Three Kingdoms

Chapter 241: In Search of Famous People in Jingnan (Part 2)


Seeing the bad weather, Yiji said, "The last time you army division visited him in the snow, he asked him to miss it. It is really hateful that I have sent another letter to tease the right army division today!"

General Gan Ning, who was on the sidelines, also said: "I am afraid Liu Ba has no real talents, so he avoided meeting with the Youjun division. Now writing a letter to the Youjun division is actually to increase his worth. Forget it, the Youjun division don't care!"

Xu Shu disagreed with them, and said, "The words of the two adults are very different. Zichu has a lonely temperament and is not controlled by the times. He was ordered to recruit the three counties but failed, and he was trapped in the steam and unable to work. Cao Cao is dishonest. So I refused my visit with a heart of innocence. It is not because I am arrogant and increase my own value. It is really unspeakable. I hope the two adults can find out their difficulties. Yiji and Gan. If you two don't want to go, I will go by myself. I will go to Zhajiang to visit him tomorrow. Maybe I can persuade him to come and return. Although everything is unknown, I will try."

Seeing Xu Shu's resolute attitude, Yiji said, "You army division is going, how dare I not go."

Gan Ning also laughed and said, "If I don't go, who will protect the safety of the military division."

The next day, the three of them boarded a boat against the steaming water. The wind and rain on this day are worse than yesterday. The squally wind on the south of the Yangtze River made big waves, and the big waves beat the boat. Xu Shu, Yi Ji and Gan Ning's boat bumped forward in the wind and waves. For more than fifty miles of waterway, he walked for a whole day and didn't reach the Zhajiang Ferry until the evening. But also very coincidental, Chu Zi is still fishing in the wind and rain in the wind and rain. Xu Shu got off the boat and shouted: "Brother Chu Yaxing is not young, fishing in the snow, throwing a hook in the rain, and endless fun!" Chu Zi had seen Xu Shu and his party a long time ago, but he did not want to look back, so he focused on Jiang. Heart fishing line. Hearing Xu Shu's greeting, I had to look up, and smiled: "Army Master Yaxing is not under Chu: Traveling in a boat in the ice, visiting friends in the wind, this feeling is even more serious!"

When Xu Shu heard this, he folded his hands and smiled: "Mother, each other!"

Yiji said, "Mr. Zichu is back, I'm annoyed by Mr. Chuzi's recommendation." Chu Zi hesitated for a while without answering. Xu Shu asked: "Mr. Chu Zi didn't see Mr. Zichu?" Chu Zi replied, "It's not a coincidence that the military teacher is here. Liu Ba, a fancy cat, is out again. I don't know where he is pretending to be!"

Xu Shu said: "After my previous visit, I did not return to Xiangyang, but went to the city of Changsha, hoping to visit Mr. Zichu again. I didn’t expect my hard work to pay off. After waiting for more than half a month, my brother Zichu wrote to me yesterday. After I visited Changsha City, I didn’t avoid the wind and rain and came to meet, and I didn’t want Brother Zichu to go out again. Why are we so fate with Brother Zichu! I can’t see each other for a long time!"

Chu Zi replied: "We have the fate to meet for thousands of miles, but the opposite is not met. Since the military teacher has no fate with Liu Ba, why bother with the ruthless person Liu Ba!"

Xu Shu sighed and said, "It's not that Zichu is ruthless. I really have a low moral character. Please don't move Mr. Zichu!" As he said, the fishing line in the river was moving. Chu Zi hurriedly raised his pole to pull the line, and unexpectedly caught a big carp. Gan Ning hurriedly stepped forward to help remove the fish, but saw that the fish had a hook.

Seeing this scene, Xu Shu smiled and said: "Why didn't Chu brother use a straight pin for fishing this time?" Chu Zi also smiled: "Straight pin fishing is famous, bent hook fishing is real. The big man stands between the world and makes contributions, hoping that the picture will be named in later generations. Take advantage of the present!"

