Three Kingdoms

Chapter 211: The Minjiang Valley was hit by fire


Early the next morning, after Liu Xun was full of wine and food, no, he should have been full of water and food. Liu Xun led everyone on the journey again.

"Lord, the front is the Minjiang Valley." Wu Yi said next to him.

Liu Xun looked at the yellowish valley and nodded. The Minjiang Valley is a valley on the outskirts of the northeast of Jialing Town, an important town in Qianwei County. Weeds grow in the valley. In autumn and winter, the weeds wither and the sky is yellowish. Because it is not far from the Minjiang River, it is called the Minjiang Valley.

Liu Xun stationed in the horse to watch for a moment, waved his hand and said: "The three armies speed up. Before dark, they must camp ten miles away from the South Central Pirate Camp."

"Slow!" The shout made Liu Xun frowned slightly. Military general Zhuge Liang urged the horse to come to Liu Xun's side and said: "The lord must not be reckless. In my opinion, I can send a scouting horse to search the sides of the valley or travel around the valley."

"What?" General Zhang Fei of Pingnan next to him was displeased, and said loudly: "It will take at least two or three days to explore the two sides of the valley. It takes five more days to travel around the valley. The final general thought. This is superfluous."

Zhu Bao also agreed: "The general, the general also thought that he would pass as soon as possible." Zhu Bao lowered his head and said softly to Liu Xun: "I think of the two bandits Yong Kai and Gao Ding making waves in Nanzhong. Eat and sleep at night. They are still at ease today, not to mention three days, even three quarters, Zhu Bao, I can’t wait!"

The horse seemed to feel Liu Xun's anxiousness, and he slapped his nose vigorously. Liu Xun pulled the reins hard, frowning.

At this moment, a line of men and horses came out of the valley. Because they were so far apart, Liu Xun could not see who had come.

At this time, the opposing leader yelled out a few steps forward, "Is this little thief Liu Xun?"

Upon hearing the voice, Liu Xun was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly he was shocked, and he replied loudly, "It's you! High-definition dog thief!"

Liu Xun didn't say much nonsense, holding the Beidou spear in his left hand, and pulling out the saber around his waist with his right hand, and shouted, "All army assault!" After all, Liu Xun urged the horse to run first, Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, Zhu Bao and other generals. Then the horses kept up.

Gao Dingneng is a general in Nanzhong, who naturally excels. The high fixed arm is long and powerful, which can make the bow with three stones strong. Seeing that Liu Xun led his army, Gao Ding drew a spiked arrow from his quiver, bent his bow at the full moon, and shot it at Liu Xun.

Liu Xun glanced at a black spot, and hurriedly used the saber to fend off. The arrow collided with the sabre, sparks flew everywhere, the spiked arrow deviated from the direction, and flew toward the weeds on the side of the road. His hands trembled. Liu Xun firmly stabilized his arm and shouted, "Kill..."

Gao Ding saw that the army was about to rush in, and hurriedly ordered: "Withdraw..." Gao Ding had a small number of people and was flexible and convenient. In a short while, all of them entered the Minjiang Valley, without seeing them.

Liu Xun panted and stopped at Taniguchi, commanding the army to stop. Zhu Bao and Zhang Fei said loudly, "Master, why don't you rush in?" Zhuge Liang said nothing but looked at Liu Xun worriedly. Liu Xun thought for a moment, then stopped looking at Zhuge Liang's expression, waved his hand and said, "All the army will move forward!"

Zhuge Liang sighed slightly, staring at Liu Xun's back, and silently urged the horse to follow Liu Xun.

At this time, the sun setting in the west was blocked by clouds, and the valley dimmed slightly. Eighty thousand horses slowly moved forward into the valley and melted into a piece of loess. From a distance, Taniguchi was like a huge beast with a big mouth, slowly swallowing the marching horses and horses...

Boom... Boom..., a few loud noises caused the warhorse to panic. Liu Xun and others quickly pulled up the reins to comfort the mount, and several people looked back at almost the same time.

I saw the dust in the rear team Taniguchi, the neigh of the horses and the noise of the soldiers quickly spread across the team.

Liu Xun frowned and ordered: "General Zilong quickly check what happened."

"Here!" Zhao Zilong clasped his fists, then raised his hand with a whip, and hurried to the rear army.

Less than half of the time, Zhao Zilong had returned from the rear army. "Well..." Zhao Zilong said in front of Liu Xun, "Master Qi, Taniguchi has fallen a few huge rocks, and Taniguchi has been blocked to death, more than 30 people were killed and injured, and more than 500 people are still stuck outside the valley."

Zhuge Liang took a breath after hearing this, and said in surprise: "So, there are more than 79,400 people in our army trapped in the valley?!" Now it is clear that the big rock behind is intentionally ambushing. Blocking Taniguchi, I want my 80,000 army to come back and forth.

Thinking about this, Zhuge Liang and Liu Xun looked at each other in panic, and Liu Xun immediately said loudly: "The whole army obeys the order, get out of this valley!" After all, Liu Xun took the lead in taking the horse. The horse was in pain and ran straight forward.

For a time, thousands of people rushed forward, like a drop of water dripping into boiling oil in the Minjiang Valley, exploding and splashing.

At this moment, a whistling wind broke from the two walls of the Minjiang Valley. Battlefield veterans such as Zhao Zilong and Zhang Fei heard this sound, their expressions could not help but looked up to the sides of the valley wall, only to see dots of fireballs coming in from a distance, shooting in at high speed.

