Three Kingdoms

Chapter 233: Back to the Lake (Part 2)


The thousand Han troops crossed the Kunming Lake and slowly formed a battle on the shore of the lake. Meng Huo didn't know. So, after waiting patiently for a while, the bamboo raft that crossed the river backed up, and another thousand troops came over.

Meng Huo smiled slightly, and ordered the three armies to line up to wait for the enemy. He said to the side Meng You: "Liu Xun hastily prepared, and the bamboo raft is not enough. He can only slowly cross one thousand and one thousand, and God will help me. Wait for him to cross half of the troops. At that time, I gave the order. At that time, you will lead an army to outflank from the left, Ah Hui Nan will lead an army to outflank from the right, and I will lead an army to kill from the middle to see where they can go."

Meng You and A Hui murmured in unison: "Yes!"

At this time, about one meal, the Han army ferryed 20,000 to 30,000 people. When Meng Huo saw the bamboo raft crossing the river again, he waved his right hand with a big sword. Meng Huojun shouted and rushed forward in three ways.

When the soldiers of the Han army saw Meng Huo's army coming over like mountains and seas, they were so scared that they retreated. After a short time, they came to Kunming Lake, and there was no way to retreat. General Pingxi Huang Zhong shouted in the formation: "Brothers, there is nowhere to go, try to turn around and fight to the death to take my life!"

In order to survive, the soldiers of the Han army boiled with enthusiasm, their eyes fired, and they turned around to fight to death. Everyone was like a desperate lunatic, suddenly slashing with a knife, screaming and slashing, like crazy, the strength of the hand suddenly increased several times. Suddenly, hundreds of Meng Huo soldiers didn't even know how they were recruited, so they met the King of Hades in confusion. Meng Huojun couldn't help but be willing to lose in the face of such a momentum, and it was difficult to win for a while.

At this time, Meng Huo came back to his senses and shouted: "Good boy, I want to use this trick to defeat me, but I don't think about it!" After finishing speaking, he took the curly-haired red rabbit horse and swung his knife forward to kill.

Meng Huo rode into the Han army on a curly-haired red rabbit and slashed with a knife. There was no one under him, and in a short while, he cut down more than ten people. Seeing that the coach was so brave, Meng Huojun aroused fighting spirit, sang forward, rushed all the way, shouting to kill the world, the situation immediately reversed, and gradually disadvantaged the Han army.

This time, Meng Huo was shameful and gathered many Nanban warriors. There were more than 55,000 soldiers and horses. The Han army who crossed the lake was only 30,000 people. The gap between the two sides is suspended, how can they resist? Can it be beaten? However, the Han army has no retreat. There are strong soldiers in front. It is in line with the art of war that "put a dead place and survive, fall into a dead place and survive." The soldiers in the army are like crazy tigers, don't rush forward like their lives. Although Meng Huojun's fighting spirit was high, but it was not enough to fear death, it was difficult to swallow the Han army in one gulp. The two sides attacked and resisted the vicious fight, which was very tragic, and the shouts rang out for a while.

Although Meng Huo was in a battle situation, he was able to observe six directions and listen to all directions, seeing the soldiers in front of him dead or wounded, blood stained with his clothes, and wailing and screaming. Since he took over as the King of Man, although he was young, he had commanded dozens of battles. He never paid attention to the small tribes of Nanzhong, and looked down upon the original Shu army under Liu Zhang. Seeing this fight at this moment, I couldn’t help but be shocked secretly, saying: “How come these Han people become so brave all at once? Isn’t Liu Xun capable of magic tricks? What kind of magic tricks were used on these people to make them hacked like lunatics? I don’t even know it hurts."

Where does he know what it means to jump over the wall in a hurry, and people go to Jueyuyuan desperately. This is not fatal, but no one knows how it hurts. In general, everyone in the art of war will not encircle people to death, and always leave a way for the enemy to prevent the enemy from desperately fighting them knowingly that he will die. Meng Huo was born in ethnic minorities, and he read only half of The Art of War by Sun Tzu. He has a little knowledge of the art of war. How can I know this

At that time, in November, the moon was sinking at the time of the third watch, the sky was sparsely separated, the wind was tragically, the black magpie flew south, and more than 80,000 people on the ground gave up their lives and forgot to die in the dark. It really was a good one. Moon Black Wind High Murder Night.

The Han army and the barbarians fought for a long time. Meng Huo's eyes were red and he was ready to kill. Suddenly, a heartbreaking ghost screamed behind him: "Ghost!" "Headless ghost!" "No, headless ghost!" Murder!" "Run!" "If you don't run, you will die!" The shout was full of fear and panic.

Meng Huo felt baffled, and said in his heart: "What kind of demon did Liu Xun use to make my subordinates afraid of this?" Looking back, it was obvious from the torch that he was brave and scared. I was in a cold sweat, my scalp was numb, my mouth was wide open, and I couldn't say anything for a while. I saw a sturdy ghost soldier in the distance, about thousands of people, all without a head, holding a big knife, and rushing into the crowd to kill and slash. There was a gust of wind, and the crows barked, ghostly, and looked very scary.

The barbarians have not been civilized for a long time, and they believe in ghosts and gods, and they must kill people to sacrifice to all kinds of ghosts and evil gods, so that they don't make troubles. Nowadays, seeing hundreds of headless soldiers, there is no thought of resisting them. They are trembling with fright, their teeth are fighting, their hairs are upright, and urine drips in disorder. They all put down their weapons, rushed wildly, and fleeing for their lives. .

The strange change became steep, and Meng Huo couldn't accept it for a while. He scratched his head and shouted, "What the hell is going on?" There was fear in the language.

