Three Kingdoms

Chapter 126: Lu Yu Shan Fu (Part 2)


Liu Xun calmed down and said: "Sanshu, how can you easily rush Daxian." He immediately took Zhang Fei to Shan Fu to accompany him.

Shan Fu himself is an open-minded person, and he has heard Zhang Fei's name a long time ago, so he naturally knows his character. And Zhuge Liang is also a friend of Shan Fu. This time Shan Fu came with Zhuge Liang's recommendation letter, but Shan Fu wanted to gain Liu Xun's trust through his own skills, rather than relying solely on Zhuge Liang's recommendation.

Liu Xun said frankly: "Mr. Shan said it was very true. Unfortunately, Shu Xun could not adopt Mr. Xun's meaning. The military division of our army has already set a strategic goal for Xun, but it is just unknown."

Shan Fu was a little disappointed, but the curiosity in his heart was far greater than disappointment. He asked, "What's the plan?"

As soon as Shan Fu's words were spoken, he felt that Zhang Fei’s murderous aura had already enveloped him, and he could be cut into two pieces anytime and anywhere. He secretly scolded himself for being confused. These major events were regarded as military secrets, and he could easily tell someone just now. Join people from unknown origins.

When Shan Fu regretted, Liu Xun stopped Zhang Fei’s murderous aura, and said to Zhang Fei: "Sanshu, the military adviser once said,'No doubt about employing people, no doubt about the use of people.' Since Mr. Xun has been taken into account, You shouldn't doubt him."

After Shan Fu heard this, she was grateful, and bowed down and said, "It's a good one to use people, and suspects don't need to. The Lord knows the grace of encounters, and Shan Fu will repay him with death."

Liu Xun helped Shan Fu and recounted Zhuge Liang's strategy from beginning to end. Shan Fu was dumbfounded.

After a long time, he came back to his senses and sighed: "The talent of the military division is good for the enemy. My strategic plan cannot take into account the future, and the military division's plan can make our army invincible and convinced by the blessing."

Liu Xun replied: "It is an honor to be able to be assisted by a military commander, but it is also an honor to be honored by Mr. Shan to help. From now on, our army will take the restoration of the Han Dynasty as its own responsibility and return the power of Hanwu a hundred years ago."

Zhang Fei, Shan Fu, Wei Yan and others will worship with the guards behind them: "The subordinates are willing to restore the Han Dynasty as their own responsibility, assist the lord, and create the prestige of Han Wu." At this moment, in the eyes of everyone, Liu Xun's The figure is so tall.

Shan Fu brought Liu Xun and the others to the village he was talking about. As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the village, he saw a few bullies dragging three women forcibly, yelling some filthy words while dragging them.

Liu Xun frowned, just about to order his hand to rescue him, Zhang Fei on the side saw this scene, his face was full of anger and purple, his fists clenched, and the voice of'Papa, Papa, Papa' came from From his body, murderous aura swarmed over the sky. Without waiting for Liu Xun to speak, he thrust the'Zhangba Snake Spear' into the ground.

A few walks rushed up, grabbed one of them and flicked them back. Zhang Fei threw it out like a chicken and hit a blood-red war horse next to him. The red horse was furious, his noble body, how can it be? Let a waste touch it, and immediately raised his hooves, stepped on the person on the ground, and heard the sound of a broken breastbone, the person screamed, and immediately died under the horse's hoof.

At this time, Zhang Fei, who was fighting on the side, fisted like the wind, as strong as a landslide, and extremely brave. Every punch fell on the thick skin of the bully. The strength of Zhang Fei's fist under the anger was more than a thousand jin. Every time his fist hits a person, that person didn't even have time to scream, he flew out three feet, fell to the ground and died.

This frightened the leader of their group. His surname was Zhang Mingquan. He was just a bully who took up a few cents in the family and was the favorite grandson of the Dianjiang County magistrate. He was like a crab in Dianjiang County. He was overbearing. Doing mighty things and harming the village everywhere, the people dared to be angry but did not dare to speak.

