Three Kingdoms

Chapter 180: The soldiers are divided into two ways


After receiving the news that Zhang Yan led an army of more than 100,000 to attack Jingzhou, Liu Xun was a little flustered at first, but soon stabilized his mood and hurried back to Chengdu to discuss military affairs.

"Master, this is the 300 li expedited by'Fengwei'..." Fazheng panted, and the general rushed forward. "My lord, Zhang Yan's army has come to Jingzhou, and Zaoyang City, an important town in the southern county, surrendered yesterday. Seeing that the enemy army is strong, Mi Fang, the defender of Zaoyang, led his army to surrender. Now the army is heading towards Jiangling. Youjun Xu Shu has sent Zhang Ren and 20,000 troops to Jiangling to assist Guan Yu in resisting Zhang Yan's army."

Before Liu Xun's ass sat down, he recoiled the news and stood up in shock. After Liu Xun listened, his brows squeezed into a line. After listening to the narrative of Fazheng, Liu Xun had to admit that he fought very well in this battle, especially the speed. The black mountain thief Zhang Yan can gather hundreds of thousands of people without a city, and grow up in the territory of the northern overlord Yuan Shao, which is indeed very capable.

Zhang Yan, Chang Shan is really a man, and his surname is Chu. Later changed his surname to Zhang. Zhang Yanqi is so fast that he is known as Feiyan in the army. Cao Cao will set Jizhou, Yan sent envoys to seek the support of the king, and worship General Pingbei; lead the crowd to slander him, and seal An Guotinghou.

Liu Xun said in his heart: Didn't Zhang Yan submit to Cao Cao? how…

"Not good" Liu Xun hurriedly shouted, "Get the map of Jingzhou."

After a while, the guard brought a map. Liu Xun looked at it and immediately understood that it was Cao Cao's ghost. Cao Cao wanted Zhang Yan to fight to death with our army so that he could profit from it.

Fa Zheng shouted: "This Mi Fang is too incompetent. He usually doesn't take the defense of the city into his heart. Before he can deploy the defense, Zhang Yan already brought a large army to the city. Mi Fang surrendered to the enemy without waiting for rescue. Zhang Yan easily captured Zaoyang City. Jiangling, the important town of Southern County, was exposed to the enemy."

Having said this, everyone shook their heads helplessly, and some couldn’t believe it. Zaoyang City was also a strong city. With its thick walls and sufficient forces, it could resist for a few days. How could it surrender at once? Now, what exactly did Mi Fang eat? This is too incompetent.

"How many people are there under Zhang Yan? Who are the generals?" Liu Xunqiang calmed down, and his thoughts began to spin twice as fast as usual.

"Zhang Yan's army is no less than 150,000, and there are five generals under him: Yang Feng, Yu Du, Bai Rao, Suigu, and Tao Sheng."

Fazheng glanced at Liu Xun cautiously, and found that the other party was listening carefully, and continued: "Zhang Yan's Black Mountain Army is extremely powerful, so you shouldn't underestimate it."

"These are not the remnants of the weather." Liu Xun heard the words, clenched his fist and said, "If it weren't for Yizhou to cultivate the people's livelihood in the past six months, and make every effort to govern, how can I let them go? I won't trouble them at this time. , They are fattened up and dared to make up their minds at this time. I will kill them this time."

Zhuge Liang suggested to Liu Xun: "Lord, now that our army is strong and strong, it is time to send troops to eliminate these thieves. We should hold high the flag soldiers and divide them into two groups, one way to solve the siege of Jingzhou, and the other way to fight against Zhanglu in Hanzhong. Cao Cao's Conspiracy to go bankrupt."

Liu Xun also had this intention, saying: "I will lead an army to defeat Zhang Yan. Who is willing to serve as a striker in the crusade against Zhang Lu."

Seeing that there was a battle, Zhang Fei took a step forward without thinking, and said loudly, "Master, Lao Zhang is willing to take on this important task."

Everyone knew Zhang Fei's temper, everyone showed a knowing smile, and didn't take his proposal seriously.

Liu Xun frowned and scolded: "Ying De, how can the general vanguard be a joke? Get back quickly."

Zhang Fei pursed his mouth and said aggrievedly like an angry little widow: "The lord despises people. If you let Lao Zhang be the forward, you can definitely get Zhang Lu's head and drink the lord."

Everyone laughed. Only the Fa is bowing his head and meditating without saying a word. Fazheng has a very good relationship with Zhang Fei. He naturally knows the characteristics of Zhang Fei. Not only is he not the headless and brainless slaughter of pigs, but he is from a famous family, especially his handwriting is very good. Painting also has everyone's demeanor. In the eyes of Fazheng, Zhang Fei should be classified as a wise general. It is a pity that his violent temper concealed his talent, otherwise his skills would not be worse than any general.

Fazheng gradually sorted out his thoughts, and thought to himself: Everyone thinks that Zhang Fei is reckless and ignorant, and if he is the leader, the enemy general will surely underestimate the enemy. In the battle between the two armies, if one will have the idea of underestimating the enemy. Then the consequences will be very serious. And Zhang Fei can also use the opponent's heart to underestimate the enemy to defeat the opponent.

Thinking of this, he stepped forward and said: "In the folly of filial piety, General Zhang must be the vanguard of this expedition."

Everyone was in an uproar at this point. Only Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong and others smiled and said nothing. It seems that the two of them also discovered Zhang Fei's roughness and fineness, but they didn't dare to confirm it. After all, Zhang Fei's recklessness has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. After Fazheng I said, the two people confirmed that their feelings for Zhang Fei were not made out of nothing, but something happened.

