Three Kingdoms

Chapter 12: The disaster in Xuzhou


Just as Cao Cao was hesitant, a disaster happened, which strengthened Cao Cao's determination to capture Xuzhou and destroy Lu Zhuang. What happened? This has to be discussed in detail.

After Lu Bu died in battle, Lu Zhuang blocked Cao Cao's attack with Chen Gong's assistance and stabilized his position. After Diao Chan learned the news of her husband Lu Bu's death, she was very sad and wanted to go with Lu Bu. However, my son is less than 20 years old, and he needs his usual teaching, and his daughter is also about 16 years old and not too old. Therefore, Diao Chan had to endure the pain and gritted his teeth and survived.

Diao Chan has been teaching his son that he must develop Xuzhou well, and when his strength becomes stronger, he will destroy Cao Cao and avenge his father. Lv Zhuang worked diligently under the assistance of Chen Gong and general Gao Shun, and managed Xuzhou in an orderly manner. Production in Xuzhou has resumed, cultivated land is normally cultivated, shops are opened normally, and people's lives are gradually getting better. Lu Zhuang has stabilized his position in Xuzhou.

When Lu Zhuang saw that his site was stable, he didn't feel proud, but at the same time he felt that his house was boring. One day, Lv Zhuang took advantage of Chen Palace to go out for a cruise, and took a few of his servants, dressed in casual clothes, to play in the street. Lu Zhuang hadn't seen such a colorful world for a long time, and he was very happy to linger in it. Lu Zhuang thought to himself, Fuzhong really can't compare with the downtown here, so fun here.

There is a servant next to Lu Zhuang who does not have a name, and everyone calls him Ah San. Ah San has been in the market since he was a child. He has a flexible mind and is very clever. Seeing that Lu Zhuang seemed to be very interested in this busy city, I was overjoyed, thinking that the opportunity to get promoted and fortune came.

Asan took the opportunity to say to Lv Zhuang, "Wen Hou (who inherited Lv Bu's title) is rich in the seven counties of Xuzhou, but sits in the mansion all day to handle military affairs and government affairs, but it is not a pity that he cannot enjoy such fun

Seeing that Ah San seemed to be familiar with market affairs, Lu Zhuang pulled Ah San to the front and asked, "It's very lively here. What's fun? Tell me about it.

"Eat, drink, and play are all available, for example, cockfighting, dice betting, restaurants with good food and beverages, beautiful dances to add to the fun, and the intoxicating Baihualou." As introduced by Asan, Lu Zhuang listened with ecstasy.

Lv Zhuang took a few servants and soldiers into the "Drunken Spring House", which is said to be the largest restaurant in Xuzhou City. When they arrived at the restaurant, the shopkeeper saw that the people were well-dressed, so he led them to the private room upstairs and sat down.

Lu Zhuang said to the shopkeeper: "The store, what good wine and good food are available?"

Asan murmured to Lu Zhuang: There are dancing girls to add to the fun, either? Lu Zhuang nodded, meaning that he would definitely want to.

Ah San said to the shopkeeper, "Send a few singers to cheer.

The shopkeeper went on smiling.

After a while, the food and drinks came, and the singers all came. Lu Zhuang drank fine wine and ate big fish and meat while enjoying singing and dancing. I thought: This wine and food is not as shabby as in the mansion. Lu Zhuang was deeply attracted by everything here, and wanted to live such a "good life" every day.

A San seemed to see Lu Zhuang's thoughts, and said, "The whole Xuzhou belongs to Master Hou. If Master Hou wants to come, no one can control it."

Lu Zhuang sighed, let's talk about it later."

A few people were already drunk after eating and drinking. Pai Pai prepares to leave, and there is no intention to pay. The shopkeeper saw that the situation was not good, so he and the guys stopped them and demanded payment.

A San cursed, "Don't open your dog's eyes to see, this is our Lord Lu, the governor of Xuzhou, who dare to ask for money! He has a very arrogant attitude and a bit of bullying.

