Three Kingdoms

Chapter 104: The upright Qin Mi (Part 2)


Qin Mi looked at Zhang Song up and down, and said, "Don't know why you are here?"

Zhang Song struck his beard and said: "Hanzhong Zhang Lu wanted to attack Yizhou. My father-in-law was very frightened, so I volunteered and came to borrow troops."

Qin Mi nodded and said, "Oh, that's the case. I heard that Zhanglu in Hanzhong has only two counties, Hanzhong and Shangyong. However, Yizhou has dozens of counties and hundreds of counties. Why do you still ask for help outside the danger of Mianzhu?"

When Zhang Song heard the words, his face was blue and white, and he said coldly: "Liu Jiyu is weak and incompetent. He can't train for a long time, and he can't beat Zhang Lu soldiers in Hanzhong."

Qin Mi saw his lack of respect when he mentioned the master's name, and when he rolled his eyes, he understood three to five points, and sneered slightly, saying: "So, Yongnian is a good-for-nothing, and he is really loyal to his master. It’s rugged, and it’s so loyal to come here to borrow troops from thousands of miles away. It’s really admirable."

Zhang Song's face was half red and half purple, and his original wretched face became even more ugly. He said insincerely: "As a courtier, it is incumbent to share worries for the Lord."

Qin Mi turned to Zhuge Liang and asked, "I wonder if General Zuo would like to borrow troops?"

Zhuge Liang smiled and said: "Liu Jiyu is my lord's same clan. The lord is willing to solve the difficulties in Yizhou, and he will definitely send troops to relieve the siege."

Qin Mi said, "I have a word below, I don't know if it should be said or not?"

Zhuge Liang paused and said, "This is not a place to talk. I think the restaurant that I passed by just now is not bad, so let me be the host, and everyone can go there for a drink."

Not long after, everyone came to the inconspicuous tavern mentioned by Zhuge Liang and found a Qi Chuya room. Seeing a distinguished customer in the shop, the shopkeeper opened his eyes and smiled, shouting, and going back and forth. Not long after the wine and dishes were set up, everyone talked and enjoyed a drink.

Qin Mi drank several nobles and said, "Now Cao Cao is coveting Hebei, and the military division rushes to win Yizhou with him. This city can be taken in a hurry, and the people's hearts cannot be quickly convinced. Now General Zuo should put the peace of the soldiers and the people first. If you are eager to achieve success and go to war, you will not see its victory, but see its defeat first."

Zhang Song disagreed with Qin Mi's point of view, and said loudly: "Zi Chi is a bit alarmist. General Zuo's benevolence and righteousness are all over the country, and the people are convinced. In addition, Kong Ming and Shi Yuan use soldiers like gods and wings for him, and it is easy to take the world. You, the Xiaomin Shengdou, know what you dare to talk about."

Qin Mi sneered slightly, and said, "I'm relatively straight. If I have something to say, I'm more offensive. I drank this wine. I have no ability to do the official position under General Zuo. I'm a junior. I'm leaving." Get up and say goodbye.

Zhuge Liang hurriedly stood up and said, "Hehe, Zifu is not annoyed, I think you can do this. Now when the Lord is just using people, please also ask Zifu to join us." After speaking, he gave a deep teasing.

Qin Mi hurriedly replied: "How dare to be this, since it is the kindness of the military teacher, then I will reluctantly do it."

Zhuge Liang asked Qin Mi to sit down. Then he sat down and said, "That's right, Zi Chi hasn't finished talking just now, please tell me carefully."

Qin Mi said: "General Zuo has no size foundation, all of which is Liu Biao's hometown. In less than two years from the battle of Xiangyang to the present, the wind and clouds have disappeared, and he quickly took the land of the six counties of Jingzhou and opened up thousands of miles. It’s not the speed of violence. But soon after the death of Uncle Liu, the people of Liu Xun have never heard of the government of General Zuo. Although the land belongs to the Han, the people’s heart is not attached. If there is frequent fighting, the people will work hard, and the people will have grievances and pass through the lords. Incitement, civil commotion will surely arise, and then the six counties of Jingzhou will no longer be owned by General Zuo, and General Zuo will return home again?"