Zhang Fei roared: "There is an ambush, the army is ready for war!" Ready for war? How to prepare for battle? The ambush soldiers are all on the valley wall and can attack from top to bottom. How to attack from bottom to top

As soon as the voice fell, there were screams from the team. Eighty thousand soldiers heard Zhang Fei's order to prepare for battle, and they raised their swords to meet the enemy, but where is the shadow of the enemy? They were greeted by waves of rockets.

The rocket fired has a top-down impulse, and the person shot is not dead but also seriously injured. Most of those that did not hit people fell into the weeds on both sides of the Minjiang Valley Trail. The Minjiang Valley is named for the overgrown weeds, and it is now when the weeds are turning yellow in autumn and winter. Less than a scent of incense, there are already raging fires on both sides of the avenue half an hour ago, and there are five thousand officers and soldiers who were still proud and powerful. The people who were killed flee in a hurry. The fleeing figure kept swaying in front of Liu Xun, and the screams of the soldiers kept hitting Liu Xun's eardrums. Liu Xun panicked. He thought he was invincible after repeated battles, so he became proud and arrogant. However, it was only then that it was not so easy to lead soldiers in battle, and that unexpected situations would be encountered every time.

Just when Liu Xun was helpless, Zhuge Liang played his role again.

Zhuge Liang hissed and yelled at everyone: "Don't stay in the valley. All the soldiers take things to protect themselves and rush out of the valley with the generals. There will be a place to survive!"

"Drive..." Zhuge Liang drew his whip to Liu Xun's mount first, and the horse rushed forward quickly.

Liu Xun's body suddenly stopped, and then he was shocked. He turned his head and looked at Zhuge Liang who was also riding a horse galloping around him with a complicated expression. He couldn't help but exclaimed, "Kong Ming..." Zhuge Liang glanced at Liu Xun. Daxiu touched the sweat on his face mixed with black and gray sludge and said: "Lord, don't talk about it, escape this valley and talk."

Liu Xun gritted his teeth and hurriedly led the team towards Taniguchi. After all, the Han army is well-trained. Although there are a large number of people, it still breaks through in an orderly manner. There are about seven or eight miles away from Gukou. The fire has been much smaller, and the ambush soldiers on the valley are gradually being left behind.

Liu Xun turned his head to look at the people behind him, many of them were ragged and gray-headed. Zhao Yun lost half of his hair by Huoliao; Zhang Fei hit an arrow in his arm, grinning painfully at this time, and he kept cursing on his mouth, as if cursing the enemy could relieve his pain a lot; Zhu Bao was injured. He was burned by the fire, and his flesh was slightly charred. From his expression, it could be seen that he was not suffering less than Zhang Fei at this time.

Look at the soldiers who have just left the sea of flames behind them. The number of soldiers has been reduced by thousands. They are crookedly supporting each other, almost all of them are colored. I just ran away and didn't take care of the injuries on my body. Now that the strings of my brain were loosened, the wounds on my body began to hurt fiercely, and for a while, mourning was all over.

Liu Xun sighed. Now there is only deep guilt and self-blame in his mind. Four to five thousand people died in less than half an hour! If it were not for his own will, these four or five thousand people would not die! If it wasn't for his own mind to only take revenge, these four or five thousand people would not die!

This is the first time I have fought such a defeat since I became a teacher. How to face my dead father in the future? How to deal with the soldiers who follow you? How to deal with the relatives of dead soldiers

"Be careful, general!" Zhao Yun grabbed Liu Xun's arm and pulled back forcefully. The wind-breaking arrow flew behind Liu Xun's temple and plunged deeply into the ground.

Liu Xun touched the blood from the scratches on the temples and looked forward. Tens of thousands of horses quickly arrayed from both sides of the valley to the center of Taniguchi. The shield soldiers were in front, the pikemen were behind, and the archers, who accounted for the majority, bent their bows in the back to build and prepare.

Military strategist Zhuge Liang hurriedly offered his plan and said: "The master charges quickly. Don't make your formation ready, choose one point to attack!"

General Liu Xun furiously opened his eyes: "Choose a dog thief, take your life!" After that, he cheered up and urged the horse to lead the crowd to kill. The high-defining arrow just now almost killed General Liu Xun. How could the generals such as Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, Zhu Bao and others even make General Liu Xun risk it? They rushed to the front of General Liu Xun one after another.

Gao Ding put down the strong bow in his hand and sneered: "The dying man tried to make a profit!" Then he raised his right hand, dropped it fiercely, and shouted, "Let's shoot an arrow!"

It was another rain of arrows, and the general Liu Xun fell down hundreds of people. Now the situation is high and ready to work, and there are 70 to 80,000 people, and they don't suffer.

By the time General Liu Xun rushed to the Gaoding formation, more than 300 people were killed and injured.

The shields in front of the South-China Pirate Army’s formation were strong people. The large shields were more than a hundred kilograms in front of the formation, and the spearmen behind the shields stabbed the lives of the soldiers of the Han army one by one.

Liu Xun had no choice but to let 10,000 Xuanjia Army charge at the forefront and attack the enemy's shield wall. Finally, after all, the shield wall could not withstand the charge of the profound armored heavy cavalry, and tore a hole. Zhao Yun and Zhang Fei took advantage of the situation and got into the South Central Pirate Army. They were unstoppable and charged desperately. The South Central Pirate Army was a soldier. When one fell, the ripped hole was getting bigger and bigger. Zhu Bao dragged behind, slashing and killing the enemy, avoiding the torn opening and re-closing, preparing to meet the general Liu Xun...