Zhang Fei smiled when he heard it. He knew what the Fa was up to, as long as there was no objection, it was almost the same as what Liu Xun said. That is to say, as long as no one comes out to oppose, then this vanguard general is 90% sure that it is his.

Liu Xun, who was sitting on the main seat, was also lost in thought.

Liu Xun has always been famous in history for his vicious eyes. As for Zhang Fei's ability, Yan Neng as the lord doesn't know. It's just that Zhang Fei's recklessness made him feel uneasy about letting him lead troops. In the unlikely event that something goes wrong, it would be the loss of the army, or the annihilation of the entire army. He knew that casualties were inevitable in a war, but unnecessary casualties were the last thing he wanted to see.

However, when he saw Fazheng's confident appearance, he felt quite settled in his heart. He was very convinced of the Fa rectification. At least from the beginning until now, there have been no mistakes in Fa-rectification.

Seeing that there was no objection, Liu Xun nodded and agreed: "Then it is what the military division said." Then he said: "Yingde, you will be the vanguard in this battle. Remember not to act recklessly."

"Yes, the lord, just put a hundred hearts on it, and Lao Zhang will definitely cut off Zhang Lu's head personally and exchange drinks with the lord." Zhang Fei revealed his nature before three words.

Fazheng now has some doubts about whether his own vision will be wrong. However, Liu Xun's order has already been issued, and without a valid reason, it is impossible to change it. Fazheng had no choice but to burn incense in his heart, hoping that Zhang Fei would not make a mistake.

Liu Xun didn't say anything to inspire morale. He stood in the middle of the lobby with a serious face, scanned the crowd, and said directly: "Raise soldiers for a thousand days and use them for a while. At this time, the war is about to start, and I hope you will try to encourage you."

"Follow the Lord's orders!" All the civil servants and military commanders responded in unison, their voices loud and full of determination.

Seeing that the generals had agreed very loudly, Liu Xun had no time to think about it, and then ordered: "Zhao Zilong listens to the order."

Zhao Yun made his debut: "The end is here."

"Give you 10,000 cavalry, one person with two horses, changing horses and not changing people along the way, you must use the fastest speed to reach the Jiangling Walled City. As soon as you reach the Jiangling Walled City, immediately use your speed to harass Zhang Yan. No need to rush. Go in. Wait for the army to arrive."

"The final commander."

Liu Xun then ordered: "Huang Zhong and Guan Ping listen to the order."

"It will be at the end."

"You guys are ready now, get everything ready to set off with me today. Hurry to Jiangling to calm Zhang Yan!"

"Yes," the two said in unison.

Liu Xun said: "Liao Hua listens to the order."

"It will be at the end."

"Liao Hua, immediately summon all the soldiers under your account, as the team that escorts the grain and grass, and is responsible for transporting the grain and grass."


"Hanzhong direction, Zhang Fei listens to the order!"

"It will be at the end."

"I have ordered you to be the vanguard of the front, and attacked Hanzhong with 20,000 horses."

"Pang Tong, Pang Shiyuan!"


You are in the army and assist Zhang Fei in attacking Hanzhong! ""promise! "

Liu Xun solemnly reminded: "The generals will remember one word, that is'fast'."

"Yes" after the general said, he immediately disappeared into the hall.

Liu Xun took a breath and said, "Kong Ming, I will leave it to you in Yizhou."

Kong Ming worried: "Lord, be careful. The opponents this time are not trivial. The Black Mountain Army is very powerful. Zhang Yan, I have heard of his name, and it takes a lot of effort to eliminate them."

Kong Ming pondered for a while, and thought of the crux of the matter, he smiled and cheered: "Then you won't lose to him, will you?"

Liu Xun smiled confidently and said, "That's natural, Kong Ming don't worry anymore." Liu Xun sighed, and then said, "I will go home and bid farewell to my wife!"

Because of Zhuge Liang's outstanding talents, Huang Quan's assistance was also provided. In the big granaries in Yizhou, grain and grass pile up like mountains. There is no need to worry about the logistics part at all. The matter of the expedition was so settled.

After the crowd dispersed, Zhang Fei hurried to catch up with Fazheng, and said happily, "It is the military strategist who understands Lao Zhang. Lao Zhang will definitely come back with a big victory. Let them see how good Lao Zhang is and the merits he returned. Divide you in half."

The Fa was in vain and Zhang Fei gave Zhang Fei a glance, how can things like military exploits be divided? If someone else says this, the Fa will treat him as hypocritical. But Zhang Fei is different. He has always spoken without going through his brain, he can say whatever he thinks, very honest. He is very similar to Dian Wei in this regard. Therefore, Fazheng didn't care about Zhang Fei's nonsense. He solemnly said: "General Zhang, this time you lead troops, you must keep in mind the three instructions of Fazheng."

Zhang Fei sternly said: "Military teacher, please tell me, Lao Zhang definitely does not forget the military teacher's instructions."

The law is righteous: "First, the general vanguard is no small thing. General Zhang must not drink alcohol during this expedition. Second, restrain the army, do not looting the people, and disperse the hearts of the people. You should save your shirt wherever you go, and don't try to beat the soldiers. Third, Hanzhong has a large population, and almost all of them believe in the "five-dou rice sect." You must not hurt Lu's life unless it is necessary. These three points should be kept in mind for General Zhang."

Zhang Fei nodded and said: "Lao Zhang must keep these three things in mind as a military teacher. He will never drink or lash out soldiers along the way. Wherever he goes, he will never commit any crimes."

Fazheng laughed and said, "General Wang Zhang, remember, don't forget what you say today." He turned and left.

However, Zhang Fei hurried back to the chamber and wrote down the words of Fazheng today on the sleeves of his clothes, so as not to forget...