Three Joys

Chapter 6


The weather is getting hotter and the flowers are blooming in the yard.

That day, my aunt came over and asked someone to change my clothes. The satin is made of brocade. I remember that in the past, my wife also had one, and gave it to my aunt when it was worn out. The third auntie thanked me repeatedly at that time, but at night she spat on the dress a few times: "She treats me as one of those lowly servant girls, give me what she doesn't want, bah!" After a few days, she ordered someone to wash it and put it on again so that Madam would not think of asking her.

The nuns packed me up and brought me to my aunt. She looked at me carefully, and twitched the corner of her mouth: "Although it's not as good as Wu Niangzi, it's good to tidy up, but it's still barely noticeable."

I didn't respond. The fifth younger sister is naturally beautiful, as pretty as a flower bone, but I am more like my father, and my facial features can only be regarded as delicate, so naturally they cannot be compared.

After that, I followed my aunt.

I thought she was going to take me somewhere, but I came to the front hall of Shen's residence. When we entered, we did not enter from the front, but entered through the small door on the side, passed through the ear room, and arrived here after a few steps. From far away, I could smell the sandalwood, which reminded me of that day, and I felt a little nauseous.

When I came to the front hall, my position was on the side, and there was only a chair there. I sat down on that chair, but my aunt stood behind me, together with the nuns. "Sit properly and don't move around." She warned me, and I sat upright without squinting.

There is a thin bamboo curtain hanging in front of me, which I know. Misses of rich families hang up this curtain when they are in their boudoirs and cannot see outsiders. I just didn't expect it to be the same.

Suddenly, I saw the old lady and the uncle sitting in front of me, and the guest seat was the young steward from Xu's house on the day of Fifth Sister's funeral.

I also don't know why I recognized him at a glance, he is not wearing the same yellow shirt as that day today, but a plain robe with a crown on his head, if it wasn't for others saying that he is a servant, I really thought he was He is Xu's son. When I looked at him, he also looked over, and for a while, our eyes seemed to be on the same line.

At this time, I heard him say: "Oh? Xu and Chen's family have been friends for a long time, this is the first time I heard that there is still an unmarried scorpion here."

The old lady smiled. After all, Jiang is old and spicy, so she responded calmly: "Guan Lu, this great-great-grandson of Laoshen has been weak since he was a child, and he has been raised in another courtyard in Bianzhou. He is in good health, so he has never talked about marriage. Now, it is the right age, no matter how reluctant the old man is, he has to find a husband for him."

What the old lady said was quite understandable. Although I am a scorpion, I do not have a vulva but have a penis, which is extremely unusual. Out of face, Shen sent me to the countryside to be raised, and she did not dare to find a husband's house easily. Now it's time to get married, and my tide has come, so I can't delay any longer before taking me back to Beijing. Although this remark is unconvincing, it has no flaws.

After listening to Guanshi Lu, he really didn't study it carefully. Some things, it's not good to ask clearly, ordinary people's communication is like this, let alone between the aristocratic families in Beijing and China.

Guanshi Lu smiled softly. Although he was young, he didn't look cramped at all in front of this group of people.

"So that's the case, no wonder I've never heard of it." He changed the subject and said, "Although your son is rare, but as Mrs. Tai said, his weak body may not be conducive to fertility. So , will it delay the two young masters of my Xu family?"

Listening to their words, I was extremely surprised. Although I knew that the Shen family would marry me off as soon as possible, I never thought that they... actually wanted me to replace Wumei.

The old lady thought she knew that he would ask such a question, so she asked him to order the doctor brought by the Xu family to come over and take my pulse.

The doctor was wearing an official uniform, presumably he was an imperial doctor invited by Mrs. Xu from the palace. I stretched out my wrist from under the curtain, and after he felt his pulse, he went up to several people in the room and said: "Mr. Shen's chi pulse is roughly counted, and the inch pulse is about to come out. It is a sign of a stable tide. If the tide is stable , is a happy sign of abundant qi and blood, and the young master also has enough yang qi. There is an ancient saying that the harmony of yin and yang is the way to longevity. From the perspective of medicine, Mr. Shen is like this, but it is the most conducive to conceiving a child.”

The old lady and the uncle were all overjoyed, especially the old lady, who said several times: "Very good." Then he asked, "Since the majesty of the hospital has said so, Guanshi Lu should be relieved?"

