Three Kingdoms

Chapter 196: Renovate Yizhou (Part 2)


Fame is crucial in the Han Dynasty. When the world was in turmoil and the princes came together, the reason why Cao Cao was able to summon many civil servants and generals in a short period of time was not because of his ability. At that time, he was still keeping a low profile, and his talents were not used at all. The real reason It was because of his reputation that he had accumulated by assassinating Dong Zhuo and holding high the banner of justice, it was exchanged for the matching of civilians and military commanders.

However, Yuan Shao, who is unconscionable and likes to show off bears, has gathered countless talents and helped him to dominate the north because of his reputation. However, the difference between the two is that Cao Cao has the ability to command talents, while Yuan Shao does not. Otherwise, Xun Yu and Guo Jia are both under Yuan Shao, and it is impossible for Cao Cao to defeat Yuan Shao with less. It is impossible to become the biggest prince.

Now Liu Xun's reputation is higher than that of Cao Cao, ranking first among the princes. The main reason is that Liu Xun has never done anything that can be controversial from the beginning, while Cao Cao still has the name of a Han thief.

Fazheng lived in Xichuan for a long time and understood the power of the Zhu family very well. He shook his head and objected: "The Zhu family is not an ordinary nobleman. It almost controls more than half of Xichuan’s economic sources. Because the road of Shu is difficult to go, the big merchants who settled here are not. Many, even if there is, the Zhu family will try their best to suppress it, and it has almost monopolized the resources of Xichuan. Once the Zhu family is killed, the wealthy of Xichuan will definitely fall into panic, which will cause great trouble to our plan to rebuild Xichuan. ."

Everyone was silent for a while, and the Fa was right. The plan to rebuild Xichuan must be successfully implemented with the assistance of many rich and powerful nobles. If these giants are made to put everyone at risk now, it will not benefit Xichuan's development at all.

"It would be great if the Zhu family could be driven out of Xichuan." Fazheng muttered to himself blankly.

The idea of'Kill the Zhu family out of Xichuan' flashed through Zhuge Liang's mind. Thinking of this, Zhuge Liang couldn't help but smile, and stepped forward and said: "Liang has a good proposal, you can kill two birds with one stone."

"What proposal, tell me?" Liu Xun smiled trustingly when he heard Zhuge Liang's words.

Zhuge Liang said confidently: "As long as there is no profit in Xichuan, the Zhu family will definitely move elsewhere."

Hearing this, Fazheng shook his head and said, "Xichuan is a treasured land, how can there be no profit?"

Zhuge Liang explained: "What is the Zhu family? As long as the master revises a letter, the two major merchant families, Zhen and Mi, attacked Xichuan together and suppressed the Zhu family with an absolute advantage. The Zhu family could not turn around at all. Backing, and our army can give some preferential treatment to the two major business families. As long as the time is long, the Zhu family can’t sit still. At that time, the Zhu family has only two ways to go. One is to honestly support our army. , And the second is to leave Xichuan with family wealth."

Fazheng nodded and said, "This is indeed a good way."

Pang Tong also smiled and said: "The first article is definitely not good. Our army will not accept a businessman like him who only knows to seek welfare for himself. It is a good way to let him leave. There are many rich Jiangdong families, and the Zhu family will not go there. In my opinion, he will definitely go to Xuchang to support Cao Cao."

"That's right!" Zhuge Liang said, "In this way, our army has two options. One is to pretend to be a thief and kill the Zhu family. But in this way, it is inevitable that some rumors will be unfavorable to the lord; The other is to force the Zhu family out of Xichuan and let him go to Cao Cao. As the saying goes, the country is easy to change, and its nature is difficult to change. As long as the Zhu family has a firm foothold in Cao Ying, it will inevitably make some small moves behind Cao Cao. I will fight with other businesses."

Fazheng laughed and said: "No matter what, the first rule cannot be used. The Zhu family is so powerful that it needs to be moved in batches even if it wants to relocate. The robbers can only act once, in case they show off their feet to the lord’s reputation. There must be some loss, which is not the best policy. As for the second point, it is true that the Zhu family will trouble Cao Cao, and it is not certain whether it will fight the Wei family. Generally speaking, the second is better.

Everyone agreed with this idea, but no one wanted to know how correct this decision was.

In other words, fighting is money, and everything is easy to get if you have money. And Liu Xun understood that one of the most important factors in order to reinvigorate the Han Dynasty in order to dominate the world is to have extremely powerful financial support.

Liu Xun patiently sorted out internal affairs, developed the economy, and rested the army in Yizhou. There was no fighting for the time being, but Sun Quan of Jiangdong couldn't sit still.


The fiery dusk burned half of the sky red.

Outside the barracks of the Eastern Wu cavalry, Sun Quan looked at the sunset with his hands on his back. Zhou Yu, Cheng Pu and others stood behind him. Sun Quan said with a smile: "The morning glow is like brocade, and the sunset is like gold. I think it's better to say that the sunset is like blood. Whether it is the setting sun, or the sunset of life or the dynasty, it needs to be rendered with blood to make the world remember it." Although he said that, Sun Quan was obviously a little absent-minded.

