Three Kingdoms

Chapter 222: Break through the city (part 2)


After asking the first soldier, Zhuge Liang shook his head and asked the second soldier: "What about you?"

"The villain Wang Xin lives in the north of the city," said the second soldier named Wang Xin.

"Are there any people living in the west of the city?" Zhuge Liang stopped asking them one by one, and directly asked the fifty soldiers together.

"Subordinates live in the west of the city." Only one soldier replied.

"Okay, if you stay, others can go back." Zhuge Liang said.

Zhuge Liang dismissed the other soldiers, and then asked the remaining soldier, "What is your name?"

"The villain is called Mei Tian." Mei Tian replied.

After listening to that soldier's introduction, Zhuge Liang was surprised that a little soldier's name was so domineering

"Brother Mei, I want to ask you, are you familiar with the distribution of buildings in the west of Zhuti City?" Zhuge Liang asked.

"The subordinates grew up there and knew everything well." Mei Tian said.

"What if it is for you to judge the above situation from the underground?" Liu Xun interrupted and asked.

"Back to the general, I think there should be no problem." Mei Tian replied.

Zhuge Liang nodded to Liu Xun, Liu Xun understood.

"Lord, I want him, I don't know if the lord can let Mei fill in as my guard temporarily." Zhuge Liang said.

"Okay, this soldier will be yours. Also, come to me if you need my help." Liu Xun said.

Mei Tian was overjoyed when he heard Zhuge Liang leave him as a guard, and joy surfaced on her face.

"Mei Tian, I need your help this time." Zhuge Liang smiled.

After that, Zhuge Liang told Mei Tian of his plan, and Mei Tian looked surprised after hearing it.

"What, are there any difficulties?" Liu Xun said.

Mei Tian shook his head and said, "No problem, this task will be handed over to his subordinates, please rest assured, Lord." Mei Tian changed his slogan to Lord Liu Xun.

"Looks like a wise man." Liu Xun thought to himself.

"If you can help us capture Zhuti City this time, I will formally leave you by my side and be my guard." Liu Xun said.

"Yes, the subordinate must complete the task of the main bus agent." Mei Tian said.

In the afternoon, Liu Xun chose a camp and began to dig tunnels in it.

"The west of Zhuti City is mostly residential areas. If we can control a civilian house to continuously send troops into the city, I think the success rate is relatively high." Mei Tian said.

"Are you sure there is no military camp in the west of the city?" Zhuge Liang asked.

"Yes, but only a small piece, as long as we avoid digging there." Mei Tian said.

"Then start digging from here, about how far away you can reach the residential area in the west of Zhuti City." Zhuge Liang asked.

"Now our army’s camp is about 20 miles away from Zhuti City, and starting from the city walls of Zhuti City, it only takes about three miles to dig into the residential houses in the west of the city. It will take time to see where we are Judge when you get close to the ground," Mei Tian said.

"Mei Tian, did you read when you were a kid? I think you talk very well, unlike an ordinary soldier." Zhuge Liang asked.

"Don't hide the truth from the military division. When I was young, my subordinates did read books for a period of time, and later they came to serve as a soldier because of the family's failure." Mei Tian said.

"It turned out to be so." Zhuge Liang said.

"Military officer, can you look so deep?" a soldier shouted underground, interrupting the conversation between the two.

Zhuge Liang and Mei Tian walked over to check.

"Can you? Mei Tian." Zhuge Liang asked.

"I think it can be deeper, because the foundations of the houses in Zhuti City are all made very deep. If we dig too shallow, many houses may not be destroyed." Mei Tian said.

"Then dig deeper." Zhuge Liang said according to Mei Tian's suggestion.

The soldiers dropped the depth a lot.

Eight days later, under continuous excavation day and night, this tunnel finally reached the west of Zhuti City.

In the tunnel, Mei Tian was listening carefully to the sound above the ground.

"It should be a private house above." Mei Tian said.

"After you go up, first control the people in the private house, but remember, don't hurt their lives." Zhao Yun said. Liu Xun sent the most secure Zhao Yun out to perform this task.

"Old man, have you heard anything under our feet?" said an old woman in the private house. As he was talking, Zhao Yun rose from the ground into the sky.

"No noise is allowed." Zhao Yun said, and then the other soldiers crawled out with Mei Tian.

"General, who are you? Why did you run out of the ground?" the old couple asked in surprise.

"Two elderly people, I want to borrow your house for a few days. As long as you cooperate, we will never hurt you." Zhao Yun said.

"Yes, it's the general, as long as you don't hurt us." the old man said.

"I ask you, is this Zhuti City, a residential area in the west of the city?" Zhao Yun asked.

"Yes, the general is right." The couple nodded and said.

"You are not allowed to go out these days. We will provide you with food." Zhao Yun said, and at the same time he sent a soldier back to inform Liu Xun that he had successfully lurked to the west of Zhuti City.

Zhao Yun changed his clothes and ordered his men to watch the old couple. Then took Mei Tian out of the house.

