Thousands of Heartbeats

Chapter 64


Seeing Yan Qiuzhi's cute expression, Chen Lunan let out a low laugh, and asked with a low voice on purpose, "Are you scared?"

Yan Qiuzhi: "..."

She choked up and squinted at him: "I won't be threatened."

Chen Lunan bent his lower lip.

Yan Qiuzhi glanced at him, turned her gaze to the TV, and said softly, "All the netizens are praising you."

Chen Lunan also looked at his side, and said lightly: "They should be talking about you now."


In the next second, Yan Qiuzhi saw the picture of herself climbing a tree.

Instantly, looking at the person who climbed the tree through the screen, she thinks that person is an idiot.

Yan Qiuzhi couldn't figure it out, was she crazy at that time, why would she do such a thing? !

For a moment, Yan Qiuzhi was very embarrassed.

There were even more bullet screens flying up, and netizens were shocked by Yan Qiuzhi's operation.

[? ? ?]

[Wait a moment! ! This tree climber is my goddess? ? ?]

[? ? ? What is Yan Qiuzhi doing! ! !]

[My goddess is really good at climbing trees! Better than me, a kid who grew up in the countryside.]

[Looking at Yan Qiuzhi's vigorous figure... I really never thought that one day I would see a female celebrity climbing a tree, and I even enjoyed watching it with great interest.]

Yan Qiuzhi looked at the barrage and was speechless.

Inadvertently, she could still see the smile in Chen Lunan's pupils.

After being silent for a while, Yan Qiuzhi looked at him: "...what are you laughing at?"

Chen Lunan: "Huh?"

Yan Qiuzhi "hummed" and muttered in a low voice, "Is my image as a fairy just gone?"



"Yeah." Chen Lunan answered her unhurriedly: "In my place, it has always been."

Hearing this, Yan Qiuzhi was happy.

Although these words sound a bit false, but women are still willing to listen to such false words that boast themselves occasionally, and their vanity has been satisfied to a certain extent.

The two watch variety shows at the same time from a distance. Yan Qiuzhi likes to discuss with people, and talks to Chen Lunan while watching.

At this time, the netizens who were watching the variety show kept sending barrage, especially when Chen Lunan also appeared under the coconut tree, they vaguely noticed something was wrong.

Although a lot has been edited out, Sherlock Holmes fans can always pick out a little detail from it.

They always felt that the atmosphere between Yan Qiuzhi and Chen Lunan was a little strange.

And how did Yan Qiuzhi get down from the tree? Why did the other guests around look a little weird after coming down.

Chen Lunan seemed to be a little special to Yan Qiuzhi, and the special was a little too much.

That night, after the variety show ended.

Yan Qiuzhi was also on the hot search with Chen Lunan.

Not only that, but many netizens who watched secretly posted questions on Weibo——does anyone think that the relationship between Chen Lunan and Yan Qiuzhi is a bit strange

This question has been answered by many people.

Yan Qiuzhi waited for Chen Lunan to come out of the shower, and scrolled through Weibo several times.

There were a lot of comments on Weibo, and she vaguely felt that her relationship with Chen Lunan really couldn't be hidden anymore.

When Chen Lunan came out of the shower, what he saw was her worried picture.

"What's wrong?"

Yan Qiuzhi raised her eyes to look at him, just after taking a shower, his hair has not been completely dried, it is in a half-dry, half-wet, limp state, it looks a little milky for no reason, a little indescribably soft.

She stared at it for a while before pulling back her thoughts: "Why don't you dry your hair?"

Chen Lunan chuckled softly: "Don't worry, what's the matter?"

Yan Qiuzhi raised her chin and said, "I feel like netizens are going to find out."

She said: "You go to the trending search, and many people say that the edited variety show is weird, especially the atmosphere between the two of us."

Hearing this, Chen Lunan raised his eyebrows: "En."

He comforted Yan Qiuzhi: "Don't worry too much, there won't be any problems." He said: "Brother Yu and the others will keep an eye on this."


The two chatted for a while, Yan Qiuzhi looked at the time: "Shouldn't you go to bed?"

