Three Kingdoms

Chapter 172: Cao Cao defeated Yuan Shang


Heavy bows and crossbows were neatly stacked on one side of the big campus in Chengdu, and they were shining black reflections in the sun. Liu Xun picked up one piece at random and held it in his hand. He only felt that it was heavy to start, which showed that it was made of good wood. Liu Xun pulled the bowstring again. The bowstring made of beef tendon was really strong, and it took quite a bit of effort to pull it apart. Liu Xun became interested. He drew an iron arrow from the quiver he carried, opened the bow and opened the string. With a sharp howling, the iron arrow "banged" into the target a hundred steps away.

"Good bow!" Liu Xun praised, "The trajectory is straight and balanced. It's a good bow!"

"Master, the bows and crossbows here are all of the same standard. The bow can shoot one hundred and fifty steps, which is fifty steps farther than ordinary crossbows." Huang Zhong smiled triumphantly, "Now the range of the archer is already Enough to cover the entire infantry formation, if the enemy dared to charge from the front, they will not be able to escape the bow and arrow in my hand!"

"Okay!" Liu Xun couldn't help but praised again. "The training of archers is left to General Huang!"

"Take it!" Huang Zhong bowed in joy to take his order.

"Master, these are newly recruited soldiers. After their training is completed, our army will have an army of 180,000. Excluding the 60,000 in Jingzhou, our army will have an army of 120,000 in Yizhou!" Pang Tong was also on the sidelines. Reported to Liu Xun cheerfully.

"Okay, Shi Yuan did a good job."

Liu Xun wanted to say a few more words to inspire Huang Zhong and Pang Tong, but he saw Fazheng walking over quickly with a box in his hands: "Master, this is news from Hebei, just arrived."

"Hebei?" Liu Xun took the box, opened the lacquer seal on the mouth of the box, and took out the cloth in the box to read it.

"Lord, is there a change in Hebei?" Seeing Liu Xun's complexion became serious, Fazheng couldn't help but ask.

Liu Xun was silent for a moment, and handed the cloth to Fazheng's hands: "Yuan Shao died of a serious illness. His two sons fought each other to fight for the position of heir. Yuan Tan died. Jizhou and Bingzhou have fallen into Yuan Shang's hands. ."

Fa Zheng quickly glanced at the cloth in his hand, and exclaimed, "Yuan Shao was so stupid that he would waste his growth and raise his children, and eventually lead to annihilation."

"Not bad." Liu Xun was silent for a while, "Yuan Shao is really talented and stupid, extremely stupid!"

"The lord doesn't have to worry too much. If Cao Cao wants to swallow Hebei, he won't be so fast. It's not a threat to us for the time being."

Liu Xun nodded solemnly, without speaking.

"Master..." Fazheng hesitated to speak but stopped.

"What's the matter?" Liu Xun hugged his arms. "Just say anything. I've said that you and I are called the emperor, but I'm actually a friend. You don't have to be so cautious."

"The Yuan brothers have suffered greatly from internal friction, their strength is greatly damaged, and their footing is unstable. With Cao Cao's decisiveness, it is impossible not to act on him." Fazheng lowered his voice, "If we take advantage of the opportunity of Cao Cao's northern expedition to attack Xudu and win the Emperor Xian ,Would not it be… "

"It's really strange." Liu Xun turned his head to look at Fazheng, and interrupted him.

Halfway through the speech was blocked by Shengsheng, Fazheng was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Why is it strange?"

"Shu Di Feng Criticism is a vicious strategy, and it is well-deserved?" Liu Xun said with a smile.

Fazheng stared dissatisfiedly: "Lord, don't laugh, I'm talking about business."

"I'm talking about business." Liu Xun put away his smile and put on a solemn face, "I and Cao Cao once agreed that when I attacked Yizhou, he would not attack me; when he attacked Hebei, I would not be behind me. Attack him. How can I be such a perfidious villain now."

"Then why did the lord deploy heavy troops in Jingzhou to guard against Cao Cao?" Fa Zheng curled his lips. "Lord, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The opportunity is not to be missed. Time will never come again!"

"I deployed heavy troops in Jingzhou just in case, but I can't be a villain first. Otherwise, wouldn't I break my trust in the world!"

Fa Zheng was taken aback, understood Liu Xun's intentions, and nodded helplessly.


In the early summer of Jian'an Sixth, Cao Cao led an army of 200,000 troops out of Xuchang, preparing to take down Hebei and completely wipe out the power of the Yuan family.

Cao Jun set up a camp around the Yanjin Ferry on the south bank of the Yellow River. In Cao Cao's Great Tent of the Chinese Army, Cao Cao opened the map hung on the wall of the military tent. It was painted with a map of the terrain around his army. He pointed to the river drawn in the picture: "This one is the Yellow River. The part that flows through our camp is not very wide, and it is in the dry season, and it is only less than a hundred steps. The deepest place is no shoulders, and it is most suitable for our army to cross the river, but Yuan Shang’s position to greet us also happens to be on the north bank of this place. The art of war is as follows: wading through the water can be attacked. Yuan Shang is not a fool, it is impossible not to Understand this truth. Although the river is not very turbulent, our army can only move forward slowly when crossing the river. At this time, he will definitely push the sergeant on and shoot the soldiers crossing the river with bows and arrows."