Yiji said, "Mr. Chu is right. The three of us went on a boat for a day and were hungry. Mr. Wang would benefit me with'reality' and leave us to eat fish soup. I wonder if Mr. Chu Zi can agree?" Chu Zi stood. When he got up, he seemed to apologize, and smiled: "Chu is about to invite military strategists to the humble house. He does not want to just talk and forget the etiquette and teachings. He also asks military strategist Haihan, the two adults to forgive him." So he packed his fishing tackle and picked up the fish to go home.

The three of them followed Chuzi to a courtyard in the mountain col. In the back of the courtyard, there were lush forests and bamboos, a bridge in front of the courtyard, running water, geese playing in the stream, and dogs barking in the back courtyard. Although it is winter, there is a scene of buoyant business. Xu Shu saw this scene and said: "Brother Chu Xianju is better than the grassy cottage when I lived in seclusion!"

Chu Zi said: "The military division will compare the sky to the earth. How can Chu's snail dwelling be compared to the military division's treasure residence. The military division's'Mao Lu' is a place where dragons and tigers are hidden!"

Xu Shu smiled and said, "Mr. praised, Yuan Zhi dare not be." After the four people got down, Chu Zi called his wife and children to come to see Xu Shu. It was night, Chu Zi used fish as a soup, the table was full of dishes, and Xu Shu and the other party were feasted. During the banquet, drink Shu wine. Chu Zi said: "Since the general entered Yizhou, Jingyi has exchanged information about what is needed. I am also fortunate to be able to buy this Shu wine in Jingnan. This Shu wine has a sweet taste and great stamina. I hope the military master will enjoy it and drink it. When you get drunk, you can rest."

At the beginning, the four of them persuaded them to drink one by one, and then they started to drink heavily. Xu Shu drinks a lot, but he doesn't know that Chu Zi is better at drinking. He didn't need a wine glass, he drank wildly. When he heard this, Chu Zi said to Xu Shu: "We heard that Liu Yuzhou and General Liu Xun had not seen Mr. Wolong. Later, when General Liu Xun heard that Mr. Wolong was wandering in Shu, he happened to meet Mr. Wolong. He wrote "Longzhong Pairs" to answer it. Mr. Wolong Xu Shu's high-level theory is well-known in the world. Chu learned from Liu Ba and can still memorize "Longzhong Pairs" by heart."

Gan Ning widened his eyes and said, "Really? You can remember such a long article!"

Chu Zi smiled, lifted up the wine lords, cleared his throat and said:'Since Dong Zhuo, heroes have been together, and there are countless people across the state and counties. Compared with Yuan Shao, Cao Cao is less famous and few in number. However, in the end, you will be able to overcome Shao and defeat the strong with the weak. Nowadays, there are nearly a million people, and the emperor is used to make the princes. This sincerity cannot compete with each other'. Mr. Wolong's argument is high. I want Cao Gong to be loyal to the Han Dynasty, protect the court, and win the hearts of the people, so he wins more with less and wins with weak. Within a few years, Lu Bu was captured, Tao Qian was eliminated, Yuan Shu was eliminated, and the Central Plains were unified. After defeating Yuan Shao in the Battle of Guandu and the Battle of Cangting, he was about to unify the north. However, Liu Yuzhou moved against the sky, so lonely and poor, defeated in Dangyang, struggling with Xiakou, abandoned Xinye, went to Fancheng, and failed. The so-called planning depends on people, and success depends on heaven. Isn't it right? ! "

Xu Shu said: "Brother Chu's words are ridiculous! Cao Cao is actually a Han thief after his name is Han Xiang. Xu Tian shoots the deer, overrules the emperor, and has a heart of usurpation. Hasn't Brother Chu heard of this?!"

Chu Zi declined: "Forgive me for my ignorance, I have never heard of it."

Xu Shu said: "Liu Yuzhou is a nobleman of the heavens, and today's emperor uncle has won the hearts of the people and the military. Although Liu Huangshu has passed away for a long time, his eldest son Liu Xun now sits in the second state of Jingyi and has been made a general by today's son. There are a large number of talents under him, with hundreds of generals, large and small, more than 200,000 soldiers, and the momentum is flourishing."

