Three Kingdoms

Chapter 197: The controversy of Wenwu in Soochow


"Not exactly." Tai Shici said, "Our cavalry's horses are all Central Plains horses. This type of horse has a strong explosive force and a fast charging speed. When engaging the enemy, it can rush into the enemy's formation in the shortest time. The general cavalry though. It is said that they are light cavalry, but the soldiers wear all-steel armor, which directly leads to the increase in the load of the horse and the lack of stamina. Although the entire cavalry is equipped with a bow and crossbow, because the horse charges too fast, at most five rounds of arrow rain have already rushed to the enemy. In front of you. And the ordinary cavalry formation is monotonous. If you charge an enemy with a shield head-on, the arrow rain will not be effective in killing and suppressing. What is more deadly is that once surrounded by the enemy, the mobility of the cavalry will be greatly weakened. , Unable to break through."

Sun Quan nodded repeatedly, and asked Tai Shi kindly: "If facing a strong crossbow, can the camp rush into the enemy's line?"

Tai Shi said kindly: "Although the charging speed of the Central Plains horse is not as fast as the Bianzhou horse, the horses of the Fire and Fire cavalry are not equipped with horse armor, and the cavalry only wears scale armor. Minor casualties rushed into the enemy's formation." Tai Shi Ci paused, and said: "But the most important thing is the courage of the cavalry. The cavalry is a united whole. If one of them starts to fear death, the fear will quickly spread. After driving away, the entire cavalry will be easily defeated. In many cases, the fear of death is more terrifying than death itself."

Tai Shi Ci's words aroused Sun Quan's pride, but it was soon extinguished by the news that Lu Fan and Zhu Zhi brought back. These two guys went out to recruit for almost a month before recruiting less than 300 people, and they were all of the cannon fodder type, which was enough for Sun Quan to spit out all the blood that surged.

"Danyang is a place where soldiers are produced. How did you recruit such a small number of soldiers?" Sun Quan in the hall was a little angry, staring at Lu Fan and Zhu Zhi. "Liu You originally recruited 30,000 Danyang in Danyang. Elite soldier, are all the men in Danyang conscripted by him?"

Lv Fan bowed and said, "Lord, I originally thought the same way. At first, I thought it was because the salary was too small, so Xiang Yong was reluctant to join the army. But even if we promised to exempt the tax from the family after joining the army, the effect was very little. There is a secret."

"What's the secret?"

"It was not the Han people that Liu Yao recruited, but the Shanyue people. The 30,000 Danyang elite soldiers were originally a tribe of Shanyue. They were excluded because they refused to merge with other tribes. They were extinct, so they had to take refuge in Liu Yu..."

No matter how stupid he was, Sun Quan could hear Lu Fan's off-line. It seemed that the problem had a lot to do with the people of Shanyue, so he motioned to Lu Fan to continue.

Lu Fan went on to say: "Shanyue people rely on mountain dangers to form armed forces, and their leaders have many titles such as "handsome", "big handsome", and "zongshuai". Shanyue is brave and good at fighting in the mountains, and at the same time uses the copper produced in the mountains. Iron, cast for self-sufficiency, every autumn harvest will attack nearby Han villages and rob the grain for the next year. Therefore, it is not important for these Han people to avoid taxation, even if they don’t pay taxes, they will be robbed every year. Robbed."

Zhu Zhi said: "Besides, the Shanyue people were originally scattered and lived in small groups, and there was little contact between the tribes. However, in recent years, the leader of the Shanyue tribe named Zulang under Danyang rule has continuously annexed nearby tribes, and now has tens of thousands of people. All of them claim to be the great commander of the mountain. Every autumn harvest, they will gather mountain soldiers to go down the mountain to grab grain. The place they go is in a mess, and the officers and soldiers are in awe of the wind."

Sun Quanqi said, "Why don't these Han people still move? Why do they have such a serious relationship with the family?"

Lv Fan replied: "Lord, it’s not that you don’t want to move, but you can’t move. Danyang’s arable land is mostly here, and the rest are uncultivated wastelands. If you harvest food early every year, you will escape to hide elsewhere during the autumn harvest. These Han people are barely able to survive the coming year. They are all honest farmers, where can they go if they leave the land?"

After hearing this, Sun Quan's face was grim, and he was silent for a long time before spitting out eight words from between his teeth: "The confidant is not flat, it is difficult to create the original picture!"

Sun Quan’s reaction when he heard about Shanyue’s problem was: first, this group of aliens are too arrogant; second, it’s arrogant, they dare to bully the stubborn under my control; third, just bully the stubborn under my control. , You have to grab food, money, and women. Think of yourself as Somali pirates. That's why Sun Quan was very hot-headed, and immediately wanted to call Brother Qi to copy the guys into the mountain and wipe out these lawless mountains.

But reason is constantly admonishing Sun Quan not to do this, and to stay calm. Sun Quan took a deep breath and found that the Chinese army's tent had already exploded.

Huang Gai's temper is the hottest. He broke the several cases before him. He cursed: "It's the opposite. These barbarians are really the opposite. I don't want to provoke them. Instead, they provoke Lao Tzu. Lao Tzu has to. Lead troops to suppress these barbarians. Tigers don’t show off their power. They really treat Laozi as sick cats. Can I just touch Laozi’s ass?"

