Three Joys

Chapter 42


In early spring, before the weather warmed up, Xu Qihe fell ill. At first it was just a little hot, but after a night, I couldn't stand still.


There was coughing and coughing from the inner room, and people from the third room came and went, bringing soup and medicine for a while, and hot water basins for a while. The doctor invited by the Xu Mansion sat by the bed, sticking out a wrist so white that you could see the blue hair. The doctor sounded his pulse, and the sound of coughing came from behind the bed curtain.

I sat on the side of the bed, after the doctor took the pulse, the pale hand didn't retract, but stretched out towards me, and I held it.

As soon as I raised my eyes, Xu Qihe quietly raised the corner of his mouth to me, and I smiled at him too.

The doctor said: "The third young master was infected with the wind and cold, combined with the fire in his heart, Fang Yi fell ill. The villain will write a prescription later, and the young master only needs to follow the prescription and give the third young master to take the medicine on time every day. Other aspects , Remember not to get angry, not to hurt your mind, and calm down, this disease will heal quickly."

"Then I will trouble Dr. Fang." I was about to get up to see him off, but Xu Qihe refused to let go. I turned to him and said softly, "I'm just going to see off the doctor, and I'll be back in a while."

"Don't go..." Xu Qihe shook his head, still refusing.

Bi Luo hurriedly said: "I'll see Doctor Fang off, and the doctor will go here."

I sat back. Xu Qihe lay quietly for a while, looked at me, and said hoarsely, "Am I very useless?"

Seeing that his complexion is pale, he has only been ill for two days, and he looks like he is suffering from a serious illness. The frustrating words he said made me feel bad for him. I tucked the quilt for him, and said: "There are still many things outside, waiting for He Lang to do it, how can it be useless?"

Xu Qihe smiled when he heard the words, and my heart tightened when I saw that. After a while, I didn't blame him for his previous bad behavior. In fact, no matter how he treated me, I never really blamed him. Xu Qihe looked at me for a long time, then squeezed my palm, and said weakly: "You are like this, no matter how I treat you, you are not angry. In this way, I can't understand, you treat me, but really..." Before he finished speaking, he coughed violently again.

At this time, the servant came in with the medicine, and I hurriedly helped him up. Xu Qihe drank the bowl of bitter medicine without wrinkling his brows, probably because he was used to it. I gently rubbed his back to make him calm down, and he also slowly lay on my body, closed his eyes and said, "It's okay, as long are by my side."

For a while, I have been staying in the third room, looking after him with my clothes on. According to the rules, I was supposed to go back to the big room now, but Xu Qihe is still sick, I really can't bear to leave his side at this time.

Mrs. Jiang also personally went to Xinglong Temple to burn incense and pray for Xu Qihe, and ordered everyone in the third house to be vegetarian for one month. Fortunately, after the beginning of spring, Xu Qihe's health improved significantly, and he was able to get out of bed and go for a walk in the yard. These days, he and I have lived in peace, he never mentions the past, and I don't want to think about it again, it's as if the two of us have returned to the time when nothing happened.

Xu Qihe was feeding the koi in the lake, and I held him by the arm. Seeing the blood turn on his face, I was also happy for him from the bottom of my heart.

He was very happy thanking the sky, and it was very good for his condition. He only heard him say: "I told my mother that when I feel better, we will go to another hospital in Nanchun for a while." I, with some yearning on my face, said, "I ordered someone to build that yard, but I have never been there myself. Last year, I asked someone to plant a peach blossom forest behind the yard. After two years, the peach blossoms will bloom." gone."

"Okay." I promised him, "When Helang recovers, we will go to see the peach blossoms together."

Back in the house, I served Xu Qihe to drink the medicine. He lay down and fell asleep peacefully. I guarded him until he fell asleep, then quietly stood up and walked out.

I walked in the yard outside, silently looking into the distance. Counting it, it has been almost a year since I left Shen's Mansion in Bianzhou. What happened in this year sometimes really makes me feel as if I am in a dream. In just ten months, I seem to forget what my previous home was like. Those people and those things seem to become more and more blurred in my memory. Just like when I open my eyes sometimes, I suddenly can't remember where I am and why I am here.

"Three joys." A call sounded.

I suddenly came back to my senses, and when I looked up, I saw Xu Changfeng approaching from afar.

"Officer?" I haven't seen him for some time. Although we live in the same mansion, it's not easy to communicate with each other. The masters will not step into other courtyards if they have nothing to do. It was really surprising that Xu Changfeng would appear here.

"I've been looking for you for a while." Xu Changfeng took my hand, "Come, follow me."

Xu Changfeng has always been steady, never had he happily dragged me outside like this.

"Officer, official!" I called him hesitantly, but Xu Changfeng didn't care. I thought he was going to take me somewhere, but I didn't expect that he was going out of Xu's residence.

"Officer, where are we going—" He hugged me and got on his own horse. I have never ridden a horse since I grew up, so I hugged him tightly. Xu Changfeng put his arms around me from behind: "I'll take you there, you'll know."

He didn't give me a chance to speak, so he called "drive".

