Three Kingdoms

Chapter 20: Met Mr. Shui Jing for the first time


Liu Xun rode his horse to the depths of the bamboo forest, where there is a unique scenery. Liu Xun was immersed in this green bamboo forest, breathing the fragrant air with bamboo leaves, refreshing. Liu Xun is in this picturesque world, forgetting his troubles, forgetting the danger just now...

"Look, grandpa, there is a distinguished guest here." Liu Xun followed his reputation and saw a seven or eight-year-old girl pointing at herself with a smile. There was an old man with silver hair next to her.

Liu Xun quickly dismounted and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry to disturb you by passing by here."

The little girl laughed at Liu Xun's serious appearance.

"It doesn't get in the way, it doesn't get in the way." The old man waved his hand quickly, "Since this young hero passes by here by chance, why not come in and talk."

"Well, since the elderly are kindly invited, it is better to be respectful," Liu Xun said readily.

Liu Xun entered the house, and the old man ordered his family to make tea to serve the guests.

The two knelt down at the table and sat opposite each other.

"Next is Sima Hui, who is called Mr. Shui Jing", Sima Hui said slowly after taking a sip of tea.

"I heard about Mr. Shui Jing's name for a long time, so I'm really lucky to have a meeting." Liu Xun seemed very excited when he met Mr. Shui Jing.

"I think the general is in embarrassment. He must have just gone through a catastrophe." Mr. Shui Jing deserves to be a celebrity, and he can notice the details.

"Hey, I was almost killed by Cai Hao just now, and I was so angry." Thinking of what happened just now, Liu Xun looked very angry.

"Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, this kind of experience is not necessarily a bad thing," Sima Hui said meaningfully.

"How do you say this?" Seeing Mr. Shui Jing said this, Liu Xun knew that there was something in the words, so he asked hurriedly.

"Jingzhou has outstanding people, many celebrities, and scholars do not want to assist Mingzhu to achieve a career. Although Liu Biao loves the people and raises scholars, he has thousands of miles of land and hundreds of thousands of armours. He is the leader in Jingzhou. However, Liu Biao is suspicious of human nature, better than that. Sit down and talk, stand alone, and have no ambitions. Moreover, they even favored the wife of the Cai family, which made the Cai family control the military power of Jingzhou, plus the abolition of the long and the young, the Jingzhou will soon be defeated by the Cai family." Sima Hui All of a sudden, the situation in Jingzhou was analyzed thoroughly.

"Oh," Liu Xun sighed and continued, "Our army has been fighting for several years, and finally got Xiangyang County and Fancheng County, and I don't know when I will resurrect the world."

"General Liu, a young hero, will surely surpass your father, and sooner or later, he will be able to accomplish a great cause. Your army is like a cloud, but there is no adviser who can plan tactics and have the world in mind, so you can only wander around Xiangfan all the time", Shui Jing Mr.'s analysis hit the nail on the head, and Liu Xun nodded repeatedly.

"Xiangfan celebrities are like clouds. Among them, the most famous are the two great sages Wolong and Fengcu." Sima Hui continued, "You should visit celebrities. If there are only warriors, it's like the eagle has one less wing and the tiger is less. With sharp teeth. Only a dragon has wings that can spread its wings and fly high."

"How can I meet such a great talent?" Liu Xun asked eagerly.

"It depends on fate. Sincere, talents will come naturally", Mr. Shui Jing's words seemed very profound.

Liu Xun thought, yes, this is not something to worry about. However, without talents, how can our army develop and grow, and how long will it take to help the Han room

"It's dinner, it's dinner", the little girl said while pulling Liu Xun, very naughty.

Seeing this, Sima Hui laughed, "This is my granddaughter Sima Ruoxue, very naughty, please forgive me."

"It's okay, it's okay" Liu Xun said quickly, "It just so happens that I'm hungry too, hahaha..."

After eating, Liu Xun felt very tired and rested in Mr. Shui Jing’s thatched cottage.

"My son, I finally found you." Liu Xun slept soundly, but was awakened.

Liu Xun looked up in a daze, only to see Zhao Yun standing by the bed. Liu Xun got up to his feet and rubbed his eyes, and asked, "Is the lord okay?"

"The lord should be in Xiangyang," Zhao Yun replied, "The lord was outside Jiangling city. I waited for you in the middle of the night. Seeing that you did not come back, let me lead fifty white-eared soldiers to look for. The lord was afraid of something wrong with Xiangyang. Go back to Xiangyang first."