But Guanshi Lu didn't look very satisfied. He looked at me, and I couldn't help but gently look away, rubbed my palms, feeling a little hot.

Although I couldn't see his face clearly, I always had a feeling that he had recognized me.

Then, I heard him say: "I am convinced of what the court is saying. Listening to Mrs. Tai, the son grew up in Bianzhou since he was a child. I don't know that the golden body is still intact." The face of the elders changed. Whether the scorpion's scorpion is perfect or not has nothing to do with fertility, but it is just like ordinary people marrying a wife. If the wife is not chaste, there must be pimples in the husband's heart. I am also a man, but I understand this.

I came to Shen's Mansion in the middle of the capital and knew that I was a scorpion. Not to mention a man, I have never been on a blind date with a woman. Although the Shen family had confirmed the matter, they had to let the Xu family verify it. After all, the Xu family is not easy to be fooled. About my origin, I think they sent people to investigate. I think there is a precedent like Wu Niang, who taught the Xu family that everything is like a soldier, lest it will suffer again.

"Then..." The old lady felt angry in her heart, but in the end it was Shen who owed her the most, so she could only hold back her breath and said, "Guan Lu, just check it out."

I thought he would call Nanny over, but who knows, it was Steward Lu who stood up by himself, and the others in Shen's residence were not surprised.

The servants removed the bamboo curtain, and I could clearly see the man in front of me. He was in his early twenties, and his appearance was the same as the impression he gave me that day, handsome and striking. But when he saw me, his face changed and remained the same, as if he was seeing me for the first time, his gaze was unbiased, as if in his eyes, I was not a person, but an object.

My aunt secretly pinched me, and I stood up slowly, not knowing what to do, and the nanny came over and loosened the waist of my trousers, but didn't completely untie them, leaving only room for one hand to poke in.

I clenched my hands tightly, and I didn't even know where to put my eyes. A heavy voice came from above: "Young Master Shen, I offended you." Afraid or ashamed, I closed my eyes, and the smell of sandalwood in my nose faded, replaced by a faint scent of ink and books.

"Hmm." My body trembled when my fingers touched it. He seemed to stop for a moment, looked at me, and then came in as if cruelly. That feeling is completely different from the feeling of being invaded by other things before. I just feel hot. Hot and cold. What is hot is the body, what is cold is the heart.

My aunt said, I have a very deep buttock, and it will take a lot of work to find it.

It is said that if the buttock knot is perfect, the squirt passage is extremely narrow, and when it reaches the knot, it is like a ring, which can barely accommodate a finger, and the resistance is extremely strong. If the knot has been broken, even though the ring is still there, the knot is easy to stretch. Therefore, the first time a knot is formed, the pain is even more painful to the scorpion, and after combing it once, the pain again is only temporary.

At first he only poked one finger in, but when I felt my body tighten, I bit down extremely hard. He seemed to be frowning, and put his other hand on my shoulder. I heard his voice next to my ear: "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." With just such a soft sentence from him, I faintly felt something stable. I stopped, and when I opened my eyes slightly, I realized that he was looking at me. At this moment, he put his finger in again. Two fingers were rubbing inside my body, he not only pushed in, but also pressed and kneaded carefully until it got deeper and deeper, when he was about to reach that place, he suddenly stabbed.

"...Ah!" I gasped and bit my lower lip.

This trembling made me almost unable to stand, he moved faster than the servants, wrapped his arms around my waist, and I fell on him, as if I was about to fall, my hands tightly grasped his sleeves, Breathing heavily like drowning.

Afterwards, Guanshi Lu withdrew his hand, my legs gave way and I almost fell down. Two nuns supported me from behind, and I was sweating all over, and I saw that most of his temples were wet, and a drop of sweat dripped silently from his forehead.

He stopped looking at me, turned around and walked out, and the servants put up the bead curtain again.

The old lady put down her glass and asked, "How is it, Guanshi Lu?"

Guanshi Lu's expression was as usual, and there was nothing wrong: "It is indeed perfect."

Although it is a fact that has been known for a long time, the old lady and the uncle still secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Guan Lu said: "Mrs. Tai, Mr. Shen, please rest assured. I... will tell Mr. Xu truthfully."

