Three Kingdoms

Chapter 219: The fierce battle in Chuanxing Township (Part 2)


Zhang Fei has led the soldiers all the way to the Yongchang army, making bold resolutes, leaving one or two enemy corpses wherever they pass, and the soldiers behind him are extremely brave, strangling the enemy all the way. The so-called opposing cavalry has all been destroyed, and the opposing party has lost the advantage of cavalry, just like a puddle of sand, it will arrive in no time.

After Yong Chang saw it, he was already panicked. What he thought of now was not to endure Yong Kai's anger after the defeat, but to think about how to escape to survive.

Suddenly, he saw a narrow narrow path on the right, which could only accommodate three people. If he didn't do what he wanted, Yong Chang immediately reined in his horse, beat his whip, snap! Drive along the trail.

Seeing that the general had fled, the little soldiers became even more panicked, and the army was suddenly messed up and ran in the direction of Yongchang.

Seeing this scene, the soldiers who had been resisting immediately panicked, but they were more chilled. Some angrily soldiers saw their commander fleeing. They threw down their weapons and shouted surrender. This phenomenon spread like a plague in the South Chinese Army, causing more soldiers to put down their weapons.

Liu Xun, who had just walked out of the village, and Zhang Fei, who had been fighting with excitement, were overjoyed when they saw this scene!

Liu Xun shouted: "Surrender, don't kill! Surrender, don't kill..."

Everyone heard it. Soldiers of the South Chinese Army, look at me, and I look at you. Some fled while chaos, and some put down their weapons.

The battle is finally over. The next thing to do is to clean the battlefield and take in the prisoners. Liu Xun, Zhao Yun, and Zhang Fei are all counting the confiscated materials after the war. They both smiled and completely forgot the escape. Yongchang on the day of birth.

"General Zhang, how are the materials seized!" Liu Xun looked at Zhang Fei, who was happily counting the materials on the battlefield.

"Hahaha! Lord, I didn't expect Yong Kai's army to be so rich, look! These weapons and these armors are just enough to supplement our army!" Zhang Fei heard Liu Xun's question and captured it. The armor was handed to Liu Xun.

Liu Xun took the weapon. It was a long spear. The body of the spear was smooth, bright and shiny, and then took the armor. Although I don't know the quality, it is much heavier than ordinary armor. Liu Xun couldn't help but exclaimed.

Liu Xun is a person who knows goods. You can see that these weapons and armors are better than the equipment worn by ordinary soldiers. "Yong Kai is really rich and oily! These weapons and armors are all top grades. It seems that Yong Kai has treated himself It’s very well armed!" Liu Xun handed the weapon and armor back to Zhang Fei.

Zhang Fei took the weapon and armor, grinning and said, "That's right, lord, when we hit Yongkai's lair next time, we have to scrape more people to arm us."

"That is, that is!" Liu Xun said with a smile: "By the way, General Zhang, how many horses have been harvested." Liu Xun is very concerned about horses, because in wars, horses are rare things. The precious horse can be exchanged for ten gold, which is equivalent to the exchange of more than 20 pigs, which is a family's one-year ration.

Speaking of this Zhang Fei, he wrinkled his face and said, "Master, you also know that when we were on the battlefield, the opponent's horse was almost killed by us." Although many horses are still alive, they are still alive. Can no longer be a war horse, there are more than 300 other horses that can go on the battlefield. "

More than three hundred horses! It's already a lot, Liu Xun thought.

"Lord, this time we captured a total of more than 30,000 people, which is considered a bumper harvest." Zhang Fei said again.

Just as Liu Xun was about to speak, he heard movement on one side of the mountain road and a lot of footsteps.

Looking around, it was the direction where Yongchang had fled. Many people walked out of it. At the beginning, one person dressed as a scribe, shook a feather fan, and lowered his beard and cheeks. After getting closer, Liu Xun saw the face clearly, with a smile that seemed like nothing, and Zhuge Liang could not help but greet him with the dust-like smile on his face.

After going up, Liu Xun suddenly moved behind Zhuge Liang a man in military uniform, with disheveled head, tied hands, and face drooping. At this time, he was extremely embarrassed, and he was held by two soldiers on the left and right.

Although Liu Xun didn't know this person, he could guess who it was. It was Yong Chang, the coach under the command of the enemy army. Seeing him like this, Liu Xun also looked at him playfully. We said hello to Zhuge Liang, and walked to Yong Chang pretendingly, staring at him with a smile on his face.

Feeling a gaze came, Yong Chang raised his head, only looking at the dirt on his face, and extreme fear could be seen in his absent-minded eyes.

Seeing the appearance of Yongchang, Liu Xun was teasing, so he looked admiringly, "I don’t know but General Yongchang, General Yongchang’s name is really thunderous, and now I see it is really magnificent, heroic and daring, long admired. !" After speaking, he pretended to make a slap.

If it was the old Yongchang, or the Yongchang a few hours ago, seeing Liu Xun's expression is not proud, with his nostrils facing up to the sky.

