Three Kingdoms

Chapter 238: The four verticals of Menghuo (Part 1)


Seeing Meng You hesitating, Meng Huo became even more anxious, so he looked upset and shouted: "But what, why are you talking so hesitating?"

Meng You said: "However, I heard rumors that Liu Xun had a god-man to help each other night, and the next day he found the person in the dream in the camp. Now that person is the god-master in Liu Xun's army, and Liu Xun has to take any action. Only after the priest did he dared to order the implementation. Therefore, everyone said that there was a god in Liu Xun's army to help, so that such a priest would appear.

Meng Huo lowered his head in thought, and answered vaguely: "Oh..."

Meng You looked worried and said: "The knives we borrowed all believed in ghosts and gods. He heard that Liu Xun had gods and people to help each other, and he saw the gods staying in the enemy camp for a long time, and they believed that they were true. Chill, low morale, and it’s a bit bad to continue like this."

Meng Huo sighed, walked into the account, came to the case, slapped the table fiercely, and said angrily: "This Liu Xun, I don't know which ones are real and which ones are fake!"

Meng You followed, standing behind Meng Huo, and said: "The battle of Kunming Lake was in my favor, but after the battle, a group of headless ghosts suddenly appeared..." The scene, with lingering palpitations, the body trembled involuntarily.

Meng Huo lowered his head to ponder for a moment, and said in deep thought: "This is too weird, I still haven't figured it out. I heard that there was an evil method in China that can summon ghost soldiers to help fight. Could it be that Liu Xun would have such an evil method? "

Meng You thought for a while and said, "If you want to come, if so, it's not uncommon for a spiritual master to appear now. But if this is the case, wouldn't it be true that we would be against him... Isn't it..." Immediately, the words "a dead end" couldn't say anything.

Meng Huo shook his head and said: "We can't mess around with ourselves, so we can do something big! I still don't believe in evil, even if he can summon ghosts and gods, I will fight him! We have a hundred thousand army, Afraid of what he will do!"

Seeing his fighting spirit, Meng You shook his head, sighed, and stopped talking. After a long while, he said, "Brother, if there is nothing important, I will withdraw first."

Meng Huo waved his hand impatiently and said, "Go down."

Meng You wanted to speak again. He glanced at Meng Huo, but he stopped talking and turned back. After Meng Huo waited for him to leave, he lowered his head and walked back and forth in the tent twice. He raised his head thoughtfully, and said loudly, "The king will order, and give me this before sending someone to the enemy’s village. Swear loudly, until Liu Xun comes out!"

After more than ten days in a hurry, the weather has become very cold, and it is the twelfth lunar month. But Meng Huo's hot temper didn't stop because of the cold weather. He sent people to Dazhai of the Han army to yell at him every day, but Liu Xun just didn't come out. On this day, Liu Xun was on the arrow tower and looked down. He saw the barbarians in front of the village sitting or standing, loosely straddling, and his expression was tired. He was weak when he cursed, and he smiled slightly, turning his head to the guard general Chen on the side. To say: "Jizhong will go to the Chinese army's big account, I have something to say."

Chen hadn't been able to fight for a few days, and felt quite depressed. After hearing Liu Xun's words, his face was happy, and he said, "Yes!" Then, he turned and went downstairs.

Liu Xun watched for a while, contented, smiled crookedly, and walked downstairs with joy. How could I know that happiness was extremely sad, and I helped the bamboo tower to walk down two steps. I didn't step on my foot properly. I slipped and rolled down the ladder. I staggered and immediately swelled up a small bag on my head.

After a while, Liu Xunfang stood up tremblingly, touched the corner of his forehead, and cursed: "Good guy, the quality of this ladder is faulty, I want to complain!" After that, he limped and walked to the army account. .

When I came to the Central Military Account, I raised the curtain to enter the account. I glanced at the generals Bi Ji and said angrily: "Who made the ladder of the arrow tower, drag it down for me to hit 30... No..." It was painful. Mouth, touched the hematoma on the corner of his forehead, and said angrily: "Hit fifty army sticks! Ouch, oops, it hurts me to death."

Seeing that Liu Xun was so embarrassed, the generals looked at each other. Hearing this, everyone felt funny. Zhu Rong was enthusiastic and cheerful, and had always had no scruples. He giggled as he looked at the big bag on his head for a long time.

Liu Xun glanced away and found that the generals had weird faces and couldn't help but laugh. He couldn't help but flushed, and smiled embarrassingly: "Hey, talk about business, talk about business." When he came to the case, he calmed his mind and said, "It's only today to break the enemy. Who of you wants to fight?"

The generals had been bored for a long time, and they were all overjoyed when they heard the words, and they happily asked for a fight. Seeing that the morale of the generals was high, Liu Xun was overjoyed and said: "Okay, this time you must do it if you want to break Menghuo... You must act according to your orders, and you must not slacken!"

After hearing the words, the generals looked at each other. After a long time, they came back to their senses and said, "No!"

Liu Xun smiled slightly and said: "Shi Yuan, tell the poor guys outside the village who have been scolding for a long time, tomorrow is a decisive battle! Let them go back and tell the old boy Meng Huo, let him prepare well. If you catch me again, first Spank two hundred big boards before talking!"

Pang Tong held back his smile and said, "No!"

