Three Kingdoms

Chapter 16: Cao Cao was promoted to the prime minister of the Han Dynasty


Cao Cao saw that the city of Xiapi was already in enthusiasm, so he wanted to take the opportunity to take down Xiapi to relieve his troubles. Guo Jia blocked. "It's not the time yet. We need to wait for the best time. Our army can take down Picheng without blood."

Cao Cao was dubious, but still waited patiently. Cao Cao has always trusted Guo Jia. Cao Cao ruled the army very strictly. Once on an expedition, his mount was startled and trampled on a wheat field. Cao Cao had to cut off a bunch of his hair as a warning. However, Cao Cao can tolerate many of Guo Jia's unreasonable behaviors. Cao Cao knew that Guo Jia didn't stick to trivial things and loved the wizard around him very much.

Guo Jia is also very grateful to Cao Cao for his knowledge and experience, and has repeatedly helped Cao Cao defeat the enemy.

One day, Cao Cao was walking in the military camp, and golden leaves fell everywhere in the camp. Cao Cao saw the golden leaves and thought that winter was coming soon and he should go home. He didn't know if he could take down Picheng before returning home. "

"Lord," Cao Cao suddenly heard Guo Jia shouting to him.

Panting, Guo Jia ran to Cao Cao and said, "I have a plan to help the lord, and take the Xiapi County without blood."

Cao Cao was overjoyed and said, "What is Fengxiao's plan." Then he brought Guo Jia to the Chinese Army's Great Account.

Guo Fengxiao pointed to the city of Xiapi on the map and said, "Xiapi city is backed by Surabaya, and the terrain is low-lying. We can dig out Surabaya and flood the city under the water, so that Xiapi city is even more at your fingertips."

Cao Cao patted his thigh and exclaimed. So he immediately ordered Cao Ren to lead ten thousand soldiers to dig out Surabaya.

Chen Gong saw Cao Jun digging the embankment of Surabaya from a distance on the city wall, and yelled that it was Cao Jun digging up Surabaya and wanted to flood Picheng under the water. So he immediately ordered his general Li Ming to lead his army to harass Cao Jun. Cao Cao had long anticipated that Chen Gong would send troops to harass him, and had already ordered Xiahou Dun to lie in ambush in the woods beside the road. When Li Ming led the army to pass by, Xiahou Dun immediately led the army to ambush, and the enemy was killed and injured, and fled back in despair.

Cao Jun finally digged through Surabaya, and the flood rushed towards Xiapi City. The water was four feet deep, and Xiapi City was in danger.

The people in Xiapi City were panicked, they didn't want to resist any longer, they all wanted to surrender to Cao Jun to save their lives.

Seeing that the situation is over, Chen Gong said to the soldiers, "I know that you all want to survive. Now Xiapi City is at stake. Go and surrender. I won't embarrass you."

The soldiers surrendered to the Cao army one after another, and Xiapi City fell. Cao Jun soldiers escorted Chen Gong to Cao Cao. Cao Cao said, "You still failed to escape from my palm in the end, what do you think?"

Chen Gong dismissed it and said, "If you want to kill, you have to pluck it. Why waste your tongue?" It seemed that he was determined to die.

But Cao Cao knew that Chen Gong was a talent, and he couldn't bear to kill him, so he discouraged him: "Gongtai, what should you do if your son is dead?"

Chen Gong replied: "I heard that Ming Jun, who rules the world with benevolence, will not kill other people's sons.

Cao Cao asked again: "Gongtai, what about your mother after you die?"

Chen Gong replied: "I heard that people who rule the world with filial piety will not kill other people's mothers." After speaking, they went straight to the guillotine without looking back. Cao Cao killed Chen Gong with tears and ordered Chen Gong's family to be sent to Xudu for support. Haosheng arranged for the soldiers to be surrendered under Pi.

So far the six counties of Xuzhou have all fallen into the hands of Cao Cao. Now Cao Cao has more than 20 counties in the three prefectures of Sizhou, Yanzhou, and Xuzhou, and their strength is greatly enhanced.

Cao Cao returned to Xudu triumphantly. Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty had already sent a chariot general Dong Cheng to greet him and said a lot of compliments to Cao Cao. However, Cao Cao was no longer satisfied. With the increase in strength, Cao Cao's ambitions have also expanded further, and Sikong's official position can no longer satisfy Cao Cao's ambitions.

There are always some smart people who can see the clues, and Cheng Yu is one of the best.

One day Cao Cao blanched a pot of wine in his Sagong Mansion, drinking while admiring the silver world dressed in goose feathers and heavy snow outside. The plum blossoms in the courtyard are brighter and brighter against the white snow. But Cao Cao's heart was not very happy. Cao Cao wanted to capture the six counties of Xuzhou by himself, but didn't get Diaochan. What is even more annoying is that the Han court, which he worked so hard to support, did not reward his great achievements further, but still stayed in the position of Sikong. The more I think about it, the more angry I feel, and I don't think I've drunk several cups.

"The lord is so comfortable. Drinking and enjoying the beautiful scenery on a snowy day," Cheng Yu walked in with a big smile on his face.

"Why did Zhong De come to me in time?" Cao Cao asked Cheng Yu to sit down as he said, and poured a glass of wine for Cheng Yu himself. Cao Cao knows that Cheng Yu knows his preferences best, and he must have something to say this time, so he was very happy.