Xu Changfeng took me to the cavalry camp outside the capital. This camp is less than twenty miles away from the city gate. It is a military training center for the defense of the imperial city. This is the first time I have come to such a place. As soon as Xu Changfeng got off the horse with me in his arms, a guard with a knife came over and saluted him: "Master Commander, who is this?"

"This is my wife." When Xu Changfeng said this, my heart moved, and I couldn't help but look up at him. He also looked towards me, under his resolute face, there seemed to be an indescribable softness.

"So it's Xu Shaojun." The man bowed his hands to me, and I hurriedly nodded in response. Afterwards, I followed Xu Changfeng to the camp. The camp was not small, and there were soldiers practicing everywhere. They were all bare-armed, wielding knives and swords, with fierce faces, and shouted loudly. At this time, Xu Changfeng quietly held my palm and said, "Don't be afraid, follow me, don't look at others."

I didn't dare to look around anymore, I just lowered my head and followed him all the way.

Xu Changfeng took me to the stable and said to someone, "Go and get that horse out."

After waiting for a while, I saw the groom leading a fine horse over. The horse was as black as ink, with a thick mane, and looked very different from other horses. Xu Changfeng came over, touched the horse's back, and said, "King Xia Dan once had a horse whose fur was black as night, and could gallop thousands of miles, jumping three feet at a time, and was called the King of Horses."

When I heard it, I wondered, "Could it be that horse king?"

Xu Changfeng shook his head: "The breed of this horse is Xuanji, which is said to be a thoroughbred horse handed down from ancient times. Now there are not many left in the world. Five years ago, King Xia Dan paid a tribute to our dynasty, and this one is exactly The offspring of the horse king and my big Zheng Liang horse bred a good foal."

Xu Changfeng took my hand: "Come on, touch it, like this..." I followed his example and touched the horse's head carefully. The black horse shook its head, and I withdrew my hand, and then boldly placed my palm on its head. The horse stopped struggling and let me caress it docilely. I smiled, Xu Changfeng looked at me, and said in a low voice: "In another five years, I, the Zheng cavalry, will no longer lack good horses."

I couldn't help looking at him. I know, there has been a saying since ancient times - there is nothing like a dragon in the sky, and a horse in the earth. The horse is the foundation of armor and soldiers, and the great use of the country. (Note)

Although Xu Changfeng is already in a high position, he is still determined to conquer the world. Now that he has a good horse, it is no wonder that he is so happy.

Xu Changfeng was only in a daze for a while, then suddenly put on the bracelet, hugged me and got on the horse: "Drive!"

He took me out of the camp and rode towards the hillside. I held onto him nervously, and the early spring wind blew in, but Xu Changfeng let out a long laugh, that clear and clear laughter seemed to spread everywhere, he has always been serious and calm, this... is the first time I saw him let go like this appearance.

He took me to a short slope, pointed to the distance, and said, "Look, that's Shangjing."

I watched from afar, and saw the bustling capital city from afar. The sky stretches as far as the eye can see, and the city seems ethereal and majestic, as if hidden in the hustle and bustle, it is so unreal.

Xu Changfeng took me off the horse, and we sat on the grass, and he told me about his past marching experience: "It was the eleventh year of the beginning, and I led the army for the first time. Tribe. At that time, there was a sharpshooter in that tribe named Monta. He was Takole’s general, and he could draw a 60-jin heavy bow with his bare hands, and he shot my right arm with one sword.” I heard this , his heart twitched violently, and he immediately grabbed his right hand and asked, "Then now, does it still hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt anymore." Xu Changfeng looked gentle, "However, I couldn't hold a sword for a full year at that time, so I could only practice my left hand. Fortunately, the doctor who accompanied the army was very skilled..." He continued, "After that, I The army defeated the enemy army and captured Monta alive. Today's intention was to persuade him to surrender, but Monta refused, and the thousand soldiers he led refused to surrender."

"And then?" I asked.

Xu Changfeng looked into the distance: "The wolf doesn't want to surrender, and he can't let the tiger go back to the mountain. Only one order is given, and the entire camp is set on fire."

My heart skipped a beat. Afterwards, I just lamented that sometimes a human life is worth more than a thousand pieces of gold, and sometimes it is as light as a mustard.

With the breeze blowing, he lifted my face and leaned over to kiss me. I couldn't help closing my eyes gently. At first he only sipped and bit slowly, but then he kissed deeper and deeper, and then he pressed me down desperately. He held my face and kept kissing, I panted slightly tremblingly, and whispered softly, until he put his hand into my clothes, I suddenly woke up, and grabbed his wrist.

Xu Changfeng paused and looked at me.

"Officer," I lowered my eyes and muttered, "It's getting late, we should go."

His eyes were heavy, and he got up immediately, and then pulled me up as well.

We rode back together and entered the city gate before dark. I just thought that it was already late, and when I came out, I didn't tell anyone. I was afraid that something would be wrong, so I insisted on rushing back.

What I didn't expect was that as soon as Xu Changfeng took me back to Xu's mansion, when Fang stepped into the door, I saw a person standing in the hall.

Xu Qihe, dressed in plain white, stood there quietly. That flawless face was expressionless at this moment.

Note: This remark comes from General Fubo of the Han Dynasty.