Three Joys

Chapter 8


I looked towards that end, and before I could see anything clearly, I remembered the rules again, and I turned my gaze back.

Step by step, the person gradually approached, and the shadow came over. Then, I saw a pair of leather shoes, which were worn by military officers. After waiting for a few breaths, I felt a hand reach out and lifted the bead curtain in front of my crown. Only at this time can I raise my eyes and see the man standing in front of me clearly.

First of all, those eyebrows and eyes. The eyebrows are sword eyebrows, long and sharp, but the eyes are as deep as a pool, which removes the evil spirit of the sword eyebrows, and adds a bit of elegance for nothing. The nose is straight, the lips are thin, and the contours are carved like carvings. No matter where you look at it, you are a very handsome and stalwart man. Xu is a warrior, tall and tall, solemn and awe-inspiring, standing in front of me like a knife without its sheath, comparing me to my daughter's petiteness.

Xu Changfeng... Really, he lives up to his name.

When I looked at him, he was also looking at me, and then he narrowed his eyebrows slightly, and took one of my hands. His palms are also extremely wide, rough and mottled.

"Your hands," he said at this moment, "are a bit cold."

The voice was mellow and deep, unforgettable. I have always been clumsy and reticent, and I didn't know what to say to him. I just felt that the palm held by him was extremely hot, but my heart was barren and at a loss. Fortunately, the servants in Xu's mansion were smart and obedient, and quietly added charcoal fire to the basin.

Xu Changfeng led me to the wedding table. According to the custom, on the wedding night, the couple will naturally drink Hejiu wine, which means that the husband and wife become one and share weal and woe. The two of us sat opposite each other, I picked up the wine jug, thinking it was too cautious, my hands trembled slightly, and the wine splashed a little when I poured it. Without saying a word, he took the wine jug from my hand, and the clear liquor slipped into the glass like silk.

I picked up the wine glass, and for a moment, another shadow flashed in front of my eyes, but very quickly, before I could grasp anything, another man's hand came around me. He was very close to me, and I saw those long eyelashes like feathers, and the eagle eyes drooping, for some reason, I felt an inexplicable vicissitudes.

I drank the wine and poured the liquid into my heart, reminding me of the reality in front of me. From now on, although I am a man, I will become another man's wife.

The servants came over and took off the dress and phoenix crown on me, leaving only a robe outside the single clothes. Suddenly someone carried the plate, and Xu Changfeng picked up the scissors there. This is a "cutting ceremony", in which the new husband cuts off the tie of the wife's robe before intercourse, indicating that the wife will only undress her husband in the future. Those knots are also dead knots, once cut, they cannot be restored.

I closed my eyes slightly, only to see that the scissors came to my chest, there were five knots in total, from top to bottom, cut one by one, and then one by one.

He handed the scissors to the servants: "You all stand back."

The candle light was dark, the palm stretched out, and when the door closed, the last robe on my body fell at my feet, only the thin obscene clothes.

I slightly turned my eyes away, looked at the ground, curled my toes silently. After an unknown amount of time, Fang heard that deep voice from above: "Go to bed."

I walked slowly to the bed and slowly lay down in the bright red. I didn't dare to look over there, I only heard the sound of my clothes being unbuttoned, and I couldn't help but grab the quilt under my body with both hands... At this moment, to me, it was like before the execution, I couldn't tell whether it was fear or panic. .

He blew out two of the three red candles, leaving only one.

Immediately afterwards, the red gauze was covered, and an extra person came in on that bed. It was obviously spacious and tight, but I felt that it was too narrow to accommodate myself. Although the light is dim, I can still see his appearance, and he thinks so too.

That hand, in the dark, silently pulled the loose knots on the obscene clothes.

I couldn't help breathing in, and when he fell down, my body trembled even more. At this moment, he stopped, and I heard warm air: "What do they call you?"

I was slightly startled, and after a while, I finally understood what he asked, and responded very lightly: "...Three, three joys."

"From now on, I'll call you that too."

Immediately, he really pressed down, allowing me to clearly feel the weight of his body. After all, he is a mature man with considerable stature, once he covers me, I am completely in his hands, and I have nowhere to escape. I turned my face slightly, and he kissed my neck. The place where the thin lips touched was really like a fire, burning me bit by bit. Those hands followed, making me tremble, he followed, but he didn't stop because of it.

Earlier, I occasionally wondered what it would be like to have sex with a man. This scene made me understand that no matter how much preparation I had made before, it was all in vain.

