Three Joys

Chapter 7


After the marriage is settled, according to the custom, there are six rituals, first there are Na Cai, Wen Ming, and Najib, after that there is Na Zheng, asking for a date, and then there is marriage.

The betrothal gifts that Mrs. Xu sent were so thick that they couldn’t even fit in the front hall, and they had to be piled up in the yard. The mother-in-law of Zhijiao smiled after seeing it: "Fourth brother, take a look, Mrs. Xu is so caring, you Marrying in the past will definitely lead a good life, so why worry about it?"

"Mother Zhao, that's not necessarily the case." The aunt looked at it coldly, and walked over with her neck raised, "It's only natural for Wedgejiri to marry, and this Xu family is also quite resourceful, trying to make the best use of the characters. One point Don't waste it." She glanced at me, and curled her red lips, "That's right, we are all brothers anyway, it doesn't matter which bed they sleep in."

"This, aunt..." Zhao Momo looked at her hesitantly.

In fact, although what my aunt said was not pleasant, it was all true.

Since ancient times, cuneijiri has been conjoined, and nothing has happened to ordinary people. However, in some aristocratic families, there are also precedents for ordinary people to share wives with Wei. After all, jiri and ordinary people can also conceive children, and most of the offspring they give birth to are wedge jiri. This is naturally for the prosperity of the clan. Generally, those who marry into this kind of family are not of high status, and the family status of the two families is very different. The Xu family made such a request, which more or less discredited Shen's family, but the old lady had to agree after all.

In the end, it's just a competition between the two, and no one wants to suffer.

"If my aunt is fine, this junior wants to walk around." After hearing this, my aunt waved her hand and let the nanny follow me.

These days, the entire Shen residence is quite respectful to me, my life is not as restrained as before, although I can't walk out the gate, I can go anywhere in this courtyard. I looked at the jade-built pavilions in front of me, and couldn't help but think of the day I first came here. It's only been two months, and it seems like it happened in my previous life.

I was wandering around in the mansion, and came to the front yard without knowing it. The noise attracted me to go, but it was Mother Zhao who stopped me: "There are too many people at that end, fourth brother, don't go there."

I just remembered that, as a scorpion, I am already engaged, so naturally I can't meet people casually. After all, I have been an ordinary man for more than ten years. I really can't get used to this kind of life. I am surrounded by eyeliners, if I make a mistake, I will report it to my aunt or someone else, I will inevitably suffer, so I have to obediently go back with my mother. But before I turned around, I heard that familiar voice.

"—Put these all over there, be careful." Steward Lu was instructing the servants of Xu's mansion to bring in boxes of gift boxes. He was wearing the same yellow shirt as that day again today. It was very hot today. The man next to him The servants all rolled up their sleeves and trouser legs, he only sweated a little, and he still looked handsome and clear.

Ordinarily, I should have turned around and left, but at this time, my feet seemed to have grown roots, and I couldn't move. He was looking elsewhere, but for some reason, he looked over. When he saw me, he seemed to be slightly stunned, but he just covered it up very quickly, and then he gave me a slight nod. Immediately, other stewards came to ask him something, and the nanny also urged me a second time behind me. As I left, I looked back again. Although he didn't look over again, for some reason, I felt in my heart that it was good just like this.

Branches on the moon.

I turned over again, the cicadas sang, and the quilt had been kicked to the end of the bed. In the end, I turned over vigorously, with my face facing the outside, and my chest was panting slightly. The moonlight peeked in from outside, forming a long streak of light on the ground. I was hot all over, bit my lip, and put my hand down into my pants.

These days, my body has been trained by my aunt, and my body is not what it used to be. I bent my knees to my chest and held one hand between my legs, getting wet when I touched my crotch. I gritted my teeth and felt inside, only to find the red string attached to the end of the false root. Now, my aunt has exempted me from many classes, but I can't hide from this one.

