Three Kingdoms

Chapter 169: On meritorious deeds


Liu Xun looked at the expectant gazes of the ministers, sighed, and said, "You guys, you have colluded to get me into unrighteousness. If I push again, you will all be upset. Okay, so be it."

Zhuge Liang, Fazheng and others hurriedly knelt to the ground and said, "The lord is wise."

Liu Xun hurriedly ordered the people to flatten, and said: "The awards of the officials are drawn up by the military division Zhuge Liang, the Zuojun division Pang Tong, and the division Zhonglang General Fazheng."

The three hurriedly responded: "Nuo!" Especially Fazheng's face showed a smug smile.

Three days later, Zhuge Liang, Fazheng and others had made plans. They came to Liu Xun's mansion with two big panda eyes open and presented the results. After seeing it, Liu Xun was very satisfied. Then, Liu Xun summoned the generals and couldn't wait to announce the results, so that the impetuous hearts of the soldiers were completely quiet.

It's a matter of everyone's future. Of course, they pricked their ears and listened very carefully. Just listen to Liu Xun's servant holding a long piece of silk in both hands, and said solemnly: "Guan Yu is General Pingbei, Zhang Fei is General Pingnan, Huang Zhong is General Pingxi, Zhao Yun is General Pingxi. Li Yan is General Pingkou. General, Zhang Ren is General Pingluo, Wei Yan is General Pingdi, and Gan Ning is General General. Yan Yan is the backbone general, Guan Ping is General Yamen. Huang Quan is the prefect of Jiangzhou. Wu Yi, Wu Ban, Zhang Yi, Huo Jun , Zhou Cang, Liao Hua, and others have all been named generals. Other officials and generals have their own rewards."

This is the result of Zhuge Liang, Fazheng, and Pang Tong who stayed awake for three days and three nights and exhausted their minds. It can be said to be comprehensive, not only the new generals in Shuzhong also used them, and even followed Liu Xun. Officials of all sizes who ate food were also rewarded, and they also sent envoys five hundred catties of gold, one thousand catties of silver, fifty million yuan, and one thousand brocades to the generals. The other officers and generals gave poor rewards. Killing oxen and horses, paying tribute to the people, opening positions to help the people, the people are happy, all praised Liu Xun as the rare master of all ages, and the planners of all these were naturally forgotten by people.

After the internal attendant, Liu Xun said with a smile: "Every meritorious soldier has a reward, but several military divisions are embarrassed to reward themselves. Then I will award the reward. Zhuge Liang is the governor of Yizhou, the record of the generals, and the general; Pang Tong General Shi, Yizhou Bujia, Zuo Junshi general; Fazheng was the prefect of Shu County, General Mansion, and Zhonglang general; Xu Shu was Jingzhou Bujia, Xiangyang prefect, and Youjunshi general. (At this time, Liu Qi is still the governor of Jingzhou)"

Those generals pin their heads in their waistbands to do their best, not just for the official title of these words. When everyone heard this comprehensive award, they were naturally exuberant and smiled. After the discussion, the officers and officials thanked them for the award. They were grateful, and they all left with great gratitude.

Only a few important ministers stayed because Liu Xun greeted him in advance to discuss the next strategy.

Fazheng was originally very unwelcome under Liu Zhang's hand. He had always been a small official. It was depressed and unhappy. Less than half a year after working with Liu Xun, he was on the same footing and soared. Therefore, Fazheng was in a good mood and tried every means to advise Liu Xun. As soon as Liu Xun’s words fell, Fazheng said: "Master, Hanzhong is the gateway to Yizhou. If we don’t seize Hanzhong for a day, we won’t be peaceful for a day. Zhang Lu in Hanzhong has become the end of a powerful crossbow. Hanzhong."

Liu Xun has always believed in Fazheng. After listening to Fazheng's suggestions, Liu Xun nodded and said: "Fiaozhi's suggestion is very pertinent. After three months of training, our army can send troops to attack Hanzhong."

"Lord, we are recruiting new soldiers and training the former soldiers under Liu Zhang. At that time, the strength of our army will be further enhanced."

Pang Tong on the side was also affected by the atmosphere and said happily.

"Master, there is one more thing that is very important, and it is urgent." Zhuge Liang said solemnly.

"Mr. Kong Ming, please speak."

"Because Liu Zhang is weak and the laws are slack, the people do not abide by the regulations and do not understand the etiquette norms. We should formulate laws as soon as possible to restrain some illegal behaviors and restore order in the Shu area." Zhuge Liang analyzed the actual disadvantages of the Shu area thoroughly.

"Well, you three military divisions are responsible for the facts of making the law, and we must be fair and just."

"No!" After the discussion was over, the three military divisions retired one by one.

Liu Xun stood up, looked at the whole picture of the big man on the wall, stared at this big place in Hebei, thinking that this place should be taken by Cao Cao...


In the early summer of the 6th year of Jian’an, Yuan Shao led a regrouped army of more than 100,000 to fight Cao Cao at the Yellow River Ferry, intending to make a shame, but after crossing the Yellow River, he fell into Cao Cao’s ambush and returned in a big defeat. Seven or eight out of ten of the recruited soldiers and horses were damaged. Yuan Shao, who fled back to Hebei in a hurry, was ashamed and angry. He vomited blood on the way and fell off his horse. From then on, he was sick in bed and could no longer stand. stand up. The news from the governor's mansion said that Yuan Shao could no longer see anything, and that his youngest son Yuan Shang took over all administrative affairs.

