Three Kingdoms

Chapter 239: The four verticals of Menghuo (Part 2)


All Meng Huo Army dreamed back for a long time, seeing the herd of cattle with burning tails rushing into the camp, rampaging, rushing wildly, extremely mighty, wherever the sharp blades on the horns touched, the soldiers of Meng Huo Army would not die or be injured. The seriously injured inevitably fell to the ground, rolled back and forth, and yelled loudly. It didn't take long for the soldiers of Menghuo Army to be trampled on by a mad cow that had been madly burnt, breaking their stomachs, and dying on the spot. The death was extremely terrifying.

Meng Huojun had never seen such a mighty power, and he was suddenly chaotic. The soldiers screamed and fled, and fled for their lives. The 10,000 soldiers of the Han army led by Huang Zhong rushed into the camp. Although there are only ten thousand people, in panic, it looks like fifty thousand people. Meng Huojun recently heard that a spiritual teacher appeared in Liu Xun's army, and he was blessed by ghosts and gods. Today, I saw these soldiers' divine faces and grimace, I don't know where they are sacred, their hearts are chilling, and where there is a sense of resistance. I only hate my parents for giving two legs, and each unleashes unparalleled light work, oiling the soles of their feet, and disappears instantly.

Meng Huo slept soundly and smelled the disturbance in the camp. He suddenly woke up and cried out: "Why are you here again? Is Liu Xun crazy?" Meng Huo rushed to the side of the couch, drew his knife, and got out of bed. He rushed to the tent to look at it, was shocked immediately, scratched his head, and muttered: "People are not like people, and cows are not like cows. What ghosts are they?"

At this moment, a mad cow not far away screamed and rushed towards him with a sharp horn. Meng Huo was shocked and flashed to the side. With a flash of knife light, Meng Huo's left arm leather robe was opened with a slit, hurting the skin and flesh, and blood drenched immediately.

Meng Huo's mouth was choked with pain, and he was about to bandage the wound, but when he saw a strong man, he strode to grab it, swinging a knife, and slashing between his neck. Meng Huo swung his knife and was about to fight back. But after hearing the loud shouts from all around, countless army horses rushed into the camp from all directions, and the leading female general shouted: "Meng Huo leave!" This person is Zhu Rong.

Meng Huo had no intention of fighting, and he fought the brawny for three or five rounds. After selling a flaw, he turned and walked, passing by the collision of two fire oxen, ran to the red ox, untied the cow's rein, and flew into the cow. , Clamp the legs and run the cow. With a glimpse of Zhu Rong's eyes, he saw Meng Huo riding a bull and fleeing.

Meng Huo turned his head and saw Zhu Rong chasing after him. He was flustered. I kept urging the cow to rush, and the cow was very obedient. With a moo, he used the strength of feeding, spread his four hooves, and shook his head. In a blink of an eye, he dashed out several tens of meters away, and Zhu Rong was far away. The ground was left behind.

After running for a few miles, Meng Huo looked back and forth, only to see him alone again, he couldn't help sighing. Just trying to discern the direction, find a way to escape, suddenly a sturdy horse sprang out of the oblique stabbing, and the leading general shouted: "The thief chief dare to despise the figures in the Central Plains, let you see the means to see me today!" The man is just the courageous Changshan Zhao Zilong.

Zhao Yunzong stepped forward immediately and stabbed with a spear. When Meng Huo heard the sound of breaking through the sky, he knew that the strength of the people was unusually great. If you want to compete, swing your knife horizontally, and your right arm feels numb and stiff like an electric shock, and your heart feels like ten thousand needles, and the pain is unacceptable. The horse and the bull crossed, Zhao Yun stretched and flexed his arms, so he lifted Meng Huo and threw it on the ground. The shock caused Meng Huo's hands and feet to be paralyzed and unable to move. The four big men behind Zhao Yun snatched them up, tied them with ropes, and tied Meng Huo again with a five-flower tie. Meng Huo was very embarrassed.

Here, the battle is also a one-sided situation. Thousands of fire oxtails were burned, and they gradually burned to their ass. They were frantic and rushed, and many of them went straight into the account. The flames at the oxtail blazed wildly, immediately lighting the camp. After a short while, a full campfire burst into the sky, filled with smoke.

These eight-fold ninety-three-dian brand knife Liao Ding was originally borrowed by Meng Huo. For the sake of the money, this reluctantly came here. Originally planned to scream twice in front of the formation, dance with the big blade twice, and randomly respond to the scene, so that it is worthy of the gold and silver jewelry that Meng Huo made.

Unexpectedly, the war had not yet been fought, and the fire cow rushed into the camp first. Of course these brutal soldiers are not Spanish bullfighters and have no experience in bullfighting. In addition, the bull looks strange and strange, not like a normal bull. How can they still want to work for Meng Huo and give up old age for the little bit of poor Jinbao? Fate, it's really not worth it. They drew their legs and dazzled people one after another, and then they scattered all cleanly.

When Liu Xun’s army arrived, there were only a few of Meng Huo’s cronies who were still alive and defiantly resisting, either being driven to death by a fire ox, or hacked to death by a big blade, or a nervous breakdown, causing feces and urine to flow out of fright. , Knelt on the ground and couldn't help shaking, muttering something in his mouth, not knowing what to say, obviously he was crazy.

An hour later, Liu Xun sat on the Hu bed where the Chinese Army's tent was in front of him. He was so happy that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear, drooling all over the floor.

At this moment, Zhu Rong angrily entered the account and threw down the one he was holding. Liu Xun looked down, but Ah Hui Mum, smiled, and said to Pang Tong: "Make a note, I wish Rong Huo will catch the barbaric general A Hui Mum!" Pang Tong took the notes according to his words.

