Three Kingdoms

Chapter 243: The Five Verticals of Menghuo (Part 1)


Seeing such a scene, Liu Xun sighed: "The miasma outside is so filthy. I didn't expect there to be such a fairyland in the barbaric area." Liu Xun was immersed in it and couldn't help himself. He couldn't help but prosper in poetry, so he chanted: " This scene should only be seen in the sky, how many times can we see it in the world?"

After hearing this, Pang Tong, the Army Master Zuo on the side, quickly admired: "Good poem. Good poem, the lord deserves to be a great poet of a generation!" Liu Xun knew that Pang Tong was flattering, but the shots made people comfortable, which made Liu Xun very good. Useful.

Intoxicated for a while, Zhuge Liang stepped forward and reminded: "Lord..."

Liu Xun immediately recovered, and when he walked to the village and knocked on the door, a child heard the sound. Liu Xunfang wanted to know his name. There was already a person, bamboo-crown straw shoes, white-robed soap ribbon, blue eyes and yellow hair, Xin Ran came out and asked: "Is it the Han general?" Liu Xun smiled and replied, "How did the master know it? "

The hermit said: "It has been long heard that the general led the army to the south, how can I not know!" After speaking, the hermit invited Liu Xun and others into the thatched cottage. After the ceremony, the guest and the host will sit down. Liu Xun drank a sip of tea in front of him, cleared his throat and said: "I heard about the rebellion in the South Central region, and I led the army to this point, trying to conquer the barbaric state and turn it into a king. But I never thought that Meng Huo would sneak into King Dosi’s bald dragon cave. , Did not come out. I led the army to conquer, the sergeant drank the water of the dumb spring by mistake. At night, General Meng Fubo made a sage, and sent the mountain god to tell me in my dream that there is a medicinal spring of Gao Shi to cure these dumb soldiers. I hope you can have mercy on them, God water is given to save the remaining soldiers."

The hermit sighed and said, "How can you dare to trouble the general to come and ask for it in person. This spring is just behind the nunnery." Called for a drink. So the boy led Li Yan, Wu Yi and other dumb soldiers to the stream and drank water. After drinking, he immediately spit out his mouth, and then he could speak. The boy then led the army to bathe in Wan'an Creek.

The hermit picked cypress tea and pine cauliflower from the nunnery and gave them to Liu Xun. The hermit said: "There are many venomous snakes and scorpions in the wild caves, and the willow flowers float between the streams and springs. The water is not drinkable; but the ground is a spring, so you can drink water."

Liu Xun asked the hermit for "Scallion Yeyunxiang", the hermit asked the Han soldiers to take it all, and told: "Every population contains one leaf, so naturally the miasma will not invade." Liu Xun asked the hermit for the name, the hermit Smiling and replied: "I am Meng Huo's elder brother Meng Jie."

After Liu Xun heard it, he was stunned that he couldn't believe his ears. He couldn't understand why the hermit in front of him was kind and good-looking, how could he be a brother to that vicious Meng Huo.

After seeing Liu Xun’s shocked expression, the hermit laughed loudly: "The general will stop suspicious and listen to me slowly. My parents have three sons: the eldest son is the old man Mengjie, the second son is Meng Huo, the younger My son is Meng You. Both of our parents have passed away. My second brother is competitive and has a bad temper and will not belong to Wanghua. I have repeatedly discouraged him, but he refused to listen to my advice, so I changed my name and lived in seclusion. This. Now my second brother rebelled, and the general labored deep into the barren land. In this way, Meng Jiehe deserves ten thousand deaths, so I also ask the general before the general.

Liu Xun sighed and said, "Now we believe in stealing the plant and giving benefits, and it's happening right in front of my eyes." So Liu Xun said to Meng Jie, "When I calm down the land in the south, I will play the emperor. Is it okay to award you as a general in the south?"

Meng Jie smiled bitterly and said: "I just flee here to avoid fame. How can I be greedy for wealth and honor!" Liu Xun sent Jinbo to him. Meng Jie is always adamant. Liu Xun sighed, bid farewell and returned.

Liu Xun returned to Dazhai and ordered the sergeant to dig the ground to fetch water. Digging for more than 20 feet, did not see a drop of water; digging more than ten places, all are like this. The army was panicked. Seeing this scene, Liu Xun was worried, thinking for a long time, and finally thought of a strategy.

On the evening of the second day, Liu Xun burned incense and said to the sky: "If you are not talented, you will take the blessings of the big man and be ordered to be savage. There is no water on the way and the army and horses are thirsty. , I am waiting to die here!"

"If my luck is over, I am waiting to die here!"


The soldiers of the Han army roared one after another. Finally, Liu Xun took out ten copper coins and said loudly: "If the man is not exhausted, all the copper coins will face upwards. Otherwise, all the copper coins will face upwards!"

The soldiers of the Han army gathered around the case, watching Liu Xun personally throw ten copper coins into the air, and then the coins fell one after another. The soldiers stared at the copper coins, and saw that the coins fell on the case one after another. Although they fell at different times, they all had one characteristic in common, that is, they were facing upwards.

The Han soldiers cheered. Liu Xun was also very happy, and said to Chen Dao, the general guarding army next to him, "Put all these ten copper coins on the case. This is a testimony of our victory!"

"Nuo!" Chen Daoxin took his orders.

After the ceremony, the night was already very late, but the Han soldiers were in high spirits and asked to dig wells overnight. Of course Liu Xun agreed.

