Three Joys

Chapter 14


Through several layers of thin curtains, a hazy and tall figure came in vaguely. After walking two steps, I heard the person coming and the servant following behind say: "You go out first."

Later, I occasionally thought of this night.

The first thing I recalled was not the red candle spring night, but his voice. That voice didn't sound like much at first, but after smelling it again, it felt like a breeze. After careful taste, it made people feel more comfortable and stable. It seemed that the voice in this world was harsher if it was higher than him, and it was harsher if it was lower. It was overshadowed.

The servant closed the door silently, and I looked at the candlelight, and I was able to see it.

Just when the candle was flickering out, a hand unexpectedly came to my eyes.

Those fingers were as slender as green onions, as if lifting a veil, they only gently pushed aside the bead curtain in front of me. I turned around and saw the man in front of me. It is said that it is a man, but in fact, it is a young man who is not a few years older than me.

But just at the first glance, his shadow was reflected in my eyes - there is a saying in Beijing that the Xu family has no ugly face, and all the children in the clan, regardless of gender, are all outstanding in appearance. If Xu Changfeng is as cold as cold, then Xu Yanqing is reckless and unrestrained, and the third young master Xu in front of me is a piece of beautiful jade. Just look, his eyes are like water, he is not born with the usual delicate features, his skin looks like white and flawless, even if he is wearing a bridegroom official's red clothes, he still looks clean.

Xu Qihe saw that I was staring blankly, so he smiled: "Is there something weird about my face?"

"...No, no." I shook my head hurriedly. He really looks good when he smiles, and he is in no way inferior to his romantic second brother.

Rumor has it that the third son of the Xu family has been weak since he was a child, and the whole family has always been nervous and careful with him, so he is almost a weak crown, and he still doesn't come out of the door.

When he took my hand, I couldn't help but take a second look, only to feel that his palm was soft and beautiful, and I thought to myself, this Third Young Master Xu is really as beautiful as pearls and jade, could it be that white jade has become fine...

He led me to the front of the case. During these few steps, I looked back from time to time. After sitting down, he didn't let go of my palm, but only gently pinched it in his hand until my fingers curled up. Then he looked at me slowly and said: "The day I saw you, I felt You are so young. Everyone in this mansion is older than me, but today, there is finally someone younger than me. "

That day... come to think of it, it refers to the day they got married. To be honest, on the day we got married, I was full of thoughts, and when I visited the hall, I was also in a daze, being at the mercy of others, and I didn't even pay attention to him.

The third son of Xu is the youngest son of the Xu family. In addition to the two elder brothers, there are also one or two concubine sisters who were born to concubines. His eyes are full, his conversation is gentle, and he is like a spring breeze, but he has no pretensions. When I heard this sentence, I only responded to him softly. I have never talked much, ever since I made my third aunt eat the board because of a slip of the tongue when I was a child, my silence is golden. In the past, everyone at home thought I was a dull gourd, even the eldest lady once thought I was dumb.

Xu Qihe thought that he was kind and gentle in nature, and he didn't blame me for my muffled reluctance to answer, so he just picked up the wine bottle and poured two glasses of wine.

The aroma of the wine is clear and elegant, but when I picked it up, he stopped my hand. When I looked at him in confusion, I saw him smile and said: "You just happened to be seriously ill, so you shouldn't touch alcohol. Tonight is indeed inevitable, then—" He poured his own glass into the one in my hand, and said with a half-sigh , "I can only help you more as a husband."

For some reason, his smiling face made me feel a little relieved. Ever since I stepped into the door of Xu's house, or in other words, since I came to Shangjing, I haven't felt so relaxed for a long time.

Xu Qihe wrapped his wine glass around my arm, and the two of us drank the wine. This is the last gift of marriage, and it is considered complete.

Afterwards, the servants of Shi Ye came over, just like the previous two times, they took off the phoenix crown for me and untied the heavy wedding dress for me. Xu Qihe also took off his outer robe, leaving only his inner body. Now I am not what I was at the beginning, and in addition, a piece of my heart has been cut out, and now I am much more calm when I want to be honest with another man.

The servants brought the scissors, and Xu Qihe said, "Everyone, step back."

The long night is long, and the candles in the glazed lamps are shining brightly. I stood in front of him, but in fact I was wearing a robe or not. The room was well lit, so he could see my body clearly.

The door was closed quietly, and a shadow slowly approached, followed by a light scent of goose pear flowers.

I just waited for the knot to be loosened, and suddenly there was softness on my cheek.