Zhu Rong said bitterly: "It's a pity that Meng Huo's servant ran away!"

Zhao Yun laughed and said: "I can't run, here it is!" After that, he pushed Meng Huo into the account.

When Liu Xun saw Meng Huo, he smiled and said, "Meng Huo, don’t come here unharmed? It’s not uncomfortable for the fire cow to burst into camp. I originally had a good intention. I wanted to send more than a thousand roasted cows to your camp before the start of the fight tomorrow. Hard work, but the people below misunderstood my meaning and messed up things. I missed your reinforcements."

Meng Huo said angrily: "Hmph, kill if you want, grandpa, I won't be your pastime!"

Zhao Yun threw Meng Huo on the ground and said angrily: "Heavenly soldiers come here, they resist themselves, they really don't know whether they live or die. Lord, this kind of alien is unreasonable with him, so it's better to kill."

When Zhu Rong heard Zhao Yun's words, he smiled like a flower and said: "Okay, okay! I will drag him to my people, skin and gouge his heart, pay homage to the dead, and then throw him to feed the old snake!"

Liu Xun waved his hand and said, "Meng Huo, last time you said that you would be convinced if I got it this time, but this time you were tied into a zongzi again. What else can you say?"

Meng Huo said, "I don't accept it! You are accustomed to tricks. I was careless. I didn't expect that you would come back to the village after you robbed the village. Only then did you capture it. How can you persuade it!"

Liu Xun thought: I rob you once, you think you can sit back and relax, how can there be such a cheap thing, haha! Thinking of this, Liu Xun furiously said: "I have been arrested four times and still have a hard mouth. It seems that you are really the smelly and hard stone in the pit. How can you be convinced?" You were caught again this time. I caught it, what's the point! "

Meng Huo said, "I failed because you attacked me. I can't stand your eyes on it!"

Liu Xun smashed Meng Huo with his own soldiers. Without fear, Meng Huo recalled Liu Xun and said: "If you dare to let me go back, I regroup and fight with you, then if you capture me again, I will be convinced."

Liu Xun smiled slightly, looked at Zhao Yun, waved his hand, and said, "Untie!"

Zhao Yun replied: "No!" After saying that, Zhao Yun stepped forward, exerting a slight force with both hands, and understatement, he tore off all the restraints on Meng Huo's body. Meng Huo glanced at Zhao Yun, his arrogant heart was closed, stood up, rubbed his wrist, and asked, "Dare to ask this general Gao's name?"

Zhao Yun said: "My surname is Zhao and my name is Zilong."

Meng Huo muttered: "Zhao Yun, Zhao Yun..." Although Zhao Yun had a certain reputation in the Central Plains, the people in the South and Central Regions still didn't know him, so Meng Huo had never heard his name.

Pang Tong saw that Meng Huo didn’t recognize Zhao Yun's greatness, and smiled slightly, and said, “This General Zhao only knows how to do three-legged cats. Under the lord’s account, it’s not worth mentioning. He can’t even be named. You are in his hands. I was captured, what else can I say. There are as many people as the stars in the sky than General Zhao under the lord's account. I think you will save your energy and surrender."

Meng Huo shook his head, indicating that he did not believe it, and then said to Liu Xun: "The people under your hand will be full of wagons like you. As long as you are willing to let me go, I will capture you alive next time!

Liu Xun laughed and said, "Okay, I want to see how you captured me alive."

Meng Huo said: "I have one more thing, you must promise me."

Zhu Rong scolded: "You have a lot of things. If you don't kill you, you should be lucky, and dare to make terms."

Liu Xun waved his hand and signaled Zhu Rong not to say any more, and asked Meng Huo to continue.

Meng Huo said: "I made a major mistake in the previous period. I took the initiative to abandon the city of Yunnan and let your army easily penetrate into the hinterland of our army. As a result, our army was unable to deploy and was passive everywhere. Why don't you return the city to Yunnan? I, withdraw back to Lujin Pass on the north bank of the Lushui River. If you can capture me again, I must be sincere."

When Zhu Rong heard this, he was shocked and cursed: "Shameless villain, you are too much..."

"Okay, it's a deal. Set a banquet to shock King Meng!" Before Zhu Rong finished speaking, he was interrupted by Liu Xun. Liu Xun agreed to Zhu Rong's terms. Zhu Rong was extremely angry, but also helpless.

After the banquet, Liu Xun respectfully sent Meng Huo out of the camp. Meng Huo still didn't even scan the corner of his eye, flew into the bull and ran away.

On the road, Meng Huo gathered thousands of people from all the caves and walked eagerly towards the south. Meng Huo saw the beginning of the dust early and saw that a team had arrived. Meng Huo looked up and saw that this man was his brother Meng You. After Meng You heard that Meng Huo was captured again, he regrouped the remnants and came to avenge his brother. After the two brothers met, they hugged their heads and cried, telling the story.

Meng You said: "My soldiers have been defeated many times, and the Han soldiers have been victorious. It is difficult to resist. They can only be in the Shanyin Cave and cannot escape. The Han soldiers can't bear the cold, so they naturally retreat." Meng Huo asked: "Liu Xun uses troops Like a god, they have beaten me up, where can we avoid it?"

Meng You said: "Brother don't worry, brothers have their own places. This is a cave near Xi'er Lake in the northwest. It is called Tulong Cave. The owner of Tulong Cave is King Duosi. He is very loyal and has a good relationship with me. , We can go and ask for help."

Meng Huo had doubts and asked, "Is this King Dosi reliable?"

Meng You said: "Brother don't worry, King Dosi is the number one wise man in our Southern Barbarian. He is very creative and very powerful."

Meng Huo thought, there is no other way now. So Meng Huo first called Meng You to Tulong Cave, met with King Dosi, first explored King Dosi’s attitude, and then made a special...