Three Joys

Chapter 21


The next day, I stayed in the big room until the afternoon, and when I woke up, Biyu Biluo came to wash me up. Bi Luo said: "In the morning, before the Eldest Young Master goes out, we are not allowed to wake up the Young Master. He only said that if there is any dissatisfaction on the other side of the second room, he can handle it himself."

I didn't expect that I would sleep so deeply. It can be seen that I really didn't close my eyes seriously in the past few nights. As soon as I changed my clothes, Biyu came in quickly and said, "Hurry up, hurry up, the other side of the second room is urging people to death."

Ordinarily, the wife of Jiri has her own things in various yards. But after all, I was just getting started, and I didn't have a lot of things on me, so I packed up and moved to another place, which didn't take much effort. It's just that this appearance always gives me an ethereal and uncertain feeling, like a duckweed, without a stable place to stay.

I sat on the sedan chair, rolled up my sleeves a little, and saw the marks on my wrists. That was when Xu Changfeng made a mess last night, he grabbed my wrist. When I washed it, I found the same bruises on my waist. He is a warrior, so his hands must be stronger, and I am not a woman, so naturally I can't talk about pity and pity...

After getting up from the sedan chair, I couldn't help but look back again. On a bright summer day, the branches and vines in the courtyard gave off a sense of desolation and tranquility. I quietly looked away, thinking in my heart, I always have to come back again.

The sedan chair walked slowly for half a stick, and then came to a place that was familiar to me.

Xu Yanqing's other courtyard, although it is not Qionglou Yuyu, has a unique leisure and elegance. When I stepped off the sedan chair, there were those flower-like maidservants welcoming me: "Waiting for a long time, young master."

Those servants, all of them have bright eyes and good looks, one can easily figure out Xu Yanqing's preferences at a glance, it reminds me of that night, he compares my appearance to Dong Shi's, now it seems that it is indeed not bad.

I thought the second room was in a hurry to pick me up because of the master's order, but when I got to the house, I didn't see Xu Yanqing. Now that I'm used to being an idler, I can always find a way to pass the time. Until nightfall, I still don't see Xu Yanqing. I took off my regular clothes and kept the one underneath, when a servant girl came over and said, "Young Master."

I took a look at her, that maid looks very handsome, among the many maids I have seen in Xu Mansion, she looks the most upright, and her name is Yinping.

"What's the matter?" I asked her.

Yinping lowered her eyes and whispered softly: "Young Master just came back tonight, I don't think I don't know..." She seemed to have something to hide, Bi Yusu was impatient, and said: "What do you want to say?"

She looked at me, as if she was afraid that I would blame her, but she pursed her lips and said, "I'm afraid the young master doesn't know, but the second young master has not returned to the mansion for half a month." After finishing speaking, Yinping looked at me. I want to see how I will react when I know this.

According to her words, since Xu Yanqing consummated the house with me, she never returned home. Although no one has ever told me, I also know that the romantic second master is probably somewhere drunk and dreaming, and my wife has already been neglected by him after just getting started, and I think life will be even more difficult in the future. It's just that this clever servant girl has a high opinion of me, and also of the weak relationship between me and Xu Yanqing.

I slowly said: "Then he probably won't come back tonight."

Yinping answered "Yes" graciously.

"That's it," I looked at the servants, "then go and rest, there is no need for someone to wait on you at night."

Yin Ping was slightly startled, and then replied with his usual expression: "... yes."

After everyone went out, I felt that my ears were quiet. I lay down on the bed and couldn't help but think about the past at home, when several aunts fought each other, every person, every expression, every sentence seemed to be able to read another meaning. But no matter how they fight, no matter how much they fight, when they are in front of the eldest lady, they can only obediently put away their paws, lie low and be a minor. After all, they are born as lowly concubines. big. I don't intend to calculate everything like those women. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but look at my lower abdomen, and a self-deprecating sourness gradually appeared in my heart—what is the difference between my current appearance and a woman.

As Yin Ping said, Xu Yanqing didn't come home overnight, but from this point of view, if not done well, my wife will be left hanging like this for ten days.

In the first two days, the servants in this yard never neglected me, even the silver screen was safe, and there was nothing wrong with it. On the third day, I still didn't see Xu Yanqing coming back. I didn't feel any difference, but I thought it was normal. After all, he... seems to be very disgusted with me. It's just that I'm not in a hurry, but Biyu can't sit still.

"Young gentleman, servant girl, I heard that there is a famous woman named Yu Niangzi in the priest's workshop. The second young master was arguing a few days ago and wanted to redeem her. If the master hadn't said that he would break his leg..." Biyu hadn't said anything yet. After finishing speaking, Bi Luo scolded after hearing it: "What nonsense are you talking about in front of Shaojun?"

"Isn't he worried about Shaojun..." Biyu nuzzled, feeling bored, "Okay, then I don't want to say anything. Shaojun, servants, go and exchange for a pot of hot tea."

When the people walked away, Bi Luofang bowed in front of me and said: "Young Master, Biyu is a child at heart, and I will talk about her properly in the future."

I smiled softly and said: "It's okay." Although she is my maidservant, I treat them all like my younger sisters. After all, in Xu's residence, I don't have many people I can talk to.

Bi Luo took a look at me, and finally couldn't hold back her breath and said: "Actually, this servant also feels that it is very inappropriate for the second young master to do this..."

