Three Kingdoms

Chapter 24: First visit to Longzhong (Part 2)


Before long, Liu Bei, Liu Xun and others arrived in Wollongong. Looking around, Wollongong has a unique view. Although the bamboo forest is small but very luxuriant, the ground is not broad but very flat, and the stream is very clear.

Liu Xun was stunned in it, and he couldn't help but said: "The outside world is chaotic, but here is like a fairyland. It really opened my eyes. ""There are no gods in the world, but there are days like gods", Zhao Yun Seeing such a scene, I couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Zhang Fei laughed, "How come you are so sour like literati, it's really funny."

Liu Bei whispered to Zhang Fei, "We are seeking talents, just like climbing high to pray to the heavens. We can't be so rude."

After seeing the talent of Kong Ming's student Cui Zhouping, Liu Bei has even more firmly believed that Zhuge Liang is a rare talent.

Liu Bei, Liu Xun and others went to Zhuge Liang's Caolu. Standing at the door of the Caolu from a distance, Liu Bei said, "In Xia Jingzhou, governor Liu Xuande, come to visit Mr. Wolong."

The door suddenly opened, and a young woman in her twenties walked out behind her with a maid.

Liu Xun looked around, the young woman was still very handsome. Who is this person? Is it Zhuge Liang's wife Huang Yueying? I heard that Huang Yueying looks very ugly, this person shouldn't be Huang Yueying. Liu Xun asked and answered in his heart.

"Next is Kong Ming's wife Huang Yueying. Her husband is not at home, so she went to find her friend Meng Gongwei," Huang Yueying said. This woman is really extraordinary and she speaks so domineeringly.

People say that Kong Ming married an ugly wife. It seems to be a rumor, Liu Xun thought in his heart.

"Excuse me, when will Mr. Wolong come back?" Liu Bei asked hurriedly.

"It can take three to five days at least, and one or two months at most," Huang Yueying replied.

"When Mr. Wolong returns, please be sure to tell Mrs. Wolong that Liu Bei has visited. I will visit again after a while, and Liu Bei will leave." Liu Bei was sincere and eager to ask for help. Lost.

"The emperor will stay and leave after eating. You come all the way to visit. If you leave without eating, your husband will blame me," Huang Yueying said hurriedly.

eat? Is Huang Yueying kidding? We come all the way to eat a meal? Liu Xun really didn't understand Huang Yueying's intentions. However, Liu Xun changed his mind to think that Huang Yueying is not a person waiting to be idle after all, since she said that, she must have other intentions.

Thinking of this level, Liu Xun rushed in front of his father and quickly replied: "Okay, we happen to be hungry. We will leave after eating."

Liu Bei was surprised by Liu Xun's behavior, and looked at Liu Xun puzzledly, feeling very puzzled.

"Okay, I didn't see anyone, it's not bad to have a meal. Only when I'm full can I have the strength to rush back," Zhang Fei shouted loudly.

"General Zhang Fei is really straightforward," Huang Yueying said while inviting Liu Bei, Liu Xun and others to enter the house.

Huang Yueying asked the maid to greet the guests and sit down, while she went to cook for herself.

Liu Bei asked Liu Xun in a low voice, "Why did Xun'er agree to stay for dinner? There are still so many things to deal with in Xiangyang."

"Xiangyang Wu has Chen Dao, Wei Yan, literary friends Sun Gan, Jian Yong, etc., who will take care of the matter. After all, Mrs. Zhuge is not a person to wait. It must be of ulterior motives to leave us for dinner." , Liu Xun has always been creative and quick to think, and he is very quick to do things.

Liu Bei thought for a while, and felt that what Liu Xun said made sense. Huang Yueying would not leave us for dinner for no reason.

Liu Xun took a closer look at the situation in the room. I saw a pair of couplets posted on the back wall, "Neither indifferent nor clear, nor peaceful, so far." The furnishings in the room were so strange that the overall impression seemed to imply yin and yang gossip.

As time went by, Huang Yueying's food was also ready. Everyone gathered around the dinner table and started to eat. I saw two chickens, two fishes and some other vegetarian dishes on the dinner table, which were still very rich.

