ms. Yan."

Yan Qiuzhi: "..."

She opened the door and looked at the person standing outside the door, who was a staff member of a certain hotel.

She looked down at the thing in her hand, and said lightly, "Sorry, I don't need it."

The staff was a little embarrassed, looked at her and said, "Miss Yan, Mr. Chen said that it must be delivered to you."

He said, "Can I trouble you to sign for it?"



Yan Qiuzhi said without hesitation: "You carry it back, and he won't punish you in any way."

The staff still wanted to struggle, but Yan Qiuzhi immediately closed the door.

Chen Lunan hadn't reached the point where he had to haggle over every detail with the staff, and on this point, Yan Qiuzhi couldn't understand him.

Thinking of this, Yan Qiuzhi became even more irritable.

Is she crazy, why should she trust such a dog man.

Hearing the apologetic voice of the staff, Chen Lunan said slowly, "It's okay, don't send it away."

He said, "It's troublesome."

After hanging up the phone, Cheng Zhan turned to look at him: "Deliver food to Yan Yan?"


Cheng Zhan stared at him for a while, and asked, "What's the matter with you two? Last night, Qingqing crazily complained about men in the group. Did she mean you?"

Inexplicably last night, a large group of men were all dissed by Shen Muqing, and it couldn't be said to be a diss, but Shen Muqing pointed and scolded Huai in the group, saying a lot of things that men are nothing.

Jiang Chen didn't understand, so he cooperated with the explanation at the beginning, but after a while, he could only be obediently scolded by Shen Muqing.

Of course, Shen Muqing's war did not lead to Cheng Zhan and others, but Jiang Chen was scolded miserably.

Thinking about it now, those words of Shen Muqing were meant for Chen Lunan, scolding him.

Chen Lunan paused, then looked at him: "Do you know women?"

Hearing this, Cheng Zhan laughed: "How dare you ask such a question?"

He said: "I don't know women well, but Yan Yan does. Tell me about the situation of the two of you."

Chen Lunan was silent for a long time, and said, "She wants a divorce."

The office was quiet for a moment, and Cheng Zhan was surprised by Chen Lunan's words. He subconsciously took a sip from one side of the cup, and then asked, "Are you cheating?"

Chen Lunan: "..."

He looked at Cheng Zhan coldly.

Cheng Zhan couldn't laugh or cry, his mouth was scalded by the tea, and he said slowly, "It's not why I asked, it's because of Yan Yan's character that she can propose a divorce with you, it must be because of what heinous things you have done."

He said, "It's not like you don't know how tolerant Yan Yan is."

Yan Qiuzhi is the kind of person who is very sensitive to emotions. She knows how the Yan family treats her.

With some subtle actions, she can detect whether others like her or dislike her, hate her or something else. But she could bear it. When she first returned to Yan's house, she was bullied by Yan Jiachi and Du Bing a lot, and she swallowed all her grievances.

That time, it was Yan Jiachi who mentioned her mother, and she had a quarrel with Yan Jiachi and ran away from home.

After that, no matter how bad Yan Jiachi treated her, or how Du Bing threatened her, she endured it all.

She has very few friends, but everyone she makes is very kind to her and has a good relationship with her.

Yan Qiuzhi doesn't make friends easily, she is like a little turtle, if you treat her well, she will poke her head out to test and approach you quietly, but as long as you treat her a little bit badly, or Usually, she will retract into her turtle shell.

I won't show it too much, but I will definitely not talk to you or get close to you.

On this point, Cheng Zhan knew, and Chen Lunan knew even more.

He was silent, and after a little silence, he said, "No."

In fact, he didn't really know why Yan Qiuzhi acted like this all of a sudden.


Chen Lunan thought of that phone call: "My dad had a car accident, and I didn't tell her."

Cheng Zhan: "..."

He looked at Chen Lunan, and said quietly: "Then you deserve it."


It was the first time for him to do emotional analysis for others: "Yan Yan is a person who thinks a lot, you don't tell her about such important things, and let her know from other people's news media, what do you think she is in your heart?" how is it like?"