I know her scruples, everyone knows that the status of the master depends on how the husband treats him. Even though Xu Changfeng was dissatisfied with this marriage, he would come back every day, never sweeping my face. Xu Yanqing is like this, it is obvious that she doesn't take me seriously, and she doesn't know what the whole Xu family thinks of me. It is not uncommon for a wife to marry her husband. It is not uncommon to have a relationship between the past and the present, but now that they have consummated their houses and recognized each other's bodies, what is pleasing to the eye? I am afraid that in this life, I will be inseparable from him. of.

Thinking of this, I'm not in a hurry, or maybe it's because I don't have much affection for him. Since he doesn't come in front of me to seek bad luck, why should I bother him.

However, I just thought this way during the day, and at night, there was a lot of movement outside.

Now it was midnight, I put on some clothes and went out to find out, and saw Guanshi Lu and a few servants supporting the drunken Second Young Master Xu. When I opened the door, I looked up for the first time, but I met Lu Qingsu's eyes first.

He and I have not seen each other for some time. This short period of more than ten days seemed like half a lifetime had passed. Thinking that this Xu Mansion is huge, it is not impossible to not see a single person in a lifetime.

"Young Master." He lowered his eyes first and called me.

We came to our senses, turned our heads, and looked at Xu Yanqing who was beside him—this Xu Erye indeed had a good appearance that could play with flowers, his cheeks were pink, his eyelashes were like butterfly wings, and his lips were so bright. Hongyan, even though she was drunk, she was still a bit brighter than a woman. His footsteps were a little unsteady, and the servants hurriedly supported the ancestor, and they heard him scold him: "Don't touch me! Let go!"

How dare the servants let him go, if something happens to this precious master, they will be the ones who will suffer the most.

Lu Qingsu said: "Quickly, help the second young master into the room."

They helped Xu Yanqing in, and I followed, watching them put Xu Yanqing on the bed. Lu Qingsu called the servant girl who served the night: "Go and cook a bowl of hangover soup immediately."

Several people were working separately, and I stood by the bed, becoming a superfluous person until those watery eyes looked over. At the same time, I also looked at him, and my eyes crossed again. Compared with the last time we met, his complexion is better. I think that in the recent hot summer, many people in the house suffer from heat stroke. He is busy with household chores all day long, and I don't know... his body is in good shape.

Lu Qingsu looked at Xu Yanqing on the bed, and said to me: "Please rest assured, young master, these servants will take good care of young master. After a while, I will ask someone to tidy up the other room, and I will wrong you all night."

I shook my head, he is always careful, no matter what he does, he can do everything seamlessly, I... I thank him, it was too late, how could there be any grievances.

After a moment of silence, the servants said that the room had been packed. When I was about to turn around, Xu Yanqing, who thought he was asleep, opened his eyes. He stretched out his hand suddenly and grabbed my arm. "Ah!" I exclaimed, and fell on the bed, straight into his arms.

Xu Yanqing sat up and looked at me with red eyes.

"Second Young Master!" Lu Qingsu called urgently. My arm was extremely painful from Xu Yanqing's grasp, but those eyes were staring at me so firmly that I couldn't figure out what he was going to do...

"Second Young Master." Lu Qingsu called him again, at this moment, I caught a glimpse of worry in his eyes. All of a sudden, the pain in his hand became much lighter, but he felt a bit of bitterness in his throat. For a moment, he felt indescribable in every possible way.

Xu Yanqing straightened her body, but she didn't let go of me, she just waved away the servant who was approaching: "You-you all get out of here!" I struggled a little, and he tightened his hand, looking at me , I finally thought of me, the corner of my mouth curled up and said: "You are my wife, of course you have to stay and serve me..."

I looked at the servants in this room, if the quarrel continues, even Mrs. Xie will be alarmed... I glanced over Lu Qingsu, and said to them in a hoarse voice: "You... all go down."

Guanshi Lu stood there for a while, then Fang took two steps back, bowed and said: "That villain, step back."

After they all withdrew, only Xu Yanqing and I were left behind. After all, he hasn't sobered up yet, no matter how much trouble he makes, there is a limit. After I waited for him to lose strength, I struggled to sit up. When I withdrew my arm, his hand was still raising and scratching, squinting his eyes and looking at me, he actually smiled at me dimly: "Lady..."

Xu Yanqing was already very good-looking, and her eyebrows were even more handsome. With such a harmless smile, even a god would be fascinated by it.

Fortunately, at this time, the maid came in with hangover soup. I took the bowl from her hand, and the soup was still hot, so I scooped it up with a spoon, and when it got colder, I went forward to help Xu Yanqing. Xu Yanqing frowned when she smelled it, and I said, "You can sleep better tonight after drinking this bowl of soup." This time, he was quite relieved, Zhang Lip barely drank half a bowl, and then he started coughing.

I raised my sleeve and wiped his mouth carefully. I didn't know who he had a dispute with. Not only was there a hole in the sleeve, but even the corner of his mouth was split. I asked the maid to go down, and supported Xu Yanqing to lie down, and sat on the edge of the bed for a while, when I was about to get up, someone grabbed her waist from behind. After turning over for a while, before I could struggle, I lay down under Xu Yanqing's body.

"..." Those eyes were so clear that they didn't look drunk at all. I panted slightly, silently, and he also looked at me deeply, frowning for a while, then loosened for a while...

Then, he lay down slowly, but his arms wrapped around my waist, making me unable to move easily. I only heard him say in his sleepy voice: "Moonrise is so beautiful... so beautiful... so seductive..." (Note: From "The Book of Songs")

I quietly waited until his chest rose and fell slightly and his breathing was steady, but every time I tried to move, Xu Yanqing frowned slightly, and I could only curl up stiffly, just like that, lying in his arms all night.