Three Kingdoms

Chapter 105: The first battle in Sichuan (Part 1)


Liu Xun hesitated after hearing the Fazheng approaching for help. Originally negotiated with Zhang Song to send troops in the coming year, when the soldiers have finished their rest and reorganization, the combat effectiveness will be stronger. Unexpectedly, something suddenly happened in Yizhou now, and it was in the winter that Liu Xun's plan was completely disrupted, which caught Liu Xun a bit by surprise.

Liu Xun looked at the army general Pang Tong and the army general Zhuge Liang beside him, and motioned for them to respond.

Pang Tong immediately understood, and said with a smile: "filial piety, we are also very embarrassed. It's about to enter winter, the sky is freezing, and marching is not easy."

Fa Zheng hurriedly said, "But the situation of the rebel army is critical."

Zhuge Liang sighed deeply at this time, and said: "Jingzhou has been hit by droughts and floods this year, and the harvest is not good. If tens of thousands of troops are rushed out, I am afraid that the supply of grain and grass will not be available."

"Oh" The Fa is understood. It turns out that sending troops is not a problem, but food and grass are the obstacles. Fazheng said: "General Zuo, don't worry, the lord said when he came, the army's food and grass and daily expenses are counted on his head, and Yizhou is solely responsible for it."

"Okay, the food and grass problem is solved, there will be no problems now."

Liu Xun said happily.

"I heard that the wives of many generals and officials in Jingzhou like Shu brocade, and the lord asked me to bring a thousand horses to your ladies."

After discussing the business, Fazheng thought of the gift.

"Shu Jin is famous far and wide, so I would like to thank you Patriarch for being here."

Liu Xun also heard that Shu brocade is as expensive as gold and can even be used directly as coins.

Three days later, Liu Xun handed over the affairs of Jingzhou to Zhuge Liang and restrained all the generals and officials who stayed in Jingzhou, including Zhaowu General Guan Yu, who was also in Zhuge Liang's restraint. Liu Xun left an army of 30,000 to Zhuge Liang to guard against Cao Cao in the north. **General Kou Gan Ning and Zhaode General Zhao Yun stayed in Jingzhou to assist Zhuge Liang in guarding Jingzhou.

Liu Xun sent someone to hand the autograph to Guan Yu. Instructed Guan Yu to seriously guard against Sun Quan in Jiangdong and not to take it lightly. He also asked Guan Yu to listen carefully to the suggestions of military adviser Zhuge Liang and southern county prefect Ma Liang.

With all arrangements in place, Liu Xun led the army general Zhonglang Pang Tong, Jianwu General Zhang Fei, Yangwu General Huang Zhong, Yamen General Wei Yanwei and others, and led a 70,000 army to Yizhou.

Liu Xun personally entered Shu, and finally knew what it meant by "The road to Shu is difficult, it is difficult to go to the blue sky." This narrow plank road was built on the cliff, winding and twisting, stretching to the front. Wherever he goes, there are often rugged rocks on one side, and turbulent waters on the other.

Liu Xun rode Luma carefully on the plank road where only one person can pass. Looking at the scenery on both sides, I can't help but admire the expert who built the plank road in the past. He can hardly cut a path on such a steep and abnormal terrain. Come on, it's really amazing.

Due to the difficult and dangerous roads, Liu Xun and others moved slowly. After nearly ten days, they arrived at Zitong. Zitong is a hundred miles away from Chengdu. When we arrived at Zitong, it was getting late and the soldiers were very tired and could not move forward. Liu Xun ordered the army to camp outside the city and rest for a day before moving forward.

Liu Xun was washing himself and was about to rest, so he heard that his soldiers came to report, and the Fa was seeking to see him.

Liu Xun said heartily: "Fortunately, this time I am not disturbing Lao Tzu in Lao Tzu's dream, otherwise Lao Tzu wants you to look good." Thinking of this, he said, "Hurry up."