Chen Lunan didn't say anything.

Cheng Zhan shook his head: "You are sober about everything, but you are the most confused about things like feelings."

Chen Lunan was powerless to explain.

Things have happened, and all that needs to be done is to make up for it.

But the problem is that now Yan Qiuzhi doesn't accept any compensation.

Cheng Zhan looked at his dark face and suddenly felt a little sympathetic.

He chuckled softly: "Find a chance to explain to Yan Yan, she is not someone who will not listen."


"Still getting a divorce?"

Cheng Zhan was surprised.

Chen Lunan nodded: "Yes."

Cheng Zhan choked up, thought for a while and said, "What did you say?"

"She said divorce, but I don't want to."

Cheng Zhan: "..."

He paused: "What else?" He suddenly thought of Lin Yuan's Weibo from yesterday, and immediately asked, "What's going on with Lin Yuan's Weibo?"

Chen Lunan: "I don't know."

Cheng Zhan sneered: "It's time to deal with your rotten peach blossoms. You don't know it, but Yan Yan knows it."

He said coldly: "You didn't tell Yan Yan about Uncle Chen's car accident. I know, she went to the hospital as soon as possible."

Cheng Zhan paused for a moment, and commented: "With these two things together, you deserve a divorce. No woman can bear this kind of provocation."

What Lin Yuan did was to provoke Yan Qiuzhi.

Even though she didn't know that Yan Qiuzhi and Chen Lunan were husband and wife, her behavior seemed to tell everyone that she had a very close relationship with Chen Lunan.

If it were any woman, she would be so angry that she would vomit blood.

Cheng Zhan looked at Chen Lunan's completely invisible face, and stopped stabbing him.

"You should reflect on yourself, Yan Yan is afraid of expressing, you don't like expressing, just have a good chat and make it clear."


"Let's talk business."

He came here to discuss business.

Chen Lunan said "um" and withdrew his thoughts.

At noon, Yan Qiuzhi went to the hospital once.

When she arrived, Mother Chen happened to be there.

"Dad, how are you feeling today?"

Father Chen smiled and said, "It's pretty good."

He looked at Yan Qiuzhi: "Yan Yan didn't work today?"


Yan Qiuzhi nodded, and said softly, "Take a break for these two days."

Father Chen nodded, knowing it clearly: "Don't be too tired at work, and give yourself a vacation once in a while."


The ward was quiet for a while, Father Chen looked at Yan Qiuzhi for a while, and suddenly asked: "Yan Yan, have you discussed with Chen Lunan about when you want a child?"

Yan Qiuzhi was startled, she looked at the elder in front of her eyes full of expectation, she was a little dumb for a moment.

She and Chen Lunan should have no children.

Father Chen sighed and said, "You guys have been married for almost two years, have you thought about this?"

Yan Qiuzhi paused for a while, lowered her eyes and said, "Father, things like children should be based on fate."

Father Chen's eyes lit up, and he was quite pleasantly surprised: "That means you are willing to have a child?"

Yan Qiuzhi didn't understand what he meant.

Father Chen continued: "Then help persuade Chen Lunan. Last time I told him, he said that you don't plan to have children. I thought it was because of your work..."

Later, Yan Qiuzhi didn't listen to what Chen's father said.

She only kept playing one sentence in her mind-Chen Lunan didn't plan to have her child.

He never thought about it.

Even when the elders proposed it, they refused it.

Yan Qiuzhi suddenly felt that a temporary separation seemed unnecessary, and a direct divorce would be more appropriate.

A man doesn't even want to have children with you, so why talk about other things.

Yan Qiuzhi used to think that with their plastic husband and wife relationship, one day there might still be a child as a pivot to ease the relationship between the two, and then they would live their lives respecting each other like a guest for the rest of their lives.

But now, it seems that in just a few days, all the thoughts I thought before were reduced to ashes and disappeared.