Chen Lunan looked at her with a half-smile: "What time will the movie be filmed tomorrow?"

"Let's do it."

Chen Lunan nodded: "I'll take Yan Jiachi to the airport, you don't need to pick him up, I'll arrange someone to take him there."

Yan Qiuzhi nodded subconsciously, then was taken aback suddenly: "Aren't you coming?"

Chen Lunan looked at her with raised eyebrows, and asked in a low voice, "Miss me?"

"..." Yan Qiuzhi glared at him: "No."

Chen Lunan didn't listen to her duplicity, and explained, "I'm flying abroad tomorrow night."

He said: "There is an event to participate in, which was decided before."

Hearing this, Yan Qiuzhi didn't know whether she was a little disappointed or what happened.

She nodded, expressing her understanding: "Is it a film festival?"


Chen Lunan wiped his hair with a towel, and said in a low voice, "Yes, I promised to attend before."

Hearing this, Yan Qiuzhi nodded, smiled and said, "Then I'll watch it online."

Chen Lunan smiled and bent his lips: "Okay."

He looked at Yan Qiuzhi, paused for a while and said, "When we are free, let's go out for a walk."


The two chatted for a while, and after Yan Qiuzhi fell asleep unknowingly, Chen Lunan heard the sound of shallow breathing from the other side, and then hung up the phone.

The two parties didn't pay much attention to the network situation, but they didn't know that Sherlock Holmes fans had already started looking for points of intersection between the two.

The next morning, as soon as Yan Qiuzhi arrived at the set, a staff member talked to her excitedly.

"Sister Qiu Zhi! Your variety show is so good."

"Yes, yes, we all watched it last night."

Hearing this, Yan Qiuzhi smiled: "Really?"


Several people excitedly said, "Did something get edited out in the middle?"

Yan Qiuzhi blinked: "You should ask the director."

Everyone: "..."

They knew that she must know the inside story, but everyone really didn't dare to ask.

After joking with everyone, Yan Qiuzhi went into the dressing room to put on makeup.

As soon as she entered, even the makeup teacher told her about last night's variety show: "I found that your casting for this variety show is really good."

Yan Qiuzhi smiled: "Really?"

"Really." The teacher said: "There is you, there is also Teacher Chen Lunan, and Director Lin, Guan He feels a little cute in variety shows, Zhuang Ziang is also funny, and that little beauty, what's her name. "

"Xiang Yueming."

"Yes, yes, she looks really pretty."

Yan Qiuzhi was chatting with the makeup artist, and Mu Xin also arrived.

After hearing the topic, I chatted with the two of them: "Sister Qiu Zhi, your variety shows are so popular."

Yan Qiuzhi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Is there?"


Mu Xin said: "I checked Weibo this morning, and I found a lot of your trending searches." She looked at Yan Qiuzhi curiously: "Sister Qiuzhi, how can you climb trees? How did you get down later?"

Yan Qiuzhi smiled, and said lightly, "It just came down like that."

She said: "Someone helped me and borrowed the stairs."

Mu Xin nodded, and said to himself: "I always feel that something was edited out there."

Yan Qiuzhi: "...Well, maybe the director thinks it's inappropriate."

Mu Xin turned to look at her for a while, then smiled: "Maybe."

Yan Qiuzhi closed her eyes and let the makeup artist toss her face, but did not open her eyes to see her expression.

Not long after, Yan Qiuzhi put on makeup and went out to film.

She asked Zhuzhu to help her look at her mobile phone, and she had to answer the phone in time.


Chen Lunan sent Yan Jiachi to the airport and gave him a few words of advice.

"Go there and don't make your sister angry."


Yan Jiachi said stiffly: "Understood."

He said: "Why are you so wordy, doesn't my sister despise you?"

Chen Lunan stood aside with one hand in his pocket, and said flatly, "Then you have to ask your sister."

Yan Jiachi: "..."

He looked down at Yan Jiachi like this, feeling a little gentle.

"There is still time, are you hungry?"

