Three Kingdoms

Chapter 107: Meet with Liu Zhang


Fazheng pondered for a long time, and then hurriedly knelt down in front of Liu Xun and said: "I have long heard that Ming Gong is wise. I have this heart for a long time, but unfortunately no one recommends it. Now I have to meet Ming Gong, and I am willing to do my best."

Liu Xun was overjoyed and said: "He has heard of filial piety, straightforwardness, good ingenuity, talent, and can't ask for it." He immediately appointed Fazheng as the warlord to join the army in the General Zuo's mansion.

Fazheng sees that Liu Xun gave himself generous salaries to the senior officials from the beginning, and he was very grateful, and he quickly kowtowed his head to thank his gratitude, and couldn't cry: "Thank you for the kindness of the lord, filial piety will do my best to be loyal to the lord."

Pang Tong on the side said: "Xiaozhi, there is one more thing, I have to trouble you to do it."

Fazheng stood up excitedly and said, "If you have anything to do with the military division, please tell me."

Pang Tong took a sip of wine and said, "If you let the news go, it is said that the lord's one hundred thousand army has conquered Mianzhu."

Fazheng's eyes lit up, and he replied, "Yes!"


Under the city of Chengdu, Zhao Wei attacked for several days, but encountered the stubborn resistance of Nanyang soldiers and suffered extremely heavy losses. Zhao Yunjun originally thought that Chengdu could be captured by a single drum, and only then followed Zhao Yun to go crazy. Now suffering from this setback, the morale of the penny is low, and he has no intention of fighting again. On the surface, he is working hard to attack the city, but he is very dissatisfied.

Zhao Wei was so anxious that he screamed and walked back and forth in the camp, but there was nothing to do.

On this day, he was still like a headless fly, walking back and forth in the camp. Suddenly Pang Le rushed in in a panic, and before he could salute, he said: "Ghost... ghost..."

Zhao Wei stopped, glared at him, and said angrily: "You don't guard the gate well, what is the name of the ghost running here?"

Pang Le trembled all over, and after a while, he felt better, and said, "Ghost... ghost... ghost!"

Zhao Kun heard the words for no reason, and asked, "What god, ghost, what is going on?"

Pang Le patted his heart, and said: "There are... ghosts in Mianzhu Pass, forgiveness... General Shutering... incompetent, where I am... I dare not... stay again."

Zhao Kun was furious when he heard that, and cursed: "You are a big man, you are still afraid of ghosts, so don't you want to go back and guard the gate!"

Pang Le shook his head and cried bitterly: "It's been three nights, all night, I can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore! Haha! Haha!" After speaking, he danced and cried loudly. , He cried loudly again, snot and tears, obviously crazy.

Zhao Wei called Pang Le several times, and found that he seemed to have not heard him, but he still kept crying and laughing. Just in time, a little man rushed in panting and said: "Report! Mianzhuguan... Mianzhuguan..."

Zhao Yun said angrily: "What happened to Mianzhu Pass? Is it really haunted?"

After panting for a long while, Fang shook his head and said, "Mianzhu Pass has been captured by Liu Xun's 100,000 troops!"

Zhao Qi was stunned when he heard the words, and after a long while, Fang recovered his senses and cried out, "One hundred thousand!"

The little pawn replied: "Exactly!"

Zhao Wei's expression was dull, the boss with an open mouth sat down on the ground and said, "Liu Xun's 100,000 army, how is this possible! Could it be that it fell from the sky?"

The little pawn tremblingly said: "I see it really, the city is all under the banner of the Han army. The gold characters on the red background are very conspicuous."

Zhao Yun looked over at Pang Le, who was still laughing and dancing, and said, "It seems to be true. There are no 100,000 people, how can my love be scared like this."

Liu Xun did bring 70,000 horses, but only 3,000 soldiers and horses captured Mianzhu.

The young man looked terrified and said, "Now Liu Xun's army has been camped fifty miles away, and the joint camp is several miles away. The mountains and forests are full of banners, and the momentum is huge. Please also make a decision early."