Zhuge nodded brightly and said: "Zi Chi's words are very reasonable, and Shi Yuan and I think so. But this Xishu..."

Qin Mi looked at Zhang Song and said, "Zhang, don't drive, there is a question I don't know if it is appropriate to ask?"

Zhang Song said, "What's wrong? Just ask."

Qin Mi said, "Don't come here, are you really here to borrow troops?"

Zhuge Liang said in his heart: "Hey, this kid has good eyesight, you can see it, is he not good at mind-reading? If so, I should learn from him and see what my mother-in-law is thinking. This woman is getting more and more weird, cold and hot, moody, and she doesn't know what she is thinking. Alas... Poorly I am in it, affected by this changing weather, it is also hot and cold, and catches a cold every day. Fever, this medicine will almost pile up..."

This sentence, like a sharp cone, plunged straight into Zhang Song's heart and lungs. Zhang Song shuddered and stopped. After a while, he recovered and said: "That's natural."

Huang Yueying gave him a white look and coughed. Qin Mi looked on with cold eyes. He had already seen eighty or nine points, smiled slightly, and said, "Dare to ask the adults, what about the scenery in Shu?"

Zhang Songxin said, "It makes sense for General Zuo to ask me. You, as an outsider, would dare to ask me?" But Zhuge Liang was present, inconveniently angry, and said: "Yizhou is Xichuan, the ancient name of Shu. The road has Jinjiang Zhizhi. Danger, the land is the hero of the sword pavilion. It is more than 30,000 miles in vertical and horizontal direction. The cock crowing and the dog bark and hear each other, and the market is constantly rushing. The fields are fertile, and there is no worry of floods and droughts. The country is rich and the people are rich, and there is orchestral music. Fu is like a mountain, beyond the reach of the world!"

Qin Mi said: "In this way, Yizhou is really a land of abundance. I heard that Zhang Lu in Hanzhong did not send troops, but there were some changes. Liu Yizhou guarded this dangerous place with hundreds of thousands of troops. Hearing such a little trouble, it was unexpected. They were so scared that they were really incompetent."

Zhang Song nodded when he heard the words, and said: "Ji Yu has always been weak and incompetent, a man of wisdom and strategy in Yizhou, Mingjun Si Deming, is already eager to see through."

Qin Mi raised his sword eyebrows with an angry face, and said, "Your Excellency, as Yizhou, don't drive, the lord has made a mistake. You don't argue, don't remedy, don't make plans, and don't make plans. But you rushed here to ask the seller. Rong, this is how you are to be an official? Is that how you read the book of sages?"

Zhang Song stared at Qin Mi for a long while, sighed, and said, "Yizhou is a country of abundance, and its people are rich. But Liu Jiyu's incompetence has caused the people to complain. I think for the people of Yizhou, and this is the only way to present the map to General Zuo, although it is inevitable. I have the name of a seller, but my sincerity is a lesson from the sun and the moon!"

Zhuge Liang said quickly: "Don't drive this one but beg for the people. The guy named Liu Zhang, in the presence of Yizhou Mu, should not be the master of the people, and he can't use the talents. He is inhumane. It is a stagnant water and a smoky atmosphere in Yizhou. The people of Yizhou scholars hated him. Now Zhang Biejia watched the people in dire straits and couldn't bear it. He did not hesitate to go to Jingzhou to seek the master to solve the difficulties in Yizhou. So mindful, Who can do it! Zichi, don't blame him any more, he is a man of merit, and he will be famous in the future."

Zhang Song was very comfortable with this flattery, and said quickly: "I am daring to be this, I am daring to be this."

Qin Mi sneered slightly and said: "That's it, I don't know the whole story. There are many offenses, don't be surprised!"

Zhang Song didn't dare to face Qin Mi, lowered his head and said, "Don't dare, don't dare." He lost his confidence.

Zhuge Liang said: "We have been shopping for a long time, so I will stop here today."

