Three Kingdoms

Chapter 10: Yuan Kui swept the five counties of Yuzhou


Yuan Kui saw that the main force of the Cao army had retreated, leaving only Xiahou Dun Tong Lejin, Yu Jin and other generals led by 50,000 troops to guard the counties and counties occupied by Yuzhou. He stepped up to prepare for war, recruit soldiers, boost morale, and hope to regain the lost ground in Yuzhou.

However, due to Yuan Shu's aggressive levies and greed for pleasure, the people did not make a living. Coupled with the attack by Cao Jun, the people were displaced, and many family members were killed and injured. Therefore, the soldiers and the generals have many grievances. There are strong enemies outside and hidden dangers inside. Yuan Kui is very worried. Coupled with the sultry summer weather, Yuan Kui was even more bored, pacing the house irritably.

"Lord, why are you so irritable?" a middle-aged man said while smiling and walking in. The people here are Han Bai from Yuzhou Don't drive, Han Bai Runan, who was originally a servant of Yuan Shu's mansion. Because of his shrewdness and ability, he was appreciated by Yuan Shu and was sent to take care of Yuan Kui. It can be said that Yuan Kui grew up in Han Bai's care, and they even sympathized with father and son. Although Han Bai was greedy for money, Yuan Kui didn't care about it. Instead, he often said that Han Bai had been poor since he was a child and it was human nature to love property. After Yuan Kui came to the throne, he appointed Han Bai to be Yuzhou Don't Drive, and he trusted Han Bai very much.

"Hey, Yuzhou is so chaotic, why not make people worry," Yuan Kui said, seemingly very sad.

"The lord is not anxious. Although the situation is not optimistic, it is not unsolvable. Please ask the Lord Hell to come and discuss it together," Han Bai said calmly, without a trace of expression on his slender face, which seemed very calm.

After Yuan Kui heard this, he immediately sent an attendant to pass on the master's book, and Yan Xiang hurried over after hearing the pass.

Seeing Yan Xiang's arrival, Han Bai said, "For today's plan, we must complain from the civilians, and be good at the diplomatic vassals, and then assemble the army and prepare for war to regain lost ground.

"How exactly should it be implemented?" Yuan Kui asked urgently.

"The measures that need to be taken when the civilians complain are: to lighten the money, provide relief to the victims, and give compassion to the families of the dead soldiers," Han Bai continued.

"Okay, I'll send you to do this, don't let me down", Yuan Kui was a little bit happy at this time. "Then make good friends with the princes, and the whole army can regain lost ground," Yuan Kui continued to ask.

"This is not the director of the minister, and I also ask the Lord Yamato to answer the questions of the Lord." As he said, Han Bai looked at Yan Xiang.

Yan Xiang seemed to be prepared, and said, "Xiahou Dun led 20,000 Cao's troops to live in Shouchun, Le Jin led 20,000 troops to live in Qiaojun. If these two enemy troops can be eliminated, the big thing can be determined."

Yuan Kui listened carefully and nodded frequently.

Yan Xiang looked at Han Bai and Yuan Kui, and continued, "Sun Ce used to be a general of the former lord, you can send someone to contact him and ask Sun Ce to attack Shouchun."

"Sun Ce, I have a lot of complaints about the former lord, I'm afraid I won't help each other," Han Bai said.

"Shouchun County, Sun Ce must want it. The ministers dare to ask for orders, we can agree with Sun Ce to take Shouchun, and the city will belong to him", he said, he knelt down with his hands.

Yuan Kui hurriedly stepped forward, helped Yan Xiang up, and calmed down, "I know that the Lord's book is for the sake of the family and the country. It doesn't need to be like this. It is difficult to fight on two fronts because of our army's situation, and it has no choice but to fight against the two forces of Cao. After that, Yuan Kui's eyes became wet.

After the discussion, Yuan Kui asked Han Bai to implement the light levies, relief the victims, and care for the families of soldiers who died for the country. Although Han Bai is greedy for money, he also knows the importance of things, so he has to work hard to do things well, not daring to be greedy for money.

He also ordered Yan Xiang to go to Danyang County and talked about Shouchun. Sun Ce was about to expand the site, and of course he readily agreed. It was agreed that on August 15th, Sun Ce attacked Shouchun and Yuan Jun attacked Qiaojun.