Zhao Wei waved his hand and said, "I see, let's go down."

As soon as the little pawn left the account, another pawn rushed in and said, "Report! Liu Zhang learned that Liu Xun had come to help and resisted desperately. Our army attacked three times and failed. The four or five thousand brothers were lost in vain. The general quickly make up his mind, otherwise..."

Zhao Wei asked: "Otherwise what?"

The little pawn said, "Otherwise, take me to escape!"

Zhao Yun stretched out his hand and pointed out of the tent, shouting loudly: "Get out!"

Hearing this, the little pawn ran in embarrassment and ran out of the account. Zhao Wei stood up, and found that Pang Le was still jumping there, quite impatiently, and with a big wave of his hand, he was ordered to hang him out. He walked back and forth in the account twice, returned to the front of the case, took a map, and spread it out to take a closer look. After a long while, he slapped his forehead, gave an inspiration, and his eyes gleamed. Obviously, he came up with an invincible strategy to retreat from the enemy. He shouted: "I will order, tomorrow will be the fifth shift. Place."

Upon hearing this command, the generals of Zhao Yun's army all cheered and chanted: "My lord is wise!" After shouting, they hurriedly returned to the camp to clean up and prepared to escape.


Liu Zhang heard that Zhao Yun's army had retreated, overjoyed, and immediately led all the civil and military forces out of the city to meet Liu Xun's army. After arriving at the place, I found that the army waiting for them was neat and tidy, with great aura, and there was a feeling of indescribable in my heart.

Fazheng covered his mouth, coughed, reached out his hand to Liu Xun, and said, "Master, this is General Zuo and Liu Xun of Jingzhou."

Liu Zhang was startled when he heard the words, turned his head, and looked at Liu Xun carefully up and down. He smiled and said, "It turns out that this is the famous Liu Xun."

Liu Xun said modestly: "Thank you for your uncle's compliment.

Liu Zhang came up, took his hand, and said: "I have a nephew, I have no worries! Come, please speak in the city." After speaking, he took him, boarded his luxury carriage, and turned back to Chengdu. . Liu Xun's army also settled in Liu Zhang's barracks in Chengdu.

Chengdu is known as the Jinguan City. The Jinxiu Jia is produced in the world. Due to its topographical advantages, it is rare to encounter military chaos and abnormal wealth. Liu Xun heard the noise of the people outside the car, knowing that he was in the city, and when he opened the curtain, it turned out to be very bustling and lively, no less than the Central Plains. He has been to the two imperial capitals of the Han Dynasty anyway. In comparison, he is more than vast, but the degree of prosperity is dwarfed. This is indeed a good geomantic treasure land that cannot be better.

Thinking of this, Liu Xun sincerely praised: "Chengdu is really prosperous, worthy of the name of Jinguan City!"

Liu Zhang smiled slightly and said: "The poor country and the lonely place make the nephew laugh. The nephew is so knowledgeable, this big city in Jingxiang must be more prosperous than here, right?"

Liu Xun sighed, "Xiangyang City and Jiangling City in Jingzhou are both top cities in Jingzhou, but there is really no lively place here." Liu Xun paused, and said, "Sheng can have such a wealthy affluent, and it is all due to his uncle's management. "

Liu Zhang beamed with joy and said, "My nephew has talked about it. I'm just doing my best to make the people no longer suffer."

Pang Tong paused for a while, his expression turned worried, and said: "Now Zhao Wei is only retiring temporarily, and he will return soon. We should think about how to retreat from the enemy earlier."

Then Pang Tong continued to ask, "How much grain and grass are there now?"

For Liu Xun and Pang Tong, they are most concerned about the issue of food and grass.

Liu Zhang stretched out a finger and said, "If you don't have one million, don't worry about food and grass. Give you one hundred thousand food and grass for the 70,000 army for a year.

Pang Tong asked again: "How many Nanyang soldiers are there in the city?"