Liu Xun touched the corner of his forehead, and said impatiently: "Dismiss the account! Call Dr. Wu Puwu!" The generals all smiled upon hearing the words, and filed out. Zhu Rong giggled, walked up and said, "You don’t need Wu Pu, Doctor Wu has already given me the medicine. With that, Liu Xun took out the Jinchuang medicine from his arms and carefully wiped it on his wounds. Wiping said: "Haha, let's see if you don't walk carefully in the future. "

Within the large tent of the Central Army of Meng Huojun, Meng Huo wandered around in the tent like a headless fly. Suddenly a small pawn rushed into the tent, and said quickly: "Report! Liu Xun is willing to go to war!"

Meng Huo was overjoyed when he heard this, "Oh, when?"

The little pawn replied: "Tomorrow, Liu Xun will make a decisive battle tomorrow!"

Meng Huo lowered his head and thought for a moment, and said, "Summon everyone to discuss matters in the account."

The little pawn replied: "Yes" and then turned and walked back. After a while, the generals came one after another. Seeing that everyone was there, Meng Huo said, "Liu Xun is about to fight tomorrow, what do you think?"

Meng You looked worried, and said, "This guy has a lot of tricks, will you come to robbery again tonight?"

Meng Huo pondered for a while, shook his head, and said, "It shouldn't be. When he defeated me for the first time, he used the robbery to break me. This strategy was used once, and he won't use it again. I miss him There must be some tricks waiting for us tomorrow."

Meng Chengcheng agreed: "It is possible. I don't know how we should deal with it this time?"

Meng Huo smiled and said: "We can't grow up other people's ambitions and destroy our own prestige. In fact, the Han people will also use some ambush tactics. We need to be careful when we go to the mountains and woods, narrow valleys and narrow roads. We borrowed this time. The warriors with the cards and swords are extremely fierce. In a head-on confrontation, the Han army is not our opponent at all. This time I must convince Liu Xun to lose!"

Meng Huo paused, and then ordered: "I will tell you to cook tomorrow morning, and at the beginning of the day, all soldiers will line up to wait for the enemy!"

When the night is three, the bright moon is in the sky, the stars are shining, and the clouds are light and the sky is calm. Everything on the ground was silent, but after hearing the snoring sound of Menghuo's army, it rang out for a while. Meng Huo expected that Liu Xun would not use a strategy twice in a row. That would be a tactical taboo, wouldn't it be too idiotic. Therefore, he didn't make any preparations that night, and ordered the soldiers of the three armies to rest well and to replenish their spirits for the decisive battle in the coming day.

The soldiers of the three armies were overjoyed when they heard it, and they all sat back and relax that night and slept very sweetly. Suddenly there were loud shouts in the distance, the sound of hoofs was faint, and there was a moo, like a herd of cows rushing. Meng Huojun was startled from his dream. Hearing the sound of Chi suddenly became more and more urgent, it seemed that the earth was trembling constantly, and he looked at each other for unknown reasons. After a long pause, Fang rubbed his sleepy eyes and ran out of the camp in twos and threes, looking around. I couldn't help being taken aback. I couldn't even close my mouth. I saw more than a thousand angry cows in front, with fire in his eyes, and a single-handle attached to the left and right horns. The dragons were five-faced and the patterns were weird, unlike cows, I don't know where it was. Miraculously, there was a flame at the tail of the ox for some reason, shining like the day in the wild.

It turned out that this was Liu Xun's trick. From the appearance of the master to the fire cow robbery, all of them were imitating Tian Dan's strategy of breaking the swallow during the Warring States Period. At that time, the Qi army was defeated by the Yan general Le Yi, and only two cities, Ju and Jimo, remained unconquered in more than seventy cities. This Tian Shan has always been resourceful, and was promoted by the people of Jimo as a general in Jimo. But at that time, he had only one city with less than 10,000 soldiers, while the Yan army had hundreds of thousands. How could he survive against the enemy? So he dug his brains out and came up with such an unprecedented trick. First, he used the opposite strategy to drive away Le Yi, who was good at using soldiers, and replaced him with an idiot named Qijie. After the counter-plan was successful, Tian Dan implemented this series of ghost plans, and finally used the fire cow to drive hundreds of thousands of Yanjun back to his hometown. In January, he regained more than seventy cities and welcomed the prince. Zhang came to the throne as King Qixiang. Tian Dan deadlifted Qi Guo from the death line with a city of soldiers. He was famous all over the world, and the credit was so great that he was suspicious of King Qi Xiang.

Liu Xun accidentally remembered this trick that day, thinking that if it was used on Cao Cao, Yuan Shao and others, it would definitely be seen through immediately. However, many people in Nanban, who have always been dissatisfied with the Han people, would read the history of the Han people. Therefore, they don't even know that there is such a tactical tactic in history, and they have always believed in ghosts and gods, and it would be better to use ghosts and gods to restrain them.

Thinking of this, Liu Xun sent someone to send a letter to Fazheng in Chengdu, so that he quickly purchased more than a thousand beef cattle and sent it to the front line. Liu Xun urged him to make a crimson dress, painted a five-color dragon, draped it on the cow, tied the single knife to the horn of the ox, and poured the hemp reed with oil, and tied it to the ox tail, which looked like a huge handle. Broom.

That night, he asked Huang Zhong to lead ten thousand strong soldiers of the Han army. Everyone painted his face in five colors, drove the more than one thousand fat cattle, and quietly approached the front of Menghuozhai, burning the reed behind the oxtail with fire. The reeds had been dipped in anointing oil beforehand, and they caught fire at one point. Those fat cows and oxtails were burnt, and their hearts ached. How can they leisurely bow their heads to graze. Suddenly furious, with red eyes, straight forward, more than ten thousand Han soldiers kept silent, followed closely behind the fire cow, and followed the fire cow into the Menghuo army's camp...