When Shen Muqing found Yan Qiuzhi, she was sitting on the side of the road, wearing a dark down jacket, a woolen cap, and a mask on her face, she looked like a homeless child.

She felt a little uncomfortable for a moment.

This scene overlapped with many years ago.

At that time, it was also winter, Yan Qiuzhi was wearing thin clothes, a pair of slippers, and no socks, and walked outside while wiping away tears.

The snot flowed from crying, and the frozen face was red.

Shen Muqing is a favored little princess at home, the kind that the whole family coaxes and takes care of. Seeing Yan Qiuzhi like this by surprise, she is angry, distressed, and a little bit sympathetic.

She knew this younger sister, who was a few months younger than her, and she was the daughter just brought back by the Yan family.

At that moment, Shen Muqing took her back to her home, gave her her clothes to wear, and asked her aunt to cook for her.

Yan Qiuzhi was timid at the time, she ate without making a sound, and ate very slowly.

She looked anxiously from the side, Yan Qiuzhi explained in a low voice, saying that the aunt said that people who eat too fast are wild children, and no one wants them.

Shen Muqing gave her the clothes, but she was afraid of getting them dirty, so she just held them in her hands and dared not wear them.

That night, Shen Muqing pulled Yan Qiuzhi to sleep with her.

At first, I slept well.

In the middle of the night, Shen's mother and Shen's father happened to go out to attend the banquet that day, and they didn't return home until after twelve o'clock.

Every night after arriving home, Shen's mother would go to see Shen Muqing.

She also knew about Yan Qiuzhi's arrival at her home.

It's just that what she didn't expect was that the aunt told her that the two slept together and held hands.

When she went to the room to check, Shen Muqing was alone on the bed, and Yan Qiuzhi was sleeping under the bed hugging a quilt.

Fearing that the children would catch a cold, the aunt prepared two quilts for them. Yan Qiuzhi woke up in the middle of the night, probably thinking that this was inappropriate, so she got out of bed with the quilts alone, folded them in half, and let herself slip in.

After returning to Yan's house, she lived too cautiously. Later, when she grew up, her personality changed a lot, and she gradually became bolder, but in fact, she was still sensitive and inferior in her bones.

She was afraid that she would not do well and that she would not be liked, so she hid some of her emotions.

After entering the entertainment circle, Yan Qiuzhi became a little presumptuous because of Chen Lunan's background.

Because of this, she offended many people, but now... she seems to have become that fragile and lonely little girl again.

Shen Muqing thought about it, took a deep breath to suppress her tears that were about to well up, and shouted: "Yanyan, why are you sitting here alone?"

Yan Qiuzhi turned to look at her, leaned on her shoulder, and said softly, "I just want to come out and have a look, I'm a little tired."

Shen Muqing reached out and patted her on the head: "Why are you tired?"

"Aren't I very good at it?"

Yan Qiuzhi asked suddenly.

Shen Muqing was startled, and glared at her: "What did you do, don't say that."


Yan Qiuzhi raised her eyes to see the flow of people coming and going, and said unhurriedly: "It is clearly agreed to be a plastic couple with Chen Lunan, and we will fly separately when the disaster is imminent, but why should I care about Lin Yuan with him now? Forget what the car accident didn't tell me."

In fact, Yan Qiuzhi hates herself like this, she shouldn't care about it, why should she care so much.

Isn't it good to pretend that you don't know anything, and turn a blind eye? How happy you are to live.

Shen Muqing was silent for a while, then looked down at her: "Yanyan... have you ever thought about having a heart-to-heart chat with Chen Lunan?"

She said: "You are like this now... haven't you noticed your feelings for Chen Lunan?"

Yan Qiuzhi pursed the corners of her mouth tightly and said nothing.

It is because I noticed it that I wanted to stop when I just had some extravagant thoughts.

It might be uncomfortable for a while to break it now, but if it is delayed for a longer time, Yan Qiuzhi is afraid that she will not be able to pull back.

She was silent for a while, and just when Shen Muqing thought she would not answer, she replied: "Yes."

