Three Kingdoms

Chapter 116: Equipment Wizard Pu Yuan (Part 2)


Zhuge Liang couldn't help being surprised when he heard what Yiji said. After he looked at the design drawings, the shock in his heart could not be described in words. The design on the design drawing is very clever. In some places, only the term whimsical is used to describe it, but this whimsical and open is reasonable. The places that are very difficult to understand are also marked in detail. It's hard to imagine that this perfect structure came from an eighteen-year-old youth.

After reading the design drawing, Zhuge Liang asked involuntarily: "Who is the one who drew this design."

Yiji replied: "It's a young guy named Pu Yuan."

"What, Pu Yuan" Zhuge Liang shouted out in surprise, he hurriedly asked again: "It is indeed Pu Yuan? Isn't it wrong?"

Yiji glanced strangely, Zhuge Liang, who was a little gagged, nodded and confirmed: "He means his own name is Pu Yuan, Fufeng Renshi, is there any problem with this?"

At this time, Zhuge Liang also realized that he was in a bad mood, and hurriedly shook his head and said, "There is no problem. Lao Fanyi called him, and I have something to ask him."

Yibord nodded, and asked a servant to find Pu Yuan.

Don't mention how happy Zhuge Liang was at this time. How can he not know who Pu Yuan is? Pu Yuan made considerable contributions to science and technology in the post-Han period. Later, they created rollovers (ie, keel waterwheels) and guide cars. Among them, the mechanical principle used in the rollover and the guide car was 1,780 years earlier than abroad.

But because of Confucianism, it hurts people. It is a real pity that a generation of geniuses, capable of craftsmanship, has been misunderstood by the world as incompetent people who can only speculate.

What Zhuge Liang needs at this time is this kind of talent, the movable type printing, papermaking, etc. in his mind. All this requires a flexible mind, excellent craftsmanship, and extremely innovative talents to make these technologies come out early and benefit the people. Pu Yuan met all the conditions very well, and he was the best candidate.

After a while, a handsome young man came over. Zhuge Liang smiled to himself after seeing it, it turned out that it was him.

Pu Yuan bowed to Yijii and asked, "I wonder what is wrong with Yijii who came to Pu Yuan."

Yiyi replied with a smile: "It is my military division who has something to ask you."

Zhuge Liang got off his horse and walked to Pu Yuan's side and asked, "Are Brother Pu's legs all right?"

It turned out that this person was the young man who was bitten by a snake when Zhuge Liang made an inspection last time.

Pu Yuan glanced at Zhuge Liang suspiciously, and thought to himself: According to the old fairy Hua, one of the three people who rescued me had never seen his son Zhuge Liang. This person is also a strategist of the Han army, then he...

Thinking of this, he instinctively knelt down and thanked him: "Pu Yuan, thank you for your life-saving grace."

Zhuge Liang immediately helped him up and said, "Brother Pu, please, lift your hands, let's hang your teeth." Then he asked his guard for a crossbow, handed it to Pu Yuan, and asked: "This thing is called ' "Liannu" can be fired single or in bursts. It fires ten crossbow arrows at once, which is extremely powerful. I wonder if Brother Pu can improve it."

The origin of the crossbow is very early, let's look at the crossbow that fired several arrows at the same time. A big bow, firing two or three arrows at the same time, this has appeared in the Qin and Han dynasties, "Historical Records · Han Xin Lu Wan Biography 33": "Please make the crossbow and Fu two arrows outward.'Fu', through'attached' , Attached, "Zuo Zhuan · Fourteen Years of Gong Xi" "The skin does not exist, Mao Jiang Yanfu" can be proved. Attach two arrows to the crossbow machine at the same time, as a crossbow that fires two arrows at the same time as a single blow. "Later Han" "Book·Geng Chun Biography" "choose two thousand people who dare to die, all holding strong crossbows, each with three arrows, so that they can travel between the three arrows." This is regarded as a crossbow that fires three arrows at the same time. Cao Pi's "Drinking Horses in the Great Wall Grottoes" is like thunder and lightning. "Fighting for four or five" means that four or five arrows will be sent with one blow. The crossbow with the god-arm bedzi in volume 103 of the "Wu Bei Zhi" of the Ming Dynasty can fire four or five arrows at the same time. This is the second meaning of the special name "Liannu" in ancient my country, which refers to a crossbow that fires two or more arrows at the same time.

The bed crossbow of the predecessors has great shortcomings. First, the bed crossbow cannot fire many arrows at the same time. The arrow should be aimed at the target, and it is not very precise! Second, after a crossbow fires multiple bows and arrows at the same time, that is, after the power of a crossbow machine is divided equally, its range is not very far, and there is not much lethality at all. Third, this kind of heavy crossbow bed is difficult to carry, and it is not suitable for the geographical conditions of the Southern Expedition and the Northern Expedition. Fourth, the arrow used in this crossbow is more than three feet in length and is not very powerful. ".

Look at the continuous crossbows fired by the predecessors. This can be divided into two categories. The first type is to set up two bows, or three bows, or four bows in the crossbow. During the war, the bow can be used to buckle the arrow in advance, usually by a professional archer. Although there is a sequence of launches, this is not a "continuous launch" in the strict sense.

