Three Kingdoms

Chapter 127: Sun Quan dominates Jiangdong


In the north, although Yuan Shao said to send 300,000 troops, there was heavy thunder and rain, and there was no movement, and all preparations were ready. Yuan Shao led a group of counsellors, generals, big and small, and an army of 300,000. Going forward and succeeding, Haohao ****, kill Ben Li Yang. Yuan Shao’s low efficiency and serious bureaucracy can be seen from this. At that time, Cao Cao had already been in the camp to defend the danger, deep ditch and high base, high to avoid the battle card, and not to fight Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao failed to challenge several times, and had to ditch and stubbornly stubbornly.

Among Yuan Jun, Ju Shou hated Yuan Shao for not having to do anything about it, and he no longer used his hot face to stick his cold ass. During the military discussion, he didn't do his best, but only promised and didn't make any suggestions for him. Xu You was unhappy with the trial lead, and often used villainous tricks, and went to Yuan Shaona to dress the trial with eye drops and greedy words. The trial was not polite, picking bones among the eggs, looking for Xu You's fault, and ran to Yuan Shao to make a small report and complain.

These counselors under Yuan Shao are for personal benefit, regardless of the overall situation. Actually seeing marching and fighting as a child's play, when this is a critical juncture, fighting in the nest, and fighting is not happy. Yuan Shao has always been indecisive, ups and downs on his own. Seeing this scene, there was nothing to do, so I had to close one eye and nothing happened.

During the military discussion, the arguing of the advisers was endless, and it was as lively as entering the food market. Often a quarrel is an hour or two, but the result is no quarrel. Yuan Shao was overwhelmed by the annoyance, and often left the meeting in a rage, and the military discussion was not stopped because of this. Because of the disagreements of the counsellors and the doubts and doubts, he did not dare to go in lightly, so he had to hide in the camp, drinking and having fun, wasting food.

Such a confrontation between the two armies lasted three months from the twelfth lunar month in the fifth year of Jian'an (200 AD) to the second month of the sixth year of Jian'an (201 AD).


Jiangdong, Sun Quan sent Zhou Yu to lead an army of 30,000 to attack Yuzhang County. The formation of the Eastern Wu army encircled Yuzhang City in a fan shape on three sides, and set flags widely in accordance with the strategy of the chief governor Zhou Yu, and beat the drums to deter the Yuzhang defenders.

Sure enough, the Yuzhang defenders did not dare to attack easily. During the night, Cheng Pujun lit up numerous torches, and the Soochow Army's crossbowmen shot across the city at intervals. Although the Soochow Army's attack was not effective, the defenders watched the fires that ignited under the city and listened to the dull drums. They were all frightened and frightened. Soon a dense rain of arrows fell on the Yuzhang army guarding the city. Fortunately, preparations were made in advance, except for the wailing of the arrow-struck, there was only the "click" of the arrow nailing to the city's head.

Twenty thousand steppers followed with dozens of ladders. The archers of the Soochow Army stepped up neatly, approaching the city wall step by step, and finally entered the attack range of the crossbow arrows on the city.

"Sir, do you shoot with a crossbow arrow?" A tooth keeper asked the guard Tai Shici.

Tai Shi Ci shook his head, "Let everyone hide under the shield and wait until the enemy pawns get close before firing."

After a burst of arrows, it seemed as if everything was quiet, and only a moment later did the footsteps of the Yuzhang Army archers and pawns running.

"Withdraw the shield!" Pioneer Han Dang shouted. The ladder has been erected on the wall that is not very high.

"All, shoot!" Tai Shici shouted. The crossbowmen did not need to order them to put up their arrows, and fired them horizontally at the Soochow Army infantry below. After two rounds, the Soochow Army infantry lay down to a large area, and the rest erected their shields or hid on the ground.

The soldiers in the city also smashed the stones down at the same time. Because of inadequate preparation, the Soochow Army lacked powerful siege equipment, and the archers were quickly suppressed by the city. Reluctantly, Sun Quan ordered the troops to retreat and encamp, leaving a corpse under the city wall.

In Yuzhang County's prefect's mansion, Liu Yao summoned his men to discuss the matter of destroying the enemy.

Chen Heng said, "The enemy lost the first battle, so I just took the opportunity to make a surprise attack."

"Yes, lord. Let me lead an army to beat his mother by surprise." General Fan Neng said excitedly.

Tai Shici did not agree with their views, "The enemy has not damaged the foundation. If the enemy is defeated and lured us into robbing the camp, Yu Zhang is in danger."

"Ziyi is too worried, I will give you 10,000 horses to go to the robbery camp, and leave 20,000 troops to defend the city." Liu Yao said carefully.

