Three Kingdoms

Chapter 113: Pang Tongqiao retired from Dongzhou soldiers (part 1)


The Shu soldiers discovered that there were people on the cliff. They pulled out their weapons, guarded their chests, and shouted attentively, "Who!" Seeing that the murder weapon was actually a small stone, they believed that the coming person had a very high martial arts. Everyone looked terrified, and the hand holding the knife shook involuntarily...

Pang Tong looked at the probe, and he knew it. Knowing that I was in trouble again, I was so scared that I was trembling with cold sweat on my forehead, back and palms. I put my right hand on my lips and said with a trembling: "How should this be good?" It can also kill people... No, the corpses in the small village just now did not have the first level. Why? Killing good! Killing good! The level of merit is determined by the number of the first level. This time the siege of Chengdu I didn’t use Leng Bao for a long time. It’s probably because I wanted to be mad, so I came out this time and ran far to Zitong to slay these heads and go back to the affair, but the rebellion has been settled. Where did he get the head? Grade, so I had to find these little people to do the operation."

This thought seemed quite long, but Pang Tong had completely figured it out and thought it through in a flash. Thinking of this, he smiled slightly, pulled Deng Zhi to the edge of the cliff, reached out his hand to Deng Zhi, and said: "You Dongzhou soldiers bullying the people, killing the people and doing good deeds, have been told to the lord. The lord does not want to go out again. During the second Zhaojun uprising, I decided to take care of you Dongzhou soldiers. Therefore, Mr. Deng Bomiao was sent to investigate the matter. I did not expect to see such a wonderful drama in broad daylight. You Dongzhou soldiers still I really stand up to the lord!" After speaking, he turned his head and whispered to Deng Zhi, "It's up to you now."

Deng Zhi knew the meaning and nodded slightly to show that he knew it. The soldiers under the cliff didn't expect that Liu Zhang would send people to investigate their evil deeds. All of them turned blue and looked at each other. The right hand holding the knife trembled involuntarily and stood there, not knowing what to do.

Deng Zhi looked at these three hundred Dongzhou soldiers with weapons in their hands, with no fear on his face, smiled slightly, and said: "I came from Jingxiang to join Liu Yizhou. I didn't expect the lord to give me such an important messenger. Seriously Trust me very much. Like you, I’m from Dongzhou. I heard that many Dongzhou soldiers are from Nanyang. I’m from Xinye Yiyang, very close to Nanyang.” After speaking, I use Nanyang dialect with the same Ya. The soldiers who came down said hello.

Sure enough, many of the Dongzhou soldiers under the cliff were from Nanyang. Amidst the poor mountains and evil mountains, I heard the hometown dialect again and again. The feeling of encountering the old from thousands of miles away spontaneously, and I couldn't help but relax a lot. The facial muscles were relieved a lot, and the hand holding the knife dropped.

Deng Zhi said loudly: "This time Zhao Wei's rebellion, the lord's officials all said it was because of the violent Dongzhou soldiers. I told the lord, I am a person near Nanyang, and I know the environment there. The people there are simple and gentle, and the people are gentle. Being polite, how could this brutal thing happen? This must be a rumor that Zhao Wei went for a walk, so as to make an excuse for his rebellion."

Many Nanyang soldiers under the cliff could hear this, and they couldn't help but cried out in their hearts: "Deng Bomiao who knows me is the same!" Thinking of this, they shouted: "That's right!" "That's it!" "We are all. They are good people, how can they do this for good or for evil." Amidst these jumbled roars, there are occasionally small village women wailing and weeping, and the sound of hanging against the wall seems to be a testament to their kindness. .

Deng Zhi treated the women’s misfortunes alike, with a gentle expression, and said, “Now the Lord has tolerated me to investigate the matter, I don’t believe it at all. I wanted to go out for a tour of the mountains and water, so I went back to work on errands. Unexpectedly, I met..." At this point, he looked sad and sighed.

The Eastern State Soldiers shouted: "We have not done anything before, so please let us know!"

Deng Zhi was extremely angry, but she didn't show her face, and smiled and said, "I was far away just now, and I didn't see what you are doing. Besides, I am from Dongzhou, and of course I am facing my own people. , I know that you are also sent by your boss, so you can't help it, so this time I open one eye and close the other. I think I haven't seen it. You can leave."

Those Dongzhou soldiers were quite moved when they heard the words, and after looking at each other a few times, they shouted: "Yes, these are the new Leng Taishou, who told us to do this, and he wants the first class to repay."

"It was he who forced us, otherwise I wouldn't dare to do that if we were to use our courage!"

"Yes, that's it, everything is arranged by Leng Taishou behind, it has nothing to do with us!"

"My lord let us go, go to Cha Leng Taishou, he is the mastermind."

Deng Zhi smiled slightly and said: "Well, you guys are gone, I won't pursue this matter anymore."

Those Dongzhou soldiers were busy arranging the team and preparing to disperse before they took a few steps. Suddenly a pawn turned his head and said: "No, don't believe his nonsense. He persuaded us to disperse now, and come to the lord's place later. Go and sue us, why don't we die without a place to be buried!"