"Hmm..." I bit the mattress, barely pulled out the rope a little, grabbed the handle, and pushed it in again. Back and forth like this, the lower abdomen is getting hotter and hotter, but the inside is getting more and more itchy, but it doesn't work if you don't do it. After trying a few times, I felt that I was not happy enough, so I got up, knelt on the bed, held the penis with one hand, and propped the other hand aside, arched my body slightly, and just gritted my teeth and masturbated .

"Um... ah..." I didn't dare to speak too loudly, so as not to wake Mammy up. After less than half an hour, I was sweating profusely, strands of hair sticking to my face, but I couldn't stop, I kept poking the penis deeper and deeper. The penis in front also hardened, and I lifted up my semi-wet pants, "Um... ah!" I pulled out the penis suddenly, took off my clothes and pants in a hurry, as if I was crazy, I put my fingers Insert it there, "Ah, ah..." The fingers kept pressing and fucking hard in the tight hole, reminding me of that day, the smell of ink lingering in my nose...

When I woke up again, I found that I was tied to the bed.

"Wake up, wake up." I heard the voices of the nuns, saying that they called the servants to tell the master, and then helped me up, and then a fishy smell came to my nostrils. I turned my face away, but the nanny pinched my face: "No way, fourth brother, drink this soup obediently, so that the tide will be better, otherwise people will be tortured out of shape."

After drinking, maybe there was something stuffed in my stomach, so I really felt better. I lay back on the bed again and closed my eyes tiredly. It seemed that a few people came during this period, including aunts and old ladies.

"Originally, I wanted to wait until after the Longevity Festival, but now it seems that it can't be delayed any longer."

"According to the Xu family's opinion, of course, the sooner the better. Although the fourth brother is old enough, there are only three of us... It's still a bit of a struggle."

"Old Madam, don't worry, Fourth Brother will miss your well-being in the future..."

During the night, I suffered another torture. After getting through it, although I felt extremely tired, I couldn't sleep no matter what.

The tidal season of Shiri comes once every forty-five days, or once a month if it is short. This time is also the saddest time for Shiri. That's why, most of them get married in their teens, otherwise, how can they live like this. I couldn't help but wonder, is Fifth Sister the same? At that time... would she be like this, hungry and thirsty

After thinking wildly, I remembered what my aunt had said to me the night before I left home. She wants me to come to Beijing and never go back, even if I am a slave or a handmaid.

Perhaps, she herself would not have thought that it would be a prophecy.

The date of my marriage has been set, and the eighth day of the seventh lunar month is an auspicious day for getting married.

The date of the wedding is very close, everyone in the Shen residence seems to be in a hurry, from this point of view, I am the most leisurely. Before getting married, the old lady called me to meet her.

The hall was dark and gloomy, and the old lady sat on the upper seat, as if she wanted to blend in with the scenery behind it when she was motionless. I have always been afraid of superfluous respect to her, and she knew it too, so she didn't bother to pretend to be friendly, and just said: "I called you here today to tell you about your three future husbands. .”

The three sons of the Xu family, these days, someone whispers in my ear every day.

"Xu Changfeng, the eldest son of the Xu family, was born in the 19th year of Juguang. This year is exactly 30. He was a first-class Jinshi in the eighth year of Taichu. Later, he did not enter the officialdom like the other children of the Xu family. Instead, he went to Jiangbei Daying, which was his grandfather's. Training troops under his command. In the second year of Ningwu, he made great contributions to defeating the Kou. He is now the left commander of the Yulin Army and the first commander of the Sixteen Guards of the North Yamen.

Shu Wei's second son, named Xu Yanqing. At the age of twenty-three, it was born by the noble concubine Xie, and now the Minister of the Ministry of Households, Mr. Xie, is his own uncle. He is still young and promising, and he is most likely to inherit the Xu family in the future.

The youngest son, Xu Qihe, is closer to your age. He has just turned seventeen and has not yet obtained any honors. His mother is the Princess Huayang of Jingguo Duke's Mansion. She insisted on marrying because she admired Xu Shangshu's demeanor. Like Xie's family, she was a concubine of Xu Mansion. Such a son is often sick after beating his mother's womb, and his body is relatively weak, so he is extremely favored at home. "

The old lady looked at me and said, "You should know about these things. Then do you know why the old man called you here tonight?"