"There are some words held in my stomach for a long time, and I feel uncomfortable if I don't say them," Cheng Yu said.

"Oh, Zhong De has something to say, I'll listen carefully." Cao Cao laughed, and Cheng Yu had a certain idea of what he wanted to say.

"Many soldiers complained about injustice for the Lord. The Lord supported the Han Dynasty by his own strength. This time he sent troops to retreat to Xuzhou and wiped out the traitors, but the court did not even say anything. The soldiers are heartbroken." Cheng Yu was filled with indignation. Said.

Cao Cao said: "Zhong De is very mindful. We work for the Han family and don't ask for anything in return. This is our responsibility." Although Cao Cao said so, he thought it was time to be promoted.

"Next, tomorrow morning, the court will request orders from all soldiers on behalf of the lord, so that the court will be promoted to the lord." Cheng Yu said firmly.

"It's good for you to think this way. I don't know what other people think." Cao Cao expressed his worries.

"The generals and the lord will definitely agree with me. Jia Xu and Xun You also agree with me. I just don't know what Guo Jia and Xun Yu's opinions are," Cheng Yu answered truthfully. "I'm going to visit them now. Don't worry, the lord, I will let them have the same viewpoint with me." After Cheng Yu finished saying goodbye to Cao Cao, he went to visit Guo Jia.

Guo Jia's house is very luxurious, a three-in and three-out mansion, all of which were rewarded by Cao Cao. It can be seen that Cao Cao attached great importance to Guo Jia. Cheng Yu thought that Guo Jia should not be difficult to get it done.

After being notified by the gatekeeper, Cheng Yu walked into Guo Jia's courtyard and saw Guo Jia drinking and writing poems with beautiful women in his arms. He had long heard that Guo Jia was unruly, and finally saw him today.

Seeing Cheng Yu's arrival, Guo Jia asked his concubine to retreat and asked, "Why is Brother Zhongde coming to me anytime."

Cheng Yu sat down with a smile and said: "Tomorrow, I will present the table with all the officers and ministers, and ask the emperor to canonize Cao Sikong. In recognition of the great achievements of the lord in subduing Xuzhou.

After Guo Jia heard it, he said absently: "Okay, the lord has great merit, and deserves to be rewarded." Guo Jia's attitude was clear and he did not object, but he didn't want to mix up these things.

Cheng Yu thought, that's okay, Feng Xiao was originally not interested in politics, as long as he didn't oppose it. Cheng Yu got up to bid farewell to Guo Jia and went straight to Xun Yu's house.

Xun Yu's mansion was much simpler, and he knew it was an incorrupt person at first glance.

When Cheng Yu arrived at the door and was about to go in, the guardian Jia Ding stopped and said, "Master is not feeling well today, so please refuse to meet guests." As if knowing that Cheng Yu was coming, he deliberately disappeared. But Cheng Yu had no choice but to go back.

The next morning, when Emperor Xian Han had just sat down, crows yelled three times. Emperor Xian was very strange. How could there be crows yelling in winter? It seems something is going to happen today.

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was thinking, and suddenly Cheng Yu stepped forward with a memorial: "Cao Sikong helped the Han Dynasty with his own power. Not long ago, he conquered the six counties of Xuzhou and made great contributions. The ministers and ministers and generals invited the emperor to grant Cao Sikong. As the prime minister, he walked on the temple with his sword, and praised and worshipped without name." Then he handed the memorial to Emperor Xian.

Liu Xie tremblingly opened the memorial, which was densely covered with the names of ministers. Emperor Xian thought: "Cao thief finally revealed his true colors. Not only did he ask for the position of prime minister, but he also enjoyed the same treatment as the founder of the country, Xiao He. The difference is that Cao Cao blatantly asked for it, and the infatuation of the Han was clearly revealed.

Emperor Han Xian asked tremblingly below: "Does all the Aiqing mean this

The ministers knelt down and said in unison: "Please the emperor canonize Cao Sikong as prime minister, and go to the hall with swords, praise and worship.

Only Xun Yu didn't speak. Xun Yu looked at Cao Cao and said, "Cao Sikong has always been indifferent to fame and fortune. Don't you put Cao Sikong in a state of injustice?"

Cheng Yu retorted: "If there is a great chaos today, a clear distinction between rewards and punishments from the court is conducive to the revitalization of the country, and should not be pedantic."

Xun Yu was very angry and did not speak, but still had illusions about Cao Cao, hoping that Cao Cao would be a loyal minister in the Han Dynasty. Xun Yu thought, Cao Cao didn't stand out as a prime minister, and hoped that he thought too much, so he didn't continue to stop him.

At this time, Cao Cao knelt down and thanked him and said, "Thank you, the emperor, for your kindness. I will continue to be loyal to the Han family and quell the rebellion for the emperor."

The news that Cao Cao threatened Emperor Xian to add an official official soon spread to Xiangyang. Liu Bei, Liu Xun and others are very angry, but there is no way. After all, the power is still very weak, and Jingzhou is also very unstable, and has no time to take care of the emperor who is far away in Xudu.

One day Liu Xun was playing chess with Liu Bei. Liu Qi walked in busy and was very happy. He said, "Father's illness has recovered. He invited us to participate in winter hunting activities."