After a while, three people came in from the Great Tent of the Chinese Army. Liu Xun saw that two of them were Fazheng and Pang Tong, but the other did not know it, so he asked, "Filial loyalty, who is this?"

Fazheng said: "This is Wu Yuanxiong, the Wu class, the current Zitong prefect. Hearing that Zhao Kun has rebelled, he wants to raise his troops."

Liu Xun had long heard that the Wu family was very powerful in Yizhou, so he deliberately got over him, and he hurriedly bowed his head and said, "It turns out to be the prefect."

Wu Ban hurriedly replied: "Where, where, I have heard about the name of General Zuo for a long time, and I saw it today."

Fazheng said, "There is no need to say more polite remarks. Ming Gong, the big thing is not good..."

Liu Xun thought to himself, seeing your face turned like that, I also know that the big thing is not good, and this good thing has never been my turn.

Liu Xunzheng was thinking about it, but he listened to Fazheng to continue to say: "Zhao Wei has raised fifty thousand soldiers and has surrounded Chengdu, and the Lord Justice is standing with it. The Luoxian and Mianzhu Passes of Guanghan have all fallen into Zhao Wei's hands, and the road from Zitong to Chengdu has been blocked. Completely broken."

Liu Xun frowned and said, "Mianzhuguan seems to be the gateway to Chengdu, right?"

Fazheng nodded and said, "Now this pass has been choked by Zhao Yun's 10,000 soldiers and horses, in case Zitong soldiers and horses come to rescue."

Liu Xun stood up, hugged his arms, and walked back and forth. After a long time, he patted his forehead and was about to stretch his hands into his sleeves. Suddenly he caught a glimpse of Wu Ban sitting where he was looking at him with concern, and then quickly withdrew his hands. Go, and thought: "It's very risky. If Lao Tzu took out the map that Zhang Song sold and showed it to Wu Ban, that Zhang Song's life would be over. Although Lao Tzu can't bear it, it is now Right now, keeping him is a bit useful."

Thinking of this, Liu Xun said, "I'm not familiar with the geography of Shuzhong. I wonder if the prefect Wu has a map or something to show me?"

Wu Ban nodded, put out a picture on his sleeve, spread it flat on the case, stretched out his hand and said, "Please also look at Ming Gong."

Liu Xunfu sat down again, bowed his head, squeezed with his hands, closed his eyebrows, and concentrated for a while, before he said, "How many soldiers and horses are still in the hands of the prefect?"

Wu Ban looked ashamed, and said, "Three thousand."

Liu Xun said: “I heard that the southern part of Yizhou is a barren land, and its soldiers have never been easy to mobilize, so I won’t mention it. Now there are nearly half of the counties in the northern part of Yizhou in the hands of Zhao Yun, not that half of the counties are in the hands of Zhao Wei. How come Liu Yizhou’s hands are just such a warrior?"

Wu Ban sighed, fingered the map, and said: "The counties in the north are border areas. The north must guard against Zhanglu, and the south must guard against the barbaric king Menghuo. There must be no soldiers and horses stationed in every danger. In addition, Brazil's prefect Pang Xiyong. The soldiers are self-respectful, and I sent someone to contact him, but he refused to send troops, and I had nothing to do. The three thousand soldiers and horses were recruited temporarily by me."

Liu Xun thought, "It seems that this time I have to rely on my Han army. However, in the future, I will have to rely on these 70,000 soldiers to occupy Yizhou and seize Hanzhong. I can't spend it in vain. Concentrating on the picture, not saying anything, thinking about how to quell this rebellion with the least loss.

After a long time, Pang Tong on the side seemed to understand what Liu Xun was thinking. His eyes lit up, and he reached out his hand to point to the location of Jiangzhou on the map, and said, "I heard that Zhao Yun's nest is in Jiangzhou. I wonder if it is? "

Wu Ban nodded and said, "Exactly."

Pang Tong smiled slightly, stretched out his hand and compared it down along Zitong, and said: "This picture seems to have a small road from Zitong directly to Jiangzhou. If you send an army to cover the city without knowing it..."