I raised my eyes subconsciously, he was very close to me, his jade-like face was almost touching me. When the four eyes met, he smiled silently, and the lips printed on my face moved down slightly, and came to my mouth. In this post, I seemed to have tasted the bitter taste of herbs, but before I could discern it clearly, the soft red tongue hooked my lips lightly.

I trembled slightly, and couldn't help shrinking back.

I looked at Xu Qihe, and he also looked at me, I don't know if it was caused by the warm lamp, or my eyesight was blurred, but I could feel the warmth and tenderness in his eyes.

After that, he took a step closer to me, picked up the knots on my clothes, and cut them one by one. This movement was also slow and brisk, without impatience, until the last knot was loosened, he put down the sharp scissors, then raised his hands, slid across my shoulders silently, and the clothes fell to the ground.

Xu Qihe pulled my hair from the sideburns, as if he wanted to see my appearance clearly. After looking at me for a while, he came over again, closed his eyes and sniffed at my neck: "Your body—" He felt a little As if muttering to himself, "It smells really good."

His words, without distracting thoughts, made me feel hot. I just heard him whispering in my ear: "That day, I was standing by your side all the time, and you didn't even look at me, as if someone was in front of my eyes, but my heart didn't know where it fell."

As he spoke, he gently pecked and kissed my neck.

"I smelled it that day. It's the same fragrance as yours. I thought it was a change of incense in the hall, and I asked the servants to mix it for a long time, but it was always wrong..." Xu Qihe slipped his hand under my obscene clothes, and then Slow and slow, his palms are extremely smooth, when stroking my thigh, it feels like soft silk. After he kissed one side of my neck, he turned to the other side, and I gradually smelled a scent, which was different from the scent of pear blossoms before, it was... the scent of Wei's body.

He didn't touch my buttocks directly, he only rolled his hands around my legs and waist a few times, and when I was no longer stiff, he slid onto my waist and suddenly hugged me.

Xu Qihe is probably not good at doing such things, when he hugged me by the waist, he shook slightly, and I hurriedly wrapped my arms around his neck. He frowned, showing a bit of shame: "Although my body is not very good, I can cure you... It's still possible."

This is a bit childish, so I can't help but laugh.

Xu Qihe was absent-minded for a while, and a red cloud gradually appeared on his face, but it was three points more colorful than a blooming peony.

He carried me to the bed and put me down, and when the red curtain was drawn down, he lay down with me. He leaned down and kissed my mouth first, just like before, just scratching the surface, as if he was not good at sex, I know he is weak, and I am afraid that there are not many maids in the house... Perhaps that is the case, he treats me He was also cautious, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that his hands were tied, and it made me feel a little nervous for him.

Xu Qihe unbuttoned my obscene clothes, and gently touched my body with both hands. His hands were very light, as if I was the one made of jade. I let him take care of me, I couldn't tell whether I liked it or not, I just felt that this matter was inevitable, but at least I was happy. Xu Qihe thought he was following the instructions, not to say rigid, but also step by step, only when he touched the back of my buttocks, he showed a bit of haste, while kissing my collarbone, kneading carefully, when he touched the innermost part, I also gradually became tense, especially when he held the jade posture, my breath was stagnant.

He stopped and asked, "Does it hurt?"

I shook my head slightly: "It doesn't hurt..."

Xu Qihe didn't quite believe it, he leaned over, kissed my eyebrows, and whispered: "Then why, are you frowning?"

I slowly turned my face away and didn't answer him.

I didn't hate him in my heart, but this body was more honest than I thought. It has been happy with other men, and it has become a knot, and it has to resist another man. So no matter how good Xu Qihe is, my not willing.

People like Xu Qihe are naturally careful. After he got the jade force out of my body, he didn't continue, instead he pulled my obscene clothes back, turned the quilt over, and hugged me in his arms. I was full of doubts, raised my eyes in his arms, and rarely said: "Why..."

Xu Qihe supported his head with one hand, and said softly: "You just recovered from illness, and you have just recovered not long ago, but you and I are always husband and wife, and the future will last forever."

What he said made my heart tremble slightly, with a kind of indescribable surprise and bewilderment. "Go to bed, I'll be with you," he said.

After that, Xu Qihe really didn't move my body for the whole night.

I felt uncomfortable lying next to him, but every time I looked up, I saw his sleeping face, he was sleeping soundly with his arms around me, and he looked extremely peaceful. I rolled over quietly, and his hands were on my waist, so I didn't dare to move any more. I was dazed and a little sleepy, so I fell asleep next to him.