Tai Shi Ci had no choice but to follow his fate. After Tai Shici took the order, taking advantage of the darkness, he took 10,000 soldiers out of the city. The journey went smoothly. Tai Shici mounted his horse and waved his hand to let the White-eared Soldier follow. When he approached the Soochow Army camp, Tai Shici accelerated his horse and rushed directly into the camp. Yuzhang soldiers also shouted in unison, rushing into the camp. The Soochow soldiers lying in ambush outside the camp immediately spotted Tai Shici and others, and the horns sounded one after another.

Soochow soldiers heard the news and encircled the camp, and crossbow soldiers shot rockets one after another. Yu Zhangbing was too late to dodge, and fell to the ground with arrows. The people behind hurried to the ground to avoid the arrows. Tai Shici knew that he had been in an ambush, and the major event was not good, so he had to ride a horse to sprint and try to stand out.

After Tai Shici swung a knife and split a few cavalry from the Eastern Wu army, he came not far from Huang Gai. Huang Gai stared at the man coldly, his horse moved, and the long sword slashed at Tai Shi Ci. The two long knives slammed into each other with an ear-splitting sound, and the two also separated.

Tai Shici's hands were slightly numb, and he squinted at the yellow cover. Huang Gai didn't rush, and asked, "Is Tai Shi Ci the person here?" He heard Zhou Yu emphasized many times that Tai Shi Ci is very brave and must surrender him.

Tai Shici held the weapon and clasped his fist: "Yes, it's underneath."

Huang Gai smiled, "Liu You is mediocre, it's better to take refuge in my master."

Tai Shi Ci sternly said: "Everyone is the master, don't talk nonsense!"

After finishing speaking, Tai Shi Ci rushed forward, Huang Gai also swung a knife and hacked with Tai Shi Ci for more than ten rounds, suppressing Tai Shi Ci steadily.

At this time, Cheng Pu, Han Dang, etc. led the Soochow Army's infantry to kill the Yuzhang Army. The Yu Zhang army was so scared that they retreated again and again, fleeing around, trampling on each other, and causing countless casualties.

Tai Shici was anxious when he saw that the sneak attack was impossible. After staggering with Huang Gai for a round, he rode his horse and rushed out. Huang Gai couldn't let him leave easily, and the bow of the god arm was taken out, and the bowstring was immediately stretched like a crescent moon. There was a sound of "swish" and went straight to Taishi Ci. Although Tai Shici retreated, he always paid attention to his back, and the arrow could fly past him. Too Shi Ci could not tolerate too much thought, the second arrow hit, Tai Shi Ci snorted, the feather arrow penetrated the armor and plunged into his right chest from behind, and fell off the horse. Was caught by the encircled Dongwu army.

After great persuasion from the chief governor Zhou Yu, Tai Shici surrendered to Soochow. The 10,000 Yu Zhang army who sneaked into the Soochow camp was wiped out with deadly deaths, injuries and injuries.

Liu Yu of Yuzhang County heard that Taishici's entire army was annihilated, and was very angry, so he ordered the entire army to go out of the city and fight the Dongwu army.

As soon as Liu You set up his army, soldiers came to report.

"Report, to the west, the Soochow Army is encircling our army." A messenger reported.

Liu You looked at the crowd annoyed, and said, "Chen Heng organized the troops and horses of his headquarters to meet him, what are you waiting for!"

As a banner waved, Han Dang led a team and first launched a tentative attack on the Yuzhang army that had just assembled. Liu You gave in to the pawns to form a defense, while sending out cavalry to meet him. After a while, Jiang Qin's three thousand cavalry also came from the side to support Han Dang's troops.

Liu Youjun guarded Yuzhang City for more than ten days. He was already exhausted. In addition to the fire in the direction of Xinda, there were rumors, and the general Tai Shici surrendered. . Cheng Pu commanded the five thousand crossbowmen under his command, Zhang Gong set up arrows in a column, and shot towards Liu You's cavalry.

Liu You's cavalry is still a bit of combat effectiveness. Without instructions, they will evacuate the enemy's attack range and prepare to counterattack.

The situation of the battle was clear at a glance, and the Soochow Army took a lot of initiative.

While observing the positions of the two sides, Jiang Qin asked the soldiers to use various banners to direct his army to advance and retreat.

On the other hand, Zhou Yu personally sat in the army, led Huang Gai, Zhou Tai and other generals, and also commanded the foot soldiers to form a lineup, confronting the main force of Liu Yao's army with more than 10,000 people. Under Zhou Yu's instructions, Huang Gai's 3,000 infantrymen were the front army, 2,000 infantrymen were in the back army, Zhou Yu's 10,000 Danyang soldiers were in the middle army, and Zhou Tai's 5,000 horsemen were on both sides.

