Three Kingdoms

Chapter 161: Lu Zijing plans to defraud Xu Yuanzhi (part 2)


Xu Shu was dealing with government affairs in the political affairs hall of the governor's house in Jingzhou. Suddenly, he saw the lieutenant coming to report: "Military officer, there is a man outside who claims to be from your village, named Zhang Erquan. He said that he came to see the military officer by the order of Mrs. Xu. ."

Xu Shu was very surprised when he heard this. Since he killed people because of injustice, he has been hiding in Tibet. Since then, he has never returned home. How can I not get so excited now to hear the news of my old mother. Xu Shu said quickly: "Let him in quickly."

After receiving Xu Shu's order, the Ya Ya immediately brought Zhang Erquan into the meeting. After seeing Xu Shu, Zhang Erquan said in a hypocritical manner: "This is an old woman's letter." After that, he respectfully submitted a letter.

Xu Shu suddenly saw the old mother's handwriting on the cover, and tears fell in his eyes. Zhang Ren on the side didn’t know what had happened, so he comforted him and said, “Soldiers don’t worry, first open the letter and have a look!” Xu Shu opened the letter and saw it read: “General Wen Ru Jin Zuo, I have been traveling for several years, but I was fortunate to be able to stand up. The old man was Wu Houying to Jianye. I was old and sick, and it would be difficult to see each other... "The following handwriting is suddenly blurred, like an old man's hand trembling, and cannot be read again. After Xu Shu read it, he cried with tears, and Zhang Ren felt hesitant about sitting.

Xu Shu cried, and asked Zhang Erquan: "How was the wife eating when you came?"

Zhang Erquan said: "When the villain came, the wife missed the military adviser and could only drink a bowl of porridge every day."

Hearing this, Xu Shu felt more sorrowful and said to Zhang Ren: "I am incapable. I wanted General Zuo to pursue a great cause. Today my mother is imprisoned and Fang Cun is already in chaos. I can no longer assist General Zuo! The affairs of Xiangyang are left to you. I went to Jianye City to find my mother."

When Zhang Ren heard Xu Shu's words, he was shocked and said: "Military officer, you are usually very clever, why are you confused now."

Xu Shu heard the words, and asked in a puzzled way: "Where did you start?"

Zhang Ren winked, and Xu Shu immediately understood what Zhang Ren meant, so he smiled and said, "Zhang Erquan, you have been working hard for a long distance. Let's go down and rest first." Zhang Erquan left after hearing the words.

Seeing Zhang Erquan left, Xu Shu asked, "We are left now. I don't know what the general has to say?"

Zhang Ren calmly said: "Sun Quan has always been worried about our army's occupation of Jingzhou, and has tried every means to seize our Jingzhou. Now that Sun Quan deceived Mrs. Tai to Jianye, it is no wonder that he wanted to lure the generals into the past, and then seize the opportunity to seize Jingzhou. If the military master rushed forward, he would definitely fall into Sun Quan's trick."

Xu Shu sighed deeply, and said: "I don't understand these truths, but my mother is in Jianye. I am now a rat trap. Even if it is a trap, I have to go. I will fix a book and send it to the lord. The lord chooses another wise man to come and guard Xiangyang, and then I will leave."

Zhang Ren originally wanted to dissuade Xu Shu, but seeing Xu Shu's resoluteness and determination already made, it was hard to say anything.


After Liu Xun in Chengdu received the letter from Xu Shu, he learned that the matter was not trivial, and it was revealed that Soochow had always wanted to take Jingzhou as his own. In order to stabilize the situation in Jingzhou, Liu Xun decided to go back to Jingzhou himself.

Liu Xun delegated the affairs of Yizhou to Fazheng and Pang Tong to take full responsibility, and then rushed back to Jingzhou with Zhuge Liang, Zhao Yun and a team of people. Xu Shu in Xiangyang City, Jingzhou expected Liu Xun to arrive in Jingzhou soon.

Xu Shu said in his heart: "The lord treats me badly. If I say goodbye in person, I'm afraid I won't be able to speak. It's better to leave before he arrives." Xu Shu made up his mind and handed over all the affairs of Xiangyang to Zhang Ren. , And then rushed to Jianye with Zhang Erquan.

Zhang Erquan was very happy to see Xu Shu had already made the plan, thinking that the bounty would be indispensable this time. Excited, laughed from ear to ear. Of course this scene was seen by Zhang Ren.

After Liu Xun and his party hurried to Xiangyang, they were told by Zhang Ren that Xu Shu had left yesterday morning.

Zhuge Liang was stunned when he heard the words, and he sighed, "Oh, this Yuan Zhi has always been very clever, why did he do stupid things this time? If Xu Shu went to Jianye, his mother would be killed instead! "

Zhang Ren was taken aback, and hurriedly asked, "Why did the military division say that! Could it be that Xu Shu went to Jiangdong and Sun Quan would kill them all?"

Zhuge Liang smiled and said, "It's not. But Yuan Zhi's mother has a strong temperament and a deep knowledge of righteousness. She knows General Zuo's righteousness and is determined to rejuvenate the Han. Cao Cao and Sun Quan always don't want to stand on their own for the Han, and the world knows it. Xu's mother is so wise, How would you like to let his son serve Sun Quan! Xu Shu was in Xiangyang, and the letter was fraudulent, but Xu Shu did not tell the truth because he was anxious. Once he arrived in Jianye City, Xu's mother would be angry with his son and not know his mother. I want to get more angry, and then commit suicide! Xu Shu is very filial to his mother, how can he be alone when he sees his mother die, so I said Xu Shu and his mother are both dangerous!"

