Three Joys

Chapter 55


After I woke up, I opened my eyes for a while before I saw the person next to the bed clearly. "Officer..." As soon as I opened my mouth, my voice became extremely hoarse, and I could hardly make a sound.

Just as I was about to move, Xu Changfeng pressed my shoulder and said, "Don't move, just lie down."

There was a trace of exhaustion in his expression, I hadn't seen him for a few days, the white hair on his sideburns seemed to be more than before, and there was also blue stubble on his chin. I just felt weak all over, so I could only listen to his words and lie down obediently.

I looked at him and asked in a hoarse voice: "The officer...why are you here?"

Xu Changfeng didn't answer me, I looked at his face: "... Is there something wrong with me?"

I just remember, I was hanging out in the yard, and what happened after that... and then...

I suddenly felt a headache, Xu Changfeng stretched out his hand and held my palm tightly. Xu Changfeng remained silent. I watched him for a long time, my chest rose and fell weakly, and an unexplained coldness gradually enveloped me. I grabbed him suddenly and raised my voice: "What's the matter?!"

Xu Changfeng looked up, his eyes were bloodshot, but he spoke very calmly: "You had a miscarriage."

I looked at him without blinking. For a long time, I couldn't understand what he said. Or, it should be said that at that moment, I seemed to be unable to hear anything. Xu Changfeng seemed to say something later, but he didn't seem to say anything.

I lowered my head in a daze, and slowly put my hands on my stomach. It was flat and flat, and there was no feeling at all.

"Why?" I murmured softly, "Why..."

Why, I don't feel anything? I didn't feel at all that there was another life in this place, and I never discovered his existence. Here, it has been quiet, why? Why, I didn't notice at all...

Xu Changfeng said: "When the servants went to look for you, they found you lying in the yard. When the doctor arrived, it was already too late. You are less than three months pregnant, and this period is the most unstable..." He seemed to be holding back Emotion, the voice said calmly, "So, I can't keep it."

I listened to his words in a daze. The strange thing was that apart from being confused and astonished, I didn't know what kind of feeling I was feeling at this moment. My expression was dull, and my eyes were sore, but I couldn't shed a single tear.

After a long time, my lips moved slightly: "I saw a cat on the tree..." I spoke very slowly, almost murmuring to myself: "I climbed up and hugged it. Then, It called…”

"There's blood..." I hugged my belly, my ten fingers gradually tightened, and I muttered in a dazed way, "It's blood... a lot, a lot of blood..." I gasped suddenly, and yelled "ah", Xu Changfeng held his hands tightly Hugged me tightly, shouted with red eyes: "Come on!"

An unfamiliar doctor walked in quickly. They rolled up my sleeves and gave me a few injections. After a while, I slowly woke up again.

"—How about my wife's body?"

The doctor's words came in vaguely from behind the screen: "Young Master's qi and blood surged for a while, and he has recovered. However, this time, his confidence has been hurt. This old man needs to observe for a while before making a decision..."

Their voices gradually faded away.

I numbly stared at the red lacquer carving on the head of the bed, with my eyes wide open, the candle was on and off for a while, like a person in deep shackles struggling for the last time. I heard footsteps.

He approached step by step, and the white pheasant bird on the official uniform slowly came into my eyes. Finally, he stood in front of me.

He looked down at me, his face was thin and sharp, and his deep features became hazy and desolate under the candlelight. Once upon a time, all the frivolity and pride in his eyes disappeared, leaving only a deep shadow.

Xu Yanqing sat down slowly by the bed.

I looked at him quietly, and what Xu Changfeng said before rang in my ears. I am pregnant, and it is less than three months. In the past three months, only he has touched my body.

Xu Yanqing's gaze gradually descended and landed on my belly.

At this moment, I clearly felt an unspeakable bitterness and pain welling up in my heart. I didn't move, and a few tears fell from my eyes.

He and I didn't speak a word, Xu Yanqing just stretched out his hand slowly. That palm was gently placed on my stomach...

Mrs. Yu was very angry about my miscarriage and lost her temper in the house.

Before Yu's seizure was over, Xu Changfeng walked in from the outside, and the servants called out "Master". When the mother and son met, they didn't have a good face, Yu sneered: "Why, do you still remember me as a mother?"

Xu Changfeng's face remained calm, he seemed to have given up on confronting Mrs Yu long ago, and only said: "I want to ask my mother to write a letter to my third aunt, and send Jun'er to Yunrang in spring, and she will educate Jun'er."