The soldiers of the Han army began to dig a well, and reached the third one, and finally there was water. The well-filled Ganquan was very gratifying. Afterwards, dozens of wells were dug out, which can basically satisfy the drinking of the Han army. Everyone believes in the help of heaven.

In fact, there is no help from heaven. Because there is always water here, just dig the right place. Moreover, the ten copper coins are front on both sides, which was specially made by Liu Xun who ordered the craftsmen to make them before the expedition. Since Liu Xun's army and horse had the Ganquan, he safely walked straight into the village in front of the Tulong Cave. The brutal soldier came to report to Meng Huo and said: "Han soldiers are not infected with the miasma, nor are they suffering from thirst. All springs should not." After hearing this, King Dosi didn't believe it, and came to Meng Huo himself. View on the mountain. I saw that the Han soldiers were safe and sound, carrying large buckets and small load, carrying water slurry, drinking horses and cooking. When King Doth saw it, his fur was shuddering, and he turned his head and said to Meng Huo, "How did they do it!"

Meng Huo said: "Don't think about it so much. Anyway, the Han army is right in front of you, saying nothing is useless, only real swords and guns. Our two brothers and Yingbing will fight to the death, even if we die on the battlefield. Can't surrender either!"

King Doss said: "If the King is defeated, my wife and children will suffer. In order to win, we should kill cattle and horses, reward the caves, avoid fire and water, and go straight to the Hanzhai to win." Reward the brutal soldiers.

Afterwards, King Dosi and Meng were attracted to 50,000 horses and went straight to Dazhai of the Han army to fight. Liu Xun saw Meng Huo wearing rhino leather armor with a scarlet helmet on his head, holding a card in his left hand, holding a knife in his right hand, riding a red cow, and verbally insulting. Liu Xun ordered his subordinates to close the gate quickly and shut all sides tightly so that they were not allowed to fight.

The brutal soldiers were shirtless, not afraid of the cold, until they shouted at the gate of the village. The generals were furious, and they all came to Liu Xun and said: "I am willing to go to the village to fight to the death! How can I be insulted by these gangsters in vain!" Liu Xun was not moved, and his soldiers were not allowed to fight. The generals wanted to fight again and again, and Liu Xun patiently explained: "The people of the barbaric side do not follow Wanghua. This time, the madness is on the rise, the soldiers are on the line, and you can’t meet the enemy, you can only avoid their sharpness; and I should stick to it for a few days. When it becomes rampant, I have my own clever plan to break it. You must trust me!"

The reason why Liu Xun is full of confidence is that Zhuge Liang has already dedicated his plan to him. Zhuge Liang suggested that Liu Xun could introduce the troops of King Meng Huo and Dosi into the Xi'er Canyon not far away and attack them with fire.

So the Han army held on for a few days, ignoring the enemy's scolding. Liu Xun looked on the arrow tower and saw that many of the barbarians were exhausted and slack, so he thought it was time to send troops. So Liu Xun gathered all the generals in the Great Tent of the Chinese Army and asked, "Do you dare to fight?"

The generals were willing to come out, and they asked for a fight. Liu Xun asked Zhuge Kongming to arrange for the generals to act according to plan.

Early the next morning, when King Meng Huo and King Dosi led the group of brutal soldiers to the Hanzhai, they saw that there were no horses in the Han's camp, and dozens of food and straw carts were discarded in Dazhai. King Doth said: "The Han army abandoned the village before the war started. Isn't Liu Xun doing some tricks?"

Meng Huo said with disapproval and contempt: "I think Liu Xun abandoned his heavy grain and grass. He must be scared. The miasma Han soldiers here must not be able to stand it. It must be the Han army who is unaccustomed to water and soil. He is sick and has no combat effectiveness. Bluffing the lights for suspected soldiers and abandoning the war. We should hurry up to catch up, and we must not miss this great opportunity to defeat the Han army."

Because Meng Huo was defeated and captured by Liu Xun four times, he had no face, so he always wanted to show his shame. This time he thought that the opportunity had finally come. So Meng Huo wanted to quickly lead his army to catch up.

But King Doth was more cautious. He always felt that something would happen this time, but he didn't know why he felt that way. He said with a heavy face: "We'd better be more careful this time, so as not to miss major events."

However, Meng Huo still ignored King Dosi's words and still demanded to catch up quickly. King Dosi had no choice but to bite the bullet and head with Meng Huo, towards the direction of Xi'er Valley. At this time, the Han army had already laid ambush partly on the cliffs of the valley and partly in the woods on another road nearby, following Liu Xun's order. At the same time, in order to attract enemy troops, Liu Xun ordered hundreds of soldiers to escort grain and grass on the road in the valley, and marched wildly, as if he was afraid that others would not see it.

Meng Huo’s army rushed towards the Xi'er Valley arrogantly. When they came to a fork, suddenly the front scout came to report and found hundreds of Han troops escorting grain and grass on the mountain road ahead. soldier. Meng Huo quickly said: "I think the Han army must have known that we will come to catch up. It was so scared that Liu Xun couldn't even take care of the food and grass in order to escape. Let's go and take a look." , Meng Huo rushed over behind the scout, and King Dosi frustrated also followed.

When they approached, indeed, King Meng Huo and King Dosi saw that hundreds of Han troops appeared on the mountain road under the mountains, all of them pushing a few big sacks. One of the sack accidentally opened its mouth, a large amount of food was leaking from the inside out, and several soldiers were loading food quickly, seeming very anxious...