Three Joys

Chapter 80: Fanwai (ten)


The breeze is freehand, and in the room, the two sit opposite each other. When the servants were serving tea, Xu Yingluo said, "But father invited the courtier to come to be a lobbyist?"

She restrained her smile, lowered her eyes and poured tea with her sleeves rolled up. She was gentle and graceful, just the demeanor that every girl should have. Seeing Shen Jingting, he couldn't help but think, the old concubine did teach Jun'er very well, but the world is easy to change, and her temperament has not changed much over the years.

Xu Yingluo was straightforward, Shen Jingting didn't say anything else, after drinking tea quietly, he said: "Your father doesn't want me to talk too much, he has always been like this, he would rather be the villain himself."

"Evil?" Xu Yingluo laughed, winking playfully, "Jun'er doesn't know what bad things my father did."

Shen Jingting said slowly: "Originally, when your father took you back to Beijing, he originally wanted to stay at home for a few more years after discussing marriage for you."

Xu Yingluo raised her eyes: "The Lord of the courtyard means that my father is not in a hurry to marry me off?"

"I wasn't in a hurry at first," Shen Jingting said, "If it wasn't for the prince's concubine today, how could your father be willing to let you come back for less than half a year, and betroth you to someone else."

But Xu Yingluo said with a calm face: "Since ancient times, the elders have made decisions about the marriage of children. Since my father always thinks of Jun'er, Jun'er is just a daughter's family, so why should I say a word. You don't have to ask Jun'er about this matter. You can make up your own mind for your daughter."

This remark sounds agreeable and considerate, if you don't care about it, it's probably the answer. Shen Jingting looked at her for a long time, but sighed. Xu Yingluo didn't know why he sighed, and asked aloud, "Do you still have any dissatisfaction?"

Shen Jingting looked at her and said: "I was just thinking, why do you say such things against your will?"

When Xu Yingluo heard this, she fell silent.

He watched the man stand up and walk to the window with his hands behind his back. From spring to summer solstice, the cicadas have been unearthed, and the singing gradually. He said: "Do you still remember that when you were a child, I taught you to kick the shuttlecock, and I also played cicadas with you."

"Jun'er remembers." Reminiscing about her childhood, Xu Yingluo said lightly, "We were so happy back then."

Shen Jingting said: "You must think that I think you are lonely, but more importantly, because you are your father's daughter, then you are also my daughter."

Xu Yingluo remained silent for a long while, the smile faded from her face, and she said slowly, "The courtier said that Jun'er was against her will, so isn't the courtier's words also a lie?"

As soon as these words were blurted out, Xu Yingluo pursed her lips, with an imperceptible trace of regret in her eyes. She expected that no matter how good Shen Jingting's temper was, he would definitely be offended, but when the man in front of the window looked over, there was a gentle smile in his eyes.

Shen Jingting looked at her and said: "Your little third uncle is indeed right. You are intelligent, sensible, and kind. If you treat me as an outsider, just like your second and third uncles, you will treat me with courtesy, so as not to It's hard for me. But if you regard me as your father, you will be angry with me and resent me. Therefore, you are willing to show your true nature in front of me, and you really regard me as a close person in your heart. "

Xu Yingluo paused and remained silent.

What Shen Jingting said just now was a lie, yes and no. If Xu Yingluo asked him what was more important between her and Yuanyuan, it would be the same as asking Xu Yingluo which of her parents was more important, which could be said to be heartbreaking. In this world, even the biological parents have a preference for their children, and in the house, children who are not favored are like worthless. He, Shen Jingting, is not a saint either, but, even though Xu Yingluo never called him daddy, he did regard Xu Yingluo as his own flesh and blood.

Shen Jingting said slowly: "Because of the reconciliation of your parents back then, you have long had a heart-to-heart with your father. Jun'er, you are smart and smart, and you must know the difficulties of those years, but you can't understand it. I can understand it too. He said seriously, "However, you must know that your father will never leave you like your mother did."

Xu Yingluo was startled, turned to him, and said, "Did my father tell you?"

But Shen Jingting smiled lightly and shook his head: "You have always known your father's disposition, although he is reticent, he is a rare person who values affection."

Xu Yingluo has been in Prince Qi's mansion for so many years, even King Qi and Concubine Qi respect each other as guests, raising their eyebrows together. There are still a few concubines in the mansion, and there are more than a dozen concubines of Li Hong. Since ancient times, men have three wives and four concubines, but back then, there was only one wife in his father's house, and there were no maids in the house. It is not a lie to say that Xu Changfeng values righteousness and affection.