What else they said afterwards I don't remember. The servant took me down, and that day, no matter what I did, I was a little restless.

At night, I was lying on the bed, confused, but I remembered that when I was young, a fortune teller knocked on the door and said that I was trading for food by looking at my face. The servant wanted to send him away, but I gave him two corn buns. The fortune teller stroked his beard, shook his head and said, "My child's fate is different. He owed three people in his previous life. Whether he is a blessing or a disaster in this life is closely related to these three people."

I stayed up all night.

The next day, I sat in the hall and stretched out my wrist to let my aunt feel the pulse. My aunt has a little knowledge of medical theory, and she is the one who diagnoses my pulse and recuperates my body on weekdays.

Just look, the finger pressed on the pulse, and the phoenix eyes looked over, and she asked: "Last night, how many times did you have diarrhea?"

I looked at her, under that gaze, said hesitantly: "Once... once."

The bright red nails pressed against my hand with more force, I pursed my lips in pain, and then honestly said: "Two, two times..."

My aunt sneered, and then let me go. I held my wrist, and a small bright red mark was pinched on it, but I heard my aunt say: "Auntie sees that you are very energetic, it seems that you are usually too indulgent."

I lowered my head, and my aunt had ordered someone to bring the box. Now she skipped the middle one, and directly took the thick and long one, and beat me to death. My aunt stretched out her hand to look at my eyebrows, and said with a smile, "Why, do you blame me in your heart?"

"Junior don't... dare not." I was afraid that she would be extremely prosperous, how could she still have the strength to hate her.

After hearing this, the aunt said: "It's strange. Although you and Wu Niangzi are not from the same mother, they are still brothers and sisters. This temperament... is quite different."

I thought to myself, what's so strange about this. Even if the same belly comes out, the appearance is different, how can this temperament be exactly the same. Fate is naturally different.

"Wu Niang is rebellious, not persuasive, even the world is not convinced. You are submissive, so you can handle it tightly." The aunt rubbed the ends of my hair, and smiled softly: "It's so good, this way, the hard life will not be over. It's going to be so hard."

After a long time, I can't remember many people, things, and things clearly, but I can remember many things my aunt said clearly. There was a time when I thought she was wrong.

But later, I realized that, in fact, none of us was wrong.

A few days later, when Mother Zhao came, she congratulated me, as if something great had happened.

"Could it be that the fourth brother doesn't know? Now it's spread all over the house!" Mammy said, "Mr. Young Master."

After hearing these words, I was stunned for a long time.

The entire Shen family was overjoyed because of this incident, they heard that the old lady had gone to the ancestral temple to offer incense and fulfill her vows, all the servants in the mansion suddenly respected me a lot.

They were all very happy, but I was the only one who felt like I was in a dream, with all kinds of emotions in my heart, but I didn't feel happy alone.

When I was in a trance, my aunt's voice came from behind: "The fourth brother is coming out of his head now, don't forget my aunt's kindness."

As soon as I turned around, I saw my aunt walking over gracefully. I once heard gossip from the servants in Shen's residence that my aunt was originally an orphan from the old lady's family. Occasionally, I had an affair with one of my uncles, but I was born in a humble family. The old lady refused to let go, so she could only wait. This waits until Shaohua fades away, and Mr. Lang has already married his wife and concubines, and his sons and daughters are in groups.

My aunt always dislikes anyone, let alone anyone else. She waved her fan and said flatly: "Fourth brother should be, don't you know?"

I bowed my head, and said obediently and honestly: "Please ask my aunt to remind me."

The aunt smiled: "In addition to the two concubines of the Xu family, there is still a son in the main house."

I know this too.

Although Xu Shangshu was a wedge, he did not marry a scorpion, but took in several rich and noble daughters. The main house, Mrs. Yu, is the only daughter of General Hussars, and she has an ordinary son, who hasn't had anything for so many years. Two noble concubines, one is the late cabinet minister Xie Shoufu's second daughter, and the other is the princess from Jingguo's mansion, both of them gave birth to concubines, who are the two young masters of the Xu family.

My aunt walked up to me and gently raised my jaw. I swallowed, and only heard her say: "It is true that Mrs. Xu has agreed to this marriage, but there is one more condition."

"Except for the two concubine sons, the eldest son from the principal house must also share his wife."