Liu Xun slapped his thigh and said, "A good plan! That trail is very remote and rugged and difficult to navigate. Zhao Wei's attention is now in Chengdu, so he shouldn't pay attention to this trail."

Pang Tong smiled slightly and said, "I have some ideas, but some are risky. I wonder if the lord will listen?"

When Liu Xun heard this, he nodded slightly in approval and motioned to Pang Tong to continue.

Pang Tongyi snapped his fingers and said, "Okay, please send General Huang Zhong to lead 10,000 troops and horses to quietly hide in Jiangzhou Zuojin."

Wu Ban and Fazheng heard the puzzled look on their back, and said loudly: "What does this Shiyuan mean? It is really uncomprehending that they are not going to rescue Chengdu, but are going to attack Jiangzhou in the distance."

Liu Xun had already understood Pang Tong's thoughts at this time, and said to Fazheng and Wu Ban: "Listen to Shiyuan and finish talking."

After Wu Ban heard it, he lowered his head, concentrated for a while, gritted his teeth, and said: "Okay, Su Wen Fengcu is unparalleled in his wits, and he has everything he can do. I also ask the military division to continue talking."

Pang Tong said: "I am useful to the people in Jiangzhou, and Chengdu still has to save. I only need three thousand people to win Mianzhu Pass."

Wu Ban was so frightened that he shook his body and almost fell down. He said: "Mianzhu Pass is easy to defend and difficult to attack, but Zhao Wei sent 10,000 soldiers and horses to defend."

Although Liu Xun felt inexplicable at this time, he believed Feng Chu's point of view was reliable. Since he said so, there must be a way to break the enemy.

Pang Shiyuan laughed and said, "I will try to see if I can use these three thousand men and horses to pry open the Mianzhu Pass which is heavily guarded by Zhao Yun!"

Wu Ban couldn't stand it anymore, and foamed his mouth and said, "How is this possible?"

Pang Tong said: "I'm not going to fight hard, I just want to see if I can scare them, maybe I can get their heads into the water, and take the initiative to open the city gate and surrender."

"Although this method is dangerous, it has a great chance of winning."

Liu Xun had already understood Pang Tong's tactics at this time, and believed that Pang Tong's method was just what he wanted, which could not only win the battle, but also minimize the loss of troops.

Seeing Wu Ban's face hesitating, Pang Tong said: "Now that the enemy has the advantage of geographical advantage, if we want to win at the least cost, how can we achieve our goal without conspiracy?"

Wu Ban was deeply impressed by Pang Tong's courage, and said, "Let's talk about it, what do you want me to do?"

Pang Tongdao: "The prefect is familiar with the roads in Shuzhong. As long as you act as a guide, you can lead these ten thousand people to Jiangzhou Zuojin together with General Huang Zhong. Be careful to hide them. After I arrived in Chengdu, I solved the siege there. , This is a surprise soldier that the enemy never thought of."

Wu Ban smiled slightly and said, "Okay, I know what to do."

Turning the sky around, Liu Xun ordered Huang Zhong to lead 10,000 horses with Wu Ban to ambush to the outskirts of Jiangzhou City.

Although Liu Xun adopted Pang Tong's strategy, he did not agree with Pang Tong to lead his army to take risks. Instead, Pang Tong and Wei Yan guard Zitong. Then, Liu Xun personally ordered three thousand soldiers and horses, and ordered the soldiers to take the gongs and drums and go southwest of the city. Without specifying where they were going, Zhang Fei and Fazheng also went with them. The three thousand soldiers didn't know where they were going, they couldn't help looking at each other, but seeing Liu Xun's sullen face, he didn't dare to ask more. Fortunately, no one dared to ask. If these soldiers knew that their lord was going to take them to attack Jinzhu, they would definitely not go crazy with him, they would surely scurry around, and they would soon be scattered.

This battle was Liu Xun’s first battle in Sichuan. He was determined to win more with less and establish prestige, but it was not easy...