His hands are full of calluses, probably caused by martial arts training. When he rubs against my skin, no matter how hard he uses it, it makes me feel slightly itchy. He looks very serious, and he also proceeded step by step in the sexual affairs, first sucking my collarbone, cruising in front of my chest with one hand, and following my back with the other hand, going down from the spine one by one, but even so, it is also harmful. It made me feel hot all over, my chest was panting, and my lower abdomen felt an unspeakable dry itching. My hands were resting on my sides as if they were numb, but now I gradually lifted them up and put them on him, I don't know if I want to push him away, or what...

"Hmm." When he bit my chest, I gasped, and at this moment, the hand behind me reached into my panties and pinched my buttocks. I knew that martial arts practitioners have strong hands, so he didn't use much force when he kneaded it, but it made my whole body go limp. With a sigh, he raised his eyes to look at me, only then did I realize that those blade-like eyebrows were stained with lust, and they were as immovable as a mountain.

"On you..." He looked at me deeply and said hoarsely, "It's very fragrant."

I have heard that the body of the scorpion has a fragrance. You can't smell it in normal times, only when you are in love, the charming fragrance will become stronger.

"I..." I panted in a daze, and shook my head, "I don't know... ah!" I bowed suddenly, and the palm that should be the culprit came to my crotch. There has been a quiet erection, the slightly wet crotch, his hand pressed my seminal vesicle, and stroked it lightly and heavily. I bit my lower lip tightly and turned my head from side to side, but at this moment he suddenly pinched my jaw and kissed my mouth heavily for the first time. His tongue directly opened my teeth, deep inside, my chest rose and fell, he touched and pinched my breasts with one hand, and quickly manipulated my jade stem with the other hand. This thunderous method made me tremble all over, and it was released in his hands after a while.

I lifted my legs slightly, and he took off my underwear and hung them around my ankles. I was naked under him like a newborn baby, without any cover.

When I was panting, I saw him take off his clothes and bare his chest and back in front of my eyes. He is much older than me, just like my elder brother, but he has a strong body, not at all like those frail scholars. His skin is slightly dark, and his tendons are like knives. I can't take my eyes off him, and I gradually look down. Just sweep to that thing. I also have that object on me, but his is much thicker and longer, even if it is half-hard, I am naturally incomparable at all, and I have never seen anyone else's, so I don't know... how good he is like that.

Immediately afterwards, he turned me over backwards, and I turned my back on him. I lay face down on the bed with my legs slightly bent. It must have been caused too much just now. The place between my buttocks where I had vented seemed to be a bit painful... I couldn’t help but think about it, he fell down again, and now we are completely naked, flesh When it was close to the flesh, I felt that his body was extremely hot.

The warmth was blowing on the back of my neck, from the beginning to now, his breathing has never been chaotic.

"Open it." He said behind me. I pursed my lips, and then slowly supported myself with my arms, knelt on the bed, and opened my crotch. My face was buried in the quilt, and my body was like red-hot iron. His hand was touching between my buttocks at this moment. He sees clearly. The jade pot is still buried deep inside, the acupoint door can't be closed, only a thin red string is left outside. When he pulled the rope, I felt the inner wall shrink, I'm afraid that if he inserted it for too long, the meat of the hole would bite tightly. "Relax." As he retreated, he kneaded the soft flesh behind me. The jade force pushed out an inch, and then came in half an inch. Every time I advanced, I couldn't help clenching my teeth. The root just came out.

That end of mine was originally very full, but after the jade power was pulled out, it was empty and tight. "Hmm..." At this moment, he stabbed two fingers in. The fingers were not as smooth as the surface of the jade posture, which made my legs tremble and a drop of hot sweat fell from my forehead. "Hmm..." He came in with two fingers, did not press, but opened the inner hole, and then pierced inside like a sword, or scratched the inner wall with his fingers, I have never experienced such a kung fu, all of a sudden I don't know if it's pain or comfort, so I can't help turning my head and breathing in continuously. He withdrew until he rubbed out the lewd water, flowed out of the hole, and slid down between my buttocks.

At this moment, I was covered in hot sweat, my lips were fluttering, and I couldn't kneel several times, all supported by his hand. I took a deep breath and turned my head away, but at this moment he pressed the back of my head with his hand, and held my crotch with the other hand: "...!!" A hot thing came in unexpectedly, and I was suffocated , In that short moment, I felt as if something was torn apart, and I couldn't make a sound.