Three Joys

Chapter 39


I have always understood that the young master of the Xu family has never been a soft-hearted person. In bed, even if he has some fun, most of the time he is in compliance with the rules and has never really gone out of line.

Today, but I don't know why, he raised my face, and just hugged and kissed me for a long time. The tongue was curled up in my mouth, and he didn't even want me to take a breath, so I could only rely on him, making me blush and panting. After all, he is much older than me, and stronger than me, a hand came from behind softly, and I was completely wrapped in his arms. He lightly pecked my neck, and I gasped and blushed until my hand dipped into the water and suddenly touched something...

"... Officer!" I bounced in the water, my heart was beating so hard, I pushed his arm, but I couldn't move it.

Emboldened by courage, I turned my face slightly and saw him. Just look at that complexion, just look at it quietly. "..." The hand in the bottom of the water moved quietly, the hot water swayed slightly, I suddenly went soft, grabbed his arm, moved my lips, struggling weakly and said: "Now, it's still daytime..."

In the past, his friendship with me was always in the dead of night when the candles were blown out. Xu Changfeng didn't respond to me, he just leaned his body, and the fingers that were slowly twitching in the back hole whipped me vigorously. "Ah...!" I yelled in surprise, that yell... how lewd and soft it was, and pushing his hands seemed to be rebuffing him.

The servants in the room were dismissed by him at some point. The shower cubicle is a bit narrow, but the bathtub has room for people to move. When Xu Changfeng sneaked in, the hot water overflowed a little, and the sound of the water gradually filled up the remaining space in the bucket. I had nowhere to go except to go to his arms.

"Hmm... ummm..." He never talked much, and he seldom said anything personal, so he would pull me and kiss me entangledly as soon as he came. The water smoke is curling up, and the hot water is hot, which easily seduces people's emotions. Xu Changfeng and I shared the bed for a while, he is a man of blood, I quietly touched his end in the water with my hand, and it really swelled amazingly... He stopped and looked at me, and I touched the tip of his nose, too. Staring at him blankly, right in the water, he grabbed my withdrawn wrist, pulled it over and placed it on his lifeline. That object...ordinary people can't compare it with it. It is round and hot with a bald head, as if it is more scorching than this hot water.

I wrapped my hands around him, and he kissed my neck, and when I masturbated for him, his buttocks were also rubbed hard by him. Although his momentum is violent, he has many scruples when he reaches a critical point. I guess he is still thinking about my body, so he doesn't want to act rashly. My heart felt warm, so I leaned close to his chest, hugged him gently, and whispered in his ear: "It's done, it's done."

Xu Changfeng stopped his movements, and then asked hoarsely: "Did you miss me these days?" My ears were blushing, my face was as red as blood, I buried my head in his neck, gently nodded my head, and spoke softly Like a mosquito: "... I want to."

Then he lifted my lower body in the water, and I was also blessed in my heart. I separated my legs and raised my body to meet it. Following closely, I felt that the hard instrument rubbed against the tip of my buttocks and squeezed into the ravine. I found the Yumen gate and went straight in. glen. "Ah..." I hugged his neck tightly, and I raised my breath in an instant, the water splashed and swayed, Xu Changfeng's breathing was slightly chaotic, and his strong chest heaved and fell. Gritting his teeth, he inserted it hard. "Yeah!" The words sounded heavy, I almost passed over, and after eating half of it, Yufang shrank and numb, and the small hole was stretched to the extreme full.

I grasped him indiscriminately as if I was drowning, but he was a warrior after all, he cut down my waist and crotch like a sharp knife, and I sat down, and finally got into the sheath with one blow, and my lower body sat on the pair of hands. On the heavy seminal vesicle. Afterwards, he hugged me, and I climbed on him in the water, shaking up and down. "Officer...Officer..." Every time he moved, I couldn't help calling him. His clothes became soaked and messy, and his hair, which had been scrupulously coiled up before, fell loose. Clinging to my chest, the sound of sucking and panting rose slowly in the room, and it was all lustful in broad daylight.

Suddenly, the sound of water splashed.

"Officer...!" I called him nervously, and he came out of the water with me in his arms, his lower body still tightly entwined with me. I was in the water just now, so I couldn't see clearly, but now he carried me in his arms and walked under the white light, my back slammed into the screen, and there was a loud "bang bang". "Officer—" I was a little flustered, under the sparkling light, the appearance of this man was clearly reflected in my eyes—

It was like a different person, he was no longer solemn and stern, the lust in his eyes was obvious, his tough face was as red as cherry blossoms, and his firm chest rose and fell. He trapped me within a square inch, his dark eyes locked on me tightly, a few strands of hair fell down, and he still said concisely: "Hold on to me."

I hurriedly hugged his shoulders with both hands, and clasped my legs on his waist, relying on him to support my whole body, the fire dragon embedded in my body seemed to swell again. He led me to move a few times, panted and changed direction, and then fucked into my pussy. "Um—" I took a deep breath, grabbed his skirt tightly, and moaned hastily: "Officer, slow down..." But he turned a deaf ear to it, and started to act recklessly in my pussy, teaching me He frowned so cheerfully that he couldn't stop begging for mercy: "Ah, slow down... official... ah..."