Originally, he heard from his minions that there are several beauties in Zhang Village who are extremely beautiful, especially one of them, who is even more like a fairy.

Zhang Quan was originally an evil spirit in sex, day by day without girls, and countless women who were ruined by him. They were not very old, only twenty or six, and there were eight wives and concubines in his family. Seeing that his subordinates were so sure, Zhang Quan rushed to Zhang Cun with dozens of minions.

In Zhang Village, Zhang Quanyi saw the beauty of this woman, and was immediately fascinated by her three souls and seven souls. He hurriedly ordered his men to forcibly snatch the woman back to the house for him to play with.

However, Zhang Quanzheng wanted to commit violence, and Shan Fu, who was passing by, heard the sound and rescued them.

Shan Fu kindly took them to a small village, and unexpectedly they were attracted by Zhang Quan again. Fortunately, Zhang Fei's Zhang Yi rescued her, but even so, the woman couldn't help crying after being hit.

Zhang Fei heard this woman crying with grief and anger, and was even more angry. He didn't leave any room for his shot. He killed all of Zhang Quan's men in the blink of an eye. The frightened Zhang Quan was in cold sweat, his legs trembled, and the stench of the fish couldn't help but flow out from under his cross.

Zhang Quan stammered and said: " dare... dare to... be wild on... my head, do you... you... know... who am I...? Dianjiang...Dianjiang county magistrate...yes... ah! "

Zhang Feitian is not afraid, the land is not afraid, how can he be afraid of a small magistrate, before Zhang Quan finished speaking, he hit his mouth with a punch, blood was sprayed, his teeth bounced, Zhang Fei was also very much to this kind of scum Not relentless, he flew another kick, centered on Zhang Quan's chest, flew it out of five feet, and after a twitch, he went to follow in his footsteps.

Seeing that Zhang Fei had killed Zhang Quan, all the people broke up in a blast. Only the old man who took in the woman came forward with a cane and said to Zhang Fei: "This strong man, you can run away quickly. This bully is all evil. It’s really great to be killed by a strong man, but the strong man also caused the killing. This bully is the grandson of the county magistrate of Dianjiang. If you let the county magistrate know that he will not let you go, you should run away quickly, otherwise Waiting for the office servants to come. You can't run if you want."

As soon as the old man's words were finished, a violent sound of horseshoes came. The old man looked shocked and immediately urged: "You hurry up and hide in my house. There is an old man against it. Anyway, the old man is also a village chief. They don't It will be embarrassing and old."

Zhang Fei smiled coldly, and said to the village head: "Don't worry, old man, you can arrange these women first, and I'll take it here."

Wei Yan also sent a few people to protect Liu Xun, holding the ghost head knife in his hand, and put on a fighting posture.

The sound of horseshoes was getting closer and closer, and gradually appeared in the sight of everyone. The leader was not Dianjiang's officers and soldiers as they thought, but Li Hui.

It turned out that after learning that Liu Xun and Liu Zhang had turned their faces, Li Hui decided that Liu Zhang was definitely not Liu Xun's opponent, so he found an opportunity to lead the troops and came to seek refuge in Liu Xun, just passing by here.

After seeing Liu Xun, Li Hui hurriedly dismounted to pay homage and said: "I have heard that General Zuo is wise, today I specially came to join General Zuo, and I hope General Zuo will not dislike him.

"Haha, I've heard that Deang is wise, I can't ask for it,"

Liu Xun said happily, Liu Xun was very happy to have two talents today. Liu Xun turned his head to look at the woman with some messy clothes and a bleak look, and asked the old man on the side: "Excuse me, how is the county magistrate of Dianjiang?"

The old man gritted his teeth and said griefly: "The bully just couldn't be better than him just in case."

