Three Kingdoms

Chapter 134: Liu Xunzhi agitated Zhang Fei


In the city of Fucheng, Liu Xun waited for the arrival of Zhuge Liang's reinforcements on the one hand, and sent troops to various regions on the other hand. Liu Xun ordered Wei Yan to lead an army of 10,000 to attack Brazil, and Huang Zhong and Fazheng to lead an army of 20,000 to attack the sword pavilion to resist Zhang Lu's southward move.

However, Liu Xun had no idea in his mind as to which general to lead the army to attack Qianwei.

On this day, Liu Xun invited Pang Tong to discuss the matter. Pang Tong took a sip of wine and said, “I am also worried about this matter in recent days. Although Qianwei is the southern gateway to Chengdu, Liu Zhang will send heavy troops to defend. But the original expedition was sent. It was Yuan Zhi who was in charge personally, and Huo Jun and other fierce generals were assisted. It should be easy to handle it, and it would not take so long. However, when Yuan Zhi was recalled, they had not won the Qianwei. What a weird thing. Listening to Yuan Zhi, it is because Qian is the commander of Yan Yan, the famous general of the state."

Liu Xun nodded and said, "Yes, that's right. Also, Bomiao has been in Hanzhong for some time, and there is no news."

Pang Tong said: "Don't worry, the lord, Bomiao (Deng Zhizi Bomiao) will be able to do things well. The roads in Shuzhong are difficult and dangerous. It is estimated that they are still on the road."

Liu Xun's face was solemn, his long eyebrows furrowed, he lowered his head and stopped talking.

Pang Tong said: "Yan Yan is a veteran in the middle of Sichuan. He is a veteran in Sichuan. He has a long history. He is better than Zhang Ren. How can he be the same? Besides, Yan Yan is highly regarded by Liu Zhang and is loyal to Liu Zhang. Now Liu Zhang gives him to him. Sacrifice it out. It’s really not easy to fight with this kind of guardianship, but there may be one person who can do it."

Liu Xun raised his head, shot his eyes with two eyes, and asked, "Shi Yuan has an idea?"

Pang Tong smiled and said: "This matter is not Zhang Yide and cannot break Yan Yan."

Liu Xun shook his head repeatedly, and asked in shock: "I heard that right, how can he go about his greed and misfortune?" I thought, this suggestion is too ridiculous. Yuan Zhi is a resourceful man and can't stand Yan Yan, let alone Zhang Fei.

Pang Tong smiled and said: "How can the lord know that he is rough and fine? As long as he is excited, he will do something unexpected. Furthermore, we originally sent Xu Yuanzhi, and Yan Yan knew he was great. Of course, be careful and not be fooled easily. If we are less virtuous, Yan Yansu knows that he is brave, brave and stupid, so he won’t be wary of using tricks."

Liu Xun smiled bitterly and said, "What are his tricks, he will drink and beat people. I think you should go there in person."

Pang Tong shook his hand and said, "This kind of trick is sometimes even more difficult to guard against. I am used to tricks. As soon as I appear, no matter what actions I take, people like Yan Yan will be on guard and consider what our true purpose is. How can I be easily fooled? Yi Deqian is completely different. He rarely uses tricks, and has always been quite upset and provocative. If he suddenly uses counters, who else can guard against?"

Liu Xun pondered: "This works? I still don't worry. Since Yan Yan can see through Yuan Zhi's plan, Yi De's tricks that can't even be counted, can Yan Yan not break it?"

Pang Tong smiled and said: "If you can't tell me, you can't break it. If the lord can trust me, let Yide go out. I will be able to get Qianwei within a month."

Liu Xun was taken aback, and said, "What? Isn't this letting him be alone? If he accidentally causes trouble by drinking, then it will suffer. Back then, my father went to Yuan Shu and let him stand alone in Xuzhou. How much trust is that? He was greedy for a cup and misbehaving. After drinking and whipping Cao Bao, Cao Bao became unhappy and threw his door at Lu Bu. As a result, our army was frustrated and almost lost life. Since then, my father has no longer allowed him to stand alone."

I think that back then, Liu Xunsan let Xuzhou do a good job, and finally achieved fame and fortune, and he was satisfied. Zhang Fei sang him such a song and beat him back to his original form. Finally, he had to follow Cao Cao and send him under the fence. Liu Xun hated this matter. When Liu Bei was alive, he often mentioned this in front of Liu Xun. Liu Xun’s impression has always been that Zhang Fei has always had such a temperament. It is easy to change and hard to change, and persuasion is useless. On the surface, although Liu Xun no longer mentions this matter, he has already planted a mark in his heart, and it is inevitable to worry about it in his heart. "

Pang Tong smiled and said: "There is no good wine in front of the army, and the fine wines in Shu are quite mellow. When Yi De arrives, let him carry the Bailai Urn by the way, so as to prevent the wine bugs in his stomach from making opinions and not giving the lord... the lord does good things."

Liu Xun's expression changed and he was about to faint, and said, "Shiyuan, are you sick today? How can you say so upset? Drinking to Yi De doesn't mean that the whole army will be wiped out?"

Pang Tong smiled and said: "The world is unpredictable, how do you know that he can't take the Qianwei this time?"

Liu Xun laughed dumbly and said: "You, there are so many ghost ideas in your stomach, I don't know what you are thinking? Okay! Just let him be alone, and I will give him a hundred urns of wine, let He has enough drink...!"