Shen Jingting went on to say: "Back then, if it wasn't for the Luo family who cut off his hair and begged to leave, according to Chang Feng's temperament, how could he agree to this matter. When I was young, you once asked me if I would never come back like your mother .”

He looked at Xu Yingluo: "At that time, I should have understood that you didn't resent your father. You were just afraid that your father would never want you again."

The girl looked ahead calmly, and after a long while, her red lips whispered: "You are right, I am indeed afraid, but I also complain." Her chest rose and fell slightly, "I blame my father, but I blame me even more. Mother...!"

She held her pink skirt tightly with both hands, and her shoulders trembled slightly: "... Back then, my grandmother forced my mother to become a concubine, but my father refused, so my mother picked up the scissors in front of me. After all, she never wanted to leave. The day she left, I chased her and called her, and I fell to the ground, but she never looked back." She said with a trembling voice, "At that time, I was only young, so she was so cruel. , everyone said she was doing it for my own good, if it was really for my own good, she shouldn't have left me behind!"

Shen Jingting was silent for a long time, looking outside, not knowing what to think. After Xu Yingluo wiped away her tears, he said: "Filial piety is the most important thing in this world. In ancient times, there were people who perished because of unfilial piety. You can see how serious the crime of unfilial piety is. Your grandmother forced you to die. It's not just your father who has to bear the name of unfilial piety." Well, the Luo family is just a woman, this reputation of being unvirtuous and unfilial can drive her to death, but your mother's departure is not because of her reputation. The Luo family shaved off the family, and the six roots were severed, just like I left the Xu family when I left the Yuanyuan. "

He walked over, gently clinging to Xu Yingluo's hair, and said lovingly, "Mother is also a mortal, if she is a mortal, why would she not have selfishness?"

When he said this, Shen Jingting was thinking about his miserable birth mother. My aunt loves him very much, but it's not because she has selfish intentions, she hopes that the mother will be more precious than her son, and she doesn't want him to go back to his hometown. Back then, how could he never blame my aunt for being cruel.

It wasn't until I became a parent and was in the present moment that I realized that there are many difficulties in this world.

Xu Yingluo hugged his waist suddenly, choked up and said, "...I miss my mother."

Shen Jingting caressed her head lightly, the breeze blew the wind chime, making a crisp and pleasant sound.

He murmured: "Me too."

When Shen Jingting returned to the courtyard, he saw Mr. Xu walking out. Xu Qihe looked at his face, then smiled and said: "It seems that the madam is suddenly enlightened, and I would like to say congratulations for my husband."

Shen Jingting looked at the servant beside him, saw that he was still holding a jug of wine in his arms, and asked: "Where is He Lang going?"

Xu Qihe used his jade fan to light the wine jar, and said: "Of course I want to hide the wine from my wife."

Shen Jingting said with a smile: "In this case, if I don't follow closely, it will fail." Xu Qihe laughed a few times, took his wife's hand, asked his servants to hold the wine, and went to the peach blossom forest in the back mountain together.

Xu Qihe found a shady place where the peach blossom trees were in full bloom. When these petals fell on the ground, they could be turned into spring mud to nourish the vegetation.

The servant was ordered to dig a hole under the tree, so Xu Qihe bent down and put the wine jar in it himself. After hiding the wine, the servants politely left. Xu Sanye took his wife by the arm and walked and played in the mountain stream.

The peach blossom trees on this mountain are all in bloom, and the petals are falling like light rain.

"Such a beautiful scenery, how can there be no wine." Xu Qihe took out the wine bag, opened it, took a sip, and passed it to the person beside him. Shen Jingting took a sip and felt that the aroma of the wine was even more mellow, so he heard Xu Qihe say: "Your knots have been removed, the wine will naturally be easier to drink, otherwise even if it is a fine nectar, you will not feel the taste."

Shen Jingting said with a smile: "That's why He Lang brought me to enjoy the flowers?"

Just look at that hand raised to embrace a peach blossom branch in full bloom, and only one fell off. The man twirled the peach blossom, turning it lightly in his hand, and said as he walked back: "Tasting wine and looking at the flowers is not as good as—" He stopped in front of Shen Jingting, then bowed his head and pecked lightly on the lips that were still smelling of wine.

Sensing the meaning of Xu Qihe's second sentence, Shen Jingting's face couldn't help but heat up, he stretched out his hand to block the other person, and reprimanded softly: "... Cheng, Cheng Cheng is decent."

Xu Qihe grabbed his wrist and pulled him closer. Shen Jingting hides and hides from the side, Huo Di meets those eyes, only to see that they are as full as autumn water, not stained by a speck of dust.

Shen Jingting lost his mind for a moment, but it was an opportunity for others to take advantage of it, so he heard a chuckle, and his soft lips pressed like soft silk.