Yan Jiachi: "... I just finished eating in less than two hours."

Chen Lunan coughed, a little weakly: "Is there anything I want?"


The two sat awkwardly for half an hour, and when it was almost time, Yan Jiachi left directly.

He took two steps forward, then looked back at Chen Lunan, and said in a low voice, "Thank you."

Chen Lunan reached out and patted his head: "Don't cause trouble for your sister, I will call your father." "Yes."

After watching Yan Jiachi leave, Chen Lunan left the airport in a low-key manner.

Even so, many people at the airport saw Chen Lunan, and even secretly took photos and posted them on the Internet.

When Yan Qiuzhi saw the news, Yan Jiachi was almost here.

She took a leave of absence from Director Song and went to the airport by herself.

When Mu Xin came out, he happened to see Yan Qiuzhi's back running away.

She was stunned for a moment, then looked at Shao Yue: "Isn't Sister Qiuzhi still filming in the afternoon? Where is she going?"

Shao Yue looked at her and said lightly, "I have something to do, I'll be back in the afternoon."

Mu Xin responded: "She still looks a little excited, maybe she is going to meet her boyfriend?"

Shao Yue said nothing.

After Mu Xin finished speaking, he also noticed a little embarrassment, and said with a dry laugh, "I'm just talking casually."

Shao Yue said "um", and said lightly: "Don't talk nonsense, there are too many people in the crew."

Mu Xin looked taught: "Okay, I understand."

Shao Yue glanced at her and left directly.

Mu Xin looked at his back, pursed his lips, then pulled his lips and walked to the other side.

Yan Qiuzhi and his crew's filming location is really good. In fact, they moved to several places, but they all filmed in this area.

The distance is not very far.

Yan Qiuzhi and Zhuzhu went to the airport together.

Although she and Yan Jiachi had a mediocre relationship, when someone came over, she was his sister no matter what, so it was necessary to pick him up.

Yan Qiuzhi dressed low-key and waited at the airport for a while before seeing Yan Jiachi come out.

The weather was getting hotter, and Yan Jiachi was wearing a T-shirt and light-colored jeans. He was tall and thin, and looked like a teenager.

He didn't bring anything with him, he was pushing a small suitcase in his hand, and he looked a bit wanton.

Zhuzhu leaned close to Yan Qiuzhi's ear and whispered, "Sister Yanyan, your brother is a bit handsome."

Yan Qiuzhi glanced at her, tapped her on the head and said, "My younger brother is not yet eighteen."

Zhuzhu: "...I just appreciate it, I'm a schoolboy at school."

Yan Qiuzhi chuckled: "That's a good question, I don't know."

She had never been to Yan Jiachi School.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that the whole family... actually ignored Yan Jiachi.

She was okay, she grew up, at least she was loved by her mother when she was a child, but Yan Jiachi was different.

Thinking about it, Yan Qiuzhi decided to treat Yan Jiachi a little better this time.

Of course, the premise is that he doesn't rebel.

She raised her hand, Yan Jiachi looked around when she saw her.

Yan Qiuzhi stared wide-eyed, watching his movements in disbelief.

"What were you doing just now?"

When someone came over, Yan Qiuzhi asked.

Yan Jiachi said coldly, "See if anyone is secretly taking pictures."

Yan Qiuzhi: "..."

She gouged out his eyes: "Why, you didn't plan to come if someone secretly took pictures?"


Yan Qiuzhi: "???"

She looked at Yan Jiachi in disbelief: "What?"

Yan Jiachi calmly analyzed: "I don't want to be on the trending searches with you."


Yan Qiuzhi was annoyed, she took off her sunglasses and rolled her eyes: "Then you go back now."

Yan Jiachi pursed his lips tightly.

Zhuzhu watched the interaction between the two, feeling terrified.

"Calm down, Sister Yanyan came here today and dressed very low-key. There are not many people at the airport, so she won't be photographed."

Yan Qiuzhi snorted coldly, and said with disgust: "I don't want to be on the hot search with you yet."

She pressed her in a low voice: "Wait until someone says that I'm raising a minor, I'm still covered in dirty water."