I lowered my eyes and just repeated what my aunt taught me. It's nothing more than obeying my husband's family and acting cautiously, but no matter how much I say, the old lady neither nods nor shakes her head.

I closed my eyes, lowered my eyebrows and said calmly: "Madam Tai, please give me some advice."

The old lady held the stick: "These three, no matter which one, are dragons and phoenixes among men. It is a blessing and a misfortune to have this husband and lord."

"The Xu family has one wife and two concubines, both of them are the most noble among the nobles. Leaving aside the difference between wedge and concubines, no matter who these three sons are, they have the possibility of inheriting the Xu family. People say that one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, let alone With three sons and a wife, you are in the midst of it, life may be extremely difficult."

I raised my eyes, tugged at my fingers, and asked hesitantly, "Then junior... what should I do?"

The old lady said: "As a wife, you must understand that no matter how many husbands and lords you have, you must love them one by one. You don't treat them equally, but whoever is in front of you, you can only tolerate him in your eyes. In this way, Fang able to check and balance."

I was at a loss when I heard this, so I asked the old lady to clarify, and she said: "You only remember this sentence a little bit. When you arrive at Xu's house, you look at the three husbands, and after a long time, you will know what to do. Then he let out a long sigh, "Weijiri are compatible, and the two should end up as one, but in this world, this is not allowed after all."

After finishing speaking, she looked deeply at me again, and said: "If the fifth lady is married today, I won't be so worried... You just have to remember, no matter what you do, don't bring Mrs. Shen into trouble."

After the old lady said a few more words, her voice died away. After I went back, I thought about what she said, but I still couldn't figure it out.

In the blink of an eye, it was the day of my great joy.

The night before, I barely closed my eyes, and when Yinshi came, my aunt came in with a dozen maids and nuns. Marriages from wealthy families are very particular, and wedge-jiri marriages are even more unusual. From bathing and cleansing, to putting on a robe and wearing a crown, every step must follow the etiquette. First, an unmarried girl cleanses my body, removes the excess hair inside and outside, leaving only some shame, and then puts on a single shirt. That silkworm garment was as thin as a cicada's wing, and it was draped over her body like nothing. Then, of course, I have to dress up.

Men are not comfortable with heavy makeup, so they just draw my eyebrows for me. At the same time, a maid came over with a jade plate. Auntie uncovered the red cloth, and saw a piece of smooth jade lying on the ground. It was about six inches long and as thick as a child's wrist. This is an ancient system. It is said that before marriage, the genital area of the scorpion is very narrow, which is not conducive to intercourse. Therefore, it is necessary to keep this thing in the mouth, and then let the new husband untie it on the wedding night, and also let the husband know where the scorpion is. Knot.

My aunt said: "This is from Mrs. Xu, but it is a high-quality warm jade." The maid who put on my makeup didn't stop. When my aunt buried the utensil in my body, I was squeezing the rouge paper hard. The jade moves straight into the orifice, thicker and longer than the ones contained before. Just this encounter made me break out in cold sweat.

The maid took the rouge paper from my mouth, and looked at the person in the bronze mirror, with painted eyebrows and bright red lips, for a moment I couldn't remember my original appearance.

My aunt took out a silk cloth and wiped my sweat carefully, and said in a soft voice: "If fourth brother can't stand it like this, then in the days to come, I won't be caught alive by those three wolf-like husbands... Toss to death."

I was the only one who heard her words, I looked at her, and after a while, said softly: "Sanxi, thank you for your advice, aunt."

My aunt's eyes sparkled, and she stopped talking to me. From now on, I don't have to listen to what she has to say.

Afterwards, the servants put on a wedding dress for me. The big red clothes were embroidered with flying dragons and phoenix dances, which were lifelike. These were all written by Mrs. Xu and woven in Beijing. The golden hairpin and phoenix crown on my head are also real. I am a man. It still feels heavy, and I can't help but think about those married daughters, they have felt the same way. Xi Niang lowered the bead curtain in front of the crown for me, and someone shouted: "Get up—"

I will go to the front hall of the Shen Mansion first, today, all the uncles in the clan are here, according to the custom, I have to say goodbye to my parents and elders, but even if I take a look, I don't recognize everyone here.