Cheng Pu listened to Huang Gai with one mouthful and one old man. He spoke up and down. He couldn't help being angry and funny. He cursed: "Public, what are you talking about nonsense, don't be disrespectful to the lord."

The second monk Huang Gai was puzzled, staring at him and asked: "Brother Cheng, where did I disrespect the lord? I scolded the grandsons of Shanyue and didn’t curse the lord. Besides, can’t it be that I’m not talking about it? Reason? Are you really letting those barbarians shit and pee on our heads?"

Cheng Pu was helpless and ignored Huang Gai. He turned to Sun Quan and said, "Master, when the old master was alive, there will be occasional chaos under the rule of Changsha. When the old master led the troops to fight against the war, I will also follow suit. Pass. Shanyue fights not only bravely, but also uses poison witchcraft. Shanyue has lived in the mountains for a long time. He is familiar with the geography of the mountains. The master must not underestimate the enemy."

"Then General Cheng meant not to fight Shanyue?" Sun Quan asked angrily.

Cheng Pu shook his head and said, "This is not true. If the mountain is not calmed down, there will be a tiger lurking behind me at all times. I don't know when it will come out to bite us. It's just that we should consider how to fight."

"Long-term plan?" Tai Shici curled his lips, "Old General Cheng, the autumn harvest will not be long before, I am afraid there is not such a long time for the old general to make long-term plans."

Zhang Hong said: "Lord, although Shanyue is a major concern for us to attack Jiangdong, our army is not aware of the geography. Secondly, the various ministries of Shanyue are now connected with each other. The time and place are good and the people are harmonious. Our army has been lost before sending troops. , And it’s difficult to understand the situation once the forces are turned. I am afraid that the Lord Guild will sink deeper and deeper in this quagmire and miss major events. Don’t try to do it for a while!

Zhang Zhao echoed and said: "Zigang's words are very reasonable. The lord might as well treat Shanyue with a gentle policy. Earlier, Youzhou Mu Liuyu comforted Xianbei and Wuhuan. The foreigners all admired and paid tribute on time, not daring to cross the border. Shanyue said it was nothing but a disease of scabies. Why go to war and waste troops and money in vain!"

"Mr. Zhang Zibu's words are wrong." Tai Shici said, and then gave Sun Quan a hand, then said: "Master, Xianbei and Wuhuan are nomads. Every time they invade and looting, they usually grab some gold and silver jewelry. The looting of the population is also used as slaves, so that they will not be killed directly like Shanyue. Moreover, these foreign races surrendered to Liu Yu, and most of them are still afraid of Gongsun Zan's Baima Yicong, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is to avoid disaster."

"Tai Shici, what are you talking about?" Zhang Zhao's goatee was upturned. "It's better to die as a slave to a foreign race. The lord has finally accumulated his current family business, and finally accumulated two. Are you willing to send thirty thousand troops to the mountain to die?"

"Isn't it a slavery to bend your knees to flattery to a foreign race?"

"You dare to talk to me like this, it's so rude!"

"You are daring to persuade the lord to bow his head to the alien race!"

There was a quarrel in the big account in an instant. Civil officials basically mastered harmony, and military commanders basically mastered the battle. Although Sun Quan was inclined to war in his heart, after all, the soldiers in the mountains were not good at dealing with it, and there was a lack of confidence. Listening to the civil and military officials who said each had their own reasons, Sun Quan's head was about to explode. Suddenly, he saw Zhou Yu bowing his head in thought, but the corners of his mouth rose slightly, with a meaningful smile.

Sun Quan shouted loudly: "Just be quiet." Seeing Sun Quan's noise, the civil and military men stopped talking. Sun Quan looked at Zhou Yu, and then said to Zhou Yu, "Gong Jin, you are very quiet today. I wonder if you have any suggestions?"

"Zhou Yu, Zhou Gongjin." Seeing Zhou Yu still thinking, Sun Quan called out again.

"Huh?" Zhou Yu, who was meditating, was awakened by Sun Quan, and hurriedly said: "The lord forgive me. I just thought about it, but lost my mind for a while. I didn't hear the lord calling me."

"What does Gong Jin think about today's battle with Shanyue?"

Zhou Yu said solemnly: "Of course it's a war." His tone was firm, beyond doubt. Zhou Yu went on to analyze: "If Shanyue is not settled, I will continue to be harassed from the rear, and will be exhausted and have no time to manage other places. Although Shanyue is brave and has more troops than us, it is not very easy to break it. difficult."

Cheng Pu has always been uncomfortable with Zhou Yu and Sun Quan calling him brothers and sisters. Seeing him say this, he sneered and said: "Zhou Gongjin is so loud, I will listen to him with respect."

Zhou Yu smiled and said: "I can first send a few teams of soldiers on the road that the mountain passes down the mountain, with more flags and drums, left and right in, right in and left, as a suspicion of soldiers. Shanyue fights only by courage, but with spirit. Suspicious, if I see a suspicious soldier, I will definitely not dare to move forward. I will take this opportunity to harvest and transport all the grain under the mountain, and force the mountain to go farther and farther away from the mountain to loot. The mountain that comes out of the mountain is just a group of mobs, the time, the place and the people. Lost. From this point of view, the mountain is really not difficult to break."

Sun Quan applauded: "Sure enough." Zhou Yu's tactics are in line with Sun Quan's wishes...