Yan Jiachi: "..."

Zhuzhu: "..."

Zhuzhu blinked and looked at Yan Qiuzhi: "Sister Yanyan, please don't say that."


Zhuzhu reminded her: "Did you forget, you usually don't work when you say good things, but when you curse yourself, your mouth is especially effective."


It's okay not to say anything, but when Yan Qiuzhi said it, he thought of a previous incident.

She had indeed met her a few times, and when she was a little crowed, thinking about it, Yan Qiuzhi felt like she was going to have a heart attack.

She waved her hand and said casually, "Let's go, don't really get photographed."

Two people: "..."

After getting in the car, Yan Qiuzhi looked sideways at the quiet person: "Do you want to go to the hotel to rest or follow me to the set?"

Yan Jiachi looked at her: "It's fine."

Yan Qiuzhi said "Oh", thought for a while and said, "You can rest in the hotel, I still have a scene to shoot in the afternoon, and I'm free in the evening, so I'll take you nearby for dinner."


Yan Jiachi generally has no objection to her arrangement.

After sending Yan Jiachi to the hotel and arranging him to live next door to his room, Yan Qiuzhi and Zhuzhu returned to the set,

The scene in the afternoon was still a bit heavy, and Yan Qiuzhi didn't care what Yan Jiachi was doing, since he was such an adult, there shouldn't be anyone watching him all the time.

After filming, it was time for dinner.

Yan Qiuzhi changed clothes and came out, Shao Yue looked at her: "Shall we have dinner together tonight?"

"Is there a party?"

Shao Yue nodded: "I'm treating you, shall I go?"

He smiled and said, "It's not a dinner party, just a few friends."

Yan Qiuzhi refused without thinking: "No, I have something to do tonight."

Shao Yue looked at her suspiciously.

Yan Qiuzhi smiled and said, "It's true, you guys enjoyed your meal."

After finishing speaking, she led Zhuzhu away directly.

When they returned to the hotel, Yan Jiachi came over and opened the door.

"Did you rest in the afternoon?"


Yan Qiuzhi looked at him for a while: "Are you hungry?"


Yan Qiuzhi paused, and said in a low voice, "Change your clothes and take you out for dinner."

Yan Jiachi changed his clothes, and the siblings went out for dinner. Originally, Yan Qiuzhi wanted Zhuzhu to come together, but Zhuzhu refused.

Based on the posture at the airport, Zhuzhu felt that the two could quarrel all the time.

Although my younger brother is handsome, he can't shake her military spirit to stay in the hotel! !

The night is thick and the summer nights are exceptionally cool.

There are a little more passers-by around the hotel, some are walking after dinner, and some are just passing by after get off work.

The roads are congested, and the cars are full of water.

Yan Qiuzhi and Yan Jiachi walked a short distance away. After walking for a while, she turned to look at him: "What do you want to eat?"

"It's all right."

The most annoying thing for Yan Qiuzhi is to ask others when they eat.

She looked around and sent a message to Zhuzhu asking which restaurant nearby had better food.

After receiving Zhuzhu's reply, she looked at Yan Jiachi: "Let's have hot pot tonight."

Yan Jiachi nodded.

The hot pot restaurant is in a shopping mall, it is very big, it is the famous chain hot pot restaurant.

The taste is not bad, and the service is also very good.

Yan Qiuzhi and Yan Jiachi went in, asking for a corner seat on purpose.

After sitting down, she took off the mask and hat. The waiter standing next to her looked at her a little bit surprised, but soon calmed down again.

After ordering the dishes, Yan Qiuzhi looked up at Yan Jiachi: "Drink some water."


The siblings were extremely quiet.

Yan Qiuzhi didn't know what to say to Yan Jiachi, she was not good at finding topics, let alone being with Yan Jiachi.

Thinking about it, she clicked on WeChat and began to ask Shen Muqing for help.

Yan Qiuzhi: [My Qingqing! Come out quickly.]

Shen Muqing: [? miss me?]