There is also news that Yuan Shao's eldest son Yuan Tan and his third son Yuan Shang quarreled in the governor's mansion, and finally almost drew their swords to each other. Since then, Yuan Tan no longer enters the governor's mansion for discussion. After the two sons turned against each other, there are legends that you can hear the sound of sharpening the knife in Yuan Tan’s mansion every day. Some people even say that they saw thousands of soldiers of Yuan Tan secretly enter the city by night... In short, all kinds of The news of circulated in the market, and everyone felt uneasy. The black clouds before the storm accumulated thicker and thicker over Jizhou, and the city was about to be destroyed.

In the Prime Minister's Mansion in Xuchang City, Cao Cao walked in the middle hall with his hands on his back.

"Ahee! Ahee!"

For no reason, Cao Cao suddenly sneezed several times in succession. The counsellors who stood quietly exchanged a secret look, but after all, no one spoke.

Everyone was summoned to the prime minister's house early in the morning, and all they saw was Cao Cao, who didn't say a word, pacing back and forth around the central hall. In the past, even if great things happened, Cao Cao would sit in the hall calmly and meet the people. Today is so uncharacteristic, and the counsellors are also a little worried.

"Everyone, there is news from Hebei this morning that Yuan Shao's two sons are sharpening their swords in Jizhou City. It seems that a controversy over a protagonist is inevitable." Cao Cao finally spoke, "I don't know what you think? "

Hearing the news, the counselors all let out a long sigh of relief. The previous low atmosphere was wiped out. Jiang Gan put on a smile and bowed and said: "Congratulations to the lord, it seems that Hebei will be able to do it in a few days. The drum is coming down."

The counsellors also expressed their joy to Cao Cao, but Guo Jia and Xun Yu frowned and looked worried. For a long time, Xun Yu went out and said: "Lord, although the Yuan family's internal fighting is beneficial to us without any harm, it's just..."

Cao Cao shook his head slightly, secretly compared with a silent gesture, how smart Xun Yu was, he immediately understood what Cao Cao meant, and did not continue. Cao Cao stretched his waist and said with a smile: "I am calling you all to share this good news with everyone, but for the outside world, please don't say much."

"The minister understands."

"It's okay to understand, you guys are separated." Cao Cao waved his hand and signaled that everyone could leave, but Xun Yu, Guo Jia, Jia Xu, Xun You and Cheng Yu slowly fell behind the crowd, waiting The others left the prime minister's mansion, and the five turned and walked back to the middle hall, and saw Cao Cao sitting in the hall and knocking his forehead constantly. Cao Cao looked up at the five people and smiled: "It seems that there are still many stupid people like Jiang Ziyi. If I always listen to politics with them, I will start to worry about whether I will become more and more stupid."

Guo Jia didn't answer Cao Cao's words, and said solemnly: "Lord, although Yuan Shao's two sons are not worth mentioning, the deadly camels are bigger than horses, and they still have hundreds of thousands of people under them." Guo Jia paused. After a meal, "But now Yuan Shao is dying, and his two sons are blinded by benefits again, only to kill each other. If we attack rashly, they will inevitably twist into a rope."

"Yes, we have to wait for the moment." Cao Cao frowned and nodded slowly, but after thinking about it for a moment, he suddenly raised his head and said proudly: "But no matter who is delusional to prevent me from taking this Under the big plan of Hebei, I will crush him to pieces on the battlefield."

Late at night, Yuan Tan's mansion in Yecheng, Jizhou.

Yuan Tan sat quietly in the middle hall alone, sweating on his face, holding the wine glass in both hands, sipping the wine in the glass with his head hanging down, looking thoughtful and indecisive.

"The eldest son, it's not good, something big happened!" The door of the nave was pushed open. Guo Tu and Xin Ping walked in sweating profusely: "The eldest son, this is really going to happen. Up!"

Yuan Tan placed the bronze wine lord in his hand on the case table in front of him, his eyes still had a blurred look, and he said in a calm and indifferent way: "If it weren't a major event, my father wouldn't call everyone to discuss matters so late. Three people, please sit down, take a breath, and taste the fine wines in my cellar. If you have anything to do, wait for a while."

"When is this, the eldest son is still in the mood to sit here and drink." Xin Ping anxiously stamped his foot, "Wait? Wait a second, I'm afraid the third son's knife is on our necks, the eldest son wants Make the decision early!"

Yuan Tan sighed lowly. Without taking Xin Ping's words, he took a sip of the wine from his glass. He asked, "Did you guys see my father? How is his health? He is getting better. Huh?"

"I didn't see the lord." Guo Tu said solemnly. "This time, the third son gave us the name of the lord. We are invited to see him. The purpose is nothing more than to explore the tone of my wait and see if the eldest son has something. Beware." Guo Tu pondered for a moment, and then said: "The eldest son, I'm afraid the third son will do it to you tonight!"

After Yuan Tan heard that, the Jiujue who was about to be delivered to his mouth stopped, Yuan Tan put down the Jiujue, his face was full of grief, and his heart was worried...