"If your husband is not here, I won’t give everyone a drink. The thick tea and light meal is not a respect," Huang Yueying said, greeted everyone to eat, and asked casually, "Uncle Liu is famous all over the world, why come to our shabby cottage in person? My husband?"

Huang Yueying seemed to ask casually, but actually asked the point. Huang Yueying knew that Liu Bei had asked Zhuge Liang to come out of the mountain. Asking this way, Liu Bei will inevitably tell the reason for his coming, and you can know what kind of ambition Liu Bei is.

"The Han room is declining, and the people are in trouble. Liu Bei wants to help the Han room and return the people of the big man to a peaceful world. Helplessly, he has a low morality and has long heard of Mr. Wolong's name, so I have come to seek a strategy for Anbang to stabilize the country." My own opinion.

"Frozen three feet is not a cold day. The decline of the Han Dynasty is the result of long-term accumulation of malpractices. It cannot be changed so easily," Huang Yueying said, sighing.

"Yes, since Emperor Huan, eunuchs and foreign relatives have taken turns in power. Many loyal scholars cannot be reused. Officials are corrupt and people can't eat enough. This has led to riots among the hungry. The traitor Dong Zhuo took the opportunity to seize power and finally led to this situation today. ." Liu Xun analyzed thoroughly and hit the nail on the head.

Huang Yueying had heard of Liu Xun's talents a long time ago, and today he felt Liu Xun's wisdom face to face and praised him again and again.

Liu Bei saw that Liu Xun had said very well, so he stopped talking and left the opportunity to Liu Xun.

"Of course, the people are the people of the big man after all. Most scholars in the world still have their hearts in the Han family. As descendants of the Han family, we must grit our teeth and persevere no matter how difficult it is, because we can only succeed if we work hard." Liu Xun said firmly.

After listening to Liu Xun's words, Huang Yueying was shocked and moved. Unexpectedly, a young man who was only seventeen years old had the people all over the world in mind, advancing in the face of difficulties, and his spirit was precious.

Huang Yueying nodded repeatedly and said with emotion, "If there are more people like Liu Huangshu and General Liu Xun in the world, the Han Dynasty will not fall to where it is today."

"Yeah, if my eldest brother was born a few years earlier, there would be no such thing as today," Guan Yu said. Guan Yu is very arrogant to others, but he is completely convinced and loyal to Liu Bei.

"When my husband talks to me about Emperor Huan and Emperor Ling, he feels regret and distress every time. He often compares himself with Taigong Jiang and Xiao He, but he has never been willing to go out. My uncle Cai Tao has asked him to assist Liu Biao on many occasions. He just didn't agree. He said that Cai Hao was narrow-minded and could not tolerate others, and Liu Biao's short-sightedness was not a big deal. Maybe he had been waiting for the Lord to appear." Huang Yueying indirectly stated that Zhuge Liang had the world in mind and would definitely not live in seclusion for long.

"My eldest brother is Mingzhu, ask him to assist my elder brother," Zhang Fei said impatiently. "Yide, don't be rude," Liu Bei said to Zhang Fei, then turned his head and stood up and said, "Although Liu Bei is not talented, I would like to ask Mr. Wolong to help the Han room together."

When Huang Yueying saw Liu Bei arched her hand, she quickly stood up and replied: "Please rest assured, Uncle Liu Huang, I will tell you when your husband comes back."

It was getting late, and Liu Bei, Liu Xun and others could not see Zhuge Liang, so they had to leave disappointed.

However, Liu Xun believes that this trip to Longzhong is still rewarding. On the one hand, his father Liu Bei knew that Zhuge Liang was indeed a rare talent, and he strengthened his father's determination to invite Zhuge Liang to come out of the mountain. On the other hand, Huang Yueying, Zhuge Liang's wife, knew our sincerity, and Huang Yueying would definitely tell Zhuge Liang about this.

When he arrived in Xiangyang, Liu Xun was very tired. I went to bed without washing. But Liu Xun was tossing and turning around, just couldn't sleep. I don't know when I can see Mr. Kong Ming. Liu Xun sighed deeply when he thought of this.