Yan Qiuzhi: [... Why are you the same as Chen Lunan, I have something to do with you.]

Shen Muqing: [Say.]

After Yan Qiuzhi explained the situation on her side from beginning to end, Shen Muqing replied with a full stop.

Yan Qiuzhi: [?]

Shen Muqing: [Yan Jiachi went to find you, I want to find you too, why don't you take me to eat hot pot, do you still have me as a good friend in your eyes.]

Yan Qiuzhi: [? Don't make trouble for no reason.]

Shen Muqing: [Scumbag.]

Yan Qiuzhi: [... What am I talking about with him?]

Shen Muqing: [Let's talk about games, boys love to play games, or talk about the beauties at school, anyway, you can't talk about your studies and your family's mess.]

Yan Qiuzhi: [... My box-shaped game technology, what the hell do you think I can talk about?]

Shen Muqing: [That's true, then ask to see if there are any beauties and handsome guys in their school, I plan to find a young guy.]

Yan Qiuzhi: [.]

She felt that asking Shen Muqing this question was the stupidest thing she ever did.

Putting away the phone, the waiter also brought up the dishes.

Yan Qiuzhi glanced at the person opposite who was playing with the phone, and asked while ordering: "What are you looking at?"

Yan Jiachi put away the phone, and looked at her in surprise: "I didn't see anything."

Yan Qiuzhi raised her eyebrows: "Chat with classmates?"


Yan Qiuzhi: "... Are there many handsome guys in your school?"

Yan Jiachi's hands paused, and he looked at her with a delicate expression.

After receiving Yan Jiachi's gaze, Yan Qiuzhi couldn't argue.

She choked up, unable to explain: "I just asked casually, I have no other ideas."

Yan Jiachi: "No."

"Your freshman school doesn't have any handsome guys?" Yan Qiuzhi couldn't believe it.

Yan Jiachi: ""

Hearing this, Yan Qiuzhi said embarrassingly, "Hey, then there will be no more handsome guys in the future."


Yan Jiachi didn't want to pay attention to her crazy words, and buried his head in eating hard.

Yan Qiuzhi stared at him for a while, then asked, "Are you the most handsome in your school?"

Yan Jiachi choked.

"No, I'm just talking about such a topic, why are you so excited?"

Yan Jiachi: "... Sister, eat well."


After being rejected, Yan Qiuzhi was very sad, so she could only eat quietly.

After eating, because it happened to be a shopping mall, Yan Qiuzhi didn't miss the luggage she saw, probably only a few pieces of clothes.

She dragged Yan Jiachi to go downstairs: "Go and buy two clothes."

Yan Jiachi couldn't resist, so he could only let her go.

While shopping for clothes, Chen Lunan also called. He was about to board the plane, so he specially called Yan Qiuzhi.

"doing what?"

"Buy clothes for Yan Jiachi."

Hearing this, Chen Lunan raised his eyebrows, and his voice sank: "Buy him clothes?"


Yan Qiuzhi said: "He didn't bring any clothes, he looks too shabby."

Chen Lunan: "..."

He was quiet for a moment, then said lightly, "He's still a student now."

"Then what?"

"Just wear your school uniform."

Yan Qiuzhi couldn't hold back, and the corners of her lips curled up into a smile: "No, what's the matter with you, Mr. Chen, do you even eat Yan Jiachi's jealousy now?"

Chen Lunan did not deny it.

Yan Qiuzhi smiled, looked down at the men's clothing in front of her and said, "Don't be jealous, I'll buy it for you too."

She smiled and said, "Isn't that because Teacher Chen only wears high-end tailoring, and I can't buy it even if I want to?"



Chen Lunan said unhurriedly, "Of course you will wear it when you buy it."

Yan Qiuzhi couldn't help laughing, she had a pretty smile, she didn't pay much attention to her image and the people around her in the shop, her lips were curved, she looked like someone in love.

The waiters around looked at her for a while and were surprised.

Yan Qiuzhi coaxed him: "Okay, okay, I'll buy it for you."

"Are you going to get on the plane now?" she asked.

"Well, almost."