Ten thousand Danyang soldiers put out an offensive cone. Huang Gai also sent his lieutenant to lead two thousand foot soldiers out of the city formation, so that they echoed Zhou Yu's army and attacked Liu Youjun.

The morale of Liu Yao's army was low, and Liu Yao had to form a square defense.

The drums of war sounded, and the crossbowmen in front of Cheng Pu marched forward in unison. After entering the firing range, they bend their bows and add arrows. After the drum beat again, the feather arrows flew out and shot towards Liu Youjun.

"Mighty!" the soldiers of the Soochow Army shouted neatly.

Liu Youjun immediately erected their shields. They did not lose much after the arrow rain, but their morale dropped by a point. "The child deceived me too much, the archer retaliated!" Liu Yao shouted angrily from behind the army. Liu Youjun's archers immediately stepped forward, but their formation was a little confused, which made the assembly of the archers take a little longer.

It was at this time that the second round of arrow rain fell for the archers of the Soochow Army. Liu Youjun's archers gave up shooting one after another but fled under the protection of shield fighters, and were shot into hedgehogs a little later.

"Mighty!" The morale of the Soochow Army increased. Zhou Yu immediately ordered an attack. The drums rang again. Except for the crossbowmen who continued to repressively fire, the rest of the pawns moved forward in a conical shape. Five thousand cavalry from the left and right also started to attack in coordination.

Liu Youjun's archer, under the suppression of the enemy's arrow rain, has always been unable to organize a counterattack. When the Soochow Army reached a certain distance, they could only organize one or two horizontal shots. The Soochow Army's front row soldiers set up shields to resist, but many soldiers also hit arrows.

The Liu Youjun archers all retreated, leaving a place for the halberd soldiers in close combat.

When Liu You's army reached a hundred paces, a two-thousand-man square pawn in the middle of the cone suddenly stopped. They kicked off the crossbow strings with their feet, and then added arrows to the swaying crossbow in their hands. The sharp crossbow arrows were divided into three waves. Shot at the middle part of Liu You's army. Even some wooden shields were shot through under the power of the arrogant crossbow. The crossbow arrows continued, and when the crossbowmen stopped shooting, the front army opened the part of Liu Youjun's shield with his halberd.

The cavalry also made a cut, and then continued to rush from left to right, and Liu Yaoyu's army, which was already well-prepared, gradually became chaotic.

Zhou Taibu also launched an offensive against the right wing of Liu Yao's army in a timely manner, so that Liu Yao's army became more chaotic. Liu Yao wanted to call the cavalry back for rescue, but Zhou Yu was well versed in the way of cavalry warfare. Under his command, Liu Yao's cavalry was very passive.

Seeing that the situation is not good, a deputy Liu Yaojun said anxiously: "My lord, let's retreat to the city under the cover of the cavalry before making plans."

Liu You's face was gloomy, he didn't want to admit this unexplained failure, but he really couldn't please him if he continued to fight. Just when Liu You hesitated, the Right Army was broken through, and Zhou Tai led hundreds of cavalry to the outskirts of Liu Yao's Middle Army.

It turned out that Liu Yu's line of elite soldiers were all attracted by the army sent by the Soochow on the left, and the defense on the right was naturally relatively lax. Although Liu Yao's army had been defeated, Huang Gai moved his horse closer to Liu Yao's army after a little thought.

He dodges the arrow that hits while taking out the god arm bow. Liu You saw an enemy general rush in, and hurriedly let the spearman intercept it.

But Huang Gai no longer stepped forward, and the horse ran for the next ups and downs, and the arch of the god arm shot a powerful arrow.

Liu You was already too late to hide when he felt a crisis. Fortunately, the arrow was farther away, and it was protected by armor. He only injured his left abdomen. Several lieutenants saw that he was injured and immediately rushed forward and directed the nearby soldiers to evacuate. Liu Youjun had no intention of fighting, and the admiralty signal of retreat immediately defeated the army.

Huang Gai and Zhou Tai followed and killed Liu Yao. After the Liu Youjun cavalry joined Liu Yao's army, they began to retreat. Jiang Qin and Han's cavalry followed closely, and soon bit Liu Youjun's troops. Liu You was shocked and fleeing into the city desperately. At this moment, Huang Gai shot down the horse with an arrow. The Dongwu Army took advantage of the situation and occupied Yuzhang County. Since then, the six Jiangdong County have all fallen into Sun Quan’s hands. The two counties of Shouchun and Jiangxia, Soochow now owns eight counties, and its strength has greatly increased.

Sun Quan has long coveted Xuzhou. So taking advantage of Yuan Cao's confrontation with Guandu, Sun Quan sent Lu Su to the north to connect with Yuan Shao and make an appointment to attack Cao Cao at the same time...