Three Kingdoms

Chapter 17: Hunting in Gangneung (Part 1)


When Liu Xun heard what Liu Qi said, he was a little surprised. Liu Xun knew that Liu Biao's condition had improved, and had already been informed by secret agents. However, Liu Biao suddenly invited himself and his father to go hunting, which was never expected.

Seeing Liu Xun’s doubts, Liu Qi said, “My father came to Jingzhou and he has the habit of hunting in winter. There are also a series of activities such as martial arts and archery which are very interesting.”

Liu Bei said straightforwardly, "Since Brother Jing Sheng has invited, it is difficult to be greedy, we are ready to prepare, and we will set off together tomorrow."

After Liu Qi left, Liu Bei said to Liu Xun: "Don't worry about Xun'er. Liu Biao is still a faithful person and won't be disadvantageous to us. Besides, we occupy Xiangyang County, so we have to make it clear to Liu Biao."

"But Mrs. Cai, Cai Yuan, and Cai Zhong had to guard against them," Liu Xun expressed his worries.

"We can bring both Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun. With their protection, we will have peace of mind," Liu Bei said again.

Liu Xun thought that by acting by chance, with the protection of such fierce generals as Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei, nothing should happen.

The crowing of chickens broke the cold night in Xiangyang and ushered in the dawn. Liu Bei left Guan Yu to guard Xiangyang, let Mi Zhu, Sun Gan and others assist Guan Yu, led Liu Xun, Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, and more than one hundred white-eared cavalry to Jiangling with Liu Qi.

On the way to Gangneung, everyone was in a happy mood. Liu Qi is particularly happy because his father's illness has recovered. Liu Qi also talked to you with interest about the interesting things about hunting in Jingzhou. Winter is an excellent season for hunting. The grass on the mountain has been completely degraded, and there is no cover, and it is easier to find the trail of the prey; lack of food, the prey are more likely to get confused in winter, and often run down the mountain to look for food regardless of danger. Those with bad luck will become hunters. If there is another heavy snowfall, the footprints of the prey will be clearly seen, and it is very difficult to escape.

In addition, winter is the slack season for agriculture. On the one hand, hunting can use the cold of winter to hone the will of soldiers, and on the other hand, hunting can also exercise their physical fitness. Winter is not the breeding period of animals, and it will not affect the reproduction of animals.

Liu Qi also said that Cai Zhong, Cai and the two brothers, in order to show their superb hunting skills, secretly bring their own prey every time, and lie that they hit them, which is very annoying.

Just like this, I arrived in Jiangling without knowing it, and saw Liu Biao with a high spirit and greeted him at the gate of Jiangling City in person. Liu Qi cried with joy when he saw his father. Liu Biao took Liu Bei's hand and entered Jiangling City together. Liu Xun vaguely felt the fierce face of Cai Tao beside Liu Biao.

Liu Biao had already set up a banquet in the hall, and the guests took their seats one by one. Liu Xun asked Zhao Yun to sit down next to Liu Bei to prevent any accidents.

After drinking three rounds, Liu Biao raised his glass and said, "Thank you brother Liu Beixian for taking back Xiangyang County for us."

"Brother Jing Sheng, this is all the credit of the son Liu Qi, Liu Bei dare not take credit. Now we help Liu Qi guard Xiangyang together to prevent the thieves from continuing to make trouble." Liu Bei's words are seamless. On the one hand, it shows that Xiangyang belongs to Liu Qi, but We shot it down too, and it is impossible to return it.

Liu Biao also knew that the Cai family could not tolerate his eldest son, Liu Qi, and that Liu Bei could help Liu Qi guard him. This would also prevent his two sons, Liu Qi and Liu Cong, from fighting each other.

After drinking, Liu Biao asked Jingzhou to arrange for the hunting activities to be read out from the Iraqi nationality. The event will start tomorrow. The first day is a competition, and the second day is an archery competition and hunting activities. In each event, the first place rewards 50 catties of gold, and the second place rewards 20 catties of gold.