He paused and said in a low voice, "I'll call you when I get off the plane."


Yan Qiuzhi thought for a while and said, "Come back safely."


After hanging up the phone, Yan Qiuzhi looked at Yan Jiachi: "Have you chosen?"


Yan Qiuzhi: "... Shall I choose for you?"

Yan Jiachi nodded, not refusing at all: "Okay."

In the end, Yan Qiuzhi not only bought a few sets of clothes and shoes for Yan Jiachi, but also bought a set for Chen Lunan.

Of course, the price of Chen Lunan's set of clothes was worth all of Yan Jiachi's. For Yan Qiuzhi, the person who spends the most money is the most important.

After shopping for clothes, Yan Qiuzhi dragged Yan Jiachi around.

In fact, the original intention was to let him relax, don't always keep some emotions in his heart, Yan Qiuzhi is not very good at comforting others, so he can only use this method to make this teenage boy happy.

The two walked around twice, blowing the summer evening breeze, and returned to the hotel after feeling comfortable.

After returning home, just after getting out of the elevator, Yan Feng's phone call came.

The two looked at each other and had to enter the room together.

Yan Qiuzhi directly turned on the loudspeaker, listening to Yan Feng's voice, she and Yan Jiachi kept silent, and let him scold them there.

After he had trained enough, Yan Qiuzhi spoke lazily.

The phone call lasted for more than half an hour, and when Yan Qiuzhi was about to fall asleep, the person finally stopped talking.

In the end, Yan Feng had no choice but to say, "Take a good look at Yan Jiachi."


"I'll ask him for a few days off from school."

Yan Qiuzhi: "Understood."

After hanging up the phone, Yan Qiuzhi looked at the young man next to her, reached out her hand, stroked his hair and said, "Someone still loves you."

Yan Jiachi looked down at her and said after a long silence, "I'm sorry."

Yan Qiuzhi was taken aback, her eyes instantly became hot.

She smiled: "I'm sorry for what?" She patted Yan Jiachi's head: "I'll just let you be free for a few days, and in a few days, I'll go back to class honestly! The college entrance examination will be next year, do you know?"


Yan Qiuzhi didn't like this kind of provocative picture, she glanced at the clothes she bought, and suddenly said: "Go, go, try all these sets of clothes, and I'll comment on them."

Yan Jiachi: "..."

By the time Yan Qiuzhi came out of Yan Jiachi's room, it was already two hours later.

In order to have a conversation with Yan Jiachi, she forced her to play two games with him. In the end, because she played the game so badly, she was disgusted by Yan Jiachi, so she could only leave aggrieved.

Walking to the door, Yan Qiuzhi told him a few words: "Go to bed early."


"Do you want to go to the set tomorrow?"

"May I?"

"Yes." Yan Qiuzhi said, "You are my younger brother, why not."

After finishing speaking, she didn't pay attention to Yan Jiachi's eyes, and whispered: "I'm going back."

After the door closed for a while, Yan Jiachi stared at it for a long time before reaching out and rubbing his sore eyes.


After returning to the room, Yan Qiuzhi took a bath and planned to rest.

To be honest, playing with others is really tiring, the kind of tiredness that is physically and mentally exhausting.

Having just come out of the shower, Yan Qiuzhi casually glanced at her phone and found that there were many missed calls on it.

She was stunned for a moment, and just about to click on it to take a closer look, Xiang Yueming's call came first.

Although the two of them had exchanged contact information, they had never called. Yan Qiuzhi was still a little confused when they called, did something happen

"Hello, Moon—"

Before he finished speaking, Xiang Yueming's cold and anxious voice came from over there: "Sister Yanyan, you are on the hot search."


Yan Qiuzhi was startled, and asked in a low voice, "What's trending?"

Xiang Yueming said: "I just watched it on the Internet. You and a boy were secretly photographed shopping and eating, and there was also a picture of you entering the hotel together, and a video of you and that man entering the room..."

She said straightaway: "Now your hot search has exploded, and it is said that you are raising minors."

Yan Qiuzhi: "..."