Suddenly the ground under his feet began to vibrate slightly. Sun Quan recovered his senses, and saw a large cloud of smoke and dust rising from the distant horizon. In the smoke and dust, several unclear black spots were faintly visible. Slowly, black spots. Gradually gathered into a black wave that undulates along the horizon, and a horse throws its dust heads down and rushes out of billowing smoke. The entire cavalry battle array is getting closer and closer, and the momentum of advancement is like a rushing tide that cannot be contained. Anything that stands in front of them will undoubtedly become a reef shattered by the evil waves. In the front row was a young general in white clothes and white armor. He suddenly raised the spear in his hand. The cavalry behind him drew their knives together and shouted in unison: "Where righteous comes, life and death follow! The sky is a lesson, the wind Fire as proof!" The loud voice actually overwhelmed the rumble of horseshoes.

The tide of cavalry quickly spread to Sun Quan and the others, and the ground shaking became more and more obvious. The white-clothed general slammed his spear just a stone’s throw away from Sun Quan. The cavalry reined their horses and the horses rushed forward a few steps , They all stopped slowly. Tai Shici stuck the spear in his hand on the ground, jumped off the horse, and bowed to Sun Quan: "The lord, forgive the sin, Taishi Ci Rongjia is present, and he cannot give a full ceremony."

Sun Quan waved his hand and said, "What are these vain gifts? Ziyi has been working hard these days." Without the ear-splitting sound of horseshoes, Sun Quan suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. Sun Quan laughed and said, "Where righteous comes, life and death follow. The sky can learn from, and the wind and fire are proof. It seems that this cavalry is more appropriate to call the righteousness of wind and fire."

Tai Shi said kindly: "Before the next battle, no matter what the charge is, you will always shout these four words loudly. After shouting, you will feel the blood surge, and you are not afraid of life and death during the battle. Therefore, Ziyi made his own decision and took this cavalry. Call it the righteous obedience to the wind and fire, so that the soldiers will also follow me to shout, and be strong."

Sun Quan applauded: "Wonderful and wonderful." Then he smiled, "Didn't I say that the cavalry is in charge of Ziyi? Those of us who grew up on the riverside are completely outsiders fighting against the cavalry. From my perspective, I am afraid that few people in the world have an understanding of cavalry comparable to Ziyi."

Tai Shici bowed and said: "Meng Gongzhu Jinkou praised me, and I'm really terrified."

Sun Quan scratched his head. Tai Shici is good at everything. He is a young and old man, and he respects the courtesy of monarchs and ministers just like Cheng Pu. Sun Quan couldn't help blurting out: "Zi Yi is a cold spear."

Tai Shi Ci was taken aback for a moment, and after reacting, laughed with everyone, and the atmosphere became relaxed. This is what the people like to see, Sun Quan thought about looking at the wind and fire cavalry behind Tai Shici.

Tai Shici followed Sun Quan and said, "Lord, since this cavalry is called Feng Huo, I divided it into two battalions, the Gale Cavalry Camp and the Agni Cavalry Camp. There are 5,000 people in the Agni Camp, all of whom are red. Armor, equipped with a spear and a shield. The Gale Camp has a total of 5,000 people, all wearing black armor, all of whom are good at shooting among the cavalry. Each soldier is equipped with a strong crossbow, a pot of arrows, a stainless steel saber and a Shield. The total is 10,000 horses. It can be said to be invincible and invincible."

Sun Quan looked at these ten thousand cavalry soldiers with excitement in his heart. I thought, Jiangdong soldiers are good at water battles, and they are good at foot combat. What they lack is cavalry they can rely on. Now that 10,000 cavalry have been trained, the combat effectiveness seems to be very strong. Regardless of whether Liu Xun's "Xuanjia Heavy Cavalry" or Cao Cao's Tiger and Leopard Cavalry are not opponents, it is not a concern. After a long time, Sun Quan came back to his senses. Seeing that there were only a few feather arrows in the quiver carried by the cavalrymen, he was puzzled, so he asked in amazement: "A pot of feather arrows is only about ten, so Is the point enough?"

After hearing this, Tai Shici explained patiently: "The Gale Camp was mainly used as an auxiliary in the early stage of the cavalry charge, using arrow rain to suppress the enemy's actions. The cavalry is fast, and it is generally great to be able to fire five rounds. Useful. Although you don’t have to consider the aim of a suppressed salvo, it still consumes a lot of arm strength. If you have too many salvos, you may not have the strength to slay the enemy with a saber after you rush into the enemy's formation."

Sun Quan suddenly realized and nodded. It seems that he still has real knowledge in actual combat. Before, he always thought that it would be a hundred or ten rounds of volleys, which seemed to be nonsense. Think about it, after all, people's abilities are limited, and it is impossible for them to reach the level of gods. All the strength is spent on the bow and arrow, which will inevitably consume a lot of physical strength, and there is not much strength to kill the enemy.

Seeing that Sun Quan understood, Tai Shici continued: "The soldiers of the two battalions have one hundred captains for every hundred people, and they have red or ink flags on their backs as signs. When charging, the Lancers of the Lihuo Camp were centered and quickly broke through the enemy's front army and tore them apart The enemy’s line of defense; the Gale Camp is divided into two wings with 500 men on one side. When charging and making up the gap with the enemy, it uses arrow rain to suppress the opponent’s action. After about five to seven rounds of salvo, it bursts into the enemy’s formation and quickly kills the chaotic with sabers. enemy."

Sun Quan took a deep breath, as if he had seen this cavalry fighting. The land where the offensive cavalry was spreading over was only the bone-laden Xiura field. Sun Quan settled his mind and asked, "Is this a common tactic used by ordinary cavalry?"