Three Kingdoms

Chapter 144: Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao


"Lord, think twice." Zhang Yun said anxiously, "Cao thief personally led the elite soldiers to attack Wuchao, and Chunyuqiong and others must not be able to resist it. If Chunyuqiong and others are defeated and Wuchao falls, the general trend of our army will be. Go. Lord, the immediate task is to send troops to rescue Wuchao as soon as possible."

"Neither." Feng Ji shook his head and retorted, "How wise are the lord and the son, where will it be your turn to come to make suggestions? I will wait if I attack Cao Cao's camp in Guandu, Cao Cao will reply when he hears the news. The division rescues, so that even if we don’t send troops to Wuchao, the danger of Wuchao can be eliminated. It’s no wonder that General Zhang doesn’t understand this delicate strategy of encircling Wei and saving Zhao."

Zhang Xi frowned, suppressing the anger in his heart, and still persuaded with all his heart: "Master, since the thief Cao dared to attack the black nest at night, there must be good soldiers and brave generals in the Guandu camp. I will wait for the attack. Can't take it down. If Chunyuqiong and others are defeated and hundreds of thousands of grains and grass are destroyed, we will truly die without a place to be buried!"

Yuan Shao waved his hand displeased and sneered: "Zhang Yun, you mean I don’t know what I have seen? Cao Cao only cared about the robbery, why would he stay in the village? You will say that the robbing is a good soldier, and then you will. The guards are elite soldiers. Does Cao Cao have many elite soldiers?"

Zhang Xi knelt down and squatted his head fiercely: "The servants of the lord, the commander of the army, never dare to have any disagreement with the lord’s opinion. If you ride a horse, if you are afraid of death, you will take a half step back. The lord killed me with a single sword, and I was willing to do it. I just don’t want the lord to listen to the villain’s slander and miss the soldiers of the three armies!"

"You!" Feng Ji couldn't help jumping up, pointing at Zhang Yun's nose, trembling with fingertips, and cursing, "I don't know who you are, don't forget your identity! You are just a gatekeeper holding a sword. Dog, I don’t care about you in front of the lord."

"My identity?" Zhang Yun stood up and pulled off the armor of his upper body, exposing the sword and gunshot wounds on his chest. "I don't know what Mr. Yuantu is doing when I am waiting for the front to charge into the battle? If it is Tian Feng and Jushou The two are still here, how could this be the situation today!"

Feng Ji and Zhang Xi stared at each other fiercely, and fell into a deadlock for a while.

Yuan Shao became more angry as he listened, clenched his fist and slammed it down on the table, and said angrily: "I have decided, you don't need to say more. Zhang Yun, you and Gao Lan will lead the army by five thousand and go to Guandu to attack Cao. If you can’t conquer the battalion, you will raise your head to see you. Jiang Qi will lead thirty thousand troops to save Wuchao. The rest of the generals will guard the camp. Without my order, they are not allowed to go to war."

Zhang Xi gritted his teeth, bowed and walked out of the PLA's tent. A bleak autumn breeze blew towards the face, seeming to blow Zhang Yun's heavy shirt through in an instant. Zhang Yun trembled slightly, only feeling the bone-to-heart cold.

"Jun Yi, how's it going?" Gao Lan, dressed in Rong Jia, greeted him first.

Zhang Xi shook his head and sighed: "The lord does not agree with my suggestion to rescue Wuchao."

"What!?" Gao Lan shouted like a thunder. "If Wuchao is lost, what will the hundreds of thousands of army eat and drink? Is the lord crazy?"

Zhang Xi still shook his head: "Feng Ji's idiot has repeatedly urged the lord not to rescue Wuchao. At this time, the lord has made up his mind and can't change it. But the worst thing is that this is not the case..."

Gao Lan became impatient, stomped on the ground, and lowered his voice: "Jun Yi, you and I are brothers of life and death, is there anything else you can't tell me?"