"The lord said that forcibly crossing the river will cause great damage. Once suppressed by the bow and arrow, our army can only withdraw to the south bank." Guo Jia squinted his eyes and looked at the map on the wall. "Fortunately, even if our army retreats, Yuan Shang will not chase, because they can't cross the river either."

In this way, if Yuan Shang is determined to be a tortoise on the north bank, our army will not be able to cross into Hebei for a lifetime? "Cao Ren asked with staring eyes.

"That's not necessarily true." Guo Jia stood up, pointed to the lower reaches of the Yellow River in the picture, and said: "I have carefully investigated along the Yellow River in the past few days. It was 30 miles away from our army barracks. There is a place where the water flow is relatively slow. Although the water is deeper, the cavalry can easily pass. The lord can induce the soldiers to make the illusion of forcibly crossing the river in the barracks, attracting Yuan Shang to confront us by the river. At this time, General Cao Ren can He led the tiger and leopard riders to cross the river quickly and hit Yuan Shang's rear, so that they would be attacked on their backs."

Guo Jia paused, then said a little worried: "It's just..."

"It's just that this plan is good." Jia Xu took Guo Jia's words with a long beard. "But if Yuan Shang also knows where this is and sets up an ambush on the north bank, I am afraid that the elite of our army will be destroyed in World War I. ."

"This is exactly what I worry about." Guo Jia frowned, "and I don't believe that those under Yuan Shang who live on the north bank of the Yellow River for a long time will know less about this river than I do."

"It seems that we are in a dilemma again." Cao Cao sat down, tilted his head and looked at the map behind him, suddenly the corner of his mouth moved and smiled, "It is better to choose the lesser of the two evils. The best solution."

Late at night, on the north bank of the Yellow River, Yuan Shang's army camp.

The generals Qu Yi, Ma Yan, counsellor matchmaker and Feng Ji opened the curtain of Yuan Shang's tent. Yuan Shang quietly sat in front of the table, carefully playing with the jade pendant in his hand.

"Master, what's the matter for calling us to come so late?" Qu Yi asked.

Yuan Shang put away the jade pendant, smiled lowly, and said, "It's okay, just talk to you."

"The lord has worked hard for the past few days, and we were all worried when we saw it, but we were so ashamed that we couldn't worry about the Lord's centimeter." The prosecutor said in shame.

After Yuan Shang took over the merger and Hebei states, the shortage of personnel in his camp has not been fundamentally resolved. Although Yuan Shao left behind many advisers and generals, there are not many who can truly be responsible. In addition, Tian Feng was killed and Jushou disappeared. Hebei Sitingzhu died in the earlier battle of Guandu, and the descendant descended. , Even more directly led to the miserable quality of the remaining personnel. Among them, apart from the generals Kuji and Mayen, counselor trial and matrimonial and Fengji are still barely able to find out, it is really impossible to find some capable advisors.

Yuan Shang sighed, "But we can only rely on ourselves for the battle ahead."

"If you win, you will sit firmly in Hebei; if you lose, everything will stop." Yuan Shang said quietly, "Once things are cleared, it is actually not a big deal."

Everyone nodded silently.

Yuan Shang touched his forehead, "In my estimation, Cao Cao will cross the river soon. We still have to fight this decisive battle by ourselves."


At the Yanjin ferry crossing, Cao Cao was on the south bank of the Yellow River. The black flag of "Han Prime Minister Cao Cao" was flying in the air. The soldiers surrounding him were shooting at the enemy across the Yellow River and the north bank, although the range of both bows and arrows could not be injured. And each other, but it is enough to seal the line of the river bank that can land.

Cao Cao sat on the horse quietly, calculating the time secretly in his heart. Cao Ren took the tiger and leopard rider away for a while. According to the speed calculation, he should have begun to cross the river by now, even fighting Yuan Shangjun who was ambushing on the opposite bank. Cao Cao had no doubt that Yuan Shang would ambush his cavalry vanguard on the North Bank, nor did he care that his cavalry vanguard would step into this trap, because he was determined to win this battle. So Cao Cao considered a lot of possibilities, and Cao Cao was suspicious, so he left too many tricks.

A steed rushed towards Cao Cao. The spies rolled off the saddle and got off the horse not far away. They knelt to the ground, panting and reporting: "Lord, the cavalry pioneer has crossed the Yellow River and encountered Yuan Shangjun's ambush on the north bank. The front army fought hard. , The loss is huge!"

"Is it already engaged now? It's much faster than I calculated." Cao Cao casually folded the whip in his hand, "Who is leading the opponent? Is it Yu Yi or Mayan?" Cao Cao was already on the shore. For one morning, except for Yuan Shang, he had not seen his two generals. Cao Cao expected that they must have been sent to ambush by Yuan Shang.

"It shouldn't be Kou Yi and Ma Yan. The ambushes of our cavalry are a large number of infantry armed with scythes. They ambush in the pre-dug trenches and cut off the legs of our cavalry horses with scythes. "The spy once again kowtowed his head, and said anxiously: "Master, the front army was caught off guard. Hundreds of horses have been lost before the front-line engagement."

When this happened, Cao Cao suddenly fell to the bottom after hearing the spy’s report, and he was puzzled...