Zhang Song stood up, walked to the window, looked up at the sun, and said, "Since this is the case, then I will leave first." After speaking, he did not dare to delay, and ran away, turning back to look at Qin Mi from time to time. There is fear on the face.

After Zhang Song left, Zhuge Liang gave a thumbs up and said, "Well, I can't understand Zhang Song, but I don't dare to say it like Brother Zichi."

Qin Mi said: "I can't change my temper. I can't tolerate sand in my eyes. I don't feel comfortable when I see things I can't understand. Alas! I also know that Liu Zhang can't get things done, so I didn't accept him. Conscript."

Zhuge Liang said: "Yes, Liu Jiyu must be unable to hold Yizhou."

Qin Mi sighed and said, "Now I have seen it too much. Now I can rely on the left general Liu Xun. I will definitely be able to become an official with peace of mind."

Zhuge Liang laughed and said, "Okay!"

After the checkout, Zhuge Liang led Qin Mi to the Zhoumu Mansion, recommended Qin Mi to Liu Xun, and Liu Xun immediately appointed Qin Mi to engage in wine worship.

Three days later, Zhang Song bid farewell to Liu Xun. The two parties agreed that in the spring next year, regardless of whether Zhang Lu will send troops or not, Liu Xun will lead his army into Yizhou to attack Hanzhong and help Liu Zhang get rid of Zhang Lu in Hanzhong.

In the following months, Liu Xunji has been committed to developing internal affairs and restoring his strength. Famous generals such as Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, and Wei Yan are practicing martial arts in hiding at home, striving to make every success, and go further, waiting for the coming of the next great war.

Time flies quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it is the end of autumn in the fifth year of Jian'an. Cao Cao has fought several battles with Yuan Shao, winning each other. During this period, Cao Cao sent his own counselor Cheng Yu to his hometown of Qiaocheng to worship the ancestral shrine, and asked the alchemist to calculate a divination. The alchemist said to Cheng Yu: "The Han Dynasty is declining. In Caogong".

Cheng Yu reported the result to Cao Cao. Cao Cao was overjoyed, convinced that God would bless him and bring him good luck, the whole army stationed in Guandu, ready to fight Yuan Shao.

Liu Xun heard that Cao Cao was stationed in the army, knowing that he was taking the four states of Hebei, and worried that he would take the four states of Hebei in one fell swoop. Zhuge Liang and Pang Shiyuan both believed that it was not suitable for marching at this time. Although Liu Xun was anxious, he understood that this was not an urgent matter, and he had to give up and wait for the opportunity.

One day Liu Xun was discussing matters with everyone, and Fazheng suddenly asked for a meeting. Liu Xun knew that the opportunity was coming, so he hurriedly invited the Fazheng in.

Fazheng said: "Oh, I shouldn't have bothered General Zuo at this time, but something big happened again. I am here to ask for help. Please send troops as soon as possible."

Liu Xun asked, "What happened? Winter is coming soon, so it's not suitable for sending troops."

Fazheng said: "Shu general Zhao Yun raised his troops to rebel, and now he has overcome the cities of Jiangzhou, Jiangyang, Fuling, etc., and is about to hit Chengdu."

Liu Xun scratched his head and asked, "Why haven't you heard of this person named Zhao Yun? Why do you want to oppose Liu Zhang?"

Fazheng said: "This is how things are. In the past, Guanzhong, Nanyang and other places suffered from wars, and the people were displaced. Tens of thousands of families flowed into Yizhou. Liu Zhang's father, Liu Yan, incorporated all of them into soldiers, named Nanyang. Soldiers. After Liu Yan died, Liu Zhang had a weak temperament and had no threats. Nanyang soldiers took the opportunity to invade the people of Yizhou, and Liu Zhang could not be forbidden. Zhao Yun had been well-intentioned by the people of Yizhou. Nanyang soldiers were repeatedly rejected by Liu Zhang. Zhao Wei felt uneasy, so he took advantage of the complaints of Yizhou's civilians and raised his troops into chaos. He also hoped that General Zuo would come out early to help my family master to rebel fairly."

Liu Xun hesitated after hearing it...