Zhang Xi smiled tiredly: "Brother, if you don't irritate me, I have to tell you. The lord sent you and I to attack Cao Cao's Guandu Dazhai, but he only gave me five thousand soldiers and horses. Don’t you let us go and die? If we can’t get the fight down, let us come back to see him with their heads in their hands.”

Gao Lan gasped, speechless. Following Yuan Shao for so many years, he and Zhang Yun charged into battle and repeatedly made military exploits. Together with Yan Liangwen and Chou, they were called the "Hebei Four Tingzhu", but they didn't want to achieve such a result now. Gao Lan was silent for a long time, and then whispered: "I always said that I would do my loyalty to the Yuan family, but I didn't expect it to be the day when I was loyal."

Zhang Yun smiled coldly: "Good birds choose wood and live, and virtuous officials choose their masters. Brother, to say a word of conscience, Yuan Shao has seen you and me, being loyal to such a person, a joke!" Zhang Yun His expression dimmed, and the corners of his eyes kept venting, "What I need is a lord who is truly worthy of my loyalty."

"Jun Yi, you mean..."

"Yes!" Zhang Yun said decisively. He slowly stretched out his hand toward the distance, clenched his fist, and the joints creaked, "Although we are not kind, there is no second way to go! "

Gao Lan looked at Zhang Xi as if looking at another person. Gao Lan couldn't tell whether it was unwilling, angry, or something else, but Gao Lan clearly felt the loss in Zhang Xi's heart. He knew that Zhang Xi was not a horror at first, but was forced by Yuan Shao to be too helpless. There was another long silence, Gao Lan finally nodded: "Brother, you and I will advance and retreat together!"

In the following time, bad news continued to be sent to Yuan Shao’s military account. Zhang Yun and Gao Lan surrendered without a fight, and Jiang Qi, who was rushing to help Wuchao, fell on the way. The army of more than 30,000 people returned alive and less than one. Thousands of people, several military horses stationed in Wuchao, and all the grain and grass were destroyed in the first battle. The guards Chun Yuqiong, the governor Sui Yuanjin, the riding governor Han Juzi, Lv Weihuang, and Zhao Rui were all killed in battle...

While Cao Cao destroyed Wuchao, he also defeated Yuan Jun's fighting spirit. Yuan Shao couldn't discuss any results anymore, because no one could tell him what to do now. He was silent for a while, and walked irritably, huge fear and despair flooded his mind, eroding his remaining will.

Cao Cao saw Yuan Shao's morale decline, so he called a group of ministers to discuss the matter of breaking Yuan.

Xu Youxianji said: "We can threaten to mobilize people to take wild jujubes all the way to attack Ye County; take Liyang all the way and cut off Yuan's soldiers to return. Yuan Shao must be panicked when he hears it, and divide his troops to resist our army; When the time strikes, Yuan Shao will definitely be broken by us."

After Cao Cao heard this, he was overjoyed and sent meticulous work into the camp of Yuan Jun to spread rumors. Yuan Shao was shocked when he heard the news. Yuan Tan hurriedly dispatched 50,000 troops to save Yejun, Xin Ming divided 50,000 troops to rescue Li Yang, and set off overnight.

Cao Cao detected Yuan Shao's military movement, so he divided the troops into eight groups and went straight to Shaoying. Yuan Jun had no will to fight, and ran around, and then collapsed. Yuan Shao wore unfolding armours and wore a single-clothed scarf on his horse; the youngest son Yuan Shang followed. Zhang Liao, Xu Chu, Xu Huang, and Yu Jin led the army to chase Yuan Shao. Yuan Shao hurriedly crossed the river, abandoning all the books and carts and fighting gold and silk, and finally escaped with only a few thousand cavalry. Cao Jun couldn't catch up and got everything left. Cao Cao killed more than 100,000 Yuan Shao in this campaign. It was bloody, and countless drowning victims were extremely tragic.

