Three Kingdoms

Chapter 240: In Search of Famous Scholars in Jingnan (Part 1)


Meng You met Queen Dosi, and the attitude of seeing King Dosi was pretty good, so he invited Meng Huo to see him. Seeing Meng Huo's arrival, King Dosi hurriedly led out the cavemen to welcome him. After Meng Huo entered the cave, they visited each other and told their stories.

Seeing Meng Huo's depression, Duo Si comforted him and said, "King, please relax. If the Han army arrives, he will not be able to return home alone and Liu Xun will die here!"

Meng Huo was overjoyed when he heard that, so he asked King Yu Duosi. King Doss said: "There are two ways to stop this cave: the road to the northeast is the way the king came. The terrain is flat, the soil is thick and the water is sweet, and the people and horses are feasible; if the entrance of the cave is broken by wood and stone, there are millions of people. You can’t enter. There is a road in the northwest with dangerous mountains and narrow roads. Although there are small roads, there are many poisonous snakes and scorpions. At dusk, the smog rises until the beginning of the afternoon. At three o'clock, you can travel; the water cannot be drunk, and it is difficult for people and horses to move. There are four poisonous springs here: a dumb spring whose water is quite sweet. If people drink it, they can’t speak, but they will die within ten days. Spring, this water is no different from soup. If you take a bath, your skin and flesh will be rotten, and you will die if you see the bones; the third is the black spring, the water is slightly clear, if the person splashes on the body, the hands and feet will be black and die; the fourth is the soft spring Its water is like ice, if people drink it, there is no heating in the throat, and the body is weak and dead. There are no insects and birds here, but General Han Fubo has been here; since then, no one has been here. The northeast road makes the king settle down in the cave. If the Han army sees the east road cut off, they must enter from the west road; there is no water on the road, if they see these four springs, they will definitely drink water. Even if there are millions of people, Liu Xun will have none. Come on. Why use swords and soldiers!"

Meng Huo was overjoyed, and said with his hand, "Today there is a place to live!" Wang Bei pointed out: "Ren Liuxun and Pang Tong's magical calculation is difficult to install! The water of the four springs is enough to repay the hatred of defeated soldiers!" , Meng Huo and Meng You feasted with King Dosi all day long.

Because of the severe cold weather and the continuous fighting of the Han army and the lack of people and horses, Liu Xun asked the Han army to rest at Lujin Pass for a whole month, until the beginning of spring next year to conquer.


It is said that Xu Shu, who guards Xiangyang, Jingzhou, has nothing to do. One day Xu Shu heard that Liu Ba, a celebrity who lived in Jingnan, was very talented, so he wrote a letter to General Liu Xun, requesting to go to Jingnan to seek talents. .

Liu Xun replied and told Xu Shu, General of the Youjun Division, "I heard that Jiang Wan Jiang Gongyan in Quanling County is also a famous scholar in the world. Please invite the military division to recruit him." After seeing Liu Xun's reply, Xu Shu said in his heart: "Even if the lord does not Entrust me, I have a long friendship with Gongyan, and I will also invite Jiang Wan." Three days later, Xu Shu told General Gan Ning Haosheng to guard Xiangyang, and went to Jingnan with Yiji to visit famous men. Liu Ba, by the way, see if you can find Jiang Wan with extraordinary talent.

Linzheng is the important place in southern Hunan, with outstanding people. In the 6th year of Jian'an (201 AD), Xu Shu went to Jingnan to seek talents on the order of Liu Xun. On the way, Yiji said to Xu Shu: "Liu Ba went to Changsha, Lingling, and Guiyang to recruit Han Xuan, Zhao Fan, and Liu Du on the orders of Cao Cao. Liu is eager to return north, so he lives in Linzheng's hometown. If he wants to ask him to come out to assist the lord, it takes some effort."