"Mei Tian, this is Zhuti City?" Zhao Yun wanted to confirm again.

"Yes, you see, there is the South Gate of Zhuti City." Mei Tian said, pointing to the South Gate of Zhuti City.

"Well, we will use this private house as a basis to keep in touch with the lord." Zhao Yun said.

At night, five more soldiers crawled out of the tunnel. They were ordered by Liu Xun to assist Zhao Yun. There were also more than 20 soldiers, and the empty houses suddenly became crowded.

"Don't make any noises, in case you are discovered by neighbors around you." After knowing Zhao Yun's true identity, the old man decided to help Zhao Yun capture Zhuti City. Because of Yong Kai's violent expropriation in Zhuti City, the search for the people and the people's anointing, caused the originally wealthy people in Zhuti City to become exceptionally poor. The generals and soldiers under Yong Kai looted the people's property and food in the city.


"My lord, the people I sent have successfully infiltrated Zhuti City and have successfully controlled a private house. Please the lord to order the siege of the city tomorrow, the soldiers should unite inside and outside, open the city gate, and let the army enter the city. As long as we are one Entering the city, I believe that the Zhuti thief army can't stop our army's attack."

Zhuge Liang said confidently.

"Good job, Kong Ming. I know you won't let me down." Liu Xun smiled.

"This time, it is mainly due to Mei Tian. He is very familiar with this place in the west of the city. Without his information, we could not have proceeded so smoothly." Zhuge Liang said modestly. He was not greedy for merit, and pointed to Mei Tian and said, "Master, this is Mei Tian."

"Okay, Mei Tian made a contribution this time and was promoted to the rank of lieutenant." Liu Xun laughed. Liu Xun has always rewarded and punished clearly, and meritorious service must be rewarded. Therefore, soldiers are very exhausted in fighting.

"Thank you, Lord." Mei Tian knelt down to thank you hurriedly, looking very happy.

"If there is nothing wrong, the subordinates will leave." Zhuge Liang said, and Liu Xun nodded.

The next day, when Liu Xun was promoted, the general Zhuge Liang told Liu Xun, "Master, the inner city should have been prepared, please order the siege of the city."

"In today's battle, we must win the city of Zhuti. General Zhuge Liang commanded the infantry, sling units, cart units, and jinglan units to attack Zhuti city from the front." Liu Xun ordered.

"When the army is attacking the city, the inner city of Zhuti City will rush to the northeast and south gates to open the city gates and let our troops into the city. This means that this time Ximen's troops must use all their strength to make the enemy mistakenly think We are going to forcibly break through the west gate of Zhuti City, and concentrate the main defenses in the other city on the west gate, so that the other three gates can easily succeed, do you understand?" Liu Xun said.

"No!" the general said.

"Zhang Fei, you led ten thousand horses to attack the East Gate; Wei Yan, you led ten thousand horses to attack the North Gate; Wu Yi, you followed me to attack the South Gate. In my judgment, after Zhu Ti City was breached, Yong Kai must Will flee south, so I will send heavy soldiers to stop Yong Kai and wipe him out." Liu Xun said.


"The lord, after taking Zhuti City, don't let go of a South-China thieves. They are all anti-thief and threaten the Great Han River and mountains. They should all be eliminated." Zhang Fei said viciously.

"Be forgiving and forgiving, don't kill innocent people indiscriminately." Liu Xun said solemnly.

After the meeting, the generals went to prepare for the siege.

"General Wu Yi, bring 30,000 horses, let's go to the South Gate." Liu Xun said.


In Zhuti City, "General, there seems to be movement in the camp of Liu Xun's army, I am afraid they are trying to attack the city." Yong Ping said in horror.

"Passing orders to the entire army, highly guarded." Yong Kai said.

Soon after, Liu Xun's army began to attack the city. Compared with the first attack, this attack appeared more violent. But this is just a feint, because it is necessary to attract the main firepower of the defenders of Zhu Ti city, so that Liu Xun's sneak attacks in the other three gates can be easily succeeded, so everyone is struggling.

Yong Kai clearly felt that Liu Xun had exhausted all his strength in this attack, so he ordered all troops in the city to rush to support the battle of Ximen. If there were no reinforcements, it seemed that Simon was about to miss.

In a private house in the west of the city, Zhao Yun was still carefully observing the movement in the city.

"General, I think the lord's soldiers and horses will soon be at the other three gates, and we can start to act." Mei Tian said to Zhao Yun.

"Okay, everyone starts to move." So dozens of soldiers who were originally nested in the houses followed Zhao Yun and Mei Tian and moved to the north gate first.

After a while, the guard of the north gate was killed by Zhao Yun, and then Zhao Yun opened the north gate, and Wei Yan led the army in. Zhao Yun immediately walked to the east gate and brought in Zhang Fei’s troops after he put him in, and then Liu Xun at the south gate, but Liu Xun just blocked the army at the south gate, and did not order to enter the city to fight...