To be honest, there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

She really fell in love with Chen Lunan, as for when it started, Yan Qiuzhi didn't know.

Shen Muqing listened, thought for a while and said: "Then communicate again."

She said: "It's because one of you doesn't want to talk about it, and the other doesn't like to express it, which led to this situation."

"You know better than us how Chen Lunan treats you."

Chen Lunan was kind to Yan Qiuzhi, but that kindness was only a responsibility.

At least that's what I learned from Father Chen.

She opened her mouth and said softly: "I just came out of the hospital. Dad said that he asked Chen Lunan during the Chinese New Year if he thought about having a child. He said no."

Shen Muqing: "..."

Her eyelids twitched, and she suddenly felt that she couldn't save Chen Lunan.

As soon as they finished speaking, their phones vibrated at the same time.

"Who is it?"

Shen Muqing muttered and clicked on it, and what she saw was the news feed, Chen Lunan and Lin Yuan's love affair was exposed, and they had a tryst late at night.

The first time she saw the news feed, Shen Muqing knew it was over.

With Chen Lunan like this, no one can save him, really.

"Yanyan... I think there must be some misunderstanding."

Shen Muqing tried her best to say: "This news should be a long time ago, right?"


Yan Qiuzhi looked at the two people in the photo, and said softly, "Last night."

Last night, Chen Lunan was wearing this outfit. He likes to change watches very much, and he loves watches. The watch he was wearing yesterday was given by Yan Qiuzhi. Chen Lunan wore it.

There is a photo in the photo with a watch exposed, which is exactly the same as last night.

She just finds it funny now that a person who forced herself to say that she would not get a divorce last night went on a late-night tryst with other women as soon as she turned around.

what is this.

After Yan Qiuzhi finished watching the news, the news was full of cheers for the news that the two were dating, and they were happy to see it come true.

She turned off her phone, turned to look at Shen Muqing: "Accompany me to the law firm?"

"… good."

Chen Lunan received the news immediately.

He and Lin Yuan were on the hot search.

"Remove the hot search."


Wang Kang replied: "I understand."

Chen Lunan's actions were quick, the trending search had already been removed within half an hour, and the studio followed up with a statement.

Said that Chen Lunan and Lin Yuan had no other relationship other than being former partners.

The reason why the two met was to discuss a personal matter.

But netizens didn't believe it at all. All afternoon, Wang Kang, Brother Yu and everyone in the studio stared at Weibo. If there was a slight sign, they would withdraw.

Don't dare to delay for a moment.

No one dared to slack off with Chen Lunan's tone of voice when he called.

Chen Lunan was relieved to see the trending searches disappearing on the Internet.

He took out his mobile phone and subconsciously wanted to send a message to Yan Qiuzhi.

Chen Lunan: [Yan Yan, have you eaten yet?]

Yan Qiuzhi didn't return.

Chen Lunan then made two phone calls, but they couldn't get through, Yan Qiuzhi blocked him.

Chen Lunan felt restless, but his assistant came over: "Mr. Chen, it's time for a meeting."

Chen Lunan suppressed his impatience, closed his eyes and replied in a low voice: "Come right away."

After the meeting was over, Chen Lunan received a courier.

He has been sitting in Chengsheng for the past few days, but he seldom shows up. Except for Chen's father's assistants and senior management who know his identity, the people below him are very strict, and no one dares to discuss it.

When the courier arrived at the company, Chen Lunan was required to sign for receipt, and the assistant did not dare to slack off.

He knocked on the door and went in. Chen Lunan was processing documents with his head down. The man's side profile was hidden in the sunlight, clear and bright.

"What's up?"

The assistant withdrew his emotional gaze, and said with a suppressed voice: "Mr. Chen, there is a courier here, and I asked you to sign for it."

According to the normal process, it couldn't be delivered to Chen Lunan's side, but the person who delivered the courier was Jiang Chen's assistant, and the assistant here had seen it before, so he did it on his behalf.