Liu Zhang replied in surprise: "Shiyuan also knows about Nanyang soldiers? There are more than 20,000 soldiers in Nanyang."

Pang Shiyuan nodded and said, "This matter was caused by Nanyang soldiers, so how come I don't know."

Liu Zhang said, "Oh, I'm all to blame!"

Upon seeing this, Liu Xun comforted Liu Zhang and said, "The matter is over, and self-blaming is useless. We must find a way to quell this rebellion."

Liu Zhang asked impatiently, "Will the plan be settled?"

Liu Xun nodded to indicate Pang Tong, Pang Shiyuan smiled slightly and said, "You must be so..."

Liu Zhang was stunned when he heard the words. After a while, he Fang said, "No wonder the nephew brought you here, you deserve to be a phoenix."

Three days later, because of fear that Liu Xun and Liu Zhang would join forces to discuss, Zhao Wei lay in the city of Jiangyang, trembling all over, foaming at the mouth, and tremblingly writing down the table, preparing to make peace with Liu Zhang, hoping that Liu Zhang would see him pitiful and able to Split him up so that he can still be an official. At this moment, a little pawn rushed in happily and said, "Report! The little one is right. Liu Xun only attacked Mianzhu Pass with 3,000 people."

Zhao Wei was taken aback, and screamed: "What! It turned out to be playing tricks on me!" After that, he picked up the lowering meter, threw it on the palace lantern, and burned it torch. Looking at the burning silk book, Zhao Yun waved his hand and said with a grinning smile: "I will tell you to start tomorrow at five shifts and encircle Chengdu again!"

Zhao Yun's news is really unreliable. Although there were 3,000 soldiers who attacked Mianzhu, Liu Xun had 70,000 soldiers and horses. Zhao Wei's journey is really a stubborn mistake.

In the evening of the next day, Zhao Yunjun arrived ten miles away from Chengdu and set up a camp, preparing to attack the city again the next morning.

Liu Zhang and Liu Xun climbed up to the tower and looked from a distance. They saw that the large camp outside the city was densely connected, and there were endless fighting sounds and flags fluttering in the camp. The result was extraordinary momentum. Liu Zhang's face was earthy in fright, and he trembled: "My nephew, I still don't know what to do."

Liu Xun looked at his six gods and no masters, shook his head, and said: "Uncle Don't panic, last time there were only three thousand soldiers, I can scare Zhao Wei away. This time you and I total 80,000 people, are you afraid? He won’t succeed."

Liu Zhang patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's all up to you this time. I have ordered Nanyang soldiers to gather in the school grounds and wait for their nephew to review."

Liu Xun touched Guangguang's chin, smiled slightly, and said, "Please also uncle to lead the way."

Liu Zhang tremblingly stretched out his sweaty fat hand, took his hand, and said, "Follow me." After that, he led him to the school.

At this time, there were not only 20,000 Nanyang soldiers from Yizhou, but also 60,000 Jingzhou troops on the school field. The two armies stand in two parts.

On the school ground, Liu Zhang stood on the high platform of the middle school, patted his chest, took a piece of Shu Jinxiu Pai to wipe the foam on his mouth, and said: "Cough...cough... The generals will follow the orders from today to Zhao Zhao When Yun retires, Liu Xun is the commander-in-chief of the whole army.

The Yizhou soldiers off the court responded in unison: "Yes!"

Liu Zhang glanced at Liu Xun, then stepped back, hid in the audience and let the beauty massage him. Liu Xun smiled slightly and walked to the front of the stage and said loudly to Nanyang Bing: "Brothers, have you all left your hometown and ran to the middle of Sichuan because of the disaster in your hometown?"

Twenty thousand Nanyang soldiers responded in unison: "Yes!"

Liu Xun sighed, "Oh, it's hard to escape. The road is like a beggar. You don't want to say that you have a hungry meal, and you have to drive day and night. You are robbed and killed by rioters. You have suffered!"

Twenty thousand Nanyang soldiers recalled the scene of the year, all sighed, tears filled their eyes...