In the northwest corner of Yuan Junyingzhai, in a small camp, Juxie, who was imprisoned for offending Yuan Shao, broke free of the rope and fled to Jingzhou.

Yuan Shao was exhausted and finally fled back to Yecheng, and was devastated. Cao Cao took advantage of the situation to occupy a large area of Yuan Shao's territory, and almost all of Yuan Shao's Qingzhou city fell into the hands of Cao Cao. Cao Cao ordered the three armies to rest for a period of time, waiting for the opportunity to destroy Yuan Shao.


Liu Xun looked at the battle report of the Battle of Guandu submitted by "Fengwei" in the Chinese army account of the Han army under the city of Luocheng, and said: "As expected, Cao Cao won the final victory."

"Yuan Shao is really a rice bucket. It wasted a great situation." Pang Tongyi said leisurely while drinking Shu wine.

"It's no wonder that Cao Cao knows how to use people, but Yuan Shao doesn't know how to use people. Jushou and Tian Feng are both talented people in the world, but none of them are useful."

Zhuge Liang also felt that Yuan Shao was too stupid.

Pang Tong said: "Yuan Shao's 300,000 army only left a few thousand people and fled back to Yecheng with him, but they still don't know how to reflect. He actually killed Tian Feng after hearing the slander." Pang Tong expressed regret and paused. Continue to say, "Tian Feng is very foresight. It is said that one day, the jailer came to see Tian Feng and said: "Hey, don't drive!" Tian Feng asked, "Why are you happy?" The jailer said, "General Yuan. If you fail back, you will see you." Feng said with a smile: "I am dead today!" The jailer was surprised, and hurriedly asked: "Everyone is happy, why do you die? Tian Feng's expression is dim. He said: "General Yuan is generous but jealous inside, and doesn't want to be loyal. If he wins and is happy, he can still forgive me; if I am defeated today, I am ashamed, and I don't want to live." The jailer was dubious when he heard it..."

"What happened?"

Before Pang Tong finished speaking, Zhao Yun asked hurriedly.

"Sure enough, Yuan Shao's messenger came to Jizhou the next day to convey Yuan Shao's order to take the head of Tian Feng, and the jailer Fang was shocked. Tian Feng said bluntly, "I know I must die." The jailers shed tears. Tian Feng said loudly:' A husband was born in heaven and earth, and he is ignorant to act without knowing his master! What a pity for the husband to die today!'He was in prison by himself."

"This Yuan Shao is really as stupid as a pig! Such a talented person not only does not reuse, but kills him."

For Liu Xun, who values talents very much, it is a pity that a talent like Tian Feng passed away in vain. "Where is Jushou, who was imprisoned by Yuan Shao?"

"Jushou heard that he was missing."

Pang Tong replied.

"Oh!" Liu Xun sighed deeply, and then said: "It is no accident that Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shao. It can be seen from one incident after the war. Cao Cao picked it up in Yuan Shao's Chinese army tent after the war. A vermilion wooden box. Inside are all letters between Cao Cao's men and Yuan Shao secretly. Cao Cao ordered the soldiers to burn these letters in public and did not pursue them."

"Cao Cao is really good at buying people's hearts. This time Cao Cao has subdued many of Yuan Shao's generals and advisers, and his men are talented." Liu Xun continued with emotion.

Pang Tong said, "Cao Cao occupied Qingzhou this time. Qingzhou has hundreds of cities and a population of two million. It has greatly increased in strength and has become the largest prince."

"However, it will take at least one or two years for Cao Cao to take over all of Yuan Shao's territory. We must grasp this time and develop our strength as soon as possible."

Zhuge Liang is concerned about how to deal with such changes in the situation.

"Yes, the most important thing at the moment is to strengthen our own strength. We must speed up now and take over the entire territory of Yizhou!" After speaking, Liu Xun showed a firm gaze...