I knelt down to Mrs. Tai and my uncle, and kowtowed, the old lady's eyes brightened, as if she really couldn't bear to part with me.

"The people from the Xu residence have come to meet the relatives." The manager of the Shen residence came in to spread the word, and I heard the sound of firecrackers from afar, these timings are just right, neither too early nor too late.

If ordinary people get married, they will ask their elder brothers to carry them out from the ancestral house. My identity is a scorpion, and I can't tolerate other men's breath on me, so I let eunuchs act on my behalf. It is said that in the inner house of the noble family, there are more than one or two eunuchs to do things. The Shen family naturally does not have such an ordinary family, and the Xu family follows the ancient system in everything, and marriage is not to be sloppy. After listening to Xu's people waiting in front, Xi Niang walked out holding my hand.

When we arrived at the gate of the front hall, the team of welcoming the bride was right in front of us. Married wives can't look around, so I looked at the ground until the Xu family came over and bent down with my back behind my back.

I looked at his back, and suddenly it seemed as if he was hit in the center by some heavy object, and he didn't move for a long time.

"Young Master." Xi Niang urged.

My heart was beating like a drum, and my eyes almost blurred, but I didn't fall down after all. I took a few breaths, and bent over like a marionette. His back was extremely wide, and in order to stabilize me, he lifted my legs with both hands when he got up.

There were eight-tone gongs and drums all around, and firecrackers shook the sky, but he didn't make a sound from the beginning to the end.

I put my hand on his shoulder and turned my face slightly, but the aroma of the book ink was so strong that it made my eyes feel slightly hot and my chest was blocked. I don't know why I feel so uncomfortable.

I don't remember how I got into the sedan chair, nor how long I walked on the road. At that time, I just felt that there seemed to be a piece of emptiness in my heart, and my whole body was suspended, unable to fall to the ground, but there was a feeling that everything was clear. However, the reality does not allow me to think too much, so the sedan chair stopped.

The officer-in-charge shouted: "The newcomer has arrived—"

Then, the car curtain was lifted.

The weather was fine that day, but I only looked at the brightly colored embroidered shoes under my feet. As for the grandeur of the front door of the Xu Mansion, how many dignitaries there were among the guests in the front hall, or my three husbands whom I had never met before, I could not see.

With three sons and one wife, I will worship three times.

The order of worship is not based on the wedge first, but according to the weekly system, with the descendant as the respect, and the same is true when it comes to the bridal chamber at night. Before getting married, Xu Shi sent someone over to inform her about the order of the night companions. Although there is a difference between the wedge and the concubine, the status of the three husbands is actually equal, only the difference between the elder and the younger.

As a wife, you have to sleep with the three of them separately, the first night as the elder brother, and then the youngest son in turn, one night for each, with an interval of three days.

I held the hydrangea in my hand, and one person followed another at the other end. After worshiping the heaven and the earth, the high hall, and each other, I changed another person. This happened again and again, and at the end of the day, Fang listened to the official singing: "Send it to the bridal chamber—"

The servants of Xu's mansion took me to the new house, the wedding bed was made of sandalwood, in front of it was a screen with a picture of a hundred sons, the other decorations were not as dazzling as Shen's, but they were uniquely thoughtful, and everything was transparent. Out of the demeanor of a century-old gentry.

"Young Master, wait here. If you need anything, just summon it." The maids filed out and closed the door behind them.

I sat alone, staring at the red candle, as if I wanted to think about the past and the future. Before I knew it, the two candles were missing more than half, and the sky gradually darkened. At this time, I heard a burst of footsteps coming, coming from far and approaching, heavy and steady.

"Eldest Young Master." The voices of servants saying hello sounded from behind the door one after another, and immediately after that, the door with the thick red hanging was pushed open.