Chen Lunan frowned, looking at the document that the assistant gave him.

He looked down, and his face changed when he saw a familiar handwriting.

"go out."

The assistant was startled, hurried out, and closed the door behind him.

Chen Lunan looked at the document courier on the side, and his hands suddenly trembled.

He suddenly didn't want to look at it, and he didn't want to face it.

For the first time, Chen Lunan wanted to escape.

Opening it, it was no surprise that Chen Lunan saw the words of the divorce agreement.

On the last page, at the end of the page, she had already signed it smartly.

After Yan Qiuzhi sent the divorce agreement, she felt much more relaxed.

Shen Muqing watched from the side, feeling a little distressed.

"Is it really decided?"


Yan Qiuzhi raised her eyebrows and looked at her with a smile: "I'm single again, don't you congratulate me?"

Shen Muqing couldn't say congratulations.

She is too uncomfortable.

She stretched out her hand and hugged Yan Qiuzhi: "I have to go to the filming crew tomorrow, do you want to stay there for a while?"

"Need not."

Yan Qiuzhi said: "I have an audition tomorrow, if it goes well, I should be in the group too."

Shen Muqing nodded, expressing her understanding: "Okay, then call me if you need anything."


The two had dinner outside, and in order to make Yan Qiuzhi happy, Shen Muqing even took her to a famous luxury shopping mall and gave her bags one after another.

Yan Qiuzhi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, knowing that this was her alternative method of comforting others, she didn't reject her, and accepted everything.

It was very late, and Yan Qiuzhi returned home with the big and small bags.

As soon as the elevator door opened, she saw the man standing at the door of the house. He was hidden sideways in the night, faintly visible, with a cigarette in his finger, and his eyes were scarlet.

Yan Qiuzhi suppressed the smile on her face, and lowered her head to enter the password as if she hadn't seen him.

As soon as she opened the door and entered the room, the man behind her followed in.

"Chen Lunan."

Yan Qiuzhi raised her volume and called out, "What are you doing?"

The lights in the room have not been turned on yet, so only the moonlight from the floor-to-ceiling windows will come in, which is not considered bright.

Yan Qiuzhi subconsciously wanted to turn on the light, but Chen Lunan held her hand down.

The bag in her hand fell to the ground, Chen Lunan leaned over, and said in a hoarse voice: "I have nothing to do with Lin Yuan."

He explained: "Last night, I had a temporary incident. I went to see Director Guan. When I came out, I happened to bump into her."

Chen Lunan discussed casting with Director Guan, but he was busy recently, so he declined to participate in this matter.

Director Guan invited him to have a drink, and Chen Lunan went straight over after leaving Yan Qiuzhi's place.


He asked Wang Kang to contact and delete Lin Yuan's Weibo, but Lin Yuan was unwilling.

Chen Lunan asked the studio to sue directly. Even if the infringement of portrait rights is unreasonable, it is completely fine. He has the most ace lawyer on his side, so he will not lose this lawsuit.

It was the first time he acted so ruthlessly, without saving any sympathy.

Lin Yuan also received the news, and after finding out where Chen Lunan was, she immediately followed.

She directly stopped Chen Lunan: "Mr. Chen, do you have to be so terrific?"

Chen Lunan didn't even give her a look, and said coldly: "Miss Lin is self-aware."

Lin Yuan didn't quite understand why she would be sued for taking a photo.

"Do your fans secretly take pictures of you?"

Chen Lunan said: "That's my fan, what is your identity?"

Lin Yuan opened her mouth, and suddenly she didn't recognize this person.

"At least we are partners."

Hearing this, Chen Lunan sneered: "So what."

He said: "Miss Lin, people need to know what they are interested in."

After finishing speaking, Chen Lunan turned around and left.

Lin Yuan had known him for so long, and this was the first time she saw Chen Lunan get angry. And the object of this anger is still himself.

She didn't quite understand, and asked in a desperate struggle: "Why?"

Chen Lunan paused, turned his back to her and said, "Because of you, my wife is unhappy."