Yiji said: "Mr. Chu's high-level theory is exactly the same as a rotten scholar, and he really doesn't deserve the title of celebrity."

Xu Shu said: "The succession of General Liu Xun is the legacy of his father. He is a benevolent gentleman and is based on winning the hearts of the people. Now that he has achieved such a foundation, is it not the help of Tianxin and the people?!"

Chu Zi was speechless and forced a smile to persuade him to drink. After a while, Fang said, "Yizhou Liu Zhang and Liu Jiyu are also relatives of the Han clan, why does Liu Xun want to seize the same clan's foundation?"

Xu Shu said: "Liu Zhang is weak and has no ability to defend the soil. Yizhou must be seized by his surname. General Liu Xun entered Sichuan and benefited from the state. It is precisely for the court to preserve the foundation, not to seize the same clan's foundation!"

Chu Zi was silent for a moment, and said: "The military commander's words are not unreasonable. But Liu Ba has already taken refuge in Cao Gong, but the road is blocked and there is no way to go north. What are you going to do?"

Xu Shu smiled and said, "Good birds choose woods to live, good ministers choose their masters. It is not too late for Liu Ba to leave the dark and turn to the light. I visited the first in the rain and snow, and this is why!"

Chu Zi smiled bitterly: "Chu has also heard that even a woman with good morals will end up with one, and a good minister has never been a second master, and Liu Ba changed his role to the general Liu Xun. Wouldn't he be scolded?"

Xu Shu smiled and said: "A person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant man. The general is a teacher of benevolence to rejuvenate the Han Dynasty, to be in harmony with the heavens, and to conform to the will of the people. This is the current affairs. Zichu is a person of benevolence and righteousness. Don't you understand this simple truth? ?"

Chu Zi Weiwei stopped talking, as if he had something on his mind. In the evening, the banquet was over and everyone went to bed.

In the middle of the night, someone in the courtyard suddenly whispered: "I was deeply acquainted with Master Cao, and couldn't bear to deviate. But now that Xu Yuanzhi visits me, people with a heart of stone will be moved by his sincerity. I was at the banquet last night What I said in it seemed to show off my feet. I can’t stay at home now to prevent Xu Shu and the others from noticing it. Today I will leave home in the dark and live in Jiang Gongyan’s house temporarily, and then make plans."

Xu Shu didn't fall asleep, he heard it really, and hurriedly called Yiji and Ganning.

As soon as the door was opened, one person hurriedly left, and soon disappeared into the rain and snow in the vast night. Xu Shu sighed after returning to the room: "I have never deceived anyone in my life, but today I was deceived by Liu Ba and Liu Zichu, alas!"

After Yiji and Gan Ning heard what Xu Shu said, they didn't understand, so they asked in unison: "Zi Chu hasn't come back, and haven't seen the military division. Why did the military division say that Zichu deceived you?"

Xu Shu smiled bitterly and said, "'We were all cheated by him. I just figured out. Chu Zi's people use the homonym of'Zi Chu' to invert.'Chu Zi' actually refers to'Zi Chu';' The self-styled person is what Liu Ba calls himself!

'Artesian' is actually'Liu Ba'. Aren’t we deceived by Liu Ba? "

After hearing Xu Shu's words, Yiji suddenly realized, and said angrily: "Others say that Liu Ba is a real man and a honest gentleman. Now from Liu Ba's words and deeds, he is an untrustworthy and unrighteous villain. Not only lied to us, but also left without saying goodbye. I used to respect him so much in vain. It seems that the rumors are wrong. He is a hypocrite. Everyone praises him falsely!"

Although Gan Ning is a crude person, he is not stupid, and he generally understands what Xu Shu wants to express. Gan Ning is inherently straightforward and impulsive in doing things. After hearing what Yiji said, he became even more angry with Liu Ba, yelling with anger, wishing to tear Liu Ba with his hands.

When Xu Shu saw that the situation was not right, he immediately signaled to Gan Ning. After seeing the sharp eyes of Xu Shu, the right army master, Gan Ning knew that he could not be impulsive, suppressed his anger, and held back...