When the shopkeeper and the guys heard it, they knelt down and kowtowed their heads to apologize. Lu Zhuang didn't say anything, and led people straight away. Because Asan took Lu Zhuang to play very happily, Lu Zhuang promoted Asan as his master, and everyone dared not speak.

After Chen Gong came back from a field tour, he was very angry when he heard about Ah San. So he went to question Lu Zhuang. Chen Gong said to Lu Zhuang: "A piece of land that the first master finally got, do you want to bury it with your own hands." Lu Zhuang hesitated and couldn't say anything.

Ah San on the side said without knowing the height of the sky: "Going out for a meal, you have too much control over what you have. You must remember that Xuzhou belongs to the Lu family, not your Chen Gong!"

When Chen Gong heard this, he said angrily: "I had known this, it would be better to hand Xuzhou to Cao Cao." After speaking, he flicked his sleeves out.

When Lu Zhuang saw this, he blamed Asan, "You shouldn't talk to the military teacher like this."

Ah San knelt and cried bitterly, "My lord, I am loyal to my lord, unlike his Chen Gong."

Lu Zhuang said in surprise, "I know you are loyal, but Chen Gong is also loyal to widows."

Asan said, "That's not necessarily true. I heard that Chen Gong and Cao Cao have a deep friendship. I just said something like that, so I can't help but prevent it."

After Lv Zhuang heard this, he slowly alienated Chen Gong and demoted Chen Gong to Xiapi to become the prefect.

As soon as Chen Gong left, Lu Zhuang played more unscrupulously.

One day, Lu Zhuang was walking around the street with a group of people, when suddenly he saw an old man and a 13 or 4 year old girl singing in the street. The little girl had a beautiful face and a good figure, and her beauty could not be concealed by her torn clothes. Lu Zhuang had the meaning of dominance in his heart.

Ah San, already comprehending Lu Zhuang's meaning, stepped forward and dropped a copper plate, asking the two people around him to take the little girl back to the mansion. The little girl cried out in shock, what did she do. The old man threw himself down on his knees and pleaded: "This is my granddaughter. Her parents passed away very early. We are the only ones left. Please let us go."

Lu Zhuang and others remained unmoved and still wanted to take the little girl away. The old man clung to Lu Zhuang's leg and begged Lu Zhuang not to take his granddaughter away. Lu Zhuang was angry and kicked the old man away. Because of his great strength, Lu Zhuang kicked the old man to death.

When passers-by saw it, they dared not speak.

Lu Zhuang asked the young girl to be taken into the governor's mansion and wanted to be a concubine. Seeing that her grandfather was gone, the little girl didn't want to live anymore. When people were not paying attention, they broke free, and jumped down from the stairs. Everyone sighed.

When Diao Chan heard this, he was very angry and went to reprimand Lu Zhuang. However, Lu Zhuang didn't listen at all, Diao Chan was half to death with anger, but there was nothing to do.

Without restraint, Lu Zhuang was even more unscrupulous, and most of the money and food accumulated in Xuzhou City were used by him for pleasure. The soldiers lacked clothing and food, and the people complained. The crisis is not far away, but Lu Zhuang is not aware of it, and still does his own way.

One day, Lu Zhuang took Ah San and the others out on the street, when he saw a train line coming from the city, the car was full of things, as if he was very rich. Lu Zhuang coveted the wealth on the car, so he wanted to find someone to take the wealth on the car as his own.

Of course, Ah San understood what Lu Zhuang meant, and led a dozen people to stop the convoy. An old man in the convoy got off the carriage and said, "I'm about to go to Yanzhou to seek refuge with my son Cao Cao. We haven't committed any crime."

When Lu Zhuang heard this, it was pretty good. He was obviously the father of my enemy, and he was taking revenge on his father. He immediately ordered all people in the convoy to be detained and all property confiscated. On the second day at Nancaishikou, Cao Cao's father and his family were all beheaded in public.

When the news reached Xu Du, Cao Cao wailed loudly. With the overall situation intact, one hundred thousand troops are ready to attack Lu Zhuang, Lu Zhuang’s end is not far away...