Yuan Kui actively recruited soldiers and rectified the army. The people gradually returned to their hearts, the soldiers also recovered their morale, and 10,000 new soldiers were recruited and trained, for a total of 50,000 troops.

In a blink of an eye, it was August 15th, and I got news that Sun Ce had attacked Shouchun. Yuan Kui guards Yiyang County with 10,000, Li Feng as the chief general of Yiyang, and Han Bai as the prefect of Yiyang. The generals of Ruyin and Anfeng counties led 5,000 troops to guard. After finishing the arrangement, Yuan Kui took Ji Ling as the vanguard and Yan Xiang as the military division. He led an army of 30,000 to attack Qiaojun.

Seeing Yuan Kui leading the army to attack, Le Jin felt aggressive, thinking that he should not attack rashly, defending first, and waiting for a turnaround. However, Le Jin's younger brother, Le Hu, has a violent temperament, and he doesn't want to be a tortoise, so he insists on playing. Le Jin was originally a person without his own opinion, and wanted to try Yuan Jun's strength, so he allocated five thousand people to Le Hu to fight.

Seeing someone from Cao Jun came out to fight, Yuan Kui sent pioneer Ji Ling out. Ji Ling held a three-pointed two-edged sword in his hand, and Lehu both held two hammers in his hands. As soon as he fought, there was a sound of weapon clashing. The two sides fought more and more bravely, fighting for more than fifty rounds. Ji Ling gradually ran away without his physical strength, and Lehu waved his army to chase him down. Yuan Kui immediately retired when he saw this. Nearly a thousand people were lost, and Ji Ling's defeat in the first battle was remembered.

Le Hu was very arrogant after winning for a while, not to mention Yuan Jun. He suggested that Le Jin take advantage of Yuan Jun's low morale to go to the robbery camp at night, and he would be a big success. Le Jinben also despised Yuan Jun. Seeing that Lehu had won easily, he readily agreed to robbery at night.

As night fell, the sky was dark and cloudy, and the fog was heavy. Le Jin was overjoyed. Only a thousand soldiers were left to defend the city. He led the entire army to the camp, hoping to win Yuan Kui in one effort. Le Jin led the army and rushed into Yuan Jun's camp, but found no one. Le Jin yelled badly, knowing that he was in the game, and wanted to quit. At this time, fire suddenly appeared around the camp, and rockets fired at Cao Jun. Cao Jun was panicked, and there were countless casualties. Lehu was overtaken by Ji Ling while retreating in a panic, and slashed. Under the horse.

Le Jin desperately broke through, but Qianqi escaped. Fleeing to Qiaojun City, they found that Yuan Jun’s banners had been planted on the top of the city wall. Knowing that the situation was over, they fled to Xudu.

Yuan Jun's victory felt too sudden. It turned out that Ji Ling was defeated by Le Hu in accordance with Yuan Kui's order. In this way, Cao Jun would despise Yuan Jun even more, so he would definitely come out to rob the camp. Yuan Kui listened to the advice of Yan Xiang, an army master, and ordered Ji Ling to lie in ambush around the camp with 20,000 horses. Yuan Kui himself led 10,000 horses to ambush near Qiaojun, and when Le moved in and out, he took the Qiaojun in one go.

Yuan Jun won the battle this time. Xiahou Dun couldn't resist Sun Ce's attack. Shouchun was captured and Xiahou Dun fled to Xudu with only a few dozen horses left.

Yuan Kui took advantage of the situation and divided his troops to capture the four counties of Yiyang County, Peiguo County, and Luyang County. Yuan Kui was overjoyed and rewarded the three armies, remembering Ji Ling's first merit, military master Yan Xiang and Yuzhou don't drive Han Bai's work. Other meritorious soldiers also rewarded one by one.

So far, Yuan Kui has occupied eight counties in Yuzhou. Since Runan County and Yingchuan County were both important towns for defending Xudu, Cao Cao had sent heavy troops to defend. Yuan Kui had limited strength at this time and had to suspend the attack. Earnestly operate the eight counties occupied, recruit soldiers, prepare for war, develop production, wait for opportunities, and regain them.

Yuan Jun captured the five counties of Yuzhou this time, why did Cao Cao sit back and watch? It turned out that the war between Cao Jun and Lv Bu Jun was not over at this time. The two sides had victories and were in a confrontation stage, so they had no time to take care of the war in Yuzhou.

So what was the final result of the battle between Cao Cao's army and Lu Fengxian's army (Lü Bu character Fengxian)