Liu Xun nodded to Li Hui and said, "Deang, you are a native of Yizhou and are familiar with Ba County. I appoint you as the prefect of Ba County and proceed to rectify Ba County. Check out the good and evil of Dianjiang County, if it is true. He’s a wicked person, you can figure it out."

Li Hui nodded knowingly. As soon as this was reused, Li Hui was naturally very happy.

The reason why Liu Xun gave Li Hui an important task is that Li Hui is indeed talented and familiar with local affairs; on the other hand, he also showed it to other Yizhou officials. Liu Xun used this to show other Yizhou officials that he would be given preferential treatment if he took refuge in himself.

Shan Fu saw the scene in front of him, thinking that Liu Xun was the master he needed, and he was very happy, "The master is very clever."

"Oh, how can you see it?" Liu Xun asked.

"The master's trick can be described as killing three birds with one stone. First, Li Hui is a celebrity in Yizhou, very talented. Appointing Li Hui as the prefect of Ba County can give full play to his talents. Second, punish the bullies and return the people. Justice can increase the prestige of the lord in Yizhou and gain the hearts of Yizhou people as soon as possible. Third, when the generals and officials in Yizhou see Li Hui's important tasks, they will surely feel the hearts of the people, and they will also want to imitate Li Hui."

Shan Fu's analysis can be said to hit the nail on the head, very well.

"Well, whoever knows me, Shan Fuye."

Liu Xun’s comment on Shan Fu is quite high. After these things, Liu Xun fully realized that Shan Fu was a great talent, and he was enough to compete with Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong and Fazheng. Although Liu Xun had never heard of the name Shan Fu, he still took actual talents instead of paying attention to those fictitious names. Liu Xun made up his mind to reuse Shan Fu.

Liu Xun happily returned to Jiangzhou with Shan Fu.

At the Bajun Prefect’s Mansion in Jiangzhou, Liu Xun summoned all the generals and counselors and said: "Everyone has worked hard during this period of time and deserves to be rewarded. The participation of the General Zuo’s mansion and the superintendent’s practice of law is the most important for us to win Bajun. Wei, was promoted to the general of the army division; the former division of the army, Zhonglang, Pang Tong was promoted to the general of the army division of the left; Shan Fu was appointed the general of the division of the right army. Other meritorious officers were awarded rewards according to the law."


With the award, of course everyone is very happy.

Especially Shan Fu, who had just joined the Han army, was appointed by Liu Xun as the general of the Youjun division, alongside Pang Tong. Shan Fu was very happy and said, "Lord, Shan Fu needs to tell him about one thing. My original name is Xu Shu, and the character is straight..."

It turned out that in the sixth year of Zhongping (189 AD), Xu Shu avenged someone, and then used clay white powder on his face, draped his hair and fled, and was caught by the officials. The officials asked Xu Shu what his name was, but Xu Shu didn't say a word. The officials tied Xu Shu to a pillar in a pretentious manner, and beat the drums to order people in the surrounding market to identify him, but no one dared to say they knew this person. But Xu Shu's party members came together to rescue Xu Shu. Xu Shu was very grateful, so he stopped playing guns and sticks, and changed his usual integrity to go to school. Later, he became a famous counselor.

After listening to Xu Shu’s narration, Liu Xun took out Zhuge Liang’s letter from his arms and said, “Kong Ming has already written to me about the Youjunshi. He also told me that he brought you a letter of recommendation. But it didn't give it to me. You can see that you are using your talents to obtain an official position, which I appreciate very much. Don't mention the past. I hope we can work together to revive the Han room."

"The lord is kind, Yuan Zhi looks beyond the dust, Yuan Zhi swears to the sky, from now on, I am willing to drain every drop of blood in the body for the restoration of the Han room." From this moment on, Xu Shu really dealt with Liu Xun.

Of course, Liu Xun was extremely happy to receive talents, and he was more sure about taking Yizhou. However, he also knows that the situation is not optimistic, and those who have the world in mind must look at the overall situation. Especially Yuan Cao's battle, let him worry about it. So what is the situation in the north