When the other Dongzhou soldiers thought it was possible, they turned around again, drew their swords, and looked at them angrily. At this time, thirty or fifty people had climbed to the cliff where they were, each with a sword surrounded them.

Deng Zhi looked at the dazzling steel knife in front of him with no fear, and laughed. Seeing that he could still laugh in such a dangerous environment, the soldiers were so confident that they couldn't help but feel helpless.

At this time, Huang Zhong came forward and shouted with a big knife in his hand: "Whoever dares to hurt Bo Miao should ask if I agree with the big knife in my hand."

The Dongzhou soldiers looked at each other after hearing them, and no one dared to step forward.

Deng Zhi laughed for a long time, and said: "I said that if I don't pursue it, I won't be held accountable. I am your fellow, can I still lie to you?"

In front of Deng Zhi, a burly man in his thirties who was quite tall like an officer said: "I am not from Nanyang, I am from Guanzhong. I am not a fellow from you, but I can't control so much. I only believe that the dead can keep it. secret!"

Deng Zhi sneered slightly, and said, "You think you can keep the secret by killing us? The Lord has allowed me to come out. If I don't turn around. How can he not be suspicious and send someone to investigate at that time, you can still run away? "

The young man held up with his hands and said, "This..."

Deng Zhi said: "You are not from Nanyang, but some of you are from Nanyang. Nanyang people are always the same, don't you think?"

The people from Nanyang on the cliff shouted in unison: "Yes! Nanyang people never lie!"

Deng Zhi said: "I will never talk about today's matter. When I went back, I told the lord that Dongzhou soldiers abide by military discipline, and Leng Bao forced them to do this for credit, and they were also helpless. "

Hearing the words, the young man took a step forward with the long sword in his hand, and while swinging the sword, he said: "I still don't worry. You Nanyang people lie or not, we Guanzhong people don't know. What's the use of saying this."

Huang Zhong hurriedly stepped forward and kicked the young officer over and fell into a shit.

Pang Tong laughed when he heard the words, the young man got up, his doubts increased, and angrily said, "What are you laughing at?"

Pang Tong said: "My sir kindly persuades you to disperse, because I don't want to kill you in vain. This old general Huang can kill you with one enemy and one hundred, and it is not a problem at all. Is it really afraid of you? Besides, the one just now You can see how people die.” After speaking, Pang Tong played with a small stone in his hand, and said: “I’ve just practiced this skill of fingering magical powers, and I don’t know whether it works or not. The person who died was blinded. Just about to find someone to try again, do you want to try?" He said, he was eager to play.

Huang Zhong also walked forward with a big knife at this time.

The young man saw that he had just learned Huang Zhong's ability, and he saw that little pawn died so unclearly, he couldn't help feeling tensed. Seeing Pang Tong's right hand holding a stone and making constant gestures to him, Huang Zhong's broadsword was also chilling, and his heart was straight. He subconsciously stepped back three steps and hid in the crowd, which made him feel a little relieved.

Deng Zhi didn't change his face, smiled slightly, and said: "My two families will learn the kung fu of three-legged cats for a few days. You don't have to be afraid. If you want to try, just go up and try. I guarantee he can't hurt anyone."

This group of Dongzhou soldiers saw them with more than a dozen people. They were still able to talk and laugh freely in the middle of the siege. Medicine lunatics. And they talk well, they are not like lunatics at all, they must be masters. They have peerless martial arts, but they still say that they have no abilities. They must have bad intentions and want to lure us forward to kill. We can’t be fooled.”

With this idea, these Dongzhou soldiers look at me and I look at you, winking at each other and letting the other side come forward, but they say nothing.

Pang Tong is now feeling the mood of betting. He is now wearing a coarse cloth and holding ordinary little stones in his hands. Deng Zhi can't do anything at all. Although Huang Zhong was brave, with the ten men under him, he could not beat the brave Dongzhou soldiers.

He was really indescribably scared, thinking that if this threat did not shock the group of Dongzhou soldiers, they would be cut into pieces in a flash, and the first level would be cut off and given to Leng Bao. Take credit for it. Thinking of this, cold sweat broke out on my body, even though the weather was very cold at this time. After a long while, the Dongzhou soldiers still didn't make a joke about their life, and they stepped forward. Seeing this scene, Pang Tong was bold, straightened his chest, pointed his hand at the Eastern State Soldiers, and shouted loudly: "Fighting and not fighting, retreating and not retreating, in such a cold day, you want to be frozen to death!" He yelled out loudly, praying in his heart that he could drink a person to death, so that he would be sure to scare away these Dongzhou soldiers.

Maybe God pityed him for the last few days and decided to give him some shit luck. As soon as the voice fell, a small pawn foamed at his mouth, fell to the ground with a slam, and died with his feet. What a coincidence, even Pang Tong himself couldn't understand the situation in front of him. When other people saw this, they were shocked...