"There is a lot of rewards." Zhang Fei geared up, eager to try, as if the bonuses were all his. Everyone laughed when they heard it, only a few of the Chua brothers were very upset.

On the second day, the school field was full of flags, crowded with people, and it was very lively. Everyone couldn't feel the cold of winter. Liu Bei, Liu Biao and others were seated in the stands. Liu Xun could only watch from the stands because he did not participate in the next day's competition. The competition is divided into unarmed competitions and free competitions with weapons in hand. In the morning, there is an unarmed competition, and in the afternoon, a free competition with weapons in hand.

Thousands of people signed up to participate in the unarmed competition, and finally four people were selected to participate in the finals, and the final first and second place were selected in a two-by-two duel.

Zhang Fei, Cai Zhong, Huang Zu, and Wenpin entered the final unarmed competition.

In the first game of the final, Zhang Fei played against Huang Zu. The contest was hosted by Hu Benzhong Lang general Wang Wei.

I saw Zhang Fei and Huang Zu wearing single clothes, standing in the center of the martial arts arena, glaring at each other, wishing to tear each other.

As Wang Wei shouted: "Start."

The two black-faced big guys started to circle each other, neither wanted to start, but wanted to find each other's flaws.

Liu Xun clenched his fists in the stands, as if he was more nervous than hitting him. Liu Xun closed his eyes and took a deep breath and looked towards the ring. Zhang Fei could do everything in his gestures. Obviously he was not weak in martial arts, but Huang Zu was mediocre. You can only deal with the tricks of breaking the bucket. I saw Zhang Fei deliberately selling a flaw, and the listing was revealed. Liu Xun applauded loudly, but Zhang Fei never expected that Zhang Fei would be very wise in the contest.

Huang Zuzheng was exhausted and he couldn't find Zhang Fei's flaws. Suddenly, he was very happy to see Zhang Fei appearing in the air. Hastily resorted to a trick "Shuangjiao out of the hole", punched out with both fists, and took Zhang Fei's chest straight. Everyone squeezed a sweat for Zhang Fei.

Unexpectedly, although Zhang Fei was a burly figure, he was very agile. He immediately slid away, swept his left arm with all his strength, and hit Huang Zu's back. Huang Zu couldn't get his feet back, so he fell down immediately and had no choice but to bow down. .

Everyone applauded loudly. Unexpectedly, the burly man would be so agile in his movements. It was really rough and fine, which made people look at Zhang Fei with admiration.

In another match, Cai Zhong defeated Wenpin and entered the final with Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei and Cai Zhong each took a break. Then stood on the ring, ready to compete.

Before General Tiger Benzhong gave the order, Cai Zhong called a punch and hit Zhang Fei's face directly. Zhang Fei turned his head to avoid and punched back. Everyone was very angry and accused Cai Zhong of shamelessly attacking others. Zhang Fei was indeed surprisingly calm, as if he was ready to win.

Liu Xun saw that Cai Zhong’s envoy was Cai’s Changquan. It was an influential skill and could hardly pose a threat to Zhang Fei. And what Zhang Fei uses is the Five Elements Boxing, which is very powerful. Zhang Fei yelled, and quickly fisted and moved mighty, Cai Zhong fought and retreated, messing up his position. Zhang Fei took advantage of the situation and went straight forward, banging, hammering three punches in Cai Zhong's waist, then Cai Zhong hummed three times, reluctant to avoid pain, raised his right fist high, and the hammer came down like a sledgehammer, almost hitting Zhang Fei’s. On the head, it is very thrilling.

Zhang Fei immediately jumped up to avoid it, and swept Cai Zhong to the ground with a kick. Zhang Fei won the final victory and received fifty catties of gold with a smile.

Zhang Fei patted Zhao Yun on the shoulder and said, "It's up to you this afternoon, don't let the fifty catties of gold slip away."