After summing up the experience and lessons of the predecessors, Zhuge Liang spent a lot of effort to design a continuous crossbow that can shoot ten arrows in a row, known as the "Zhuge continuous crossbow." The bow and arrow used by this "Zhuge Crossbow" can be up to eight inches long, and can fire ten arrows continuously, which basically meets the requirements of the army. It is also extremely light. Infantry and cavalry can be carried with them, and it is suitable for carrying in a large area for combat.

However, because it has not been developed for a long time, it has not yet been deployed in the military on a large scale. Zhuge Liang saw that Pu Yuan was convenient and talented here, so he wanted him to improve it a bit to make the bow and crossbow more powerful.

Pu Yuan took the'Zhuge Liannu' and observed it left and right, his eyes flashed with joy, and he ignored Zhuge Liang and others at the moment. Sitting directly on the ground, I studied carefully.

Zhuge Liang looked at Pu Yuan's mouth wide open, speechless. This thing looks simple and it is very troublesome to make. When Zhuge Liang made this'Lianbow', it took a long time to make it.

But Pu Yuan only took a few cups of tea to disassemble his long-term research results three times in a row, and then install them three times. It's as easy as playing with children.

After a long time, Pu Yuan stood up and said shockingly: "This thing is made more delicately, but it has some shortcomings. As long as you give Pu Yuan three days, Pu Yuan can improve it to one crossbow and fifty rounds. To reduce the range, you can increase the range by ten to twenty steps."

When Zhuge Liang heard Pu Yuan's words like this, he couldn't help but bloom, it was awesome. If it can really be as Pu Yuan said, the power of the crossbowmen can be increased by several levels. At that time, it will be necessary to reorganize a team of special forces, each wearing a continuous crossbow, and using the continuous crossbow as a weapon. Then the continuous crossbow will definitely become one of the symbols of Liu Xun's army.

If someone pays attention to Zhuge Liang's eyes now, he will surely find that he looks at Pu Yuan's eyes, shining brightly.

Zhuge Liang knew that Pu Yuan was a person who really wanted to be appreciated by others. Otherwise, Pu Yuan would not recommend himself to Yiji as the chief designer of the academy, so as to show his ability.

Thinking of this, Zhuge Liang immediately issued a recruitment order to Pu Yuan. He said: "Brother Pu, you are so skilled. Why not contribute to the country and serve the people of the big man. My lord "General Zuo, Jingzhou Mu" is unparalleled in justice and righteousness. , Love the people like your son. If you can put yourselves into the account of my lord and work for my lord, you will definitely give full play to what you have learned throughout your life."

When Pu Yuan heard Zhuge Liang's words, his expression immediately fell down.

He sighed helplessly: "Fei Pu Yuan is unwilling to work for the big man, but in the eyes of the world, this skill is opportunistic and no one appreciates it. Sora has a skill and can't use it, so he can only do some small tricks. Play things to live by. Sad, sad."

Pu Yuan's tone was full of unwillingness and helplessness, but still more puzzled. I don't understand why the world is so ignorant, but blindly believe in the "words of the saint" instead of believing in the truth of this fact.

Zhuge Liang also felt the unwillingness in Pu Yuan's heart, and was very sympathetic to his situation. In his eyes, Confucianism has more than enough in the system, but insufficient in imperial outside. The harm to the subsequent dynasties is considerable, but the benefits are few and far between.

And if Pu Yuan's invention hadn't been oppressed by Confucianism and Mencius. It can definitely benefit the Chinese people for generations to come. Even the modern Three Gorges Hydropower Station on the Yangtze River, the Yellow River Xiaoxia Hydropower Station, and the Yellow River Wujinxia Hydropower Station, etc., are based on the principle of waterwheel machinery invented by Pu Yuan.

Only in the Han Dynasty, others did not respect Pu Yuan's invention at all, which led to the disappearance of these soul treasures that benefited the country and the people.

Zhuge Liang knew that what Pu Yuan lacks now is the support and encouragement of one person. He patted Pu Yuan on the shoulder and encouraged: "Brother Pu, don't be discouraged. No matter how others think of you, in my eyes, Zhuge Liang, your skills are no less than those of Confucius and Mencius. Their skills can only make people understand at best. It’s reasonable, and your ability can benefit all people. The world says that what you have learned is opportunistic. Then you have to work harder and prove your instinct with reality. It can make the people of the world live better and let them live. You are happier. Let the world know that what you learn is not just opportunism, but the ability to truly benefit the people."

Pu Yuan listened to Zhuge Liang's words of encouragement, his eyes showed firm and confident gazes. He respectfully bowed to Zhuge Liang: "Pu Yuan thanked Mr. Guo for his teaching, and in the future, he will use his abilities to do more things that are beneficial to the people."

Seeing Pu Yuan's eyes full of confidence, Zhuge Liang said later: "I don't know what Brother Pu proposes to me? Kong Ming can dare to guarantee that my lord will not treat you badly, and that your skills will be reasonably reused."

Pu Yuan wanted to put his skills into the hands of a party of princes, and he also heard that Liu Xun was determined to help the great man and valued talents, so he didn't have the slightest doubt about what Zhuge Liang said. Nodding: "Pu Yuan can't ask for it."

After Zhuge Liang heard this, he was very happy, and immediately appointed Pu Yuan to engage in equipment, specializing in the production of weapons and equipment, and submitted it to Liu Xun for approval.

In a blink of an eye, it was the spring of the sixth year of Jian'an (AD 201), and the princes everywhere were ready to move...