"Everyone will eat and rest first, and we will return to Xiangyang tomorrow," Liu Xun said to the soldiers. Everyone took the dry food they had brought, and ate it hungrily. Sima Hui used all the wine stored in the house to entertain Bai-eared soldiers, and Liu Xun and Zhao Yun were also drunk.

The next day, just before dawn, Liu Xun bid farewell to Mr. Shui Jing and prepared to return to Xiangyang. On the way, Liu Xun saw many people dragging their families on the road, as if they were fleeing.

Liu Xun felt very strange, so Liu Xun got off his horse and walked to an old man resting on the side of the road. He asked, "Old man, where are you going?"

"Escape, where can I go," the old man replied.

Fleeing? Everyone was surprised when they heard it.

"We are all hunters on the mountain. Recently, I don't know where a group of gangsters emerged. There were hundreds of people. They occupied our homes and drove us out. We had no choice but to escape," the old man said helplessly.

When the fleeing crowd heard the old man's words, some people couldn't help crying.

"Don't be afraid, everyone," Liu Xun comforted everyone. "Everyone find a place to settle down here. We will help you drive away the culprits and return them to your home."

"They, there are hundreds of people, can you do it?" Some people didn't believe it.

"Liu Xun speaks for me, please believe me," Liu Xun shouted, looking a little anxious.

Liu Xun? Everyone was startled, "You are General Liu Xun of An Han?" "It's right down", Liu Xun returned. Does everyone know me? Liu Xun whispered in his heart.

"We have all heard of Liu Xun's prestige, General Liu's talents, and General Liu's benevolence." Since it is General Liu Xun, we can rest assured," everyone said rushingly.

"Well, since everyone believes me so, please settle down here and wait for our good news." Liu Xun did not expect his name to be so loud and he was very happy.

"Well, we believe in General Liu," the people said in unison.

"Who is the principal here, Liu Xun asked from the crowd.

"I am, here I am the head", a rough man in his 30s or 40s replied.

"There are three catties of gold here. You can take them to buy some food, bedding, cotton clothes, etc., for these hunters. You can't make everyone hungry or frozen." Liu Xun handed a bag of gold to the chief, and the chief took the gold. His eyes were moist, "I have heard about General An Han's benevolence a long time ago, but I didn't expect to see it today." The principal seemed very excited and was very grateful to Liu Xun.

"If we hadn't met the general, we might freeze to death or starve to death one day," said an old man.

"I, Liu Xun, were originally descended from the Han family, but as a traitor in power, the world is falling apart and the people are in trouble. I assure you that we can help the Han family, so that the world can be peaceful, so that everyone in the world can live a good life", Liu Xun solemnly Said the matter.

After listening to Liu Xun's words, everyone found a place nearby and settled in peace of mind. The chief also took a few big men down the mountain to buy food and clothing.

Liu Xun led Zhao Yun and the White-eared soldiers to the bandit den, and walked halfway up the mountain. Liu Xun asked everyone to camp and rest before attacking the bandits.

Although Liu Xun assured everyone that the culprits could be defeated. However, Liu Xun knew that those words were just for the peace of mind of the hunters, lest they run around and be frozen to death and starved to death. In fact, Liu Xun had no bottom in his heart, because the enemy's strength was dozens of times that of his own army. Moreover, I don't know what the enemy came from.

Liu Xun’s worries were seen by Zhao Yun, and Zhao Yun suggested to Liu Xun, “You can ask if any of the fifty white-eared soldiers are familiar with the mountains and terrain here. If so, let him Go and listen to the falsehood of the gang, and then make plans."

Liu Xun happily agreed with Zhao Yun's ideas and asked the soldiers: "Is anyone willing to spy on the thief? If the spy is successful, I will reward him with five pounds of gold."

As the saying goes, there must be a brave husband under the reward. As soon as Liu Xun's voice fell, someone volunteered to stand up and shouted: "My name is Xiang Chong, I am a native of Jiangling. I am familiar with this mountain and forest path, and I am willing to go and find out about the thief. "

Liu Xun was overjoyed when he heard it, "Xiang Chong, you are worthy of being a warrior. If you succeed in snooping on the news of the culprits, I will definitely reward you heavily."

Xiang Chong arched his hands expressionlessly and said, "Please give me five pounds of gold, my son."

After hearing this, everyone was very surprised. Is this Xiang Chong a greedy person