Three Kingdoms

Chapter 186: Zhang Yan attacked Jiangling City (Part 1)


Wei Yan looked at the surrounding soldiers disdainfully, not afraid of the crowd at all, and swung a one-meter-long dark sword. With just a simple trick to'cut obliquely', Wei Yan chopped off the bodies of the three of them. The blood rose in the sky, staining his whole person into a blood person. In just a short moment, there were more than 30 people who died tragically by his sword.

The huge sharp knife hovered around and chopped. Between the slashes, the friction between the blade and the air actually produced bursts of wind and thunder. This is the peerless sword Wei Yanxinian got, and the sound of thunder is very scary.

The soldiers of Yang Zhijun looked at the compatriots who were beheaded by Wei Yan; looked at the bodies separated by thunder. All were frightened, and the hand holding the weapon could not help trembling.

This is Wei Yan. Wei Yan is a general known for his bravery and courage in history. Cao Cao was shocked by his bravery and courage.

In the distance, Yang Zhi looked stunned, and felt like a plague chicken waiting to be slaughtered on a knife board, full of fear of death in his heart. He looked at Wei Yan, the god of death in the dark, only frightened his hands and feet cold, yelled, and fleeed.

When the generals of Yang Zhijun saw the lord fleeing, the trees fell and scattered, and they fled backwards one after another. However, the roads here are narrow, and everyone is squeezed into a pile, trampling on each other, and screaming.

Seeing that Yang Zhijun's morale had dissipated, Wei Yan raised his sword and shouted, "Those who descend will not kill."

"Those who descend will not kill, and those who descend will not kill." The Han soldiers raised their swords and shouted together.

Before long, the soldiers of Yang Zhijun were so frightened that countless people descended.

Wei Yan ignored Yang Zhi who had already escaped, and commanded the descending army, dropping their weapons, taking off their armor, and causing them to slowly retreat.

But he said that Yang Zhi escaped from the small path with the remnants. Seeing that Wei Yan hadn't chased him, he hesitated and hurried back to Yangping Pass. After Yangping Pass, Yang Zhiwangguan yelled: "The people upstairs will open the gate, I'm Yang Zhi."

The city gate opened slowly. Just when Yang Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, thinking it was safe. A neat line of soldiers had already greeted at the gate of the city. The one headed, not the others. It is Zhang Fei and Zhang Yide.

It turned out that Wei Yan used the strategy of'tune the tiger away from the mountain'. He deliberately asked the soldiers who were looking for the trail leading to the rear of Yangping Pass to be discovered by the scouts in Zhang Lu's army. Attracting most of Zhang Lujun's horses with five thousand soldiers, Zhang Fei was trying to take advantage of this opportunity to capture Yangping Pass with lightning speed.

When Yang Zhi saw Zhang Fei, his heartstrings tightened again. He hurriedly turned his horse's head, trying to escape to the rear.

Zhang Feizhang waved the Eight Snake Spear, and the'black cavalry' lined up and rushed towards the remnant Yang Zhi army. They thundered and thundered one by one, invincible wherever they went, and killed when they met. This remnant army suffered repeated blows in one night and was unable to fight anymore, and all surrendered.

Zhang Fei hurried to Yang Zhichi with his horse. Regardless of the quality of riding and war horses. Yang Zhi can't compare with Zhang Fei. In a short while, Zhang Fei surpassed Yang Zhi, a giant hand as big as a fan. Yang Zhi was captured just by one. Zhang Fei knew that Yang Zhi was ruthless and unjust, and he was very disgusted with it. He threw it to the ground with disdain, and let the soldiers catching up behind him tie up Yang Zhi.

Inside the civilian room in Yangpingguan. Before Zhang Fei had time to take off his armor, he hurried to Zhang Hui, the place where he lived temporarily. He couldn't wait to tell Zhang Hui the good news that Yang Zhi had been captured.

Zhang Hui was overjoyed and said, "Ying De, can you do me a favor."

Zhang Fei said quickly, "What is it? Don't leave it to mother-in-law." Zhang Hui smiled and said, "There is nothing serious, but can you put Yang Zhi in custody first, and wait for my injury to heal? , In a showdown with him in person. Hui wants to use his strength to avenge my family."

Zhang Fei couldn't help but smile. He knew that Yang Zhi's martial arts was absolutely inferior to Zhang Hui, and he immediately agreed: "This is not a problem. Later, Lao Zhang will let someone pass a message to the jailer and ask them to raise Yang Zhi for nothing. Being fat, so that he can use 100% of his power against you."


The Walled City of Jiangling City. Early this morning. "...Boom...Boom...Boom..." With the exciting sound of war drums. Immediately after waves of stern horns swept across the sky, the sharpness made everyone's hair stand upright in an instant. Lines of Black Mountain troops, wearing leather armor and holding sharp swords in one hand, lined up neatly on the broad road under the city wall in an assault formation. They were motionless, but they gave people a heavy and depressive atmosphere.

Hearing the sound, Ma Liang could not help frowning when he saw Zhang Yan posing this position, and said: "It seems that Zhang Yan is going to make a real revolution this time." Guan Yu raised his eyebrows and said confidently, "Ma Taishou can rest assured. Regarding the presence of someone. These thief would never want to injure one of Matthew's hair."

At this time, under Zhang Yan's loud shout, there were shouts and killings everywhere. Tens of thousands of soldiers, armed with huge shields, stepped neatly and rushed under the moat. Thousands of archers came out of the enemy camp. For a time a large rain of arrows flew towards the wall.

