Three Kingdoms

Chapter 131: Reject Zhang Ren


Pang Tong was frightened and frightened, his face was earthy, and he trembled: "I won't tell you more, I will go to change clothes first, and I will talk nonsense with you later." Turning his horse's head, took the miscellaneous army queen and withdrew.

Zhang Ren's face sank, and he sneered: "You guys are teasing me again!" With a dance of the silver gun in his hand, the shouts rose loudly behind him, and the soldiers ran wildly, chasing the general.

Pang led the defeated army all the way and ran across the moat bridge. Zhang Renjun came up from behind and followed across the bridge.

After chasing out a few miles, I suddenly saw the dust rising in front of him, raising several feet. Countless soldiers and horses sprang out from the mountains and forests on both sides of the road. Zhang Ren was taken aback, took a glance, just listened to a big shout, Liu Xun led his army from the left and right, rushing over. Knowing that he was in the middle of the game, Zhang Ren hurried back to the army, but saw that the moat bridge had been broken down.

Zhang Renzheng wanted to retreat to the north, only to see a faint army spread out across the bank in the north of the bridge, several flags fluttering in the wind, and a large "Wei" written on it. Wei Yan is the leading general with a large sword in his hand. So he didn't dare to go north, and fled south by the river. After walking less than a few miles, I arrived at a place full of reeds. An army suddenly appeared from the reeds and jabbed with a long spear; Huang Zhong and his army fell in the reeds and chopped only the horseshoe with a long knife. Zhang Ren's cavalry fell and were captured one after another. The infantry sees a bad situation, how can they dare to come again? Zhang Ren only took dozens of cavalry back to the mountain road, and was bumping against Zhang Fei who was waiting there. Zhang Renzheng wanted to seize the road and flee, Zhang Fei shouted, and all the troops gathered to capture Zhang Ren alive.

Zhang Ren was escorted to Liu Xun's military account and met Liu Xun in person.

Liu Xun immediately asked Zhang Ren to untie him. Zhang Ren yelled: "If you want to kill, you have to scratch your ears, you don't need to be hypocritical."

Liu Xun nodded to Pang Tong, and Pang Tong immediately understood. Pang Tong sneered coldly and said: "Zhang Ren, don't deceive yourself. You know what kind of person Liu Zhang is. You know better than anyone. Think about what Xichuan this treasure land was governed by him. The treasure land of Xichuan has been virtuous since ancient times. People live in it. Now Xichuan has been shaky. If you want the people of Xichuan to live comfortably, you must change to a moral leader. Since the occupation of Jingzhou, my lord has been in harmony with people, and the people have lived and worked in peace and contentment. In. The people in the territory are all grateful to our lord and praise our lord. If you want the people of Xichuan to live a good life, according to the current situation, our lord cannot."

Zhang Ren lowered his head sadly, not knowing how to speak. It is indeed sad to encounter such a weak and incompetent monarch Liu Zhang.

Pang Tong continued: "I repeat, I hope General Zhang can join our army?"

Zhang Ren raised his head blankly and looked at Pang Tong and Liu Xun, not knowing what he was thinking.

Pang Tong ignored Zhang Ren’s expression and once again persuaded: “Our army’s military strength must also be known to General Zhang. With strength, within half a year, our army will surely be able to take over Xichuan’s dozens of prefectures and counties. By then, Xichuan’s The people will be attacked by the war for half a year. If General Zhang can join our army, the war can be ended sooner."

Zhang Ren remained the same, looking at Liu Xun and Pang Tong with his eyes.

Seeing that Zhang Ren was unmoved, Pang Tong took out his assassin: "I think General Zhang is thinking of Master Liu Yan's kindness, right? I have a way for you to repay your kindness."

This sentence can be said to Zhang Ren's heart. Although Liu Zhang is not very good with Zhang Ren. It can be said that the call is coming, and the wave is going. Once something happens, Zhang Ren will be remembered. However, Liu Yan is very fond of Zhang Ren, and has an appreciation for him.

He hurriedly said: "What way?"

Pang Tong smiled and said, "This is a very simple method. That is to join our army. Master Liu Yan only has Liu Zhang. As long as General Zhang joins our army, he can save the only son for Master Liu Yan. Endless. Otherwise... Haha..."

In the last few words, Pang Tong covered the past with laughter. Pang Tong knows exactly what kind of person Liu Xun is. With his character, it is absolutely impossible to kill Liu Zhang.

But this laughter in Zhang Ren's ears had another meaning. As long as he fell, he could repay Master Liu Yan for his kindness. If he did not, then Liu Zhang would end up with death.

Zhang Ren smiled faintly, and his smile was full of confidence and a spirited look. He said: "My sergeant, you have won. Zhang Ren is willing to surrender to General Zuo."

Seeing this situation, Liu Xun said: "Let me explain that even if you don't surrender to me, I will not kill Liu Zhang. It's just that the world is the world of the big man, not the world of a single person. Yizhou is no exception, and what I did. There is only one purpose in everything, and that is to revive the great man. The general will surely have something to do when he joins our army."

Zhang Ren was shocked when he heard Liu Xun's words, so he knelt down and said with emotion: "The lord's heart is rare in the world. I am willing to submit to the lord. However, Liu Zhang is kind to me, and I can't bear to attack him." Zhang at this time Ren Na surrendered to Liu Xun sincerely, not as reluctant as before.

"Well, it's really gratifying that General Zhang can join our army. Now I appoint Zhang Ren as the rebel general (official residence fifth grade)."