Yu Shi paused, as if extremely surprised.

"Jun'er has no mother, no one has taught her since she was a child, and her temperament has become more spoiled and unruly." Xu Changfeng closed his eyes and said solemnly, "The only way is to entrust someone to discipline her. If you blindly spoil her, it will only harm her."

Yu Shi was silent for a moment, then nodded and said: "Since you have figured it out, I will write to Prince Qi's mansion." She raised her eyebrows suddenly and reprimanded: "At the beginning, if you would listen to me and send her out early, so what? This kind of thing will happen!"

Xu Changfeng didn't say anything, and Yu Shi said angrily: "I knew he was so ignorant, so I shouldn't have accepted the Shen family." She seemed to regret it, "I'm really fascinated by ghosts. Sure enough, there is something wrong with this body. I shouldn't have stayed, I actually welcomed such an ominous thing into the door—”

"Mother." Xu Changfeng interrupted.

Mrs. Yu looked at him suddenly, and sneered with anger: "What? At the beginning, wasn't it someone you refused to marry? It's only been two years, and you don't even want a daughter. You are determined." Are you going to protect him?"

Xu Changfeng suddenly slapped the table, and Yu was startled: "You..."

Xu Changfeng ignored her, turned around and left, Yu Shi was so angry that he dropped his hand stove.

Afterwards, I found out that Xu Changfeng ordered people to hang the white cat left by the Luo family. When Jun'er found out, she burst into tears and said, "Father drove away mother for him, and killed her to vent his anger." Shi Yiyi, will she drive Jun'er away for his child in the future!"

Hearing that, Xu Changfeng's face immediately changed, and then he sat back and fell down as if his eyes went dark.

"Eldest young master!" He brushed away the hands of others and looked at Jun'er. Jun'er stared at him with tears all over her face, showing no sign of weakness, the father and daughter seemed equally stubborn. Xu Changfeng nodded: "You're right, you're right, there is no perfect solution in this world..." He seemed to be extremely disheartened, his eyes became colder, and finally said cruelly, "—Come on, take Miss Lock it up!"

After my accident, Bi Luo has been locked in the firewood room. After a few days, he returned to me and waited on me. As soon as she saw me, she knelt down and cried with self-reproach: "Young Master, it's not good to be a slave..."

Originally, none of these subordinates were exempt from responsibility for my miscarriage, but in the final analysis, I was the one who really did the wrong thing, and it had nothing to do with others. In addition, apart from Bi Luo, in this huge Xu Mansion, I have nothing to do. trusted person.

Bi Luo wiped her tears with her hands, walked to my bedside, and begged: "The servant will definitely not walk away, please don't drive the servant away!"

I lay on the bed and said to her, "Get up."

In the early spring, Jun'er was sent to Yunrang's Prince Qi's Mansion. Concubine Qi is Xu Changfeng's aunt, who has given birth to four daughters, and it is perfect for Jun'er to entrust her to discipline her.

I have been cultivating here in Dafang, and besides Xu Changfeng, Xu Qihe has also visited me a few times.

I asked him: "Why is Helang here?" Xu Qihe smiled and said, "Mother and the others have kept it from me. I have been waiting for you for a long time, but you have not come. I thought at first, you might be delayed, who knows..."

He didn't say any more, only sighed regretfully.

After a while, the previous doctor came to check my pulse again. It turned out that Dr. Chen was a medical officer with the army, and his medical skills were no less than that of the imperial physicians in the palace. After he finished taking the pulse, he said to Xu Changfeng: "My lord, can we take a step to talk."

After they went out, they talked for a long time. After I drank the medicine, I saw Xu Changfeng come back. Since Jun'er was sent away, his temples were almost completely white. He sat down beside my bed, I looked at him and said softly: "Does the official have something on his mind?"

Xu Changfeng should not, after Jun'er left, there was no more thoughtful words to say between him and me. I rolled over and lay on my back with his back.

"Your body should be rested and rested. I have ordered someone to tidy up a yard. If you don't want to go to the second or third child's place, you can move there to live." He finally said, "I intend to send troops to the north this autumn. When the time comes, I will lead the army out.”

Later, there were rumors in Xu's mansion that my tire slipped this time and my vitality was hurt, and I might not be able to conceive again in the future. After Mrs. Yu found out about this, she could only snort coldly, and from then on, she never looked at me in the eye again.