Liu Xun on the north shore of Kunming Lake took the opportunity and ordered thousands of Han troops to quickly cross the lake and slam the south bank. Meng Huo's barbaric army was frightened and frightened, and it collapsed even more at the sight of this. General Pingxi Huang Zhong saw Meng Huo's army fleeing, he was overjoyed and shouted for fighting, ordering the whole army to rush forward. Meng Huojun saw evil spirits killing people, and the Han army came for reinforcements. They just wanted to run away, losing their fighting spirit, and being unwilling to fight, and soon defeated. Seeing more and more deserters, the situation was chaotic and beyond control, Meng Huo sighed, knowing that the situation was over. So, with his legs clamped, he ran away on a curly red rabbit horse.

While he was running hurriedly, Zhu Rong's scream came from behind him: "Meng Huo Xie go!" Three swish sounds, three throwing knives, and beads flying to, one rushed to Meng Huo's vest, the other one. He ran towards Meng Huo's right arm, and another ran towards the curly red rabbit horse's big ass. The three flying knives are evenly balanced, and they arrive in no particular order.

Meng Huo gritted his teeth, turned around and attacked the throwing knife in his vest, with a pop, the knife in his right arm. With a moo, the curly red rabbit was stabbed in the flattery, a tiger jump, and Meng Huo was thrown off, and he fell into the mud.

A headless ghost leaped forward, swinging a knife and slashing. Meng Huo's face was pale in shock, his scalp was numb, and his teeth rattled. How could he dare to resist, he couldn't stand up, embarrassed and avoided. The Lihan Army soldiers surrounded each other with their weapons. A soldier rushed forward, swung a knife and slashed at his front door. Meng Huo swung the knife, swiping his wrist, and the long knife in his hand swept away from the waist of the little pawn. Suddenly there was a swish behind him, and a throwing knife flew quickly. Meng Huo didn't have time to dodge, so he got a knife on the inside of his right leg and knelt down.

Eight Han soldiers robbed them, eight long swords, pointing to Meng Huo's left and right vitals. Two more big men flashed out from the crowd, rushing forward, without saying anything, tied with ropes, and tied Meng Huo four horses backwards.

Meng Huo was completely desperate at this time, sighed, and said in a low mood: "It falls into your hands again this time, I have nothing to say, kill if you want."

Zhu Rong said coldly: "How can you die so cheaply." With a wave of his little hand, the four big men rushed forward, carried Meng Huo, turned and ran.

At this moment, the sound of drums shook the sky, and countless bamboo rafts floated from the other side of the river. Obviously, Liu Xun led the remaining army to cross the river in chaos and killed them all at once. Meng Huo's army was already a horrified bird at the time, where they dared to resist, crying for father and mother, running away, trampling on each other, and countless deaths and injuries. Meng You wanted to rescue Meng Huo and was caught in a heavy siege. Meng Huo's first hole marshal Jinhuan Sanjie hit an arrow on his right shoulder, fell off the horse, and was caught by the Han soldiers from all around. The marshal of the third hole, A Hui Nang, took the defeated soldiers and horses along the mountain path, and ended up ate the stubble and was tied into dumplings. The mount of the marshal Dong Tu in the second hole was shot, fell down, and was also caught by the Han soldiers. The marshal of the fourth hole, busy Yachang, fought head-on with the old general Huang Zhong and was wounded and captured. At this point, Meng Huo's subordinates arrested all of the campaign, and none of them escaped.

Liu Xun was sitting high in the middle of Liu Xun's account of the Chinese army, and arranged for his meritorious service.

After a while, Zhu Rong came into the tent with Meng Huo tied up like a rice dumpling. Liu Xun smiled and said, "You said a while ago, you are convinced that you were arrested this time, how about today?"

Meng Huo was angry and resentful, and said loudly: "If you want to kill, kill, why do you need to say more. It is absolutely impossible for me to convince me and return to you! You will die!"

Liu Xun pointed to Pang Tong beside him and said: "My army master Pang Tong is a disciple of the gods. He has a fairy law and can drive away ghosts and gods. Today, army master Pang asks the help of the gods for our Han army, so you can catch you. Why are you still not convinced?"

Meng Huo bowed his head without saying a word, his face was angry, showing dissatisfaction. Liu Xun smiled slightly, and said unexpectedly: "If I let you go, would I still dare to come?"

Meng Huo was overjoyed and said, "Why don't you dare? After I go back, I will assemble the army and fight with you again. I will only be convinced if I get caught again."

Liu Xun smiled and said, "He has a backbone and is admirable." After speaking, Liu Xun waved his hand and shouted: "Come here, let Meng Huo loose the tie."

Zhu Rong hurriedly retreated the Han soldiers who came forward, and said: "You let him go last time, why do you want to let him go again this time?"

Liu Xun looked at Pang Tong, and Pang Commander understood what Liu Xun meant. After a sip of wine, he said slowly: "The lord has his own reasoning. Please also Zhu Rong to follow the orders."

Zhu Rong glared at Meng Huo, kicked him, and turned his head to the side. He gave Liu Xun a blank look, and no longer prevented the Han soldiers from untiring Meng Huo. After being released, Meng Huo rubbed his sore wrist, turned around, and wanted to pay the bill.

Liu Xun smiled and said, "General Meng Huo, don't worry, have a drink and then leave."

Zhu Rong gave Liu Xun angrily, and out of anger, ran under a big tree, and carved two big characters on the tree with a flying knife: "Liu Xun." Then he punched and kicked the big tree. Kick to vent his anger...