Guan Yu hurriedly ordered the soldiers in the city to hide behind the battlements without having to fight back. After several previous siege battles, Ma Liang has discovered the fact that the Black Mountain thief soldiers have no experience in siege. But there are few arrows in the walled city. Now someone delivers it to the door, so why not do it.

Within a moment, the rain of arrows stopped. The soldiers knew that the enemy had built the pontoon, and the battle for the city officially began.

Guan Yu shouted loudly: "The archer is ready to shoot, boiling water, boiling oil, rolling stones, and wood, wherever there are many people, throw it wherever there are people, and wherever there are people." For a moment, the city screamed. The "Qinglong Yanyue Knife" in Guan Yu's hand is nine feet five inches long and weighs eighty-two jins. It is very suitable for one thing, that is, pushing the ladder.

I saw Guan Yu strode to the side of the ladder, and in an instant, the Qinglong Yanyue Knife dropped out, inserting it at the junction of the ladder and the city wall with great accuracy. Turning with his boundless power, a ladder fell backwards. At the same time, the soldier who had climbed halfway also fell from the air, screaming. Some died on the spot, some broke their hands and feet, and some fell into the moat.

Guan Yu looked at the densely populated area under the city and sneered: "sprinkle kerosene and set off rockets." Then the people in the city saw a very tragic scene. The sky immediately darkened, and buckets of kerosene poured down the city. The sky full of rockets shot into the Black Mountain Army, but seeing the flames soaring into the sky, the screams resounded across the sky. After a while, there was a smell of burnt meat in the city.

After most of the day, Guan Yu's army repelled the Black Mountain army's attacks again and again. At this time, the pressure on the enemy was getting heavier and stronger, their armor was splashed with blood from themselves and the enemy, their bodies were scarred, and their weapons had been curled up.

With a swipe of a broad sword, Guan Yu split the last Black Mountain Army in the walled city in half, and he couldn't help but habitually touched his long beard that was filled with blood.

Seeing that all the soldiers around him looked exhausted, he couldn't help but encourage him: "The Lord's reinforcements are already on the way. In a few days, the reinforcements will inevitably arrive. By then, we must let these mountains that only know how to bully the less. Thieves, see the power of our army. Drive out all the bandits who have invaded our homes. Will the soldiers have the confidence to fight with Yun Chang until the reinforcements arrive."

The officers and men in the Guan Yu army looked respectfully, and the coach who treated them like brothers shouted in unison: "Yes, yes, yes."

Looking at this eye on the city wall, Zhang Yan couldn't help frowning slightly, and said inconceivably: "I didn't expect that the Han army under Liu Xun was so strong and could still give out such a powerful fighting intent at this moment. Based on this alone, my Montenegrin army is far behind."

Standing behind Zhang Yan were five generals: Yang Feng, Yu Du, Bai Rao, Suigu, and Tao Sheng. They are Zhang Yan's most capable assistants, each with high martial arts skills. Good deeds collectively refer to them as the "Black Mountain Five Leopard Generals".

Among the'Black Mountain Five Leopard Generals', Yang Feng was the most intelligent. He suggested to Zhang Yan: "Marshal, the morale of the Han army is now great. I don't want to temporarily suspend the troops and wait for the news from the Prime Minister. intend."

Zhang Yan nodded and ordered: "Mingjin to retreat." Under Zhang Yan's orders, the Black Mountain Army, which was originally aggressive, retreated like a tide.

Seeing this, Guan Yu on the fortress let out a cold snort. At this level, he was still screaming in front of him, Guan Erye, which really didn't know what to say.

Outside the Walled City of Jiangling City, inside Zhang Yan's Great Tent of the Chinese Army.

A man who was thirty-five or six years old, with thick eyebrows, big eyes, and handsome appearance led an army to Zhang Yanjun's camp quietly. This person is Cao Hong.

As soon as Cao Hong arrived at Zhang Yanjun's camp, he saw that someone had come out to greet him. The first one is burly, with a shaggy beard all over his face. I knew that this person was Cao Cao's newly appointed General Pingnan Zhang Yan. He quickly stepped forward and smiled and saluted Zhang Yan: "Cao Hong has seen General Pingnan."

Zhang Yan smiled boldly: "General Cao please get up, you and I will work together. It is brothers, you must give this gift. Brother Cao has any use in Zhang Yan's place in the future, don't hesitate to talk about it. As long as I Zhang Yan does it When it arrives, a definition is indispensable."

What a Zhang Yan, knowing that he is new to Cao Ying, and he is in a high position before he has made an effort. It will certainly arouse the disgust of Cao Yingzhong's old officials. Zhang Yan is so enthusiastic, obviously wanting to build a good relationship between him and Cao Ying. Cao Hong was slightly startled at Zhang Yan's enthusiasm, and he also understood the truth. He said: "General Pingnan is polite, I came here this time with an important matter, can I take a step back and talk about it."

"Of course there is no problem. Brother Cao, please follow me into the big account." Zhang Yan unpretentiously led Cao Hong into the big account.

Cao Hong looked around. Zhang Yan relieved his doubts: "Brother Cao can rest assured that this big tent is surrounded by brothers who lived and died with Yan. This aspect of loyalty is absolutely reliable."

Cao Hong felt relieved when Zhang Yan said this. He said: "I have been ordered by the Prime Minister to send 20 Pili cars to help General Pingnan conquer the walled city of Jiangling."

Zhang Yan was overjoyed when he heard it. He tried to forcibly capture the walled city of Jiangling City yesterday. However, not only was this city built tall and strong, it was also planned by Ma Liang, a wise man, and even guarded by such a world-famous generals like Yu. It is simply impossible to overcome. After several storms, he lost all his troops...