Xu Changfeng exerted great force, every time he bumped, it seemed as if he was going to crash into my soul, making the screen of the clothes "clang clang" and shoot me, but he was so talented, and later he He carried me to the inner room, and before he could bear it to the couch, he threw me on the desk and pushed me up hard. I have been married to him since I was married, and it is the first time I know that he is so difficult to deal with. I saw him lift one of my legs and hang it on my shoulder, and press me forward. Fortunately, my body is very soft, and I can do it in any posture. Living by the desk, with the other foot hanging outside the table, let him drain nearly a stick of incense, his breathing became heavier, and I also felt a convulsion in the cunt, and the water gushed out together with his ejaculation, the liquid So much so that it dripped down the crotch onto the table...

I lifted my eyes weakly, only to see that his eyes were ruddy, tender, and extremely emotional. Then I secretly understood that today might not be a good day.

During the two days of rest and bathing, Xu Changfeng spent almost all of his time on the bed with me. Thinking about it, the timing was just right, the second resurgence after I entered the door, and it happened to be in the big room. For three or four days in a row, I was in a daze. Xu Changfeng just tossed me until my body was covered with bruises, and the gap between my buttocks was even more unsightly. I almost couldn't close my legs.

In a blink of an eye, it's the end of the year.

I stretched out my hand, and the doctor gave me a pulse. Mrs. Yu sat upright on top, looking patiently waiting. But as soon as the doctor stopped, she couldn't help asking: "How?"

Although the old doctor is not as good as the imperial physician in the palace, he is naturally a master of apricot forest if he can be invited by the Yu family. He stroked his beard and replied: "Young Master is in good health, there is nothing wrong with it."

After hearing this, Mrs. Yu couldn't help showing a trace of disappointment on her face. She didn't even bother to deal with it, so she raised her hand and ordered someone to see off the guests. After that, it has been silent.

I was sitting upright, not even daring to let out a sound. Until Mrs. Yu called out: "Jingting."

"Mom." I hurriedly responded.

She took the hot tea, took the lid and passed it through, and said, "It's been half a year since you entered the door, hasn't it?"

I responded carefully: "... yes."

Yu Shi took a sip of tea, I heard her sigh, and said very coldly: "Forget it, you go out."

Now that Xu Yanqing is not here, my life is a little looser, and I should stay in all parties for half a month. It's just that, when I hit the tide this time, I had a few more days to spare, and I didn't bother to move out, so I just stayed here with Xu Changfeng. Although he and I do not have intercourse every day, the number of times is not small. I have always known that Mrs. Yu wanted me to conceive the heir of the big house, and turned a blind eye to the rules of the inner house. What's more, my belly has never moved.

In this world, heirs have always been difficult to force. Among the croups, there are those who are easy to conceive, and some who have not had children for several years, such as the short-lived little empress Chen. If you have no children for many years, your position will be extremely embarrassing. Every time I think of this, I feel at a loss and feel bitter, but there is nothing I can do.

When the new year was approaching, the Xu Mansion ushered in an event - today's gift, Concubine Xu Gui, brought the prince back to the Xu Mansion to visit relatives.

This is a first-class event. The ancestor of the Xu family has passed away, but there are also many uncles and relatives, and noble concubines visiting relatives. Naturally, the children of the clan who are not in the five clothes will come to meet them, not to mention, they will bring them with them. A prince of wedge origin. The entire family had already prepared for this matter, everyone was busy, and the masters of the inner house rushed to make a few new clothes. I had already moved to Sanfang at this time, and Xu Qihe also personally ordered people to repair the garden, and he never took a moment off.

On the day when the imperial concubine came, hundreds of people from the Xu family went out to greet her. As a Young Master, I am naturally also in the forefront. I have seen the majesty and grace of the royal family with my own eyes, and I finally understand what is the majesty of the emperor's grace.

After welcoming the noble concubine, there was a family banquet. I am still young, and my status is lower than that of Xu's other clan wives. Naturally, I don't show up, so I don't have my turn, and I just stand behind Xu Qihe. During the dinner, I felt a little dizzy all the time. Xu Qihe looked over several times, and once he quietly put his hand behind his head and gently shook my palm. A servant came up and said to me secretly: "The eldest young master said that if the young master is tired, you can leave the table first, and he will explain to Madam."

I just raised my eyes and saw Xu Changfeng sitting across from him. He was holding the wine cup, his expression didn't change, I didn't realize that he was secretly watching me all the time. I smiled at him to reassure him, Xu Changfeng's eyes were slightly narrowed, and there was nothing unusual.

After the family banquet, Concubine Xu Gui went to the side hall, leaving only a few close elders and offspring in the family, and only at this time can she talk to her family members.

Suddenly, Concubine Xu Gui said: "I know that the family has just welcomed a newcomer, and my sister-in-law hasn't brought him to the palace yet."

Mrs. Yu hurriedly nodded in agreement, and ordered someone to call me over. Only now did I see her clearly. Concubine Xu Gui is the youngest sister of Xu Shangshu, only in her early thirties, just in her prime. The Xu family's children are outstanding, she looks like a lotus flower, she looks younger than Madam Huayang, and the little prince in her arms is also carved in pink and jade, so cute.

"Jing Ting has seen the imperial concubine." I was about to kneel down to her, when Xu Guifei asked the palace servants to help me, and then looked at me: "This brow and eyes are very delicate, I have never seen anyone who is more aura than him Child." After a few polite words, she rewarded me with something. After I took it, I retreated wisely. When I walked back, I suddenly felt a nausea, and I almost fell down.

"Three joys!" Xu Qihe was about to stand up, but Xu Changfeng was more sensitive than him and helped me up.

"Hmm..." I couldn't help retching, and in a panic, Mrs. Yu stood up on her seat, with ecstasy in her eyes: "Quick, quick! Go and call the doctor!"