Zhang Ren and Xu Shu got along for a while and established a deep relationship. Hearing that Xu Shu and his mother were in danger, they were in a hurry and asked hurriedly: "I Zhang Ren is incompetent. I can't tell the truth from the fake, and I didn't make a decisive decision in time. The ground stopped Yuan Zhi and waited for the arrival of the lord and the army teacher, causing Yuan Zhi to fall into the trap of the enemy; I failed Yuan Zhi, I am guilty! The army teacher is like a god, and there must be a strange plan to solve the mother and son of Yuan Zhi. Eh, devise a good plan and save it!"

With that, Zhang Ren got up and bowed to the ground.

"Yes, military division, Yuan Zhi is a rare talent, military division must save him!" Liu Xun also said hurriedly from the side.

Zhuge Liang said bluntly: "Liang and Yuan Zhi are in love with each other, so An Dare can't save you! Zhang Ren, how many days has Yuan Zhi been gone?"

Zhang Ren said: "I left yesterday morning. Is there still time to chase now?"

Kong Ming said: "Oh, this is not true. If Yuan Zhi is on the way, he can make a detour to meet Shui Jing Sima Hui, Mr. Shui Jing will definitely be able to distinguish the authenticity of the letter and keep Yuan Zhi. That way. Fortunately. If Yuan Zhi was eager to see his mother and did not stop on the way to visit Mr. Shui Jing, he might have gone further!"

"My'Luma' can travel thousands of miles every day, I personally go to chase Yuanzhi." Liu Xun said hurriedly, he didn't want to fall into the enemy's hand.

"Then there will be Lord Lao." Zhuge Liang turned his head and said to Zhao Yun: "General You Lao led a team of soldiers, pretending to be merchants, the general holding books, mixed into Jianye, and voted for Xu's mother. Xu's mother can get away by herself. I will. Inform Chang Yun in advance to lead troops from Jiangling to pick up, without error." And told Zhao Yun in detail how to do it.

Zhao Yun was overjoyed, received gold and silver jewelry, luxury clothes, accepted the letter and obeyed, changed his costume and went away.

Zhang Erquan, who was following Xu Shu, deserved bad luck. He was originally a farmer in the countryside. Xiang Wei was used to riding horses, but when he encountered heavy rain and new sunshine, the muddy road was slippery and there was no way to see the road. He only chased after Xu Shu's horse. To one place, there was a big rock on the road, the bastard crossed over, Zhang Erquan drove in a panic, the horse was suddenly inferior, the front hoofs were together, the horse stood like a human, the front foot fell, and the back threw suddenly upwards, and immediately threw this second all off the horse. After a somersault, fell on the stone, his two dog legs broke and the bones were broken, and he was seriously injured.

Xu Shu heard the sound before, reined his horse to look back, unable to save, eager to see his mother, he was too busy to find a family nearby, leaving him with the expense of recuperating, and urged him to rest at ease and wait until he is healed. leave. Xu Shu added a whip, and the two rode forward, as if flying away.

But he said that Liu Xun flew to catch up, and after a long time, he couldn't catch up. Liu Xun rode a horse for more than 30 miles, but Xu Shu still has no trace. So Liu Xun got off his horse and asked the passers-by: "What is the name of this place? But the road to Jianye?"

Passers-by looked at Liu Xun and said, "The place named Yuanjiang Town here is the road leading to Jianye City."

Liu Xun asked again: "There were three people riding horses. When did they pass by? Have you seen them?"

The passerby shook his head and said, "I haven't seen it."

"I've seen it before." Suddenly a child said cheerfully: "I saw that there were three horses, but two people, I'm afraid it was not."

Liu Xun felt very strange and interrogated carefully. The man said, "One person is recovering from his wounds here, and the two have gone." Liu Xun said in shock, the military division is in danger! So I asked the child for guidance and hurried to see the injured person. It turned out that it was Zhang Erquan who sent the letter.

Liu Xun ordered the man to help him up, only to see the man's complexion changed drastically. Liu Xun said angrily: "Quickly report this thief to me!"

That Zhang Erquan was upset, and Liu Xun's order made him frightened and screamed for injustice!

As soon as the left and right cuddled forward, they came to bind. Liu Xun pretended to stop the left and right, and asked angrily: "Who is wrong in Erfeng who dare to come to Jingzhou to cheat? What is wrong?"

Zhang Erquan cried and said, "The villain dare not deceive, I hope the general can forgive me!"

Liu Xun sternly said: "Listening to Zhang Ren, when you bid farewell to Army Master Xu, you were overjoyed by the side, why? You dare to say that you didn't cheat

When Zhang Erquan heard what Liu Xun said, he stopped crying in fright, trembling all over, and said nothing. Liu Xun suddenly took out a feather arrow from the quiver of the soldier next to him, folded it into two at once, threw it in front of Zhang Erquan, and shouted: "Those who are interested should honestly explain the truth about Jianye's coming here. . If you have not concealed it, I will look at the military division’s sake, thinking that you are a fellow military division, and will send a doctor to treat your injury. However, if you dare not say anything, or hide the slightest, then you will be like before Like a feather arrow, the body is divided into two."

Zhang Erquan was so frightened that he cried bitterly: "The general, forgive me. The villain came this time under the orders of Sun Quan and Lu Su." Zhang Erquan then confessed the fake book and confessed in detail. In order to show his loyalty, when Zhang Erquan said things, he gritted his teeth and expressed his hatred for Sun Quan and Lu Su. He was so painful because of the trauma, he was very funny, like a clown...