But now, when he heard Liu Xun's flattery, his face was expressionless and indifferent.

But then, Liu Xun seemed to change his face, as if he was a lesson, and joked: "I said General Yongchang, you see how ruined you are. How can you say that you are also the commander of the army, how can you be so ruined? ! And this battle is over so fast in your hands, and you are also over after you, you say you can't be over."

Seeing Liu Xun’s chattering and owing, listening to the left one is finished, and the other is finished, even Yong Chang, who has already admitted his fate, can’t help but feel angry, the fear in his eyes seems to be doused with oil. It was burning. Although his hands were tied, his body slammed directly into Liu Xun.

However, the soldiers around him won't let him succeed. When he had an attack, they had already held him tightly. Yong Chang was struggling desperately, trying to break free, his murderous eyes stared at Liu Xun and his lips. Trembling, his hands were clenched into fists, and blue veins emerged one by one, making a quack, quack and thoughtful sound.

Seeing that he could not move his body while being held down, Yong Chang could only use his mouth to vent his anger, "Asshole, I want to kill you! I want to kill you! If you have the kind, kill Lao Tzu, come and kill! You don't kill I, in the future, will fall into my hands. I must tear your skin and dig your flesh, haha! Come and kill me!" Yong Chang roared at Liu Xun, fearless of life and death.

Seeing that Yong Chang was crazy and wanted to do more than anything else, Zhuge Liang couldn't stand it anymore, and said to the soldier: "Pull him down and watch him strictly."

promise. Then the two soldiers dragged Yongchang down, who was still eloquent.

Liu Xun looked at the Fang brother who was being dragged away by Yongchang, listening to the anger gradually disappearing, turned his head and said to Zhuge Liang: "I said Kong Ming, why are you keeping him? Just cut it and it's over! You won't If you want to surrender him, that won't work." Liu Xun waved his hand, as if you agree with me but disagree.

Zhuge Liang looked at him with a smile: "Why not?"

Liu Xun sneered: "Kong Ming, you have also seen this guy's performance on the battlefield. This guy is a thorough mediocrity. I thought that the people sent by Yong Kai were at least somewhat savvy. Unexpectedly, this Yongchang is completely a mindless and timid guy who is afraid of death. Even if the command error on the battlefield, he left the army and fled, which shows that this man has no abilities and can be found in the crowd. Out of a bunch of kind."

Zhuge nodded brightly, "I don't even know what you said, but the reason I left him is because of his other identity."

Oh? Liu Xun looked at Zhuge Liang suspiciously: "What identity?"

Zhuge Liang looked at Liu Xun jokingly, and said depressedly, "Guess?"

Liu Xun frowned, his forehead furrowed like ripples, "Ah! If I'm not wrong, Yongchang and Yongkai must be relatives." Thinking about it, both of them are surnamed Yong, which might still be true. .

Yong Kai is the prefect, and he still has a certain degree of wisdom and wisdom. Can he not see that Yong Chang is a waste material without the ability to command the army? Will hand over the military power to him? The only explanation is that both Yong Kai and Yong Chang belonged to the same family, and what Yong Kai valued was not Yong Chang’s talent but trust. This would make sense. How can a family member not seize military power? This is something that Yong Kai valued. That's why Yong Chang, who is not capable of this but easy to control, is a general and is in charge of the army.

Zhuge bright spot nodded, sighed, his face became melancholy, "You are right, Yong Changruo should be Yong Kai's brother according to his seniority."

"Yes." Wu Yi, a local general in Yizhou, couldn't help but said: "I have dealt with Yong Kai for many years in Yizhou, and I am very clear about what Yong Kai is. Although he knows people and works well, he also has a lot of talents. , An educated official, but he believes more in his confidant and relatives. He puts his confidants and relatives in important positions, making his army smoggy and chaotic. It is also because of this. Many scholars, famous officials will abandon officials and return to their hometowns."

Seeing Wu Yi's vicissitudes, Liu Xun stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, saying, "The information you provided, General Wu, is very useful! The relationship between South China and China is complicated, and it is absolutely impossible for people not to kill. Don't kill. That Yongchang will be imprisoned, entertained with delicious and delicious food, and let him out again when he has corrected his mistakes."

"The lord’s heart is not something I can understand. In the world of great controversy, the world is huge, and there are countless people who have ambitions, but they are all heroes under the tent. The opponents of the lord are very few." Although Zhuge Liang is known as Wolong and pretentious, he also deeply admires Liu Xun. "

"Lord, although we lost 10,000 people, we got 30,000 people. As long as we train these prisoners and add them to our troops, we will have one hundred thousand troops." Zhao Yun, after cleaning the battlefield and counting the number of people, Come to report happily.

"Well, plus the 80,000 troops in Jingzhou, the 40,000 horsemen in Chengdu and Hanzhong, we have a total of more than 220,000 troops. These are inseparable from everyone's efforts!" Liu Xun said happily, and then looked into the distance. north. Now it’s time to attack Yongkai’s lair...