After Xu Shu heard this, he said, "I also know what you are talking about. Liu Ba is a talented person, but he is lonely and stubborn by nature. Of course, it is not easy to convince him to come out to help him. At that time, Liu Ba served as Liu Jingsheng (Liu Biao) in Jingzhou. At that time, the first lord Liu Bei had personally searched for him but failed to do so. It is very regrettable. This time I must succeed."

Xu Shu, Yi Ji, and a thousand entourage soldiers rushed around day and night, struggling in their boats and cars. They sailed down the Han River. When the boat reached the mouth of the Hanjiang River, Xu Shu led the crowds out of Changsha, passed the Dongting, and ascended the Xiangjiang River. After more than ten days, he arrived at Linzheng, a major town in southern Hunan. The troops were stationed on Shigu Mountain. Xu Shu convened a meeting of the prefects of the four counties of Changsha, Lingling, Guiyang, and Wuling to collect taxes from the four counties to replenish their military resources. After finishing the matter, immediately went to Zhajiang to look for Liu Ba.

The weather was in the midst of winter, and the north wind blew over the sky overnight, and the sky was full of snow. The wind added and the snow was cold, and the snow took advantage of the wind, and the catkins fluttered wildly and flakes of goose feathers flew. There was chaos and jade slippery everywhere, and pedestrians on the road were heartbroken. Seeing such bad weather, Yiji said to Xu Shu: "The sky is heavy and snowy, and the roads are no pedestrians; the river is frozen and it is difficult to sail. How about coming to look for Liu Ba another day?"

Xu Shu replied: "I am asking for talents by the lord's order, how can I be blocked by the wind and snow. A boat can't travel in the water, we can also ride a horse, and we can't give up halfway."

Seeing Xu Shu's stubbornness, Yi still persuaded him: "If you go another day, talented people won't fly away."

Xu Shu replied: "Now is the time to hire people, and the lord is thirsty, we should visit Zichu as soon as possible (Liu Ba Zichu). Zichu's personality is arrogant and solitary. If you cannot visit sincerely, it will certainly not be enough to move him. Heart. I treat him with a sincere attitude, maybe he will be deeply moved and promise me to come out to assist the lord!"

Yiji said loudly, "Earth and noble scholars are lonely and lonely. I think Zhuge Liang, a military strategist, was in the middle of the long, and he was better than a pipe music, so he could be a "Liang Fu Yin". The old master Liu Bei wanted to be a military teacher, and everyone visited the thatched cottage. The first visit, the military teacher. Zhuge Liang asked to resign from his friend and did not see him behind closed doors; the second time he visited the military division pretending to be out and refused to be public; in the third visit, military division Zhuge Liang still did not come to see his father Liu Bei. Later, the current master Liu Xun heard of military division Zhuge Liang Wandering in the land of Shu, I went to visit him in person. I felt sincere, and I was very sincere, and Zhuge Liang, the military commander, came out to help him. When you visited Liu Ba today, he must treat Liu Ba with his own heart and move Liu Ba with his own heart."

Xu Shu smiled without answering. So the two rode their horses to the Zha River, only to see a wilderness, all covered with snow. Thousands of mountains and birds flew extinct, and thousands of people died. The horse walks for half a day and arrives at Zhajiang. The two brought horses to the Wantou Ferry, but they saw a man wearing a hat and sitting under the willow fishing. The two stood beside the angler, but the one dismissed those who came by.

After a while, seeing him raise his fishing rod, a hook appeared on the surface of the water. But it was also strange that the hook was just a straight needle, no hook, no hook, no bait. Yiji felt very strange when he saw it, so he couldn't help but laughed and asked, "Mr. doesn't need a hook or bait. How can you get a bait?"

The fisherman raised his head and looked at Xu Shu and Yiji after hearing what Yizhi said. I saw his eyebrows and beard covered with snow flakes, like an old Antarctic man with white eyebrows, and like Jiang Shang Jiang Ziya, the Kouxi fisherman who assisted Zhou Wen and Zhou Wu to create an eight-hundred-year foundation in the Zhou Dynasty.