Pang Tong said: "Hey, the lord joked, and since the lord agreed, then let's handle it like this."

Liu Xun supported Yi with his hands, and then said, "If I can't believe you, who else will I believe? Well, let Yi De go..."

Pang Tongdao: "After he takes Qianwei, he can lead his army to the north and encircle Chengdu with our army."

Liu Xun smiled and said, "Haha, well, it's up to you." Liu Xun also has his own ideas. From his usual observations of Zhang Fei, Zhang Fei has indeed changed a lot. Besides, Zhang Fei is absolutely loyal to him. Since he can win Qianwei, why not use him!

After Zhang Fei got Liu Xun's order, he rushed over excitedly. Liu Xun deliberately said: "Jianwei County is controlled by the veteran Yan Yan, and it is not easy to attack. Shiyuan strongly recommends you to me. You have always failed to succeed and failed. I don't believe it very much. However, Shiyuan does not hesitate to guarantee his wealth and life. It's not easy to refute his face, just use you reluctantly, hope you don't let me down."

Zhang Fei yelled: "Why the lord sees people in the old door and puts people down? When did I fail to succeed, and when I was more than defeated." Of course, Zhang Fei would not blame himself for being a good drinker when I lost the Xuzhou incident. The mistake was put on Lu Bu's head, saying that he was a slave of the three surnames, a despicable man. Now that Lu Bu is boneless, he hates and curses when he mentions this matter. It was he who always thought that Lü Bu was not good, and instead of fighting him for three hundred rounds when he was energetic, he came to fetch the city while he was drunk. Therefore, I didn't put the accounts of insufficient successes and more than failures to my own head.

Liu Xun smiled and said, "Yes, you are calm and don't like to cause trouble. This time I let you be in charge alone and take over the 20,000 horses stationed in Jiangyang City to fight. General Huo Jun let you send it. "

Zhang Fei exclaimed: "This is great! The Lord trusted me."

Liu Xun deliberately said: "I can't trust you. These are all Shi Yuan's opinions. You will come to his house and thank him. If it weren't for his guarantee, I wouldn't let you go crazy before the army. "Liu Xun said this to stimulate Zhang Fei and arouse his fighting spirit. Liu Xun knew that human potential is unlimited, not to mention the brave Zhang Fei. As long as Zhang Fei fulfils his potential, winning Qianwei County will definitely not be a problem.

Zhang Fei exclaimed, stunned and speechless. Zhang Fei realized that when he was lost to Xuzhou because of drunkenness, there was always a barrier that he could not pass. Only by fighting this battle well can we change the prejudice against him by others. At this moment, Zhang Fei meditated silently in his heart, secretly determined that he must take Qianwei County, capture Yan Yan alive, and don't let the lord look down upon himself.

Seeing Zhang Fei's look firm, Liu Xun knew that his aggressive technique was successful, so he smiled and said, "I know you are good to drink. I have prepared a hundred urns of fine wine. When you are going, take it along."

Zhang Fei smiled crookedly, his eyebrows were open and he was overjoyed and said, "Is this true, my lord, am I not dreaming?"

Liu Xun smiled and said, "I'll let you drink enough this time. You have to give me a good fight in this city. Don't let me down." Liu Xun's eyes were full of expectations.

Zhang Fei smirked and said: "Don't worry, lord! This time it will definitely be done, I am willing to set up the military order!" Zhang Fei set up the military order and led the leader of the tiger charm. He was eager to make meritorious service, and he kept on for a while, escorting a hundred urns of wine, rushing to Jiangyang's army.

Liu Xun looked at Zhang Fei's back and sighed deeply.

One day Zhang Fei came to Jiangyang City, Huo Jun tested the Tiger Talisman and handed over the power of the army to Zhang Fei. Zhang Fei led his troops to Qianwei City, camped down, and was not in a hurry to attack the city. The news that Qianwei's Liu Xun's army was ready to become handsome was spread like wildfire and reached Yan Yan's ears. General Yan Yan set the discussion, smiled slightly, and said: "Everyone has heard about Liu Xun's change of command in the army outside the city."

All the civil and military nodded their heads and said with a stern face: "It is reported that Liu Xun has transferred the resourceful military adviser Xu Shu and others back. He sent his righteous uncle Zhang Fei to come. Do you have any good strategies to break the enemy?"

A young man dressed as a scholar sitting in the first row on the left said: "When the former Xu Shu came to fight the city, I used to offer a deep ditch and high base. Will retreat, and then chase after the end, you can win a big victory. Fortunately, this plan was adopted by the general, and it is still the plan for the present. Furthermore, I heard that Zhang Fei is like a fire and loves to lash out soldiers. If not, Fighting will inevitably be furious, and anger will lash out its sergeants with fierceness. This way, the Han army will inevitably change drastically. As long as their military spirit changes, we can take advantage of it and Zhang Fei will definitely be captured."

The young man who offered his plan was Yang Yi. Yang Yi's character is Wei Gong, and he is quite intelligent, and he is highly regarded by Liu Zhang. With his help, Yan Yan repelled the attack of the Han army many times. Therefore, not only Yan Yan, but also Qianwei's soldiers were very convinced by Yang Yi. Therefore, they listened carefully to Yang Yi's suggestion.

As soon as Yang Yi's suggestion was finished, Yan Yan nodded and said: "Wei Gong's words are reasonable, just do it like this..."