Liu Xun was very happy to see Zhang Ren returning sincerely, and the official position given to him was not small.

Liu Xun also ordered Pang Tong to lead Huang Zhong, Wei Yan and others to attack Fucheng, and spread the news that Zhang Ren had surrendered. Seeing that the generals in Fucheng surrendered, the soldiers in Fucheng collapsed one after another. The generals Zhang Yi, Wu Lan and others who defended the city presented the city. General Liu Huang was unwilling to surrender Liu Xun, and led a team to escape back to Luoxian County.

Liu Xun's army moved into Fucheng, and the next step should be to use troops against Mianzhuguan. Liu Xun rewarded meritorious soldiers in Fucheng and hosted a banquet in honor of the generals.

After drinking for three rounds, Pang Tong said: "Fucheng has been broken, and Chengdu is already in sight. However, Chengdu is Liuzhang's nest. It has been in operation for a long time and is not easy to attack. Therefore, I think it will not be too late to appease the peripheral states and counties before attacking Chengdu."

Liu Xun nodded, agreeing very much. The banquet was going on among everyone's ambitions, and it was very lively.

Xun Liu raised the wine jue, and then to the other generals a jue wine, and said: "This wine is almost drunk, just this..."

Pang Tong said: "Yide's proposal yesterday was very constructive. While everyone is happy, let's have fun together."

Liu Xun smiled and said, "You, you actually like to make a fool of yourself, what's the point this time?"

Pang Tong's thoughts suddenly flashed, and he smiled and said, "I don't know if it will be done. Let's start a pilot and see the effect. If it is feasible, we can gather the crowd to hold a competition in the future, and those who defeat the best will be rewarded. This way. It will enable the generals to have a sense of competition, do not use their work hard, and will not waste their martial arts. Secondly, it is also convenient for the master to test the strength of the generals in the army."

Liu Xun never thought about having a martial arts competition in the military. He was a little overjoyed when he heard about the great road. He nodded and said, "It's so good, I don't know how to compare it?"

Pang Tongdao: "Now that the conditions are limited, I would like to try the arrow method. If the Lord grants permission, I will arrange it. In a few moments, the Lord Guild will move with the generals to compete."

Liu Xun smiled and said, "Let's see what you are doing, haha!"

Half an hour later, Liu Xun and the others came to the school together. Seats were already set up on the high platform, and there were wine and delicacies on the table. Liu Xun came to the middle and sat down and looked down the stage, only to see that a small branch of a poplar tree in the distance was hung with a silk robe and a collar. At the north corner of the square, two large wooden frames were erected in front and one back, each with a row of wooden frames. The barrel, which is connected by a thick cable, seems to be pullable. Liu Xun didn't know what he meant, and turned his head to Pang Tong and said, "You don't want to talk about it.

Pang Tong smiled and said: "After pulling the barrel, with a hundred steps as the boundary, if there is a red heart who can hit the target, he will give it with a brocade robe, and a glass of penalty for not shooting."

Zhang Fei was startled when he heard the words, and exclaimed, "Why is it a fine!"

Liu Xun smiled and said, "You love drinking, can you be punished by drinking? This is justified, a glass of fine for not shooting."

Pang unified waved his hand, and the strong man standing on both sides of the wooden frame pulled the long rope, the front row of barrels turned to the left, and the back row of barrels turned to the right, moving slowly in a staggered manner. I saw that the target mentioned by Pang Tong was a wooden barrel in the middle of the back wooden frame, with a little red heart on it, which looked very eye-catching under the sunlight.

If it is to shoot a dead target and hit the red heart a hundred steps away, then the generals on the scene will be afraid that they will be able to hit it with their eyes closed. Nowadays, this target is fluctuating, and from time to time it will be blocked by the previous row of barrels. The timing is fleeting, and if you are not careful, you will miss it. It would be fine if I practiced in my own backyard. Now there are countless pairs of eyes on the stage, and the lord is here again. Once the shot is missed, there will be a lot of cheers, and the ugliness will be big. The generals were full of this thought in their hearts, looking at each other, they were very serious, and no one dared to go first.

Liu Xun looked at Zhang Fei and said, "General Zhang, don't you like competitions? You can go first."

After everyone heard it, they laughed, and Zhang Fei was dumbfounded.

Zhang Fei wielded a snake spear, fascinating, able to take the first level of the general in the army of a million, just like exploring the bag and fetching things. But the bow and arrow skills are mediocre. Now that he sees this battle, he has no bottom, but as a dignified general, he can't help but fail. Zhang Fei had to bite the bullet and stood up and said: "Go up, get my bow and arrow." He seemed unconvinced in his heart, as if expecting a miracle to happen.

The men bowed and offered the iron bow and feather arrow, Zhang Fei took it, and was about to step forward. But I heard Liu Xun say: "Wait, I am not afraid of making a fool of myself, so let me be the first to come." He took the bow and arrow from the soldier on the side. Liu Xun knew that Zhang Fei's arrows were not good, but he was just playing with Zhang Fei.

When everyone looked around, they saw Liu Xun arranging bows and arrows, very confident. Before everyone reacted, they only heard a "swish", and Liu Xun shot a feather arrow through the front row of wooden barrels and centered on the red heart of the back row of wooden barrels.

"it is good!"

After seeing Liu Xun's arrow technique, the audience admired them with great admiration.

Liu Xun happily said: "The first arrow I shot was just to throw a brick to attract jade. I hope everyone can shoot it and get rewards." Liu Xun handed the bow and arrow to Zhang Fei, his eyes full of expectation...