The angler wiped off the snow flakes from his beard and eyebrows. Fang showed a very handsome face. He smiled and replied, "Why do you have to use hooks and bait for fishing? I think only straight needles are the best. As the saying goes. Well said: "Jiang Ziya is fishing, whoever wants to take the bait, and whoever doesn't, let him swim! No need to force!"

Xu Shu smiled and said: "In this cold winter, the river water is frozen, and the fish are hidden underwater, without a trace, what can Mr. catch?"

The angler smiled and said, "I'm just a scorpion, fishing alone in the cold river ice and snow!" Then he threw the fishing line to the center of the river. Xu Shu praised in his heart: "You know what is extraordinary when you export, and you are truly a master!" Xu Shu pointed to the angler and said, "May I ask Mr. Gao's name

The angler was unmoved, his eyes were fixed on the Jiangxin fishing line, and only after a while he replied: "The surname is Chu, the name is Zi, and the characters are free. I don’t know why the surname of the next step is so snowy. River?"

Before Xu Shu could speak, Yiji replied: "This is Mr. Xu Shu, Xu Yuanzhi, the right army teacher of General Liu Xun. He came to visit the celebrity Liu Ba Liu Zichu in the snow." This is an angler who claims to be an artisan of Chu Zi, and then he stood up with Xu Shu. Upon seeing the gift, he asked: "Mr. Wen's name is like Lei Guan'er, and Chu has long admired it. It is not suitable for Mr. Wen to help the general defend Xiangyang in Jingzhou, and it is not suitable to come to this poor town to look for Liu Ba. Please go back quickly to avoid freezing. Your body has caught the wind and cold."

Seeing this person's extraordinary conversation, Yiji was shocked, so he smiled and asked, "Could Mr. Liu be the beginning of Liu Ba Liu?"

Chu Zi replied: "No. Liu Ba's visiting friends have not returned. I am just Liu Ba's friend, not Liu Ba himself."

Xu Shu asked: "When will Zichu come back, do you know?"

Chu Zi replied: "Liu Ba is a casual and talkative person, unruly, and uncertain. Recently I heard that he went to Quanling Jiang Wan and Jiang Gongyan for a few months, and the return date is difficult." At this time, the wind and snow are tighter and the goose feather snow is heavy. Coming overwhelmingly. The horse was standing on the snowy ground, roaring with the cold. Yiji said: "Since the son is out and waits for a long time to no avail, we might as well go back as early as possible. It won't be too late to come back next time."

Seeing this, Xu Shu shook his head helplessly, and said, "Alright, I'll visit again another day." Turning back to Chu Zi, he said, "Brother Chu's compliments to Zichu, I'm sincere."

Chu Zi also agreed. The two got on their horses and left. Standing on the snowy ground, Chu Zi sighed: "General Liu Xun has Zhuge Liang, Pang Tong, Xu Shu and others help, and he will eventually achieve hegemony!"

Xu Shu visited Liu Ba but did not see him, and he was depressed for several days. But thinking of the former lord Liu Bei visiting the thatched cottage three times, his mind calmed down.

After more than half a month, Xu Shu received a letter from Liu Ba. The letter said: "Adventure in danger..., the heart of inheriting the sky, the love of things, and the whole body can not persuade it. Ruo Dao Exhausted, I will entrust my life to the sea and leave Jingzhou alone!" To the effect, I said that my Liu Ba inherited the heavens and things, but because my aura was exhausted, I could not serve Cao Gong. Since then, I never want to enter again. The power is over and I don't want to be an official anymore. On the surface, he said that he didn't want to be an official anymore, but the implication was clear. After Xu Shu read the letter, he let Xu Shu know that he was not out, so that Xu Shu would visit him again.

Xu Shu is a smart man, and of course he can see Liu Ba's implication, so he decides to visit Liu Ba again.

Although the heavy snow had stopped at that time, the weather was still very cold, light snow was still underground from time to time, and the road was still covered by heavy snow, and it was still difficult to walk...